Comic Book Discussion Thread (Marvel, DC, Image, Dark Horse, Top Cow, IDW, Indy, etc)

Batman #28 didn't get me that excited. Mostly because I figure this issue will be useless once we get out of Year Zero and back in the present day though I can see some of the thing's tying back to Forever Evil specifically with Arkham War. I Mean it was a nice tease, but nothing that got me too excited unless
Spoiler turns out to have visions of the world in the pre 52 since this still takes place in the past and it'd be kind of a weird change of pace.

As for Bluebird...I Don't know. Too early to tell since she didn't play much of a part in the comic besides showing Batman won't use guns, but she will.

nah haven't read anything since battle of the atom I'm so far back. Last spider man thing I read was when spiderman 9099 came over.

Is miles morales in 616 yet? What happened to him?
You should catch up. It is amazing. Miles is still in the Ultimate universe and is staying. He's going to be a part of the new Ulimates.

Anyone have any opinions on Bluebird? I haven't read Batman #28 myself yet, but I'm relieved to hear that she isn't Nightwing nor is she a different take on Robin. It leaves me wondering what will be done with those two superhero names/titles in the near future.

And I had no idea that Zero Year would take this long when I decided to stop reading Batman until its conclusion. Must not have paid attention when it was announced. I can't believe it isn't finished yet! I bailed because I had no desire to read anymore Batman origins. I'm not complaining, mind you. It has given me a chance to check out some other stuff in the meantime.

I really wish Batman: Eternal was starting sooner than it is.
I don't like Harper Row, so I don't like Bluebird either.

You raised my hopes and dashed them quite expertly, sir. Bravo!

Speaking of which, wasn't Nemesis 2 suppose to come out sometime last year?
Yes, Nemesis 2 was supposed to come out next year, but then I heard nothing else about it. Then again, it's Millar so that's hardly a surprise.

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I Got nothing against Harper, but it feels rushed when Batman just says "Here's an electricity try not to get killed." I Mean with everything I read she's not a trained fighter or knows the art of Gymkata like Nightwing or Batgirl, so it feels rushed and I have nothing against her, but holy shit will I feel disappointed if Dick Grayson get's killed just so they can put her in as a new Bat family member. I Still rather her be Oracle, but then again I still wish there was a bullet in Barbara Gordan's spine so she can be Oracle...

I already posted this in the GGT but the first issue of She-Hulk was super great! Very much reminded me of the stuff I've read of the original Savage She-Hulk. I'm really looking forward to the next issue.
I already posted this in the GGT but the first issue of She-Hulk was super great! Very much reminded me of the stuff I've read of the original Savage She-Hulk. I'm really looking forward to the next issue.
Hmm, I put that in my hold slot for my comic so I may pick it up next week. This and all the good reviews have definitely piqued my interest.

And Injustice: Season 2 #2 only has ONE artist on it at least for that issue. Holy crap does it make a world of difference.

I Got nothing against Harper, but it feels rushed when Batman just says "Here's an electricity try not to get killed." I Mean with everything I read she's not a trained fighter or knows the art of Gymkata like Nightwing or Batgirl, so it feels rushed and I have nothing against her, but holy shit will I feel disappointed if Dick Grayson get's killed just so they can put her in as a new Bat family member. I Still rather her be Oracle, but then again I still wish there was a bullet in Barbara Gordan's spine so she can be Oracle...
I agree with every inch of this. Nothing else I can really add.

And oooooohhhhh sheeeit. Tomorrow is Guardians of the Galaxy trailer. I Hope Rocket Raccoon looks awesome merely so there's higher raccoon adoption rates and with that a possible link with higher count of people getting rabies.

So since Johnny Storm is black in the new Fantastic Four movie, what are the chances that Marvel Comics tries to copy that as well for the comics like they do whenever to coincide with films (Hulk and Black Widow being permanent Avengers team members, Nick Fury skin color change, etc.)?

