Comic Book Discussion Thread (Marvel, DC, Image, Dark Horse, Top Cow, IDW, Indy, etc)

[quote name='ppself']Wait, so Wolverine has a girlfriend? Who? I have been reading pretty much all xtitles and i haven't seen much of a thing happening. Unless Jean Grey came back within the week i haven't bought any comics yet. lol, or wait until Hope shows up at the Xmansion. She will be Wolvies new GF.

And how did Sabertooth get resurrected?[/QUOTE]
I haven't seen mention of a girlfriend either, and I've been buying the X titles for a long time. Unless it happened in one of the Wolverine specific books since I don't buy those. As I mentioned earlier, I don't like the character.

Sabertooth is still dead.
[quote name='ppself']Wait, so Wolverine has a girlfriend? Who? I have been reading pretty much all xtitles and i haven't seen much of a thing happening. Unless Jean Grey came back within the week i haven't bought any comics yet. lol, or wait until Hope shows up at the Xmansion. She will be Wolvies new GF.

And how did Sabertooth get resurrected?[/QUOTE]

check the most recent weapon x comic( Wolverine Weapon X 10). shes a reporter and i believe mexican/black mix. i think its cool theyre adding her into the mix of his life granted he will outlive her but he deserves so be happy.
[quote name='lokizz']check the most recent weapon x comic( Wolverine Weapon X 10). shes a reporter and i believe mexican/black mix. i think its cool theyre adding her into the mix of his life granted he will outlive her but he deserves so be happy.[/QUOTE]
Until she gets killed and is reason #638094380 why Wolverine goes on a berserker barrage. Wolverine's not meant to have a girlfriend, let's be honest here.
[quote name='bardockkun']Until she gets killed and is reason #638094380 why Wolverine goes on a berserker barrage. Wolverine's not meant to have a girlfriend, let's be honest here.[/QUOTE]
[quote name='bardockkun']Until she gets killed and is reason #638094380 why Wolverine goes on a berserker barrage. Wolverine's not meant to have a girlfriend, let's be honest here.[/QUOTE]

i dont doubt she will get killed at some point which is something he mentioned to her but i could be interesting to see how the relationship develops considering mystique is going to enter in the next edition. on top of that during the comic he goes around to see diff women hes had/has relationships or is close with to ask their opinion of it.
[quote name='smiley424']I use and I am very satisfied with their service. They bag and board every comic and then wrap in bubble wrap. I live all the way in Guam right now but I liked to drop by their stores in NYC whenever I had a chance. Check them out.[/QUOTE]

I will also second

The online selector is super easy and you don't have to do any upkeep with it. They'll just keep billing and sending any books you add. Despite having a couple comic stores in driving distance I use only midtown comics because I got tired of the local stores fucking up my subscriptions (and I don't even read that many books!).

Another nice aspect to the service is you can order stuff off the website and just have it added to your weekly comics shipment.

On another note, I haven't viewed the comics thread in quite a while due to the fact that in the past there were a few people that compulsively posted spoilers and I got tired of it. I think I'll be visiting the thread more often again now that I see those people aren't coming around anymore. Thanks all.
[quote name='lokizz']i dont doubt she will get killed at some point which is something he mentioned to her but i could be interesting to see how the relationship develops considering mystique is going to enter in the next edition. on top of that during the comic he goes around to see diff women hes had/has relationships or is close with to ask their opinion of it.[/QUOTE]
From feral loner to a member of The Avengers and three X-Men teams to a whipped boyfriend. Is there even an editorial team or ANYONE who goes over things in comics anymore?!
[quote name='Rodimus']Do those new Weapon X comics even apply to the current continuity?[/QUOTE]

Yea pretty much. You can think of it like independent stories, same thing as Deadpool's comic line.
Looks like Marvel's cosmic stories are finally getting intresting again. Thanos is back and it's about time. He's my favorite comic book villian and I've been waiting the last few years to see him in action again. I can't wait.

[quote name='Rodimus']Looks like Marvel's cosmic stories are finally getting intresting again. Thanos is back and it's about time. He's my favorite comic book villian and I've been waiting the last few years to see him in action again. I can't wait.


