Condemned 2: Bloodshot - Gen Discussion & Info

[quote name='Sofa King Kool']How many levels are there? I don't want to beat the game too quickly. I'm at the museum right now.[/QUOTE]

11, so you're a little more than halfway there.
Alright, I'm through a good portion of the game, and I have only one complaint:

Monolith, too grainy to see does not equal scary. Seriously, towards the end of the fifth level, I was running into walls. Before, it was hard to see because it was too dark. Now, it's too dark and the screen is all blurry and grainy. Can't see anything.
[quote name='Sofa King Kool']Alright, I'm through a good portion of the game, and I have only one complaint:

Monolith, too grainy to see does not equal scary. Seriously, towards the end of the fifth level, I was running into walls. Before, it was hard to see because it was too dark. Now, it's too dark and the screen is all blurry and grainy. Can't see anything.[/quote]

What the SCU level?
[quote name='Sofa King Kool']....wat?[/quote]

Huh haha? I meant are you talking about the level that takes place in the SCU building? Because the SCU level is really filter heavy. I thought the filters added a really cool effect to the game. Made it a lot more scarier for me and it was really freaking weird.
[quote name='Razzuel']Huh haha? I meant are you talking about the level that takes place in the SCU building? Because the SCU level is really filter heavy. I thought the filters added a really cool effect to the game. Made it a lot more scarier for me and it was really freaking weird.[/quote]

Oohhh, I thought you said "What's the SCU level." as if I could change a setting or something :lol:

Yeah, I meant the SCU level. Too many filters IMO. I couldn't see a damn thing. That, on top of shakey aiming, made hitting my target was pretty much nothing but luck.
[quote name='PINKO']ome on the 2nd or 3rd level i can't summit that im seeing a police hat is my game broken[/QUOTE]

[quote name='KwanzaaTimmy']11, so you're a little more than halfway there.[/quote]

Wow, dude.

..that sucks! I didn't know it'd be this short
[quote name='Scorch']Wow, dude.

..that sucks! I didn't know it'd be this short[/quote]

??? I didn't think it was short at all. I thought the length was good.
I loved the 1st Condemned, but my friend rented this, I played it, and I don't like it as much

Don't know why, there's nothing wrong with the game
[quote name='PINKO']ome on the 2nd or 3rd level i can't summit that im seeing a police hat is my game broken[/quote]

[quote name='TC']What??[/quote]

Exactly what I was thinking...
[quote name='PINKO']ome on the 2nd or 3rd level i can't summit that im seeing a police hat is my game broken[/quote]

I think he is talking about the second level at Preston Hotel. After you follow the blood trail of the dead police officer you arrive at a door covered in blood with a hole from a gunshot. Next to the door is a police officers hat. You are supposed to describe the scene to Rosa but I guess this guy can't submit the evidence?
[quote name='Razzuel']I think he is talking about the second level at Preston Hotel. After you follow the blood trail of the dead police officer you arrive at a door covered in blood with a hole from a gunshot. Next to the door is a police officers hat. You are supposed to describe the scene to Rosa but I guess this guy can't submit the evidence?[/quote]

From what I remember about the questions there, there is no reason to submit the police hat. Maybe its being nice and not letting you submit instead of letting you submit and then telling you that you did a poor job.

One thing that really isn't apparent in the game at first is that along with the choices of descriptions to submit with a specific evidence item, there are also choices in the evidence items to submit. Driver's licenses or badges are much better for making ID's than the sex of the victim or what kind of hat they are wearing. Make sure to move your curser over the entire crime scene area before you pick which pieces of evidence you want to submit.
Holy shit, getting the "Big Game Hunter" achievement was a pain in the ass. I was playing that level for a good two hours at least. Speaking of the snow level,
the bear chase sequence was awesome. I saw the shadow of the bear on the wall, and said out loud "You have got to be fucking kidding me." I thought I was going to have to fight the thing, so the "RUN FOR YOUR LIFE" popping up on screen took me by surprise, and by the time I figured out where I was supposed to run, I was dead :(
[quote name='Sofa King Kool']Holy shit, getting the "Big Game Hunter" achievement was a pain in the ass. I was playing that level for a good two hours at least. Speaking of the snow level,
the bear chase sequence was awesome. I saw the shadow of the bear on the wall, and said out loud "You have got to be fucking kidding me." I thought I was going to have to fight the thing, so the "RUN FOR YOUR LIFE" popping up on screen took me by surprise, and by the time I figured out where I was supposed to run, I was dead :(

I ended up getting the big game achievement in the Fight Club practice arena. Oh and yeah in the Black Lake Lodge level where
you first encountered the bear I didn't know what to do either. It had more to do with me just thinking oh shit! and then getting eaten.
Awesome. I finally got me some nice noise canceling headphones to play with. So far, it's way scarier.

