Contest is over...congrats to depascal22!

Castle Crashers.... the game evokes such nostalgia for classic beat-em-ups, while at the same time having such a personality of its own, such polish... the other night my friends and I must have logged a good 5 hours on the game, and were it not for other engagements we probably would have logged a few more after that. Can't say that about any other game at the moment, or in recent memory.
I'm going to have to go with Root Beer Tapper....loved it as a kid and still love it as an adult...and consequently Im not much better at it...hahahah
Puzzle Quest - hours of enjoyment, plus many different classes to choose from when you begin your adventure. Tons of great spells, weapons and accessories to choose from!
Geometry Wars 2

I never really liked Geometry Wars 1 but after trying the demo for GW 2 and all the hype I decided to check it out. It is so much better than GW 1. Gotta love pacifism mode.
Honestly out of all my XBLA downloads, Castle Crashers is my favorite. Its premise is so simple, but it gives me nostalgic feelings of happiness. I can play it for hours leveling my characters, collecting weapons and have tons of fun with friends online or locally.
Geometry Wars 2. I don't think anything else could be as addicting as that game. I loved the original, but the new modes are just incredibly well thought out and the game is a blast.
I think my favorite XBLA title would have to be Geometry Wars 2.

The first one really got me hooked. I played till my eyeballs were dry. Then the second one came out and bought that right away. LOVED IT. The second GW was fantastic with all the different game modes, and the achievements were more attainable. Definitely challenging. I still play it even after getting all the achievements.
Caracasonne is my favorite right now. Its a great game for relaxing after a long work day and its pretty addictive.
I have to go with Geometry Wars. I tried the demo shortly after getting my Xbox, and was hooked. Played it for hours at a time, or when I needed to kill ten minutes. Just too much fun.
My fave is Tetris Splash. Ive been playing tetris since i was a kid and i am going to be playing for a long while. Its so simple yet addicting.
I keep going back to Pac Man CE... it's great because it really blends the classic feel of the game while still feeling like something new/different.. I find myself firing it up fairly often, even if I don't necessarily sit down to play it, and being sucked in for a good 30-45 minute play time.

Been a good value to buy, overall. :)
My fave hmm I would say Castlevania SOTN. I always loved the game on PSX but only rented it back then and never could find a copy for myself. Now I finally get to play it fully and its awesome.
Geometry Wars 2, simply because your friend list highscores are sitting there mocking you every time you load it up. GW2 really embraces what the "Arcade" aspect of the arcade is all about, bragging rights!
Pac-Man Championship Edition - the 5 minute mode has been my favorite warm up/cool down routine for over a year. i will usually play a round, then play a more substantial disc-based game for hours, and then maybe play one more round of Pac-Man CE afterwards.
Out of the 40 XBLA games I have Heavy Weapon is the best. Its like a side scrolling vertical shooter and there is so much stuff going on in a single screen.
Bomberman Live! I've been playing bomberman since the genesis days and this game is everything it should be, nothing too fancy and innovative that ruins game play. Its just fun traditional bomberman! Best xbla game ever.
Ticket to Ride - because it fills my board game jones as all my tabletop playing friends live far away.
Geometry Wars was my favorite until Geometry Wars 2 came out. Why? Because it's fun and fast. You can get a game going within one minute of turning on the console. It's very addicting, I keep telling myself, just one more and before I know it, several hours have passed by! I love trying to beat my friend's scores, don't think I ever will, though. And, when I have a friend over, we can play together!
It really is a tough choice, between castle crashers, and geometry wars two.

I would say castle crashers, because of the incredibly fun gameplay; The sarcasm and humor that reside within the battles, the music is VERY catchy, it's allows more than one player, very well suited for up to three friends. The levels are also very creative, (immature at some points, but nonetheless creative).

Geometry wars two was also a tied up favorite, because of it's VERY catchy music. I'm a big fan of electronica, so the new theme was right up my ally. Not only this, but the requirement to play on to get to the next mode inspired me to play the whole game through, missing only two achievements. The karate kid achievement reference is unique, as well. The gameplay is fast, and packed, and can be loaded within a minute and a half of turning on the console.

I completely loved Braid - the wonderful art style and simple gameplay mechanic that continues to challenge me makes this title my favorite XBLA title.
I actually think my favorite live arcade game is Small Arms...because its fun and involves animals with names like Pector el Polo- a chicken with a flamethrower and molotovs and Mr.Truffles- a sniper yakuza pig basically attacking eachother, and i mean that in a good way, not something the ASPCA should be notified about.
My favorite arcade game has to be TMNT 1989 arcade, as a kid I grew up playing the NES port of the game and when I got this I knew it wasn't gonna be quite exactly the same game but a lot of the bosses and levels gave me a lot of nostalgic moments and it was a blast just going around and beating up everything you saw and being able to do it with up to 3 more friends made the experience that much more enjoyable
It's hard to choose, but for some reason, I always go back to Ultimate MK 3. I've played it soooooo much when I first got my 360, and I still go back to it several times a week. When you get good at something, you're compelled to play it, and I guess that's why it's my favorite.
Ultimate Mortal Kombat 3 because it brings back so many memories; but this time I can destroy people online.
well im sure everyone is picking castle crashers. the reason i like this game is ever since all my friends have graduated and have gone our seperate ways (different college) the thing really binding us together is video games. castle crashers is one of them we always call each other up and play and really its helping us keep in touch.
My favorite XBLA title? Castle Crashers. I know this seems like a corny answer but it's true.

When I was kid, I used to play to play all the old school 2D beat-em-ups. If it was out in America, I probably owned it and might of even had multiple copies of it. Especially if it was a game like Final Fight, I must of had at least 4 copies of it because I played them to death.

Now that I have a younger brother, I wanted to pass on my love for these types of games. Unfortunately my brother was too keen on playing the older games(because this was old). I wasn't very successful searching for the beat 'em up that would finally grab him and help him understand my love for the genre, so I gave up.

Then when castle crashers came out I decided to give it one more try. I figured that maybe the games humor would appeal to him more, and it did.

He instantly fell in love with the games art style and humor, though I'd like to meet the child that can resist the call of pooping owls and dears that shoot across the screen. We haven't played much since it came out because of school and he's moved onto trying other classic beat 'em ups (and new ones he kinds on the computer).

If I won the contest, I'd give him the Castle Crashers Knight since he's proven that he's superior to me at the game and I'd probably spend the points on alot of the older games. I'd love to get him hooked on games like Metal Slug and Golden Axe.
Hands down... Mega Man 9. I loved the first 6 and when 7 and 8 came out I missed that 8 bit side-scrolling style. Mega Man 9 revives that style and still maintains the difficulty found in the original Mega Man games.
duke nukem 3d is my favorite. you use a varied array of weapons that lets you smack down, and shrink down, your enemies. also, duke's remarks give it a funny twist. if i win this contest, like Duke i'll say..."Holy Shit" :bouncy:
My favorite XBLA game is Castlevania SOTN..This is by far the deepest aracde game available on the marketplace..despite how old the game is, its looks just as good as any recent game and is 3 times longer then any game.
My favorite would have to be Bomberman. I loved playing it on Super Nintendo. Playing it brings back some good memories and it is alot of fun online with some friends.
Castle Crashers - The first arcade game my wife, son and I want and can all actually play together.

BTW - The drawing is on my bday so I have to win :D
bread's done