Contact DS

I wish you hadn't brought this up... I was planning on passing this one by, now I'm horribly interested.

But I wouldn't say that it mentions MGS 2... it was only doing so from the standpoint of it had a misleading publicity campaign.

Killer 7 + EarthBound FTW.
[quote name='botticus']But I wouldn't say that it mentions MGS 2... it was only doing so from the standpoint of it had a misleading publicity campaign.

Killer 7 + EarthBound FTW.[/QUOTE]

It's true, and I was well-aware of that...but sometimes it's fun to over-hype a game, hehe...

Although, to be fair, they DO mention that "4th wall" stuff MGS is known for, so in that regard, perhaps mentioning MGS2 is fitting.
Famitsu scores from a while ago:

DS Contact 9/7/8/9 (33)

I know some people dislike Famitsu reviews, but it's still good to know.
Hmm... first EB moved the date back to July, now it's back to September along with the million other games announced at E3. Anyone seen any official news of this?
Yeah it got delayed. In an interview N-philes (can be found on their front page) was conducting with Atlus, the guy mentions that they delayed the game.
damn...I think that was the only DS game I was going to buy this summer.
Why do they think its such a good thing to load up the beginning and end of the year with releases? Seems like summer is only good for catching up on things you couldn't afford/ didn't have time for in winter..
Yeah, I'm picking up Contact as well as Okami for this month.

Does anyone know if there is going to be a pre-order bonus for Contact?
The preview on IGN makes the game sound very intriguing. Hopefully the reviews are as good. This game definitely sounds like it has potential to be an excellent game.
[quote name='Strell']Only cuz I luv ya, you lazy mufucka.[/quote]


Contact looks amazing, I can't wait for September 19th to come!

Perhaps we should get started on a friends code thing? Since we don't actually have codes yet, we can at least compile and create a thread with usernames of people who are going to get the game on launch.
[quote name='yukine']Thanks.

Contact looks amazing, I can't wait for September 19th to come!

Perhaps we should get started on a friends code thing? Since we don't actually have codes yet, we can at least compile and create a thread with usernames of people who are going to get the game on launch.[/QUOTE]

Hey, maybe a good portion of the old Animal Crossing gang can jump into this one? I'll be getting it, but I will be out of town that week, so I might not be available until the weekend. Keep me in mind though.
I almost preordered today, as I actually found myself in a GS for the first time in months. But then my phone rang and I walked out. :lol:

I haven't preordered since Wind Waker. Which I never played more than an hour. I really should get back to that one ... :whistle2:k
Yeah, man! I've been excited about this game since I heard about it. The back cover looks awesome too!
"Psst. Buy the game- I need your help!"
[quote name='io']Hey, maybe a good portion of the old Animal Crossing gang can jump into this one? I'll be getting it, but I will be out of town that week, so I might not be available until the weekend. Keep me in mind though.[/quote]

Yeah, sounds good.
[quote name='io']Hey, maybe a good portion of the old Animal Crossing gang can jump into this one? I'll be getting it, but I will be out of town that week, so I might not be available until the weekend. Keep me in mind though.[/QUOTE]

I'm up for it. I keep forgeting to pre-order since i forget it's comming sateside, but yeah, I'll have it (mainly because of grasshopper).
[quote name='RelentlessRolento']I'm up for it. I keep forgeting to pre-order since i forget it's comming sateside, but yeah, I'll have it (mainly because of grasshopper).[/QUOTE]

I've got it preordered at 2 stores :lol: - GR since it was $5 cheaper there than EB, but at EB also because GR most likely won't get it (being an Atlus title and all).
[quote name='sblymnlcrymnl']I almost preordered today, as I actually found myself in a GS for the first time in months. But then my phone rang and I walked out. :lol:

I haven't preordered since Wind Waker. Which I never played more than an hour. I really should get back to that one ... :whistle2:k[/quote] what?! go play it, NOW!

oh yea and that back cover sold me
[quote name='io']I'll be getting it, but I will be out of town that week, so I might not be available until the weekend. Keep me in mind though.[/QUOTE]

You're in the same situation I'm in that week. I've already got a couple of GS/EBs scoped out to pick this one up!
I'm really excited abotu this one...wait, who started this thread? :p

*ahem* Anyway, yeah, looks sweet. Only a few weeks away, and the summer drought is finally over!

And I'm all about friend code exchanges. Go CAG.
I went ahead and made the friend code thread, I only added a few people that showed some interest in exchanging friend codes.

Perhaps we can use this thread as the, Contact: DS - Discussion Thread?
[quote name='io']I've got it preordered at 2 stores :lol: - GR since it was $5 cheaper there than EB, but at EB also because GR most likely won't get it (being an Atlus title and all).[/quote] Ditto... we shall see, but either way I'll have it in less than a month. After Starfox Command and Mario Hoops. And before a whole crapload of other DS games.

To be honest, I have yet to really get into Wi-Fi play with anything other than Mario Kart... just haven't had the time to put into online play in addition to the single player. Hopefully I'll get some new motivation with the slew of upcoming games.

But on the brighter side, I didn't know they had already confirmed work on Contact 2!! I guess 'cos I hadn't been following this game.

Here's the info though if anyone else hadn't heard.

"E3 2006: Suda 51 confirms Contact 2.
As well as an unspecified Wii title.

Gamasutra caught up with Killer 7 designer Suda 51 at E3 today and asked him a few questions regarding his future plans. Along with an unspecified Wii title, reportedly called Heroes, Suda 51 also confirmed that work has begun on Contact 2 but did not reveal which Nintendo console it will appear on.

Contact is currently being localized by Atlus USA and will debut on the Nintendo DS this Summer.

bread's done