CONTEST: Win an Ikaruga prize pack from [Winners announced]


Head Cheap Ass
Staff member
14 (100%)
Winners announced here

This is for all you hardcore Ikaruga fans out there.
First prize is an Ikaruga prize pack which includes:
  • New Ikaruga game
    Ikaruga sake set
    Ikaruga poster
    Large Ikaruga promotional box
Second prize is a new Ikaruga game

To enter, post your entry here (pictures are encouraged) and tell us why you are the biggest Ikaruga fan or most deserving of this prize package.
The most deserving/entertaining entry (as judged by CheapyD) will win.

One entry per person. Rules subject to change.
Contest ends Wednesday, April 7th at 11:59PM.


Picture from
Well I can get through all of Ikaruga without losing *ONE* life. Not only that but i once spent 24 hrs straight on it (well okay, it was 18hrs and I took a luinch and dinner brake somewhere inbetween). Not only that, but I'm an alchoholic, and a sake set is just what I need.
I'm so hardcore that I drink sake while playing Ikaruga. Even though I can't beat the game while drunk I feel a lot better losing when drunk than being sober.
I really, really deserve this game. Here's my story of woe. So I had saved up my lunch money for a little over 7 months just to buy what I knew would be the ultimate gaming experience. Since I didn't want to disturb my poor mother, I decided to walk the 27 miles to the game store with my 53$ in my hand. Well when I was 3 blocks from the store I smelled fire. Checking to see what the disturbance was, I discovered that the local orphanage was on fire! Well I knew what I had to do! Wrapping a wet towel around my face, I ran into the burning building. The children were all running around screaming and I scooped up 4 at a time carrying them out of the building. One particular child, Guadaloupe, had excessive smoke inhalation. Well I knew that I had to save this poor kid, so I ran the 1.3 miles to the nearest hospital clutching him close. Exhausted, I arrived at the hospital and insisted that Guadaloupe be taken to the emergency room. Well because Guadaloupe did not have his insurace card on him I was forced to use my 53$ to grease the palm of an orderly. Needless to say, I was able to save Guadaloupe's life, but unable to purchase Ikaruga. To this day I have not been able to save up enough money for the game, but this is the perfect opportunity to finally be the happiest boy in the world. So don't just give me the game because of this sad story, do it for Guadaloupe!

I am a hardcore of the series and own every single one of them out there. Nope, I dont sell them for profit like others, I own them cause I want them!!! As a hardcore fan, Ikaruga is already in my collection and played to death. 2 reason I want to win:

1. I'm afraid by playing too much of my copy, my GC and my game might break down. I will be nice to have a 2nd copy, though I dont mind buying again.

2. I want the teaset!!!

so, these is why I deserve to be the winner.
thanks for reading
As part of a court order, I am forbidden to have any alcohol. I can't even find a store that will sell it to me.

So pathetically, I have to rely on contests to win my precious nectar.

I'd even take someone soaking an envelope in the sake, cutting it into small confetti, and allowing them to take pictures while I snort the alcohol pieces.
I need the box, the sake set, and the poster tube to catch all the froth from my mouth as I demand it. And the game would be nice too.
What old school gamer could not love the idea of a Atari/Treasure game running on a Nintendo system? Anyone with a true sense of good taste would be thrilled to own a copy. I would have a copy right now but I've searched high and low for Ikaruga to no avail. I NEED Ikaruga. Kneecaps beware!

Check out this rare Ikaruga model:

I believe that I am most deserving of this because I love the game, but I just don't have enough cash to pay full price for it. I've once went on a three hour marathon (my longest gaming marathon ever) at my cousin's house with this game.

I've also missed out on all sales of this title, so the only option has been full price, and even once I came up with the cash, all stores in my area were sold out.

This set would definately be the ultimate Ikaruga package for someone such as myself.
So I've got to tell you why me, Joshua Clarke, is most deserving? Well, it's me, Joshua! That's all you need to know...

Need more eh? Ok, well I've been a gamer since I was 5 years old. Now, I'm 21, so 16 plus years of experience. I'm as old-school as they come, and I've never had the opportunity to play the old-school shooting goodness that is Ikaruga. Plus, I really like Sake. So, taking shots of Sake while I die over and over at Ikaruga sounds like a way to make my day. Don't you agree?
blackinches deserves this because, blackinches was playing this awesome hard ass game by importing it for dreamcast. and would love nothing more than being able to play it on blackinches' gamecube. blackinches has been a big fan of treasure ever since radiant silvergun, and wishes there were more old school shooters.
I'm most deserving because I havn't played ikuragua yet, and I really do like sake and i mean really, because it's the only alcoholic beverage that I consume on a weekly basis, also like to eat sushi with sake. If i had the sake set i could consume my sake in a stylish fassion and play ikuragua, i might iven like it because i just like japanese stuff, but even more if had quite a bit of sake. in the end i would really like the sake set, even more than other stuff, but i'm to cheapass to buy it myself, so just let me have the sake set and let me enjoy my sake even more. Maybe i'll be drinking more often with that. I JUST LOVE SAKE
I need this prized set to complete my soul.

You see, there is a vacant spot on my quaint mantle at home. To the left sits proudly my Billy Idol memorabilia, to the right, every single piece of merchandise I could scrape together to form my tribute to the long-cancelled 80s show, "Small Wonder "(the one with the girl robot).