Any details?

Is Thanos a FF related villain only?
Not many details other than he's coming back, he's bad, and everyone's out to get him. They also said if your haven't been keeping up with Marvel's cosmic stuff then The Thanos Imperative: Ignition issue #1 will be a good starting point.

Thanos is like the cosmic Doctor Doom, he's a everyone villian. His first appearance was in Iron Man #55. During my last comic-con I found a copy for $40. But his main rival has always been Captian Marvel.
Anyone reading the Batbooks....I have to say while I enjoy seeing Grayson as Batman, especially while he's a little older than he was after Prodigal when he last took up the Mantle. But, it just seems that nobody cared much about Bruce's death, meaning very little hoopla even in the press. I suppose everyone expects him back, so its not a big deal.

At some point, we should be seeing what Bruce is going through traveling through time, otherwise, when he returns, it'll be a shallow return.
Looking at the covers for Return of Bruce Wayne I'm gonna say it ends with Bruce finding his way back to the modern era somehow, but on an alternative earth of some sorts.
[quote name='bardockkun']Looking at the covers for Return of Bruce Wayne I'm gonna say it ends with Bruce finding his way back to the modern era somehow, but on an alternative earth of some sorts.[/QUOTE]

Like Captain America? :p
Cap made it back to the normal continuity. But what I want them to explain (and I know they wont) is how everyone was tricked that he was dead?
hey guys, I have question, what do you guys think of getting your books slabbed, like cgc rated and locked into a impenetrable (unless you break the seal) plastic slab? I used to be into comics and it seems a few have actually done well value-wise, which is surprising as I used to be into it for just the stories and art. Back when I was into them, the old guys running the shops would laugh at the idea of slabbing and tell you to get off their lawn, now if you look at ebay anything over $50 is slabbed, is that how it's done now, is $50 value the cutoff for when you should get them done? Is the process still mocked with todays collectors?
There's still a bit of criticism regarding their grading methods. Also many collectors disagree with the idea of "comic book restoration" which in some cases may actually lower the price of the comic. They've also been accused of favoritism, giving better grades to certain collectors.

To be honest it's only worth it if you want to sell. And I wouldn't grade anything that's too beat up.
[quote name='Rodimus']Cap made it back to the normal continuity. But what I want them to explain (and I know they wont) is how everyone was tricked that he was dead?[/QUOTE]

A sniper shot him in the back. Pretty evident. :p
[quote name='bardockkun']Alright, we get it. You didn't read it.[/QUOTE]

I just read what happened in Civil War, and got up to the first issue of his return arc. So i knew time travel and crossbones was involved in the beginning. Then i didn't buy anymore until the last one and it had red skull robot and visions of a War of the Worlds future.

So yea, i missed something.

So if Cap was shot with a time traveling gun and transported to another time. How did his body stay on the steps of the courthouse and then buried?

Is that what the original question regarding?

Or should i just read the return series cause it's way more complicated. :p
It was magic. (Not really but that seems to be Marvel's go-to excuse for explaining things).

I'm tired of Ed Brubaker writing Crap Cap. He's making him his avatar for his own personal political beliefs. Regardless of what they are, I don't want any writer making Cap their personal soapbox.
I'll give Brubaker one more chance with next issue of Cap (hey this week!), but the premiese of this arc I already feel is anything, but promising. Though his run BEFORE they started planning Steve's return was good is main reason why I do it. Reborn though I will admit was ass.
[quote name='ppself']lol, I'll go give it a read then.[/QUOTE]
Go in expecting a trainwreck and you'll come out of it fine. To be fair it's no where as "WHAT THE fuck?!" as Final Crisis in my opinion.
[quote name='bardockkun']Go in expecting a trainwreck and you'll come out of it fine. To be fair it's no where as "WHAT THE fuck?!" as Final Crisis in my opinion.[/QUOTE]
I have a friend who just got into comics for the first time, and one of the first things she picked up to read was Final Crisis. I laughed XD
[quote name='Rei no Otaku']I have a friend who just got into comics for the first time, and one of the first things she picked up to read was Final Crisis. I laughed XD[/QUOTE]
That poor soul. She's never going to go back to comics AGAIN.

