Comic Book Discussion Thread (Marvel, DC, Image, Dark Horse, Top Cow, IDW, Indy, etc)

Totally digging The Wicked + The Divine right now. Image has some good shit.

As for tossing labels out there, I think this pretty much sums up the use of negative labeling and how it shuts down argument. No use continuing here. *Makes hand motion* I'm out.

Image lately has ramped up their game and imo are better than Marvel/DC at the moment.

I can't wait for the damn Marvel event to happen so they can stop putting out that Wolverines book and just stop with the whole death of Wolverine in general. I have bought about every book having to deal with it so it will be nice to save a few bucks, lol. Wolverines is a four book a month series which adds up money wise.

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My acquisitions from yesterday:

• Darth Vader #3
• Deathlok #6
• Deathstroke #6
• Guardians of the Galaxy #25
• Legendary Star-Lord #10
• Multiversity Ultra Comics #1
• Nova #28
Just preordered the Big Hard Sex Criminals hardcover. I'm going to have as much fun saying that as I do telling people I'm reading Bitch Planet.

Suzie, a librarian, and Jon, an actor, meet at a party and, after sleeping together, they discover that they share the ability to freeze time when they orgasm. As their relationship develops and their sexual histories are explored, they decide to rob the bank where Jon works in order to save Suzie's endangered library.
WTF. That's the premise? Would go great with Masters of Sex or something. And I'm supposed to believe that actor Jon can make Suzie reach an orgasm? Ha.

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WTF. That's the premise? Would go great with Masters of Sex or something. And I'm supposed to believe that actor Jon can make Suzie reach an orgasm? Ha.
How about actually reading it and making an actual opinion on that instead of making assumptions?
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I find the fact that Matt Fraction and his wife are both the writers of Sex Criminals kind of hot. They probably have a great relationship. 

I don't know if anyone else is keeping up with the X-men/Guardians Black Vortex cross over but the temporary character redesigns in the new Cyclops look like total shit for all involved.
Particularly Bobby. Wtf is that supposed to be, an albino samurai? And how is it related to his ultimate potential?
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I feel sad for John Wesley Shipp last night on the Flash. He could only play Damsel in Distress, while Mark Hamill got the run of the place.

In all fairness, Mark Hamill should always get the run of the place.
is the flash a good show. I remember back in the day watching the 90's version & liking it. I only watch arrow (didn't think green arrow would interest me but it has).

is the flash a good show. I remember back in the day watching the 90's version & liking it. I only watch arrow (didn't think green arrow would interest me but it has).
Flash is the best superhero show on TV IMO. It's a must-watch, and largely better than Arrow (which I also enjoy).

is the flash a good show. I remember back in the day watching the 90's version & liking it. I only watch arrow (didn't think green arrow would interest me but it has).
Don't know, never seen it. I just think Mark Hamill should have the run of the place on principal.

So anyone wanna give me an elevator pitch of some good ongoing stuff Image has besides Sex Criminals and The Wicked + Divine. I have an itch for something different. Preferably for something with at least one finished arc but that's not mandatory.
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Don't know, never seen it. I just think Mark Hamill should have the run of the place on principal.

So anyone wanna give me an elevator pitch of some good ongoing stuff Image has besides Sex Criminals and The Wicked + Divine. I have an itch for something different. Preferably for something with at least one finished arc but that's not mandatory.
Read Invincible if you haven't already, it starts out slow, but by the second trade (or first hardcover) you'll be hooked and as far as I'm concerned it is Robert Kirkman's best work, if not, the best goddamn superhero book on the market. If not there's Saga, Deadly Class, Danger Club (which finally has a trade out after about two years for the sixth or so issue to come out), East of West, Manhattan Projects, Velvet, and Jupiter's Legacy are a few I can think of off hand that I can recommend with at least one trade out. Though yeah, Image is fucking knocking it out of the park these days.

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Read Invincible if you haven't already, it starts out slow, but by the second trade (or first hardcover) you'll be hooked and as far as I'm concerned it is Robert Kirkman's best work, if not, the best goddamn superhero book on the market. If not there's Saga, Deadly Class, Danger Club (which finally has a trade out after about two years for the sixth or so issue to come out), East of West, Manhattan Projects, Velvet, and Jupiter's Legacy are a few I can think of off hand that I can recommend with at least one trade out. Though yeah, Image is fucking knocking it out of the park these days.
Hot damn, it's about time! It's been so long since I read #1 and decided the first collected volume would be worth buying. The joke was clearly on me.

Hot damn, it's about time! It's been so long since I read #1 and decided the first collected volume would be worth buying. The joke was clearly on me.
The problem is so far every issue has been a cliffhanger and leading to something bigger so goddamn I hope the series has a better schedule now.

