CONTEST: rscaramelo wins Kameo for the Xbox 360

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I haven't bought it because I got hooked on Oblivion right after I got my 360 and haven't had a prolonged slow down of good games coming out for me to play one of the launch titles.
This game is a waste of time a a huge dissapoitment. It was to be great and in fact on the GCN. I mean yes it looks great and all but they messed with the original concept and gave her that manly british voice.

I mean come on do you even go back or think of Cameo like Conkers Bad Furday, Beyond Good And Evil, Glass Soldier, or even Bomerman N64. No we don't.

Cameo is like Vexx but playable seeing how she is a female and all. she still sucks but hey I would prefer watching a women girl figure run up and down then a midget with huge hands.
With the reviews, I've been waiting for a sub $20 deal. Hasn't came around yet that I could take advantage of, but I'm still interested in the game.
I'd love a copy. I don't have it yet because most of my spending money from the last 2 months has been applied towards my pathetically small Wii budget.

Having Kids = Broke Dad :)

Because I picked up my 360 in the Fall of 2006, and there have been way too many other more desirable titles I need to play and finish before I'll go back and pick up more mediocre stuff like Kameo.
I Haven't bought Kameo yet because to me it seems like a childish kids game. I mean your a fairy who flys around and does werid shit. So send this game my way so you can prove me wrong ;)

PS I have played the game already via rental but t would be nice to own my own copy -or- it would be nice to win something from the D himself.
I tried getting Kameo free with my x360 purchase at Best Buy but the sales rep couldn't find a copy even though it showed as in stock. So I ended up having to buy Lego Starwars II.

I wanted Kameo to be the first game I played because it really appears to be my kind of game. I prefer Zelda-like rpgs. Unfortunately my gamefly queue is packed with new x360 games and Wii games, I don't think I'll be getting it for quiet some time.
I've wanted it for a while, but never wanted to get it at full price; mainly because of mixed reviews and Rare's less than stellar record since they were bought by Microsoft. It would be very nice to get the game for free, thanks Cheapy!
[quote name='CheapyD']Cheap Ass Gamer is giving a way a free copy of Kameo for the Xbox 360!

Simply post in this thread and tell us why you haven't bought Kameo yet.

Winner will be drawn at random.

Contest ends on 11/21. Winner must live in the USA.[/QUOTE]

I always thought my wife would end up picking it up, since it looks like the kind of game she likes.

She's been obsessed with the DS unfortunately.
I haven't bought Kameo because I got my 360 in September for my birthday. I played Oblivion for about 140 hours in October, which is why I haven't played much else. Also, I almost bought Kameo last month in the TRU buy 2 get 1, but I opted for Lego Star Wars II instead.
I guess I'll be honest. I really wanted to buy Kameo, but I have a fairy fetish. I know if I had purchased it then I'd have holed myself up in my basement just staring at Kameo fluttering around. I'm embarassed about it, but I have made progress and now I have my disease under control.

Now that I'm cured, I'd like to play the game!
iI was waiting to find out how I can get a copy the game for free. If I win this contest, I will hold a similar (yet different) contest for winning a xbox 360 game called Kameo. It will require people to post a message in a forum and give me a similar (yet different) reason why they haven't purchased this Kameo game.

But this is all predicated on the fact that I win this contest. Finger's crossed! SHI-SHI-SHAAA!
i heard it i was waiting for this type of thread to give it to me for free...if it does suck...i'll give it away in a different contest...
I haven't picked it up because there are so many games coming out recently and I'm not exactly sure how this game will pan out, but it does remind me of the great platformers from the N64 era.

I haven't gotten it yet because i havent yet gotten the chance to get a 360 yet. i want one so bad though! beggers can't be choosers though...
I don't have it yet because there's been other games that have been holding my attention. As soon as I finish one of them, another great one comes out. It's an endless cycle.
I also just bought my xbox360 and while I still have my xbox I had over 40 games and still have 12 left. I have Gears of War and plan to beat it before buiying anything else.
I really had no interest in playing kameo because it looked pretty crappy. But I would play kameo if I got it for free.
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