Though plus side if she just were to JUST read Rogue's Revenge or Crisis of Three Worlds then there maybe hope. Something tells me that isn't the case though.
[quote name='bardockkun']That poor soul. She's never going to go back to comics AGAIN.

Though plus side if she just were to JUST read Rogue's Revenge or Crisis of Three Worlds then there maybe hope. Something tells me that isn't the case though.[/QUOTE]
Actually she stuck with it, and is still reading. Even wants to come along with me on Wednesdays. It's a miracle, I know.
[quote name='Rei no Otaku']Actually she stuck with it, and is still reading. Even wants to come along with me on Wednesdays. It's a miracle, I know.[/QUOTE]

Did she understand one word of it? I Sure as hell didn't and felt confused and ripped off when all was said and done.

Though Superman in 3D sure was alot of purdy though.
[quote name='bardockkun']Wow.

Did she understand one word of it? I Sure as hell didn't and felt confused and ripped off when all was said and done.

Though Superman in 3D sure was alot of purdy though.[/QUOTE]
Nope, she had no clue what was going on. She likes Batman and wanted to know how he died.
[quote name='neocisco']It was magic. (Not really but that seems to be Marvel's go-to excuse for explaining things).

I'm tired of Ed Brubaker writing Crap Cap. He's making him his avatar for his own personal political beliefs. Regardless of what they are, I don't want any writer making Cap their personal soapbox.[/QUOTE]

[quote name='bardockkun']I'll give Brubaker one more chance with next issue of Cap (hey this week!), but the premiese of this arc I already feel is anything, but promising. Though his run BEFORE they started planning Steve's return was good is main reason why I do it. Reborn though I will admit was ass.[/QUOTE]

I really felt reading that last issue that I just want to be done reading brubaker's Cap. I've been a huge fan of Cap because of the beginning of Brubaker's run but this shit lately is just that, shit. I am giving it one more issue but if this is just gonna turn into "current event politics, the comic book adaptation" I'm done.

You know with Civil War and some of the associated stories there were some subtle political undertones to the stories that made you think. Such as the government registration and neither side really being the good guy/bad guy or having the 100% right point of view. It's also sort of like, for those of you who watched Battlestar Galactica, the suicide bombers and torture that happened on New Caprica. It dealt with a current political issue in a way that let you come to your own conclusions. It certainly didn't force any opinion down your throat the way the last issue of Cap did.

I was just plain annoyed reading that issue as it unfolded. It wasn't subtle and it was nothing more than Brubaker forcing his opinion on everyone. As I got further into the issue I actually flipped back to the cover to check that Brubaker was still the writer because I couldn't believe how just plain lame the writing had become. No finesse, no subtly, just basically here's my opinion and you're gonna like the lame story I write around it.

As far as the writing aside from the most current arc. I couldn't help but think that Bucky's return was FAR more interesting than Cap's. Ugh, I'm trying really hard to not get completely down on the issues as of late because of the years of great writing we got for Cap (and Bucky) but this is going downhill fast now.
I still don't understand what exactly happened to Steve's soul (or whatever it was that remained alive) after he got shot. I was reading some back issues and Thor actually communicates with Steve's soul a year after his death. If he was skipping around time then how could Thor do this?...... I know, I'm thinking to hard about this. Bottom line: it's a poorly writen comic book.
[quote name='neocisco']It was magic. (Not really but that seems to be Marvel's go-to excuse for explaining things).