And I think I'm in the minority in saying this, but I think Deadpool getting an R rating is a sign the movie is going to suck. Since Deadpool rarely if ever needs the intense blood and gore and such and his comedy never goes that far (unless we're going Max series) and even when he loses limbs, it's rarely a bloody and intense thing and can totally be played off as PG-13. Plus Ryan Reynolds as an actor...his batting average is....yeah.

Don't forget the MPAA hands out an R rating if you say fuck twice in a movie. I wouldn't be super concerned about the R considering the completely bass-ackwards nature of the rating system.

Don't know, never seen it. I just think Mark Hamill should have the run of the place on principal.

So anyone wanna give me an elevator pitch of some good ongoing stuff Image has besides Sex Criminals and The Wicked + Divine. I have an itch for something different. Preferably for something with at least one finished arc but that's not mandatory.
Chew. It's on issue 47 of 60.

Tony Chu is a cop with a secret. A weird secret. Tony Chu is cibopathic, which means he gets psychic impressions from whatever he eats. It also means he's a hell of a detective, as long as he doesn't mind nibbling on the corpse of a murder victim to figure out whodunit, and why.

This week, I got nearly twice as many new comics as I normally do. 2 of them were $1 each, but still... this is adding up.

• Avengers Millennium #1
• Convergence #0
• Cyclops #12
• Guardians of the Galaxy Best Story Ever #1
• Guardians Team-Up #4
• Harley Quinn #16
• Kanan The Last Padawan #1
• True Believers: Age of Apocalypse #1
• True Believers: Marvel Zombies #1
• Uncanny Avengers #3
• Uncanny Inhumans #0
This week, I got nearly twice as many new comics as I normally do. 2 of them were $1 each, but still... this is adding up.

• Avengers Millennium #1
• Convergence #0
• Cyclops #12
• Guardians of the Galaxy Best Story Ever #1
• Guardians Team-Up #4
• Harley Quinn #16
• Kanan The Last Padawan #1
• True Believers: Age of Apocalypse #1
• True Believers: Marvel Zombies #1
• Uncanny Avengers #3
• Uncanny Inhumans #0
Hopefully Secret Wars doesn't murder your budget.
Hopefully Secret Wars doesn't murder your budget.
Yeah, not sure what to do regarding all the tie-ins for Secret Wars and Convergence. I'll definitely get the main series books. Despite reading a lot more Marvel books, Convergence interests me more.
And I think I'm in the minority in saying this, but I think Deadpool getting an R rating is a sign the movie is going to suck. Since Deadpool rarely if ever needs the intense blood and gore and such and his comedy never goes that far (unless we're going Max series) and even when he loses limbs, it's rarely a bloody and intense thing and can totally be played off as PG-13. Plus Ryan Reynolds as an actor...his batting average is....yeah.
I don't think it'll suck, but I'm definitely not too happy about the rating. That leaked Deadpool script was mostly great, but the dialogue was extremely juvenile in a way that Deadpool ISN'T, with his every spoken word followed up with an f-bomb. I expected a PG-13 to remedy that. Buckets of blood are also totally unnecessary, though I once thought a R rating was necessary for a funny scene toward the end (if anything from that script is in-tact) featuring severed body parts used to spell out a sentence, but Michonne did the same thing at one point on The Walking Dead show. Don't get me started on the pointless Wade/Vanessa flashback sex scenes.

But, I'll personally be okay with it. If he speaks like a 12 year-old who just learned about the "naughty" words, I'll deal with it. Cursing doesn't offend me. I'm just disappointed that no one in my family, after hearing me talk up this character and the movie for years, will be willing to see it because of the rating. My brother and his wife are especially prone to walking out of movies. I think they lasted three minutes when they went to see The Taking of Pelham 123 once they saw what the dialogue was gonna be like.

Plus, R movies don't get as much attention from audiences - and dammit, I want this movie to make as much money as it can. I want dozens of them! Then gimme a live-action Deadpool Corps movie to parody the Avengers! In a perfect world, my friends.

This week, I got nearly twice as many new comics as I normally do. 2 of them were $1 each, but still... this is adding up.

• Avengers Millennium #1
• Convergence #0
• Cyclops #12
• Guardians of the Galaxy Best Story Ever #1
• Guardians Team-Up #4
• Harley Quinn #16
• Kanan The Last Padawan #1
• True Believers: Age of Apocalypse #1
• True Believers: Marvel Zombies #1
• Uncanny Avengers #3
• Uncanny Inhumans #0
Have you read Kanan yet? I picked it up as well and I was pleasantly surprised by it. I also picked up Convergence, Nailbiter and Southern Bastards this week. Southern Bastards is still easily my favorite comic out right now. I also placed my first order on IST today for Absolute Green Arrow By Kevin Smith HC for $48 after the 2% discount.

