Comic Book Discussion Thread (Marvel, DC, Image, Dark Horse, Top Cow, IDW, Indy, etc)

Another question, if you guys don't mind. I just ordered that Uncanny Avengers Volume 1 hardcover. How confused might I be if I read that without having read the Avengers vs. X-Men story arc which preceded it?
I doubt you'd be missing out on much, although I have heard that Uncanny Avengers does have some plot threads from Remender's Uncanny X-Force.

Another question, if you guys don't mind. I just ordered that Uncanny Avengers Volume 1 hardcover. How confused might I be if I read that without having read the Avengers vs. X-Men story arc which preceded it?
You'll be fine.I dropped AvX four issues in and first issue quickly explains why there's an Avengers-X-Men team.
I caught up on a couple comic book related movies.

Guess which two from m the clues:

1st movie quote

"SWEET! coins"

and this is what I said when I was watching the 2nd film

"Lady Gaga, you gotta be fucking kidding me."
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I caught up on a couple comic book related movies.

Guess which two from m the clues:

1st movie quote

"SWEET! coins"

and this is what I said when I was watching the 2nd film

"Lady Gaga, you gotta be fucking kidding me."
Second one is Sin City: Dame to Kill For since my reaction to the whole film can come down to "They waited 9 years just to make this?! You gotta be fucking kidding me!" Meanwhile, Eva Green's body? Only reason that movie wasn't total garbage.

I'm about 40 issues into Star Wars Legacy, which takes place 125 years after the original Star Wars trilogy. I don't even like Star Wars that much, hate the prequels, and yet I can't put this series down. It has been super tight and interesting right from the start. You don't need any knowledge of expanded universe continuity to enjoy it, either - they make little references but the focus is always on the original characters created for the series.

Digital versions: Comixology

Three hardcover collections of the first series at Amazon, with the second series only available in paperback.


Well, it's a teaser so it's not supposed to show you much of anything.  As someone who was a fan of the original films (come on, they're not that bad) I barely have an interest in this interpretation.  FF isn't supposed to be super serious and dark.  I mean, there's a big guy made of rock who says "It's clobberin' time."

That would be Michael B. Jordan or Johnny Storm. No need to dwell on his race.
Well...Is he still Sue's brother? I could see a problem with his race in that regard considering the chick is clearly white ;). It is a little insulting that companies go out of their way with race and gender switching to make everything politically correct.

I'm personally looking forward to the Sunni Muslim Captain America.

I think people are complaining too much about dark and gritty, marvel is making the most superhero movies consistently and those are light. And we can't base how dark and gritty FF will be until the movie comes out, all we know for sure is the trailer was kinda presented in that manner.

Fant4astic Four? Seriously? fuck this movie - well, okay, just whoever thought that was a good idea.

Sue and Johnny aren't blood-related siblings? fuck this movie.

That's two strikes right away for me. Immediately shows a lack of respect for the characters and the source. 

If Doctor Doom isn't the dictator of a country called Latveria, fuck this movie. Stop wasting one of Marvel's greatest villains.

If the thought behind the costume designs are "traditional superhero costumes are stupid", fuck this movie and whoever the pretentious pricks are in this hypothetical scenario.

If the entire Goddamm thing is the origin story, fuck this movie. There have been two other FF movies, and not that long ago either. FX shows the first one four times a day, seems like. People know the basics of the damned origin.

There are things about this that are good. Kate Mara as Sue Storm, first. Secondly, the accident coming from an expedition into the Negative Zone as opposed to space exploration is also good. It's no better than the standard origin, but it isn't worse either. Ben Grimm being mostly CGI has the potential to be good, assuming it's handled with the care required to make him look convincing. This early glimpse in no way gives me hope for that, though.

Still, I predict this movie will do well at the box office. Those God-awful Resident Evil movies are proof enough that people will pay a lot of money to see most anything if it's flashy enough. First impressions are probably generally positive, 'cause this trailer was put together pretty well.   