So since Johnny Storm is black in the new Fantastic Four movie, what are the chances that Marvel Comics tries to copy that as well for the comics like they do whenever to coincide with films (Hulk and Black Widow being permanent Avengers team members, Nick Fury skin color change, etc.)?
Marvel Worldwide, Inc may or may not agree with the choices made by other production companies and may choose to or not choose to reflect those choices within Marvel Worldwide, Inc's properties.

Opinions of other production companies that currently hold the rights to Marvel Worldwide, Inc's properties are their own and do not reflect the opinions of Marvel Worldwide, Inc nor it's subsidiaries.

Real Talk though, does Fox have to like ask to make a drastic change to a character like that or do they have freewill with the cinematic version of said character? I'm guessing there are some clauses in the original contract that would dictate stuff like that but I don't know cuz I'm just a college student.

Is that what a clause is? I wouldn't know cuz I'm not Chac.

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Marvel Worldwide, Inc may or may not agree with the choices made by other production companies and may choose to or not choose to reflect those choices within Marvel Worldwide, Inc's properties.

Opinions of other production companies that currently hold the rights to Marvel Worldwide, Inc's properties are their own and do not reflect the opinions of Marvel Worldwide, Inc nor it's subsidiaries.

Real Talk though, does Fox have to like ask to make a drastic change to a character like that or do they have freewill with the cinematic version of said character? I'm guessing there are some clauses in the original contract that would dictate stuff like that but I don't know cuz I'm just a college student.

Is that what a clause is? I wouldn't know cuz I'm not Chac.
I Want to believe it's mutual between Fox and Marvel just so they can distance themselves from the last one, since the Human Torch is now Captain America. Though they're all much younger in the new film then I had anticipated.

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Yep, sadly. Sales have been good for it, but Lemire wants more time to work on Justice League United and some new original comics. And I don't think I'd trust another writer to write Buddy as well as Lemire has, but he'll be part of the Justice League United team so he isn't going anywhere.

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In the latest issue of Justice League am I "suppose" to feel like "OH SHIT! The Metal Men! The Crime Syndicate is fucked now!"? Because all I kept thinking was "The Metal Men, huh. Okay, well I guess they can fight one of them."

Thank God Son of Batman is over with. Yeesh. I've been sick with a cold and in no mood for reading comics - but I figured, hell, might as well read the last issue of SoB. At least i can't feel any worse! 


Oh well. Shame on me for expecting "the Joker" to be fleshed out beyond what he was presented as. Shame on me for wanting to know what the hell his backstory and motivations were, other than "killing Bruce Wayne will make me look like a badass".

I learned a lesson, though. I will never, ever, never never never buy anything written by Andy Kubert EVER AGAIN.

You crazy, brave, sick man. I'm almost afraid to ask for a synopsis of what happened, but I know the only response no matter what will be "WTF?!"

You crazy, brave, sick man. I'm almost afraid to ask for a synopsis of what happened, but I know the only response no matter what will be "WTF?!"
I don't know why I'm bothering to put up a spoiler tag, 'cause the overall story of the series was skeletal at best, but whatever:

So, Damian heads into his final showdown with "Joker" and his merry band of talking animal men and random gangsters. Bruce is tied up and bloodied in the middle of the warehouse. Damian fights his way through the weird animal people, getting pummeled all the while, although he eventually wins - nearly beating Jackanapes to death with a crowbar until he's like "oh, I'm Batman, I shouldn't kill, I'll disappoint father." ...seemingly ignoring the fact that he already killed Batman's rogues gallery, beat the crap out of his dad which caused a heart attack and put him in a coma before this... oh, and that the butler died of a heart attack as well after dragging his sorry ass out of the sewer and operating on him in issue #3. Minor details.

The Joker impostor, who has been the enemy in the shadows this whole time, whose goal was apparently to kill Bruce Wayne and batman to earn street cred (from who, I don't know - he'd have to be at the top of the totem pole after Damian killed the other Batman villains, surely...) but just stands there with a gun to Bruce's head the whole time, just watching Damian tear through his cronies.

