Computer prob(Blue Screen of Death)


I went over to my uncle's house yesterday to look at his computer(because he fucked it up somehow). Anyhow, whenever I try to try to connect(dial up) to the Internet it goes to the Blue Screen and starts dumping physical memory. It counts to 100 then it restarts the system. I did not have much time yesterday to try much but I'm going back today. I'm going to try rebooting in safemode today and try to run some things, but I don't know if that will work or not.

Any ideas what to try.

EDIT> I tried telling him to try and buy a new Virus Scanner like Norton(his is outdated for a while) but he sounds to cheap to buy one. I think that might help but he won't listen.

ALso, I wrote the number it told me down if it helps>

0X0000008E, (0XC0000005, 0X00000155, 0XF3839824, 0X00000000)
I am assuming windows XP is installed on this machine. You could always try and restore it to a date before the problem started to see if that will correct the problem.

That is usually an error caused by some sort of hardware problem. You should check to make sure the modem is working properly since you get the error when trying to dial out. Check the event logs to see if that will give you any clues. You can also install any new service packs to see if that helps.

For the virus scanner, I would recommend AVG. It is free to download for personal use and works really well.
[quote name='Miller2847']I am assuming windows XP is installed on this machine. You could always try and restore it to a date before the problem started to see if that will correct the problem.

That is usually an error caused by some sort of hardware problem. You should check to make sure the modem is working properly since you get the error when trying to dial out. Check the event logs to see if that will give you any clues. You can also install any new service packs to see if that helps.

For the virus scanner, I would recommend AVG. It is free to download for personal use and works really well.[/QUOTE]

pandascan is another good free virus scan site.I wouldnt wanna buy a virus scan either if I was him. Id just do a reformat, reinstall windows, and tell him to never fuck the pc again.
Sounds Like it's the RAM.;EN-US;Q315335

If you have more than one stick, try running it with only one in and see if the error persists. Try swapping out each stick individually as well as different slots. Also, if it's dusty in that case, that might be your issue for the bad RAM. Dust bunnies and electronics don't mix.

[quote name='SpazX']Try replacing the ram :p[/quote] [quote name='SteveMcQ']Look up MemTest and download and run that program. Checks your memory for errors.[/quote]
[quote name='Kayden']Get high speed internet. Problem solved AND you move into the new milenium.[/quote]my thought exactly:lol:
Originally Posted by Kayden
Get high speed internet. Problem solved AND you move into the new milenium.

It's not my computer, my Uncle's, not my choice. I don't live there. Thanks for the suggestions on some things, but I think some are not completely reading the post. I could not CONNECT to the Internet, it crashed. There is no way to use those online virus scanners and memory testers. Everytime I tried to connect, it crashed.

Anyway, I rolled back the system like someone mentioned; which I've done before on other computers. BUT, something different happened. When it restarted, nothing but a black screen would come up. I could not start in safe mode either.
So, I ended up having to wipe it out, and reinstall Windows. He does not know that all the files he had are gone yet, but I will take care of that later.
I tried connecting to the Internet again through his modem, it does not crash anymore, but still does not work. I'm going to try and replace that today, because I had 2 sitting at my house.

But, why the hell would the black screen come up and not go past that? I've rolled back a few times and never has that happened to me.
Black screens can be caused by any number of things. Do some research and see what pertains to your situation. Instead of just whiping the drive you should have tried making it the secondary drive in another PC to see if you could get anything off it. However, I'd really recommend scanning it before you take any files off. As a rule, never whipe anyones PC without asking first. It just makes you look like an ass.

[quote name='Rags']Originally Posted by Kayden
Get high speed internet. Problem solved AND you move into the new milenium.

It's not my computer, my Uncle's, not my choice. I don't live there. Thanks for the suggestions on some things, but I think some are not completely reading the post. I could not CONNECT to the Internet, it crashed. There is no way to use those online virus scanners and memory testers. Everytime I tried to connect, it crashed.

Anyway, I rolled back the system like someone mentioned; which I've done before on other computers. BUT, something different happened. When it restarted, nothing but a black screen would come up. I could not start in safe mode either.
So, I ended up having to wipe it out, and reinstall Windows. He does not know that all the files he had are gone yet, but I will take care of that later.
I tried connecting to the Internet again through his modem, it does not crash anymore, but still does not work. I'm going to try and replace that today, because I had 2 sitting at my house.

But, why the hell would the black screen come up and not go past that? I've rolled back a few times and never has that happened to me.[/quote]
Seriously, ive seen this before. Like Steve said up earlier, its most likely the RAM.

Download the image here and burn it to a disc. Boot from your CD rom (you dont even have to see the Win splash screen) and watch the error messages fly. Then go buy new RAM. :) Your HD will be untouched so he wont loose any data. You're probably doing more damage to your HD by the computer booting and freezing than it would to just replace the memory.
Yeah, download the Memtest program on your PC, burn it to disc and run it on his PC. At least you could try diagnosing the problem w/o going and wiping his drive that way.

Memory problems are odd. It seems like it's a certain program at times, but sometimes some programs do just enough or call on the faulty memory banks to cause your PC to not work, making it look like it's the program. Then again, it could be the modem itself, but at least running Memtest is less invasive.
Let it run multiple times. The longer the better. Some modules don't show up as bad until they have been pushed for a while. If you do find a bad module, try swapping the slots they are in. I acutally had a bad RAM SLOT instead of abad stick.
[quote name='Rags']I'll give that memory tester a try tonight.[/quote]
The first thing you should have done is a disc cleanup and defrag. If the machine was working reasonably well beforehand, a cleanup (important) and a defrag (less important but still potentially valid) can often cure alot of problems lik ethat.

It could be a bad .tmp file thats causing the whole thing to shut down when the machine tries to read it. I'm not saying its a solution, but I've solved many a hardware problem that way, just by removing the gobs and gobs of temp files that clueless non-nerds have no idea are amassing on their hard drives with every click of IE.
bread's done