I think people are complaining too much about dark and gritty, marvel is making the most superhero movies consistently and those are light. And we can't base how dark and gritty FF will be until the movie comes out, all we know for sure is the trailer was kinda presented in that manner.
Fox is making this movie.

The problem I see with the Fantastic Four (Fant4stic?) teaser and really the whole production of the film, is the secrecy is fucking hurting them. A teaser is meant to get people excited for it, Ant-man teaser didn't do shit for me, but I can acknowledge it because I remember there was a man sized ant. Fantastic Four? There was no money shot, nothing besides a pan out shot of them from the back and the only way a nerd would know it's Fantastic Four is because something that looks like the Thing is there. For the average film goer, there is nothing memorable about the teaser and a week from now it'll be forgotten. Majority of what they shown can literally be in placed of any other movie if you take out the title at the end, you can say "Interstellar sequel" and I'm sure someone would believe it.

I Could care less about Sue being adopted by a black Storm family because I know they're going for the Ultimate universe approach with Sue's mom probably being related to something big and really, I'm mature enough to say oh adopted siblings can still love each other like brother and sister.

And there's no reason to be mad in the end because best case scenario we get a good Fantastic Four movie. The other scenario is the movie bombs or is critically panned and I totally see Fox giving the rights back to Marvel because they've gone for it twice and failed and by now it'd be a dead franchise to them especially with comic book movies seeing more stiffer competition. So really, I'll wait for a better trailer and/or reviews before I get nerd angry. Plus Chronicle was a good film and it's not like they're handing the film to a second unit director or McG or whatever...

The problem I see with the Fantastic Four (Fant4stic?) teaser and really the whole production of the film, is the secrecy is fucking hurting them. A teaser is meant to get people excited for it, Ant-man teaser didn't do shit for me, but I can acknowledge it because I remember there was a man sized ant. Fantastic Four? There was no money shot, nothing besides a pan out shot of them from the back and the only way a nerd would know it's Fantastic Four is because something that looks like the Thing is there. For the average film goer, there is nothing memorable about the teaser and a week from now it'll be forgotten. Majority of what they shown can literally be in placed of any other movie if you take out the title at the end, you can say "Interstellar sequel" and I'm sure someone would believe it.

I Could care less about Sue being adopted by a black Storm family because I know they're going for the Ultimate universe approach with Sue's mom probably being related to something big and really, I'm mature enough to say oh adopted siblings can still love each other like brother and sister.

And there's no reason to be mad in the end because best case scenario we get a good Fantastic Four movie. The other scenario is the movie bombs or is critically panned and I totally see Fox giving the rights back to Marvel because they've gone for it twice and failed and by now it'd be a dead franchise to them especially with comic book movies seeing more stiffer competition. So really, I'll wait for a better trailer and/or reviews before I get nerd angry. Plus Chronicle was a good film and it's not like they're handing the film to a second unit director or McG or whatever...
I think their secrecy has been part of their way of drawing attention, even if a lot of it is negative at the moment. All of the other superhero movies have tons of info released before they come out, so it stands out in that way. I'll watch it to form my own opinion on it, hopefully it's a good movie regardless of how close it is or isn't to the source material.

I think their secrecy has been part of their way of drawing attention, even if a lot of it is negative at the moment. All of the other superhero movies have tons of info released before they come out, so it stands out in that way. I'll watch it to form my own opinion on it, hopefully it's a good movie regardless of how close it is or isn't to the source material.
I Don't think the secrecy has drawn any good publicity. If anything the only way the movie is drawing any attention is from outraged nerds.

Outraged nerds do have a habit of checking out stuff they're mad at. Publicity for normal viewers will probably start when the first full trailer comes out.

I agree that there isn't much to get mad at. Everything I posted above simply translates to "I don't think they're approaching this the right way, so they won't get my $20 or so." Honestly, they could totally botch Reed, Ben, Sue and Johnny, but as long as they gave us a badass and faithful Doctor Doom, I'd probably pay to see it multiple times.

