Condemned 2


61 (100%)
Just saw at gamestop that Condemned 2: Bloodshot for the PS3 is only $20.00. Is this game worth the price tag? Someone help me out.
There is a demo for it on the PSN. Combat seemed a bit clunky but it didn't stop me from buying it a few days ago. I've only tried out the quick combat option of the game so far though. BUt from past experiences with PS3 games, if I can get it for 20 bucks I tend to forgive most problems in games with average ratings. And this one has an average of 81% on game rankings.
It's worth it for the single player alone, I'd say its about a 20 hr game. Multiplayer is okay as well as long as you can find games.
This game was morel like a 15 hour game. Not bad, but not great either. I'd say a solid 84%. The multiplayer is kind of worthless in this game though.
Just beat it earlier today. The combat can be annoying at times and I would run into situations where I would die super quick, reload and then manage to breeze through the area I just had my ass handed to me. The game was fun at times while at other times I had to force myself to play through a level. The game is also weird, and it tries to be a horror game, but it kind of loses all of that near the end.

I'm not sayng the game was bad, I had fun with it, but it would have been bad in my opinion at 60 dollars, but for 20 it's not a bad buy.
See if you can get it used, and if you have an Edge card, you can stack that + the 10% off used coupon to get it for even less then $20.
Yeah, used is like $17.99.

I was returning something that was 15 bucks, so I really only got it for $3! What a deal!

It was funny, though, because they had one copy on top of the rest that still had the $34.99 price tag. I told the guy to make sure, after he said it would be $35, but I was right. I should be running Gamestop! Don't these guys know what's going on in their own store?
bread's done