Damian beats him of course. Decides to take the noble path and let him live, finally living up to the legend of Batman... I guess. Then Not-Joker says "Good, keep me alive, I'll kill more people!" so Damian turns around and immediately disembowels not-Joker with his gauntlet spikes. He picks up his dad and drags him back to the mansion.

Except not-Joker survived! He's gonna get up! Except he doesn't, 'cause somebody shoots him in the head. It's the REAL Joker, who then makes some kind of remark about his impostor. He also looks like he has never aged a day for some reason. Don't know why.

Apparently we flash forward while Damian beats up some enemies and has a long monologue I can't remember at all. He goes back to the batcave where Alfred (who is now a cat) is sitting in a chair (human style) at the bat computer, monitoring security cam footage. Or maybe this scene happened earlier, I don't remember. Not like it matters. Alfred makes a speech like Alfred typically does. Series over.

I don't know what the fuck happened in this book, or what the point was. We know nothing about the primary enemy, and Damian himself makes a remark about wanting to know his story. Apparently he looked like Joker naturally, according to him, and that's all we know.

Alfred the talking cat... issue #3 hinted that Damian simply hallucinated it due to brain damage he received. That doesn't explain why he was sitting at the Bat computer to monitor the city - which he also did while Damian wasn't around, since the cat was (somehow) watching Damian's big fight while it was happening... actually looking depressed as Damian was getting the crap kicked out of him.

We never even solve the big mystery about who killed Batman/Dick. At the end of it, Damian says he isn't sure that the impostor Joker did it - but we have no real reason to think the REAL Joker did it either, so it's left up in the air.

Damian also never even rightly earned the cowl since he was still willing to kill Not-Joker - which he DID do, as far as he knows, despite him saying that Joker went public and took credit for it shortly after.

So yeah, Andy Kubert is a terrible writer. Batman (Damian, Dick or Bruce) should NEVER call his enemies "turds". And I don't know what the hell the point of the story was or what it was supposed to accomplish. It doesn't even match up with Grant Morrison's "Damian as Batman" story continuity (as far as I can tell), meaning this mini series was in yet another alternate reality besides that one.

I've already thrown it up on ebay, hoping it sells so I can get it out of my house. I had decided a while ago that I would read through the whole thing again once #4 released, but I don't hate myself that much. I see no reason to give it a second chance.

I don't know why I'm bothering to put up a spoiler tag, 'cause the overall story of the series was skeletal at best, but whatever:

So, Damian heads into his final showdown with "Joker" and his merry band of talking animal men and random gangsters. Bruce is tied up and bloodied in the middle of the warehouse. Damian fights his way through the weird animal people, getting pummeled all the while, although he eventually wins - nearly beating Jackanapes to death with a crowbar until he's like "oh, I'm Batman, I shouldn't kill, I'll disappoint father." ...seemingly ignoring the fact that he already killed Batman's rogues gallery, beat the crap out of his dad which caused a heart attack and put him in a coma before this... oh, and that the butler died of a heart attack as well after dragging his sorry ass out of the sewer and operating on him in issue #3. Minor details.

The Joker impostor, who has been the enemy in the shadows this whole time, whose goal was apparently to kill Bruce Wayne and batman to earn street cred (from who, I don't know - he'd have to be at the top of the totem pole after Damian killed the other Batman villains, surely...) but just stands there with a gun to Bruce's head the whole time, just watching Damian tear through his cronies.

Damian beats him of course. Decides to take the noble path and let him live, finally living up to the legend of Batman... I guess. Then Not-Joker says "Good, keep me alive, I'll kill more people!" so Damian turns around and immediately disembowels not-Joker with his gauntlet spikes. He picks up his dad and drags him back to the mansion.

Except not-Joker survived! He's gonna get up! Except he doesn't, 'cause somebody shoots him in the head. It's the REAL Joker, who then makes some kind of remark about his impostor. He also looks like he has never aged a day for some reason. Don't know why.