The only potential anger comes from the fact that there are only going to be so many live-action adaptations of certain characters in my lifetime, especially once this superhero movie bubble bursts. Seeing the same characters botched time after time is a little frustrating. I would like to see a faithful Hollywood-created, live-action Deadpool before I die. Same with an X-Men movie where the studio isn't afraid to make them look like outlandish superheroes the whole time. Obviously Doom as well.

Well...Is he still Sue's brother? I could see a problem with his race in that regard considering the chick is clearly white ;). It is a little insulting that companies go out of their way with race and gender switching to make everything politically correct.

I'm personally looking forward to the Sunni Muslim Captain America.
There's some racism in your perspective, whether you know it or not. You might as well have started out, "I'm not a racist, but..." Then again, based on your Muslim comment, you probably do know about your prejudices.

The fact that one character out of many is being played by someone of a different race shouldn't bother you. It's okay for black people and other minorities to be represented in film, even with established properties that were created before diversity was a consideration. Whether or not his casting speaks of an agenda, it's a good agenda. The white dudes will still get plenty of roles; don't worry.

I hate that people dwell on the dark or non dark tone. Just make it a good movie.
People aren't wrong for wanting a particular tone from an adaptation of a property. Hell, the dark tone is one of many things I hated about Man of Steel. But I would have still liked MoS overall if it had understood characters, writing, editing and pace, etc.

The only thing this teaser is selling is tone. If they start showing us characters we might latch onto, etc., people may be able to get over the apparent grittiness and still become interested in the new take. Telling me "It's a dark take on the Fantastic Four" and nothing else just isn't enough. I am hoping the next trailer sells the movie better.

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There's some racism in your perspective, whether you know it or not. You might as well have started out, "I'm not a racist, but..." Then again, based on your Muslim comment, you probably do know about your prejudices.

The fact that one character out of many is being played by someone of a different race shouldn't bother you. It's okay for black people and other minorities to be represented in film, even with established properties that were created before diversity was a consideration. Whether or not his casting speaks of an agenda, it's a good agenda. The white dudes will still get plenty of roles; don't worry.
I was playing the (white :twisted: ) devil's advocate and used the Muslim example as an extreme to make a point of the absurdity in rewriting history. The woman I care about most in this world other than my mother is black and sunni Muslim. (there is the I'm not a racist sentence...) To me changing a character's race is equivalent to ignoring the fact that the civil rights movement even existed. It is glossing over history, rather than acknowledging it in an attempt to pander to minorities and people with white guilt. I don't believe art should be censored. In a way by changing the race of an established character to compensate for the lack of representation is just as bad as not having representation in the first place.

Something I DO support is Falcon as Captain America. Sam Wilson taking over makes sense. He had teamed up with Captain America for years and he is already a hero in his own right. The story progression makes sense and does not change history in order to jam in a "see we aren't racist" token character.

I would love to see more diversity in actors in the superhero movies (that is well thought out). Personally I wish captain america and human torch weren't the same actor, but changing the source material is not the answer.

I would love to see more diversity in actors in the superhero movies (that is well thought out). Personally I wish captain america and human torch weren't the same actor, but changing the source material is not the answer.
They're not changing the source material. The source will always be the same thing it has been for the last 50 years or so. The movie is an adaptation. It's not even an adaptation of the real Fantastic Four but of the Ultimate Fantastic Four. And even then, the filmmakers have shown no interest in authenticity. There are a million things to be concerned about like the dour tone, the way Doctor Doom looks and how he's a hacker or something, the lack of promotion until now, etc. etc.

This was the last week that my comic book store would be getting new books so I have to go set up a new pull list today.  Atleast during the going out of business sale I was able to grab several trades for $5 each and back issues for 75% off.  

This was a light week for me and all I had pulled was The Flash, Rasputin, The Dying and the Dead (new Image title) and Amazing X-Men.   

