Complete Baldur's Gate I and II Collection for 15 shipped


79 (100%)
Free shipping via Amazon but not prime eligible. I just ordered it, I've never played BG2 and considering that is charging 10 for just the first (granted not having to worry about inserting dvds is cool), 15 for all 4 is a great price for those looking for what made bioware famous

There is also this option (thanks khc8) that for 87 cents more is Prime eligible:
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Definitely some awesome games here. If you've never played, take a week out of you busy gaming schedule to play through this... the BG series is well worth it!
Does this series hold up well graphically, or is it a major eye sore? Tempting deal, definitely hundreds of hours of gameplay there.
[quote name='kingkiller33']Does this series hold up well graphically, or is it a major eye sore? Tempting deal, definitely hundreds of hours of gameplay there.[/QUOTE]

The games can be upscaled in resolution. Since the backgrounds are hand drawn it still looks pretty good. The spell effects and animations are not really impressive anymore, but overall the game looks great.

The only problem, IMO is that if you scale it to a huge resolution then the characters are so small that it becomes hard to see.

Highly recommended if you like reading and you love WRPG's.
There are some tweaks which allow you to use BG2 graphics in BG1, as well as a widescreen mod.

I know that Planescape: Torment looks reasonably good with the high resolution/wide screen/UI mods at 1280 x 800 (1440 x 900 makes everything too small, IMO.)

I don't know how good BG2's graphics are compared to PS: T, but if they're comparable, it should be fine.

There's also a Prime Eligible option for 87 cents more. Think I might have to bite, even though I don't know when I'll finally play it, but I really think Fallout's combat beats the snot out of Planescape: Torment's, which uses a similar system to BG. Maybe just turn it to really easy and breeze through the combat.
The interface will feel clunky, compared to new CRPGs. Part of the appeal of the BG games at the time was that they incorporated a near-literal translation of the AD&D rules of the day ( version 2 I think). And then buried all of that behind the interface. And then allowed you to show as much of that as you liked (i.e., indicators for critical hits, HP damage per attack, pausing automatically after each combat turn). But all the spells are present, all the terminology is true AD&D.

So yeah, you've got to juggle inventories for 6 characters. And deal with their level-ups. etc. add and remove party members. And swap 5 CDs, lol.

But it's a really, really good story, with characters that you will never forget. And the phrase "Go for the eyes, Boo!" will forever make you smile.
Nice, thanks OP! I'm definitely in for one. As a longtime D&D geek, Baldur's Gate was one of my all time favorite time-sinks on PC. Having the whole collection on DVDs (as opposed to the 5 CD-ROMs the first game alone came on) is worth the $15 upgrade cost.
Check the Gibberlings Three for patches and widescreen mods and even a way to import the BG1 game into the BG2 engines, allowing you to play the original game (and maybe TotSC?) inside BG2's upgraded engine. The widescreen are awesome, as everything's pretty much still 1:1, and you see a large portion of the map at a time with the resolution at 1680x1050.

If anything, find the community fixes and the widescreen. I don't remember if the TuTu (the BG1->BG2) was easy or not, but it killed my enthusiasm after getting everything all set up.
[quote name='gcorlett']So yeah, you've got to juggle inventories for 6 characters. And deal with their level-ups. etc. add and remove party members. And swap 5 CDs, lol.

Owning this exact version myself I can confirm that there is no more disc swapping at least since they crammed each game onto a single DVD and each expansion on its own single disc as well. Anyone on the fence should go ahead and grab this set. It is seriously one of the most influential RPG video games ever made. This game made Bioware a household name and you can see elements of the game in most of the stuff they make to this day and other western RPG video games as well.
[quote name='sandbag']You must gather your party before venturing forth.[/QUOTE]

LOL, that line has become a standard part of the lexicon in my circle of friends. Great stuff.
Thanks op! I probably don't have time for these, but for $15, and after everything I've heard about them, seems worth it for the possibility I might find time to play them.
In for 1. Thought about the GOG deal on BG1+TotSC for $10, but this is a much better deal IMO.

The only downside is if the game requies the disk to be in your drive. Can someone confirm that this game requires the disk to be inserted in order to play? Or better, confirm the disk isn't required to play, just install?
I have the Collector's Edition of BG2 and 3 different copies of BG1. I would still buy this if it wasn't for the strong possibility that GOG is going to realease the second one very soon.
I mentioned this in a previous topic about the same deal but has anyone received a US version of the collection (with ESRB rating) from any of the Amazon vendors yet?
[quote name='Wompdevil']Owning this exact version myself I can confirm that there is no more disc swapping at least since they crammed each game onto a single DVD and each expansion on its own single disc as well. [/QUOTE]

You are correct. I'm sorry; I didn't mean to suggest that this was a negative. I meant it as humor. The version is disc-less, in fact.

One of the things I remember about playing BG in 1999 was that I played for so many hours (15-20 hours, I think? ) before even getting to the 2nd CD of content. I just remember mentally multiplying my playing time by 6 and thinking "I'm going to be playing for a long, long time." Each new disc was like starting a new major chapter of the storyline.
[quote name='FlyingMonkey9']I just ordered it, I've never played BG2[/QUOTE]

You're in for the treat of your life, man.
Didn't Bioware say that Dragon Age: Origins is the spiritual successor to this series?