[quote name='Razzuel']I ended up getting the big game achievement in the Fight Club practice arena.[/quote]

fuck! Are you serious?! If I had known I could do it there, I never would've spent so much time trying to get it at the lodge level! :bomb:
You can get a lot of the achievements (Big Game, Flambe, EPA, Pipe and Chain) in the fight club. Headshots with the assault rifle make filling the chain meter much easier.
Holy shit. I assumed that since I had reached the level featuring all guns, I was nearing the end of the game, and it would be mostly gun fights from there on out.

I was wrong. Playing in complete darkness, with headphones, and sitting very close the screen is intense.
I seriously thought I was going to have to stop playing once I got to SKX's torture chamber.
Love the fact that you need to rely more on the environment for your weapons as opposed to usual run and gun type shooters. I haven't played the first nor can I remember playing any fps games of this kind. I usually dislike darkly lit games but the gloomy environment fits in perfectly for a game like Bloodshot.

Just passed the Doll House level. Wearing the gas mask actually gave a feeling of being suffocated. Hopefully the rest of the levels are as good if not better.
[quote name='destinywaste']Just passed the Doll House level. Wearing the gas mask actually gave a feeling of being suffocated. Hopefully the rest of the levels are as good if not better.[/QUOTE]

I'm playing that level now and its freaky! Loving the game so far.
Doll House level is ridiculous, most of the levels are complicated as hell to figrue out where the fuck im going. Its super dark AND the buildings all look the same...Oh well, Ill play some more tomorow.
I like the game, but I liked the first better. The thing that is getting me mad is they F'ked with the Camera movement I don't remember getting motion sickness in the 1st one. Maybe it is the element of being a drunk though.
If it were not for the Warrior Within treatment, I'd like this so much better. A solid game overall, but the first game was a bit better. No apple orchard farmhouse quality level here, revamped fighting system is a bit too sloppy, and the weapons are kinda corny (sawblade lollipop?). The first game was better because it was unconventional, while the second game is formulaic (again...Warrior Within treatment to appeal to a larger, albeit less intelligent, audience).

But I still like the game.
I wish they would have left out the multiplayer (multiplayer never survives more than a couple weeks if at all with these types of games) and spent that time and money improving the single player.

New combat system is nice, but the story and fear factor were extremely lacking.
[quote name='crunchb3rry']If it were not for the Warrior Within treatment, I'd like this so much better. A solid game overall, but the first game was a bit better. No apple orchard farmhouse quality level here, revamped fighting system is a bit too sloppy, and the weapons are kinda corny (sawblade lollipop?). The first game was better because it was unconventional, while the second game is formulaic (again...Warrior Within treatment to appeal to a larger, albeit less intelligent, audience).

But I still like the game.[/QUOTE]

Yeah, I agree. The first one was more like the game was playing with you instead of vice-versa. And the Orchard level was just amazing. I still liked the different areas in 2, but it just doesn't feel as much as the psychological overload 1 was.
Whoever said the game gets to be an FPS in the later levels was dead on, but damn if I still didn't have a great time. Beat the game on Monday, loved every second of it. I'd trade it in, but I'm finally getting my HDTV in a few weeks, so it's going to be fun to play in HD with surround sound.

After you beat the game you unlock
FPS mode.. it starts you with a gun at each level, and you have infinite ammo. If you pick up another gun, you'll have infinite ammo with that one as well.
I beat this last night and was rather dissapointed. In most ways it was really a step back from its' predecessor. The first's game's story and script were nothing to write home about, but decent enough as it left a lot of the plot unexplained and mysterious. The story here gets really convoluted and turns into the worst kind of conspiracy theory sci-fi bullshit. And the voice-acting and characters are much stupider than they ever were before.

The game is also quite a bit less scary than the first and the later half of the game is a lot easier than the first half. Even the new elements don't work all that well. The combos give the combat extra depth, but that also means that there's more combat. This makes Condemned 2 a better action game than the first, but a worse horror game. Even the investigation elements a rather underwhelming as they generally fall into 2 camps: reitterating exactly what you're looking at, or making a random guess because the questions are too vague. There's little to no real puzzle solving here making you feel like they just as well could have not bothered.

