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25 (100%)

The winner needs to follow the directions on the site WITHIN three (3) days or you will forfeit your prize.

Information regarding the contest is on the website. Make sure that you please post your answer on both the blog and on this thread, or you will not be eligible for the contest.

Also, while you are on the site, please take a few moments to take a look around at some of the other previews, reviews and gaming updates we have. Contest ends August 15th. Good Luck!:D

*Also, if you win and turn down Motorstorm, a substitute prize will be sent to you for either the PS3 or the 360.

**If this does well and gets us a good amount of traffic, you can expect more giveaways in the future.
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To be honest, my favorite game character have to be Nightmare from the Soul Calibur series. The reason for this is because I grew up playing Soul Calibur and all I did was play with Nightmare. I don't know why but I was just attracted to using him in battle. (That does sound kind of wierd but oh well.) It may sound like I have a fetish for him, but I really don't know, maybe I do. I memorized all his combos and moves, I memorized everything he said before and after a battle. It was like I became Nightmare. With me mastering Nightmare I claimed the Number 1 spot in Soul Calibur 1 & 2 in Rhode Island. There is my story, win or lose it was great letting everyone know my favorite character! Good Luck To Everyone Else!
Ken from Street Fighter.

Now before people begin to label me as blasphemous for choosing him over Ryu, let me explain. Ken's stylish, quick, and deadly, but still a goofball who knows how to have fun. He brings a balance to Ryu that everyone can appreciate. Whether it's a ridiculously chainable super from SF3 or a hurricane kick glitch a la MvC2, Ken always puts up a good fight and delivers with a smile. Being a champion while still having a family and a hot wife? That's the American dream.

Oh yeah, and his Shoryuken is on fire. That's just plain badass.
The mosquito from Mister Mosquito, cause despite how much I hate being bitten, biting other people and annoying them for a summer is great fun
Roger Wilco from Space Quest. I spent way too many hours of my youth playing that game and growing up with the impression that no matter how lowly my future career may be I too may one day end saving the universe inbetween floor waxings.
I like Viewtiful Joe.
Hes like a power ranger, but not.
Its kinda hard to describe, but hes the best in my eyes.
I guess I would have to say altair from assassins creed. He is a very morally straightforward person who is confused about his life and his perception of reality. For some reason I can relate to that. Also he is a badass assassin.
Character: Wario
Series: Wario Warez
Why? He love doing things that no other character would think of doing. And his catch-phase "It's meee Wariio!" is classic.
My favorite video game character is Mario. He is the father of video gaming and without him, video games
would not be what they are today. Without mario, platform games wouldn't have existed. Every time there
is a mario game, it changes the whole video game industry because they are so innovative.
Character: Mega Man!
Series: 8-bit Mega Man series
Why: Stoic, calm under pressure, can absorb abilities of others, and has a cannon for an arm, what more do you need?
Solid Snake from the MGS series. It was one of the best games ever I played on the PS back in the days. Psycho Mantis was the F**k up boss. I missed whatever clue that gave you the tactics to beat him. Great game.
My favorite video game character is Mario from the Super Mario series. He's not particularly deep, but his platforming games are among my favorite games of all time, which is all that really matters to me.
Link from the Legend of Zelda series. He's usually a great guy if you don't take attacking chickens into account. All his reincarnations are fated to save Zelda. Good man.

I wanted to say Mario but I don't think he's much of a "character".
Character: Luigi

Series: Super Mario Bros.

The reason I like Luigi is because I could identify with him. Everyone loved Mario but looked over Luigi, I never liked that. He has a nice underdog quality to him. That's why he's one of my favorite characters. Plus, I really like the color green.
My favorite game character would have to be Mr. 47 from the Hitman series. Throughout my years of playing this great series of games, I've performed hit after hit as 47, but to what end? His greed proves insatiable, but one can only wonder what, if anything, he spends that money on. He's attempted to quit his life of professional killing to join the church, but how could such an unholy man find himself suitable to serve God? It's this conflicted nature of 47's that makes me like him so much.
I'm going to go with Ryu from Ninja Gaiden. He's a badass ninja of mass destruction - though I think getting things like war hammers defeats the entire purpose of being a ninja, it's still violently awesome.
I guess my favorite character has to be Atlas from Bioshock. The way he was able to manipulate the player into aiding his cause and then turning on him revealing his true nature was done very well.

I loved the use of the phrase, "Would you kindly."

"Would you kindly pick up that shortwave radio?"