Apparently we flash forward while Damian beats up some enemies and has a long monologue I can't remember at all. He goes back to the batcave where Alfred (who is now a cat) is sitting in a chair (human style) at the bat computer, monitoring security cam footage. Or maybe this scene happened earlier, I don't remember. Not like it matters. Alfred makes a speech like Alfred typically does. Series over.

I don't know what the fuck happened in this book, or what the point was. We know nothing about the primary enemy, and Damian himself makes a remark about wanting to know his story. Apparently he looked like Joker naturally, according to him, and that's all we know.

Alfred the talking cat... issue #3 hinted that Damian simply hallucinated it due to brain damage he received. That doesn't explain why he was sitting at the Bat computer to monitor the city - which he also did while Damian wasn't around, since the cat was (somehow) watching Damian's big fight while it was happening... actually looking depressed as Damian was getting the crap kicked out of him.

We never even solve the big mystery about who killed Batman/Dick. At the end of it, Damian says he isn't sure that the impostor Joker did it - but we have no real reason to think the REAL Joker did it either, so it's left up in the air.

Damian also never even rightly earned the cowl since he was still willing to kill Not-Joker - which he DID do, as far as he knows, despite him saying that Joker went public and took credit for it shortly after.

So yeah, Andy Kubert is a terrible writer. Batman (Damian, Dick or Bruce) should NEVER call his enemies "turds". And I don't know what the hell the point of the story was or what it was supposed to accomplish. It doesn't even match up with Grant Morrison's "Damian as Batman" story continuity (as far as I can tell), meaning this mini series was in yet another alternate reality besides that one.

I've already thrown it up on ebay, hoping it sells so I can get it out of my house. I had decided a while ago that I would read through the whole thing again once #4 released, but I don't hate myself that much. I see no reason to give it a second chance.
Bleh. You could've just said Alfred is a talking cat and that would've been enough. I'm sorry you spent money on all four issues.

I guess if Son of Batman was that bad, it's not worth picking up the animated version that's coming out shortly?

In other news, have been going through the Mass Effect comics on my Nexus 7 and it's been working great as a digital comics reader.    ME: Redemption was pretty good, ME: Evolution has been also quite good, though have the last issue to go through.

I guess if Son of Batman was that bad, it's not worth picking up the animated version that's coming out shortly?

In other news, have been going through the Mass Effect comics on my Nexus 7 and it's been working great as a digital comics reader. ME: Redemption was pretty good, ME: Evolution has been also quite good, though have the last issue to go through.
We're discussing the Damian: Son of Batman mini series that just wrapped up. It's basically an Elseworld's tale written by an artist who's never written. You're thinking Batman and Son, the Grant Morrison story turned loosely based cartoon from the looks of it.

Read a couple of issues of The Walking Dead in the past few days, and I'm on issue 13 right now. I really do not like it at all. The art's mediocre, the characters are annoying, and the plot is rushed imo. I might drop it.

About halfway caught up with the current Hawkeye run, and it's a very different comic. Barton isn't really portrayed as a superhero so much as someone who can just shoot a bow and arrow. It's interesting.

We're discussing the Damian: Son of Batman mini series that just wrapped up. It's basically an Elseworld's tale written by an artist who's never written. You're thinking Batman and Son, the Grant Morrison story turned loosely based cartoon from the looks of it.
The animated release is titled "Son Of Batman", which is why I was making the association to the above discussion:

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Bleh. You could've just said Alfred is a talking cat and that would've been enough. I'm sorry you spent money on all four issues.
Eh, don't feel sorry for me. I brought it on myself due to blind fandom. T'was not a noble sacrifice on my part, merely a pointless defeat. You won't fool me again, Kubert!

Although I'll say this: whether it was intentional or not, Alfred cat was hilarious and actually gave me something to enjoy during those last two issues - as nonsensical as it all was.

The animated release is titled "Son Of Batman", which is why I was making the association to the above discussion:

Yup, and I've thought the title change was a bad idea since it was announced. Batman and Son is a great story and entirely worth reading if you haven't already - and while the upcoming movie is only loosely based on it, it looks great too in its own way. Whereas Damian: Son of Batman should be avoided like the plague.