I'm tired of Ed Brubaker writing Crap Cap. He's making him his avatar for his own personal political beliefs. Regardless of what they are, I don't want any writer making Cap their personal soapbox.[/QUOTE]

Magic is more of a DC type of thing since on the rare occasion they do explain something its like "Yeah well see, superboy punched the dimensional barrier so hard he broke it and they came back..........yeah thats the ticket" while marvel goes for the poorly half assed semi realistic explanations of like "Ultron transmitted his brain electronically to another ultron he had buried under a volcano the instant before his defeat"

And I really dont think brubaker is making cap his "avatar of political views", I think he is just writing him to catch attention which he obviously did with you. Captain america for so so so long has only been just a guy with a shield, he hasnt had beliefs or views or anything reflecting him as being a icon of a country. I think brubaker is trying to inject more america into the name captain america instead of just rehashing the same old thing everyone has been doing for past 30 years with him. He is trying to make cap more than just a hero that is a leader in battle, he wants him to be more than just super hero #129,908,132. Cap has been breaking jaws for 50 years, that can only go on so long before its really freaking boring and if you dont change a character some then he will die of stagnation.

Just because you dont agree with the political portions of it shouldnt make you automatically dislike the characters because thats the sign of someone closed minded and narrow visioned. If brubaker put political views in it and they jived with yours then you wouldnt be upset and still reading the comic.

Besides, negative or positive if someone can write a comic book of all things and get a actual emotional response from a reader then they must be doing something right. Happiness, anger, joy, sadness, outright hatred or anyother real emotion brought out by what someone writes is no small feat.
Jump to conclusions much? From my simple little 2 sentence remark you're able to determine that I'm "closed-minded and narrow-visioned"? That's amazing. You might want to actually read the post and take it for what it says and not try to delineate anything more from it. I said that I don't want writers giving me their unsolicited political views, regardless of what they are. I don't read superhero comics for political commentary. That's why I read newspapers and magazines. Since he chooses to make his political leanings the focus of the story then I can choose to stop buying Cap until he refrains from doing so, which I will.
[quote name='gargus']Magic is more of a DC type of thing since on the rare occasion they do explain something its like "Yeah well see, superboy punched the dimensional barrier so hard he broke it and they came back..........yeah thats the ticket" while marvel goes for the poorly half assed semi realistic explanations of like "Ultron transmitted his brain electronically to another ultron he had buried under a volcano the instant before his defeat"

And I really dont think brubaker is making cap his "avatar of political views", I think he is just writing him to catch attention which he obviously did with you. Captain america for so so so long has only been just a guy with a shield, he hasnt had beliefs or views or anything reflecting him as being a icon of a country. I think brubaker is trying to inject more america into the name captain america instead of just rehashing the same old thing everyone has been doing for past 30 years with him. He is trying to make cap more than just a hero that is a leader in battle, he wants him to be more than just super hero #129,908,132. Cap has been breaking jaws for 50 years, that can only go on so long before its really freaking boring and if you dont change a character some then he will die of stagnation.

Just because you dont agree with the political portions of it shouldnt make you automatically dislike the characters because thats the sign of someone closed minded and narrow visioned. If brubaker put political views in it and they jived with yours then you wouldnt be upset and still reading the comic.

Besides, negative or positive if someone can write a comic book of all things and get a actual emotional response from a reader then they must be doing something right. Happiness, anger, joy, sadness, outright hatred or anyother real emotion brought out by what someone writes is no small feat.[/QUOTE]

My disdain for the current Cap storyline has nothing to do with the stance it took but rather the sloppiness of which it was implemented. This story absolutely screams agenda, there's nothing thought-provoking about it. Its simply Brubaker saying "I hate them Teabaggers, I'm gonna make them a villain" and then shoe-horning a story around that.

I'm not disliking the characters right now, simply the laziness of its once-creative writer. Cap and Bucky are still among my favorite characters in comics right now and yet Brubaker isn't keeping them interesting the way he once did. This new storyline is coming across as nothing other than Brubaker with a political agenda to talk about. Its like Neocisco mentioned, if we want direct political opinions we'd open the op-ed section of our local paper. Allusions to politics can be creative and thought-provoking. This current story is not, in any way.

Believe me, I'm hoping something changes in the next issue that makes us all go "hey, good job, he's still got it" but the way its looking now its going to be some lame-ass ending with absolutely no finesse.
After Reborn I think everyone has earned the right to be weary of where Cap is headed. No political agendas there, just bad story telling.

I Still don't understand how Red Skull became 50 feet as well.
bread's done