"Now, would you kindly find a crowbar or something?"

"Careful now...would you kindly lower that weapon for a moment?"

"Now would you kindly go to Ryan's office and kill the son of a bitch?"
My favorite character has to be Sho Minamoto from The World Ends With You (If you don't have it, you seriously have to get it!) He's my favorite character cause he reminds me of how I used to be(obsessed with math, I taught myself multiplication) He also has the best catchprase in any DS game (So Zetta Slow!)
I have a lot of favorite character but just to be different I will pick Tarma from the Metal Slug series. Just a overall cool character and I always seem to have better luck with him then with any other character.

Thanks OP
Great job so far guys. It isn't a requirement but I sure would appreciate it if you looked around the site, put us in your favorites or even homepage us. :) Also, do any of you have prize ideas you would like to see given away in the future?
favorite character:Ryu
series: street fighter 2 turbo
why: Got this game when I was little, had no idea how to play, never heard of a fighting game yet just platformers. The first time i boot it up I picked ryu and accidentally triggered a hadouken, a smile hit my face that still hasn't gone away. Thus was the start of my fighting game genre love, thanks Ryu!
Ness from EarthBound/Mother 2/Super Smash Bros.

I guess it's because I played EB for the first time when I was really young, but I think a child protagonist going on a huge epic journey is such an awesome foundation for a story. It's really interesting playing through the game (with all of its weird quirky humor) and thinking how events would be perceived through a child's eyes as opposed to an adult. I'll admit that I almost always play as Ness in Smash and rejoiced that he made the cut for Brawl.

He's just such an innocent-looking, pure character. He is all guts and good choices and honesty, and while that's a little cookie-cutter, it's fun having such a clean cut main character to look back on in a world when anti-heros are becoming ever more popular.
This is a tough one to field, but I'm going to go with the Marine from the Doom series. No backstory, no friends, not even any quirky Duke Nukem-esque quotes. The most you'll ever see of the guy is from your health bar in the HUD, and, later on, from cutscenes. But what this character lacks in charisma, he more than certainly makes up in historic bloodshed, marking his place as one of the most controversial and influential video game characters of all time.
Posted as adam on the OP's site.

Character: Ness
Series: EarthBound/Mother 2(JP)
Why: He stood against evil in a world full of corruption. Ness was just a seemingly normal boy with psychic powers until a bee from the future told him to save the world. And that he did. With a bat and a few friends, he saved the world. Quite the hero to me!
Rus said...
Character: Guybrush Threepwood

Game /Series: Monkey Island series from Lucasarts, in particular "Escape from Monkey Island"

Why? : Well first off cool name and C'mon pirates are cool.

JULY 31, 2008 9:38 PM
Although I could take the easy way out and say Solid Snake, I think I'm going to think outside the box and say Psycho Mantis from Metal Gear Solid on the PS1. He has to be one of the most memorable bosses I've come across. His ability to read your memory card and tell you what your favorite games are made his persona that much more convincing.
My favorite character would have to be Drake from Uncharted. He may as well be a world champion jump from ledge to ledger in addition to being proficient with every concievable firearm including world war 2 era guns. Lastly he is quick witted and gets the girl. What's not to like.
Favorite Character: Guy
Series: Tales of the Abyss [PS2]
Why: Okay, if you have never played the game then play it! Anyways Guy is by far one of the most memorable characters from that game. He is loyal to his friends, pretty nice, and has one of the most funniest girl phobias ever ha.
[quote name='Bioshocked360']Just a quick question, what are the alternate games if we already have Motorstorm?[/quote]

If you win, you may contact me about your other options. :lol:
I'd have to go with Ken from Street Fighter; mainly because SF2 was the first game I played and held my own with Ken even though it took me 2 months before I learned how to pull off his Dragon Punch.
I have to go with Link. He does not speak, yet is charming; he is always named after me, and he always gets the princess. Incidentally, I am quite sure Nintendo are returning to the toon style Link and will be announcing a sequel to Windwaker.
Character: Max Payne
Game: Max Payne
Why: I felt the voice acting of Max created a gritty mood to the game that I will always remember. Something that happens rarely in my opinion.
Rather than giving away a game, maybe $ should be better used for a real domain or at least forwarding from a .com to your blogspot?
I'm not going to lie. My favorite character is Ness from Earthbound. I mean, he's just some unassuming kid who happens to be gifted with enough psychic powers to annihilate a planet. All he wants to do is play baseball. God I love that game.
bread's done