Yup, and I've thought the title change was a bad idea since it was announced. Batman and Son is a great story and entirely worth reading if you haven't already - and while the upcoming movie is only loosely based on it, it looks great too in its own way. Whereas Damian: Son of Batman should be avoided like the plague.
Got it. Thanks for the clarification.

Read a couple of issues of The Walking Dead in the past few days, and I'm on issue 13 right now. I really do not like it at all. The art's mediocre, the characters are annoying, and the plot is rushed imo. I might drop it.

About halfway caught up with the current Hawkeye run, and it's a very different comic. Barton isn't really portrayed as a superhero so much as someone who can just shoot a bow and arrow. It's interesting.

Hawkeye is awesome.

I like the art in Walking Dead - it actually looks like someone drew it without a computer.

So is Guardians of the Galaxy worth reading?  I don't know much about them but the movie trailer was pretty enjoyable so I thought I'd check it out.  25 issues isn't a huge commitment so maybe I'll just give it a try.

Thinking about reading Injustice, but I'm a bit confused. Comixology, there's chapters 1-36, but issue 11 was just released. From my understanding, the chapters were all released digitally in 2013 weekly and are now being compiled into issues with 3 chapters each to be physically published. Is this right?

I like the art in Walking Dead - it actually looks like someone drew it without a computer.
I'll be honest I thought the art in the first 6 issues was better than anything I've seen in that series since (although I'm still working my way through it), when I started reading it I was like, dang this art is awesome, then got to issue 7 and I was like, oh ok this artwork is just alright now.

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I Like the art in Walking Dead. It's never meant to be the prettiest book, but look gritty with a few rough edges and that works for it. Especially with it being a black and white book. Plus I remember Charles Adlard basically saying he usually gets the scripts about one or two weeks before deadline since Kirkman does so many projects. The only problem I have is some of his character's do look alike after awhile, but it's not something that ruins a story or can't be figured out on my own.

Finally went to the comic shop for the first time in a month (thanks, new job!) and picked up a bunch of stuff. I loved Batman #28. Snyder is the man. I can't wait for American Vampire: Second Cycle to start.  Going to read these marvel books later.

I'll be honest I thought the art in the first 6 issues was better than anything I've seen in that series since (although I'm still working my way through it), when I started reading it I was like, dang this art is awesome, then got to issue 7 and I was like, oh ok this artwork is just alright now.
I believe that is how I felt too when I read it. I didn't notice it as much as the series went on though. It is one of the few series that I was in a hurry to see the next issue.

I watched Batman Red Hood...It was entertaining, but I wish it was more gory. I figure they wanted to keep their rating, so they left out the gore.

Also watched Batman/Superman. Even if I have a complaint about the animated DC movies they are still better than the marvel ones. (and I have always been more of a marvel fan)

Just finished X-Files Conspiracy: Ghostbusters. Gotta say, I'm impressed by this crossover/mini-series so far. It's going to be a lot of fun to see all of these characters interacting with each other. The art in this one was much better than in the first part too, althoughly oddly the Lone Gunmen looked exactly like they should while the Ghostbusters were nearly unrecognizable. The dialogue and banter was spot-on though.

I'm guessing Egon's theory is eventually going to lead straight into X-Files Conspiracy: The Crow, which actually makes perfect sense for why/how that character would be involved in this story. The only one I'm wary of is Transformers. I've tried to get into Transformers comics, but trying to tell all of those blocky characters apart from panel to panel is always a nightmare. They're no different from the Bayformers movies in that regard.  

I like the art in Walking Dead - it actually looks like someone drew it without a computer.

So is Guardians of the Galaxy worth reading? I don't know much about them but the movie trailer was pretty enjoyable so I thought I'd check it out. 25 issues isn't a huge commitment so maybe I'll just give it a try.
I'm a bit biased when it comes to GotG. I used to subscribe to it as a kid during it's run in the 90's and I've always enjoyed Marvel's cosmic stories over their other stuff. This new team is great. The dynamic of the group is wide which provides for a colorful bunch. I guess there's a reason why they're making a movie out of a relatively unknown team with not even 50 issues under their belt.

