CONTEST: frank21_1981 wins Gears of War (Xbox 360)!

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I only make about 20 bux a week. i have to buy things for the girlfriend (shoes, flowers, clothes, etc) *guys u will undeerstand* I dont even have enough left to buy lunch for my own skinny ass!!:cry:
i deserve gears of war because i just purchased an xbox 360. Gears of war is supposedly one of the best if not the best game out there right now for the 360. Everytime i go over my friends, he has it and we play it and i want it to rub it in his face and beat him in it. I also deserve this game because i dont have the money for it but would do anything for it :bomb:
I'm simply too cheap thanks to having my XBox 360, computer system, and HDTV LCD Panel TV stolen from me a few months back. Fighting my way back into the perfect gaming living room with my roommate in a new apartment.

*crossing fingers*
I'm too cheap to buy this game because I was not cheap enough to refuse to buy Final Fantasy V & III, Elite Beat Agents, and Yoshi's Island DS, not to mention FFXII and Guitar Hero II.
OK, so I work at a college. It's actually a community college, but a pretty good one. There's a guy I see when I'm shopping in Wal-Mart who I have talked to a bit because he goes to my school. He's been scrimping and saving to get a 360 and his crappy employer will only give him 10% off any item regularly, but at Christmas he'll be getting a 20% off coupon so he can maybe afford a 360. So if you give me GoW, I'll just give it to him. I really admire the guy for saving his pennies. He's a cool guy, & is putting himself through school.
I'm too cheap because getting this game would also require me to get Live so I can play online with my sister, and because I also have a wife and 3 kids and I heard this game is the B-O-M-B and I have no money because the government doesn't pay me enough.
Cuz I have a friend thats too broke to get his own copy and if I get an extra, I call sell it to of course!
We NEED to play COOP on xbl
I already have a copy, but I'd like to get one for my buddy for xmas.

So if I win, the winnage will be maximized times 2--my buddy gets a free game, and I can finally play him on XBL.
Because this is the first Microsoft published 360 game to hit the $60 mark ($70 for the collector's edition)!
I'm too cheap to buy GoW because I don't yet have a 360 and all of my cash is going to BF and Christmas presents. Although this would certainly make me reconsider not having a 360 (or selling it for some cash!)
I haven't bought Gears of War because I don't have an XBOX 360 yet. I actually won an XBOX 360 last year with Kameo and PGR3 from Comedy Centrals contest. One of my friends was down on his luck though, so I had the prize package delivered to him instead. He loves it. I'm hoping this Christmas I'll get a 360 and as soon as I do, I'll definitely get my hands on a copy of Gears of War. :)
too cheap to buy this. besides supporting my cheap ass by using my money to buy food and other stuff for school, i also paintball. and i'm currently looking for a sponsor and paying a bunch of money for paintballs. so i'm playing some random games that i had for ages, i need to try something new for a change.
I'm too cheap to buy Gears of War because spending more than 30 dollars for a game makes me break into a cold sweat.
I convinced my roommate to buy it because im too poor to chip in any money, so looking for my own copy to keep him from playing and taking the TV ;_;
I haven't gotten this game yet because I bought it, it overdrew my account and I was forced to return it so I can get my money back. I felt SO upset.
I'm cheap because I refused to pay an extra 10 dollars for the Limted Edition, which was the only version my EB Games was selling.
:D Well, the reason I'm to cheap to buy this game is because Christmas is just around the corner, and I'm still saving $$ just to even get an x360 itself, let alone a $50 game. But it would definitely be a great game to win/play, and a great experience as my 1st game.;) Thanks for the chance to win, and congrats to the winner, have fun.:bouncy:
I can't afford the game because I have two kids(one adopted) and one due in FEB. And I have use most of my money to get ready for the holidays,and the baby.
Like in the Kameo thread, I'm waiting on the new batch of 360s.

Although I was walking around the mall today and listening to the latest CAGcast praising the game. I watched the 1up special on Gears as well. I walked into Target since they were offering a $50GC with 360 purchase this week and I was so close to buying one. Too much draw from the reviews. In the end, I was too much of a cheap ass to pay for tax.
Please let me get the game...I'm poor...I am saving up for a xbox 360, PSP, and the PS3...:(...I would like a free xbox 360 game.

P.S. I don't even have a job anymore, because the store I worked in closed down...:(....Please Cheapy.
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