Wait. Are the "ultimates" a separate universe like "earth 2" in DC?
The Ultimates are the Avengers in the Ultimate Marvel universe. Decent books but was a bit out there at times. There was also an Avengers team at one point, that was like a B-team/Thunderbolts mix. Didn't care for those much. I like the Ultimates books after Ultimatum than the first three runs.

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I'm reading Enemy Ace vol. 2 in the DC Archives series, and it's a terrific read. The dogfights are exciting, and it does portray war as not being very clear cut as our American movies would have you think. Rittmeister von Hammer may win every battle, but his comrades always die as well as a little bit of him.

Marvel Collector Corps

Looks very similar to Lootcrate and other services of the like.  I think I'm going to sign up for a couple months to see what its like.

After shipping it costs 31.95 every two months.

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Meh, that's way more than I'm willing to invest for a collection of random items. If they revealed what the biggest/most-valuable item is in each box, I'd probably be more confident. I had to mull over $16 for Loot Crate the one time I tried it out.

Anyhoo, I'm enjoying the stuff going on in The Flash these days. Blue-suited murderous Flash from the future, wreaking havoc? Yup. I can dig it.  

I haven't read the latest issue, but Green Arrow is... frustrating. Emiko, Fyfe and Naomi - major characters from Lemire's run - seem to have been taken out of the equation. Felicity was brought in in one issue and already knew GA's secret identity beforehand, introduced herself, and immediately became a sidekick along with Diggle. They just introduced Mia Deardan King and Merlyn, too. So... they seem to be making it like the show, which is exactly what I was afraid of.   :(

Oh, and Resident Evil: Marhawa Desire ended up being pretty good. Ordered the second volume, and pre-ordered everything through the fifth volume. I think this is the Resident Evil fix I've been craving, regardless of how Revelations 2 turns out. It's still over the top and action-heavy, but it works better in comic/manga format.

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The Gamestop exclusive variant cover for Darth Vader #1 has been added to the PUR site.  It is 8000 points and limited to 5000 copies.


Read Zombies vs. Robots recently. It's supposed to be a dark comedy, but I found it too mean spirited (they turn a baby into a zombie and kill it, etc. and illogical (the robots can get infected by zombies somehow). Interesting art though, and when it gets to Zombies vs Robots vs Amazons, there was some fun nudity. Zombie stories aren't for me, for the most part.


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Crap. I dont have enough points. I bought 2 of the luke cover and 2 of the shield comic and somehow the request for the shield comic went through 3 times. I did it form my tablet, so maybe it timed out and resent it. Either way I am in the negative for points now.

Okay, Marvel still has me hooked to some some degree. Secret Wars 2099 looks pretty interesting. It's a freakin' shame that Spider-Man 2099 (which I loved for the first 2 or 3 issues before it was immediately sucked into an event) has to end because of it, but I suppose it's better than paying for 2 Marvel books per month. 

Only 2? I've frequently been buying 3-4 Marvel books in one weekly store visit these past couple months. In fact, I plan to do just that tomorrow.
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I Think I collect around 5 or 6 Marvel books a month and that's counting thing's like Star Wars as well.

And I gotta admit after how meh I was on Batgirl reboot, I'm super hesitant on Spider-Gwen

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I heard Milo Ventimiglia is going to play Ogre on Gotham. I read up on the character and it says he's a genetically modified human that was modeled on an ape or something. The project he was involved in was called "Project Mirakle" according to Batman 635, which was done at a US Government base at Atsugi Japan. Wow, DC does love to reuse terms doesn't it? Since Miraclo is the drink Hourman uses as his source of powers. Shade the Changing Man uses a Miraclo vest. List can go on? And Arrow's major plot point hinged on the Miracle serum.

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I Dropped about $40 on comics today. This is the most in awhile.

Also surprised we're not talking the Daredevil trailer and the trailer is a good reminder that I am basically one of the few people who read the Frank Miller and John Romita Jr. "Man With No Fear" mini back in the 90's whenever people bring up the outfit.

bread's done