Not yet, but I love the Star Wars comics and the Rebels TV series. Of this week's purchases, I've only read Inhumans, Convergence, and Best Story Ever thus far.
This was an expensive week for me:

  • Arrow Season 2.5 #7 
  • Convergence #1
  • Convergence: The Atom #1
  • Saga #27
  • Rebels #1
  • All-New Hawkeye #2
  • Ant-Man #4
  • Darth Vader #4
  • Howard the Duck #2
I still need to grab Deadpool #45 (#250)

Are the gamestop exclusive comics also available in certain stores? I know I saw a batman book at a store, but I can't remember if it is the same book you can get for redeeming points or if it is a variant cover.

This was an expensive week for me:

  • Arrow Season 2.5 #7
  • Convergence #1
  • Convergence: The Atom #1
  • Saga #27
  • Rebels #1
  • All-New Hawkeye #2
  • Ant-Man #4
  • Darth Vader #4
  • Howard the Duck #2
I still need to grab Deadpool #45 (#250)
I saw that Deadpool 250 was $10 but couldn't find a pagecount anywhere. i'm assuming it's at least fifty.

Will be interested to see what poison_shadow thinks of it.

I have every single Convergence title on hold at my LCBS, but it's looking to be like not that great, at least in the main-line series. 

Any place I should be checking out reviews? Don't plan on picking up anywhere near all of the titles.

I have every single Convergence title on hold at my LCBS, but it's looking to be like not that great, at least in the main-line series.

Any place I should be checking out reviews? Don't plan on picking up anywhere near all of the titles.
I don't really read reviews, but you can try out CBR. Link

I have every single Convergence title on hold at my LCBS, but it's looking to be like not that great, at least in the main-line series.

Any place I should be checking out reviews? Don't plan on picking up anywhere near all of the titles.
Comic book round up is like a metacritic for comics if you want a general consensus for reviews.

Really wanted the Run the Jewels variant covers of Deadpool and Howard the Duck. Didn't realize it would be virtually impossible.
Really wanted the Run the Jewels variant covers of Deadpool and Howard the Duck. Didn't realize it would be virtually impossible.
I Wanted it as well, but my comic shop was charging a ridiculous amount and they only had one left.

And did anyone pick up Deadpool #45?

Thank God I'm not into variant covers. I've only bought a few over the years for special things - usually to get signed. Like some blank TMNT ones to get sketches on, Walking Dead ones because I was at SDCC and they were convention exclusive, etc.

I have a friend who is into variants and he spent a good amount of money on Adam Hughes Harley Quinn #1 and some other Spider Gwen stuff I'm pretty sure.

What is the protocol with variants? I thought it was more of something that was alot of times held or given first shot to regular costumers at stores or someone would have to buy 100 issues to get the 1:100.

I've only ever paid big money for one variant which was a Kevin Eastman sketch variant cover last year. Each one was an actual drawing by Eastman.

Most stores order the limit and sell the variants on ebay.

They are part of what caused the crash in the 90s and the people that caused the crash are the people running marvel and DC now.

I thought when Marvel announced Secret Wars they were going to get rid of series, not create 10,000 new books in limited runs because Secret Wars. fuck

This is getting out of hand. I checked where I buy my comics and they have like at least 75 books/issues on Secret Wars up on preorder. I said 75 because I am being generous with variants but there is 92 total.

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Not sure if this is the place to ask this, but I'm looking for a copy of Darth Vader #2 first print?  I forgot to put in my sub @ my usual shop at the beginning of the year and at this point I can only seem to find second or third printings.  I've been redeeming the digital copies on the books I've gotten so far and for some reason when I redeemed the DC for Vader #3 it added it as #2 (maybe it just adds them in order).  As a result when I was out and about and saw a first print #3 for sale at a shop I checked the app and grabbed it thinking it was the issue I needed.  So, now I have a spare first print of #3 but still no #2.  Anyone out there got one that they could swap?

I never understood why there were blank white variants. Thanks for cluing me in.

I never buy variants unless it's just something that is awesome to me. I'm a big Run the Jewels fan and thought the concept was brilliant. Really bummed out but oh well. How much was your store charging for it?
I never understood why there were blank white variants. Thanks for cluing me in.
I never buy variants unless it's just something that is awesome to me. I'm a big Run the Jewels fan and thought the concept was brilliant. Really bummed out but oh well. How much was your store charging for it?

Run The Jewels 2 is an amazing album, but fuuuck that cost for a variant.
My copy of Howard The Duck cost me $4 and features Starlord and Gamora making duck faces. I'm pretty happy with that. I've never paid extra for a variant. Got the few that I do have at face value.
bread's done