Contest Over - Win one of 4 copies of Contra 4 (DS)!

Do you want to be longer and harder?

Good play on words and agree 100% with emphasis on easy but fun vs. so hard it makes you not want to play.
The assassins creed post - It shows how much money can do, its outrageous that stuff like that is edited away.
"The Internet - Doing your Parent's job since 1995" is my current favorite!

I liked this post because it is so true. I think that too often the entire video game system takes the place of parenting. People plop their kids in front of the xbox and let them play whatever, whenever with whoever. No wonder every Halo 3 game on XBL has a bunch of potty-mouthed 10 year olds talking about each others moms...

Also I liked the video of the kid getting the Halo 360 for his birthday. I know it wasn't a wombat post but it was funny. The best might have been if they had video of them setting up the system and a subsequent RRoD right after startup. That would have been classic!
The best had to have been the article about the internet doing your parenting. As a parent and a gamer I am always left in shock about just how ignorant parents are willing to be about the games their kids are playing.
"Mario Galaxy Launch Party"

The article had a lot of good, original content and presented a rather creepy Mario costume (it's the eyes).
My favorite post was the very halo birthday one. It shows how some kids are still grateful when they get things they want even though its hard for your parents to afford it like I was and still am today
I liked "Assassin's Cred" the best. A good scoop on exposing how game reviews are not immune to outside pressure from publishers (not that it is a surprise).
Wombat's best post is from 11/7/07 "Foreplay Forever" because he gets a good burn in on Shipwreck. Why is he called Shipwreck anyway?
Definitely the Super Mario Galaxy Launch Party entry. Real pro stuff. I probably don't work as hard as you do and still didn't go. The fact you showed up shows us your dedication to your profession.
Portal Insanity is my favorite post, because more people should have the ending song burned into their minds.

"I'm making a note here, huge success." Nice job on the blog Wombat.

BTW, the cake isn't a lie!
"Win one of 4 copies of Contra 4 (DS)"

Sorry, just being honest, I never looked at the blog before this.
What about the Children? Because the video is just that good. Trixie plays it cool and somehow manages not to laugh at the loaded "I'm just here for the children" line.
Known Issues Ruin XBox Live Old Originals.

Seriously, why pay $15 (1200 MS Points) for a digital download that you do not physically own, when you can get most of the games used for 5 bucks (or brand new for 10 bucks like Fusion Frenzy and Fables at Circuit City). Not to mention with the actual disc, you can play it on both your 360 or glitch free (gasp!) on your original Xbox, as well as take the game to your friend's house and play it over there.
My favorite post on Wombat's blog is definitely "What About The Children?" because of that classic "I'm just here for the children" line! Also was cool to find it for download on the Xbox 360 marketplace.
"Playing Portal, For Real"

- because that was just awesome, lol. i can just picture a bunch of japanese men running through numerous portals flying light speed.

Having my cake

Cause I'll admit that avoiding spoilers is RIDICULOUSLY hard now a days.... and returning to finish a game that you were near done with is hard, with so many good games out now. bravo wombat, bravo.
I'm actually really excited to hear/watch the commentary from Wombat and Cheapy about Mass Effect, I'm not sure if that will be on the blog or on itself, but the pictures have me anticipated. :D
My favorite is easily "Assasin's Cred," not only because it's a very clever pun, but also because of the hilarious picture.
Favorite post is "Assassin's Cred". The article was interesting enough (boo IGN!), but the Bunnies' Creed picture above made me grin the whole time I was reading it.
As others have said, Win Contra 4 has to be my favorite blog post, although any of the posts with pictures of IRL Wombat have caught my attention. Mainly so that if I see him on a train in NYC, I can approach him and say "Hey, aren't you Wombat?"

I just think it's weird that I am older (not by much, though) than he is.

Here's the link to win contra 4:
"Wombat and Cheapy Playing Mass Effect Right Now!"

I like the pics and now if I know if you don't like it, it will because of that tiny ass screen they made Wombat play on.
bread's done