Computer won't boot, MoBo or PSU? [SOLVED]


30 (100%)
Hey folks, I did my first DIY computer about 2 and a half months back and the thing has been running great. Too great. It was about time it slipped up. I shut it off last night to go to bed and when I wake up this morning, it won't boot. I've opened it up and made sure all the cables are secure, but the light that shows my motherboard is getting juice isn't lit up. I need to know how to tell which it is. I know you can order a little power tester for about 20 bucks or so but I was wondering if there was any other way to test. I know it's not the wall power, everything else is working on that power strip.

My PSU came with the case (I know, I know) so that's already kind of suspicious against it. Here's what the PSU and MoBo are.

Thanks in advanced.

And for any inquiring minds

3 gigs of RAM
AMD Athlon X2 7750 Kuma BE 2.7 Ghz
Radeon 4870 512mb VRAM

Oh, and please don't tell me to upgrade my PSU. I want to diagnose before I think about replacing things that are working fine.
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If you don't have a spare power supply, one thing that you could do is go to a store with a decent return policy. Pick up a compatible PSU and give it a test in your machine. If it boots up, you know that that's the culprit... if it does nothing you'll know that you need to look a bit deeper. When you're done testing, simply return the equipment back to the store.

After typing it out, it does sound a bit shady... but it's an idea. heh heh heh
Another option is, if you have some wire laying around you can ground out the 24 pin adapter on the power supply. Look up which ones online, and it will let you power on the supply without needing it to be plugged into the motherboard. Just stick the wires in the holes and jump across. Then plug in a device, a molex powered fan work great, turn the supply on and if the fan spins up, your supply is probably good.

I wish I could remember the pin out right now to do it, but it basically turns your supply into an external power supply, in case you are confused by what the wiring would do. Or take it into a local computer store and see if they will let you use their power supply tester real quick.
Here's the article that Sulik2 is talking about.

If the PSU is switched, try toggling the switch off for around 15 minutes, then on. Every so often if I have a bad shutdown due to a power failure or something, I have to do this to my PCs.
Sorry I haven't been following the thread, it's because I went out and bought a new PSU. It was my old PSU that broke, strange as it is. Oh well, problem solved.
Rosewill, what can I say? ;)

Are you going to try submitting an RMA for the power supply to Rosewill? It'll be nice to have a spare.
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