CONTEST: frank21_1981 wins Gears of War (Xbox 360)!

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Wii is coming out. DS releases are smushing me. School is too much time/money. I need to pay for Live. My 360 is too dusty.

I want it, but SIXTY DOLLARS? Games are supposed to be fifty dollars. Not sixty dollars.

I'm waiting for a price drop. Or winning it.
Full price for a video game? PFFT!

Add in the fact that I'm still 360less(free game for when I get one is nice), and I really need to get my credit card paid off and I need a laptop for when I move.

So limited monies for the gaming right now.
Im been always too cheap, cheap shoes, cheap shirts and i always wait at least two years or more to buy games or consoles so they become cheap too.
I dont even have a 360 yet, but i will be in front eat to get it for $100 in amazon.

So yeah, im soo cheap that i im even taking classes to become jew (for real, and they are free too, logically :lol:)

Also apologise my english, i learn it from playing burned videogames :roll: too cheap to pay for lesons.
I am too cheap to buy this game because i don't have enough money for an HDTV. I can't unlock the potential of Gears of War.

How cheap am I? I don't even have an Xbox 360. I am too cheap to buy it for $100 off at microcenter. I am waiting and hoping I will be one of the 1000 who get to buy one on on 11/23.

I am so cheap, that I am making my friends and family go on their comptuers and try to get one on amazon for $100 so i can get it from them.

so please complete my package. thank you.
I spent all of my money on Wii game/accessory preorders. My poor 360 will have to wait a while for some Gears action (mm, Marcus).
My cheapness comes from my desire to be able to afford to move sooner rather than later. Oh, and I still don't have a 360, but hopefully will by year's end.
Contests rock, and I'm always down for free stuff.

I wanted to pick this up, but all my cash is sunk into getting my little brother a PS3. He's a cool little squirt, and goes out of his way to help others, so I'm hooking him up this year. :)

I'm an XBOX guy, so something new for me to play would kick ass.
I am too cheap to buy it because I am taking care of a few people who have the flu, applying to graduate school, going to my internship that does not pay, and when I have time finally to sit down for a few minutes I'd like to have some serious fun.

Please helllp

I'm too cheap to buy this game simply due to the fact that I want a keyboard to play my FPS with. If I win, I can adapt though.
I am too cheap to buy this game because, I can't read or write.. I had to pay $2.00 to a homeless guy (who was waiting in the PS3 line) to type this up for me.. j/k...

I am too cheap because I have been spoiled by all the great deals I've gotten because of CAG. CAG rox!!!!!

Good Luck Everyone!
I am too cheap to buy this game because I rented the game for free and haven't returned it yet (it was due back last friday lol).
Im to ocheap to buy this game because im a broke college student who must pay a rather large ticket fine of $125 yikes!!!!
I am too cheap to buy the game because the unseasonable warm weather has wiped out this year's gummy worm harvest. Did I mention I'm a gummy worm farmer? Yup, I'm out there from dawn til dusk, with my hands in the dirt, digging up gummy worms, so you fat cats can enjoy your damn candy treats. Meanwhile, I can't even afford underwear for my kids, so they have to wear tighty whiteys made from discarded gummy segments.
I bought a Gamestop Wii bundle... I have no money to buy any Xbox 360 games, the last one I bought was Tony Hawk's American Wasteland at launch. Help a CAG out!
i'm too cheap to even buy a 360 at 100$ on amazon so am i qualify for the FREE Gears of War?... plz...:)
I'm too cheap because I am a broke college student trying to get gifts for everyone with the little money i have.
[quote name='Longshot099']I blew all my money buying a xbox360!

Gears of War free please![/quote]

Nice nick you got there. :applause:
Because I don't own a 360, but I'm going to be buying the system soon and it would be a nice start for games.
reason why Im too cheap to get this game , cause im saving every last penny I can for my trip to japan in a couple of months.
I didn't buy GoW because as I grabbed the almighty one, my body was thrown to the ground by the force of its sheer awesomeness. I tried several times to pick it up, but to no avail. Only in a package sent by the great CAG can I contain GoW and finally pop it into my X360.
Well this copy won't be for me but it I am going to ship it to my long lost friend who moved to texas a year ago. He just got a 360 but doesn't have any more money and has been only playing demos lol.
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