If you want to jump on the 2008 run I might also suggest a mini series they did a year before called Starlord. Only 4 issues long and it's pretty much the teams origin story and part of a build up to Annihilation Conquest. The team is a big part of AC but I would say it's skippable if you just want to get to GotG. Reading a synopsis should be enough. Hope this helps, but I say yes, worth a try.

I know most of you are into -bleh modern age books, but I did pick up a ASM 15 today (1st appearance of Kraven) at HPBs. I had put it on hold about a month ago. It was marked $30, but the tape had ripped off part of the cover image when they either bagged it or had gotten it that way (the missing part is on the tape). I convinced the guy to drop the price, so he made it $20. I also was able to use my 50% off coupon, so I ended up paying $10. I'd say even with the cover damage it is in good condition. The inside pages are creamy and the only other major damage is about a 1.5 inch corner of the back cover is missing. If not for those 2 flaws I would grade it a fine- copy. I do know one of the few licensed restorers in the US, but I am not sure if it is worth getting restored (or if she would be able to separate the small layer of cover from the tape). It's probably not worth getting it restored, now that I think about it.

I think I'm enjoying Gothtopia way more than I should be. Is it weird that I want Catwoman as Robin to be an ongoing thing? Except for the name "Catbird" because that is just downright awful. The costume is great, though. This whole crossover just makes me sad about what Batman #28 revealed about Catwoman's future role in Gotham.

Thinking about reading Injustice, but I'm a bit confused. Comixology, there's chapters 1-36, but issue 11 was just released. From my understanding, the chapters were all released digitally in 2013 weekly and are now being compiled into issues with 3 chapters each to be physically published. Is this right?
I just got done reading Injustice and it's definitely worth checking out. I D/L all 37 issues (1-36 plus Annual). I still haven't played the game, but am looking forward to it - sidenote: I just got the Injustice fightstick in the mail that gamestop had for $40, it's pretty nice.

Holy fuck! 17 Issues and I still have no fucking idea where the story is taking me in Uncanny Avengers and I fucking love every second of it. I'm always excited to pick it up and read each issue as soon as I get home and number 17 was no different. I'm glad this comic is in it's own pocket of the Marvel universe because it's pretty insane on the amount of things they're going for.

Every month I tell myself I'm going to drop All-Star Western because it's the least important $3.99 book I sub to, and every month it is consistently entertaining enough to avoid the axe yet again.

I will say that Booster Gold's abrupt appearance in the latest issue was awkward as hell. What is his status in the overall DC Universe anyway? I thought he poofed out of existence when Superman and Wonder Woman got together - but here he not only got himself lost in the old west and threw Jonah Hex into the present day at the start of this storyline, but also just showed up out of nowhere for a page to put Jonah back and fix his mistake. Has Booster been appearing anywhere else? 

oh, I completely agree, to the point where issue 16 recently shipped before issue 15, but I'll take what i can get.
I enjoy the Clint storylines more than the Kate ones but the wait for #16 was so worth it. Gah. The fangirl in me can't handle that ending. At least #17 and #18 are coming out in the next few weeks? Not that we have a release date for #19 and I'm sure after that we'll have a freakin' multi-month hiatus again.

Waiting on #19 of Saga, too.

You'll be waiting a while on Saga. After each 6 issues (a season, BKV calls them), they go on a 3-6 month hiatus for art team to take a breather and get ready for the next six issues. 

Finished Injustice Year One a couple days ago, and wow. It was very impressive. I'm probably going to catch up on Year Two soon. 

The second to last issue where Alfred takes the super pill and comes out of nowhere and headbutts Clark in the face and proceeds to beat him right into the floor is probably the best thing that could have happened. I was thoroughly impressed by the pure badass-ery of Alfred.

Also, how does Comixology work after you buy the comics? Do you get to download the comic as a .cbr/.cbz file and then read it from there, and does the file have DRM so you can only read it on Comixology software, or is it hosted online?

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bread's done