Then should I get this set now or wait for DA:O UE to have a price drop?
Having some issues with the BG2 opening/main interface. First install was glitchy but worked OK, I then uninstalled BG2 so I could try to fix some issues with BG1. (One mod uses BG2 assets for BG1.) Then, when I reinstalled, the main menu for BG2 was illegible - maybe it's my wide screen monitor. I can play the game past the start screens just fine, though.

I had no issues installing the widescreen tweak for Planescape: Torment, though. I also think I might like PS: T's graphics better, since the view is closer to the ground - but I haven't had much of a chance to compare the two.
The GOG versions also have the soundtracks though, which are pretty awesome. This is a great deal, but in my opinion it's worth the extra $5 for all the bonuses GOG throws in, plus installing it from GOG is so incredibly seamless. With these, if memory serves correctly, you still have to mess around with a few things when installing, like making sure it's really a full installation, and figuring out which patch to use, which depends largely on which version you got (4 in 1? Complete Collection? etc.) and what region the version you got came from. I also remember having a lot of trouble with BG1 from this version working with a nocd crack. Heck, sometimes it wouldn't even see it when the dvd was actually in the drive, partly I think because this combines all the CD's onto one DVD and that kind of confuses it.
[quote name='AcrylamideTic']The GOG versions also have the soundtracks though, which are pretty awesome. This is a great deal, but in my opinion it's worth the extra $5 for all the bonuses GOG throws in, plus installing it from GOG is so incredibly seamless. With these, if memory serves correctly, you still have to mess around with a few things when installing, like making sure it's really a full installation, and figuring out which patch to use, which depends largely on which version you got (4 in 1? Complete Collection? etc.) and what region the version you got came from. I also remember having a lot of trouble with BG1 from this version working with a nocd crack. Heck, sometimes it wouldn't even see it when the dvd was actually in the drive, partly I think because this combines all the CD's onto one DVD and that kind of confuses it.[/QUOTE]

I picked these up the other day (should arrive today) - and what you say makes me worried that I'm not going to be able to play these, and should have just gone for the GOG versions.

I think I picked up the Complete Collection, and I'm running Windows 7 64-Bit. How much of a problem am I going to have getting these installed and running? Any idea?
For my 4 disc (UK version, since it lists PEG 12+) version, I still had to install the patches - at least, the mods that I wanted to install wouldn't install until I had. Don't need the Shadows of Amn patch if you have Throne of Bhaal.

I agree that if the GOG installations are more hassle free, then they're worth the extra money, but they might have issues of their own, at least if you want to use mods.
[quote name='palejackal']For my 4 disc (UK version, since it lists PEG 12+) version, I still had to install the patches - at least, the mods that I wanted to install wouldn't install until I had. Don't need the Shadows of Amn patch if you have Throne of Bhaal.

I agree that if the GOG installations are more hassle free, then they're worth the extra money, but they might have issues of their own, at least if you want to use mods.[/QUOTE]

Oh, one other question - how does regioning matter? I'm in the US - did I just order software that I won't be able to install or use?
While the start screens were screwy (possibly because of my widescreen monitor or resolutions), I was able to play the game just fine. It will make a patching a little more annoying, since I think BG2 has American/UK patch whereas BG1 has a separate UK version.

I do think I read that there is a U.S. version on Amazon... it might be the $17.50 4-in-1 collection.
[quote name='INCyr']Oh, one other question - how does regioning matter? I'm in the US - did I just order software that I won't be able to install or use?[/QUOTE]

Computers aren't limited to regional specific software like most video game consoles are so you won't have any problems.

I HIGHLY recommend you install the patches and mods listed in this gamefaq under section II titled "the Modern Baldur's Gate Installation". It is also probably the best walkthrough I have seen online for BG1 as well if you decide you need one.
[quote name='Wompdevil']
I HIGHLY recommend you install the patches and mods listed in this gamefaq under section II titled "the Modern Baldur's Gate Installation". It is also probably the best walkthrough I have seen online for BG1 as well if you decide you need one.[/QUOTE]

Thanks for the tip. The below link was really useful for installing an up-to-date Planescape: Torment:
[quote name='Wompdevil']Computers aren't limited to regional specific software like most video game consoles are so you won't have any problems.

I HIGHLY recommend you install the patches and mods listed in this gamefaq under section II titled "the Modern Baldur's Gate Installation". It is also probably the best walkthrough I have seen online for BG1 as well if you decide you need one.[/QUOTE]

Thanks! I can't wait to play these - I've heard so much about this series. I hope they live up to the hype.
As someone who still revisits the D&D Gold Box games, I'm sure I'll be thrilled by this. Time to at last play this, I think. just put up Icewind Dale collection.

I think getting these from Gog is a better idea, since they are already rebuilt to run on all Windows operating systems up to Windows 7 64-bit. With the old one, you have to install all kinds of patches, and I'm still not sure it will work on 64-bit. No DRM also.
Personally I'd rather go for the version for the convenience, compatibility and the extras (soundtracks mostly), although having physical media can have it's merits (as welll as problems). Still, I don't really feel right recommending GOG after that stupid marketing stunt of theirs.

But in fact I already picked up Baldur's Gate at a couple of weeks back and I'm finding it very boring. There is nothing in the game that hooks me in and the exploration, combat and figuring out where to go next is all very tedious. In my opinion you're probably better off skipping the first one completely and just play Baldur's Gate II.
bread's done