The only thing that I liked better about Condemned 2 was the variety. The locales were a tad bit more varried than they were in the previous game, and even though the FPS stuff wasn't very scary, it did help the pacing a bit and thus it felt a little less monotonous than the first game. But that's about it. The first game wasn't great, but it felt like it was really onto something. This isn't it.
I beat it this weekend, I liked it and I never played the 1st Condemned either. Ill probably play it again to try to Gold the missions. The little stuff they threw in there made it that much more fun, I always hung around the walkie talkies listening to all the police/guard talk,
and on the museum level when the optional goal of taking pictures of the statues with the mouth pieces, I had no idea what that was for till the final mission

By playing the game only at night and the volume turned up a bit, I was totally immersed in the game.
Am I insane or is there only 5 lines leaving the explosive lock to van horn's library or whatever it is? Im supposed to find 6 and theres only 5, wheres the 6th?
[quote name='shnizzle66']
Am I insane or is there only 5 lines leaving the explosive lock to van horn's library or whatever it is? Im supposed to find 6 and theres only 5, wheres the 6th?

Use the UV light and go back to the door. The ones you've taken care of will be visible without the light. Turn on the light and follow the one that isn't visible without the light.
I think my game is defective. It freezes completely just before the very first fight of the game. I've reloaded several times and it freezes at the exact same moment. It's not even like a stutter where it grinds to a halt. It just stops cold.

Anyone else experienced this?
[quote name='shnizzle66']bingo, thanks.

Will hopefully finish it tomorow night. Im at the
magicman place

Yeah.. you're getting fairly close.

That level was disappointing.. it was short and easy..
[quote name='seanr1221']I like it so far, but I'm getting pretty sick from the motion.[/quote]Awesome I thought I was the only one with this issue. It seems they wanted the player to get the effect of being drunk.
[quote name='shnizzle66']bingo, thanks.

Will hopefully finish it tomorow night. Im at the
magicman place

Yeah.. you're getting fairly close.

That level was disappointing.. it was short and easy..
[quote name='seanr1221']I like it so far, but I'm getting pretty sick from the motion.[/quote]Awesome I thought I was the only one with this issue. It seems they wanted the player to get the effect of being drunk.
Got through this game a couple days ago. The game stales a bit in the last few missions. Wish Monolith realized that too dark isn't exactly scary or even eerie. There were numerous times when I was walking into walls...and the flashlight didn't help for sh!t. Overall, can't complain a great deal. The first half of the game was quite intense and loved every minute of it. Just wish it ended on a similar note. Will have to try out the first since a lot of posters have mentioned it being better in terms of the scare factor.
[quote name='Scorch']Yeah.. you're getting fairly close.

That level was disappointing.. it was short and easy..[/quote]

Yeah, I thought it was gonna be a cool level with that intro spinning fire thing when you step into the room, and was dissappointed over the whole level.

[quote name='destinywaste']Got through this game a couple days ago. The game stales a bit in the last few missions. ... Overall, can't complain a great deal. The first half of the game was quite intense and loved every minute of it.[/quote]

Your exactly right, especially the bosses too ?!? The 1st half bosses give me quite a thrill to play and beat
The buildup of the walking to the Lodge where you keep hearing the rabid bear in the background then escaping it and the Museum level when the Knight almost kills you and you have to figure out what to do with him!
compared to the latter half bosses were I was just like eh
MagicMan sucked, killing the junkyard things was something out of Half Life, and final boss was way too easy like Bioshock

Thinking about it, they really built up the tension with the first two bosses, making you fear them, whilst the last ones, there was really no buildup at all
[quote name='seanr1221']I like it so far, but I'm getting pretty sick from the motion.[/QUOTE]

I don't remember the motion being this bad in the first one, or maybe It's just me? I can play Vegas and Halo 3 for hours on end with no issues, but this game is making me stomach and head sick just like Oblivion did when I first got it. Game developers need to make it so you can take off "head bob" in options like some of the PC FPS's because I believe that's where my problems stems. Oh well, back to ginger root it seems.

I'm in the 5th chapter and I can say that this game is great but not quite up to the first games par, and that there are two things that are really bothering me right now

1) The voice acting. Why did they have to get all new voice actors? Emo Ethan is somewhat understandable but the first Ethan was so much better. Don't even get me started on Rosa who lost like 10 years on her life...

2) The Multiplayer is probably the worst I've seen in a FPS on the 360 so far, even more worst then Far Cry was with It's insane lag. Crime Scene seems ok, but this game needed another five months in development to make the multiplayer really work.

Still a really good game for $30, but It's heard to justify $60 on a single player FPS experience alone unless It's Half Life.

BTW Add me if you want to play some Multiplayer on Live and maybe you can change my opinion about my second pet peeve.
bread's done