Laugh or giggle or smirk as you may, but the middle spot has been waiting, waiting and hungry for that perfect set to fill that empty spot, and I feel that Ikaruga is IT. I have never had as assuring feeling as I do now. As sure as Barry Bonds is that he has another HOME RUN the moment the ball cracks off the bat, I am sure that this Ikaruga set and my "mantle of love" were meant to be together. Won't you complete my trio of tributes? Won't you grant a man his dream? Won't you realize that "Small Wonder" never got the airtime it deserved?


You won't find a better home for that illustrious set than mine, I can assure you that. I will gaze upon it and sing its riches daily to my friends and family and other passer-bys. You have a rare chance to give that Ikaruga set the honor that it truly deserves. The crowning choice is in your hands. I just hope I appealed to your hearts.

I would like to thank the judges for their ears. I thank the makers of Ikaruga for such a terrific game and generous prize package. I thank Billy Idol for the solid, if slightly inebriated, years of entertainment. But above all, I thank the people who brought "Small Wonder" into my life. Those short but tender years in the late 80s...hopefully I can recapture that taste of glory with the Ikagura set. Thank you all.
i already have the game on both the dc and the gc. i will pass this copy off to my 11 year old nephew who is learning that there is gaming life beyond the "big" titles. his love of shikigami no shiro surpasses that of the average american 11 year old's.

as for me. well, hell i may be the only person who both thoroughly deserves and will make great use of the sake set. i have provided photographic evidence in support of this claim.

so where's my motha grabbin prize yo?!

[edit] okay so the photos didnt work. ill trya again later. maybe ill make one of them my avatar.

[edit] you can see my photographic evidence in the show yourself gallery. i've got a $20 dollar haircut. it's really an 8 dollar with a 12 dollar tip. i try to spread the extra cash around. don't want the gubment gettin it. my barber thanks you CAG!
I feel I need this because I am a crazy fan for games with a challenge. My gamecube sure hasn't been touched in awhile, my wall lacks a poster, and I sure could use a sake set :).
Holy jumping @!#% (as George Carlin would say) I hope you're joking, Requiem. You just gave me the willies, dude. My skin crept so much it shinnied right off my arm and down a storm pipe into the comforting darkness of the sewers.
I started playing Ikaruga with the dreamcast import. Then it came out on gamecube. I tried to preach to my buddy Swanson how awesome Ikaruga is. I tried to show him how to get it cheap. He laughed and gave one of those no commitment answers, like "when I get to it," or "I might be there." I still kept pushing, I wanted someone to get decent to play through the game with me. I invited him over to play, he started to get into it, until he realized you could bump each other. After that he would only play to try to bump me into the wrong color bullet. This of course was annoying, but at least he was playing Ikaruga. I still don't have someone to play it through with me. But if I win this I am giving the copy to Swanson. Maybe, just maybe he will play through it and actually learn to appreciate this awesome shmup and want to give it a true try. But probably he will just lure people into playing so he can bump their ships. At least more people will be playing Ikaruga.
I must admit that I may not be the most deserving person for this game, for that title is reserved for Mr. Michael Jackson himself. "Hey, I'm black! But what's this!? Now I'm white!" This being said, I think that I'm definately the SECOND most deserving person to win this contest. Why you ask?

Because just like my idol Machoman Randy Savage, I am full of beef and spice. When the madness is just too much for me to handle, I must drop the elbow on evil flying robots. This is where Ikaruga comes in. Not only do I have the determination to actually see this game through until the end, I also have the fortitude and admiration to proudly display the other pieces of the grand prize. The poster, how it will look glamorous adorning my wall. The sake set? Proudly displayed on top of my television. While sailing through the skies, changing colors to manhandle my enemies, i will display my gratitude by yelling one thing. OH YEAH!
You should pick me, because I just got an Xbox. What does that have anything to do with a gamecube game? It has much to do with GameCube... I have been searching for a copy of Ikaruga for quite some time now, and it would be just the thing that would get me back into playing my 'Cube. My friends, online and off are all pissed off with me because I preach so much about why/how the Xbox is the best system out. Please, for the sake of all mankind, help stop my fanboyish preaching by getting me the Ikaruga game... Oh yeah, and I have the Saturn import of Radiant Silvergun. All I really play nowadays is RS and Xbox... please help a poor soul like mine :(
When I first heard the spiritual successor to Radiant Silvergun was coming - I knew I had to be there. Treasure, a mucho-loved fan developer, was releasing Ikaruga on the SEGA Dreamcast! I couldn't wait!

Before the release, I whipped out Radiant Silvergun for the Saturn and played a bit to get back in to the shooter style of play - and placed a preorder at NCSX for Ikaruga! Finally, the day came. I invited a friend over and we had an absolute blast playing this top-class shooter.

I've been wanting to pick up the GAmecube version for a long time, and bonus material is so awesome, the poster would look so rad on my wall beside other greats like Metroid Prime!
I'm so hard core that when I get the set, I will trade the Poster & Gamecube game for a Dreamcast version. Then I will play it the way it's suposed to be played. I'll even go the extra mile and turn my TV on the it's side so I can play like in the arcade.
I am probably the least desverving because I have heard of this game and have heard how good this game is, but haven't even looked into it :(. I have never even played it but it sounds really good, I also love shooters ;), but others deserve it more than I do.

(I justed entered for the hell of it :))
i dont deserve it (dont deserve anything) but if you find it in your heart, here is why i should.

i am an ultra fan of shooters. i own evrey r-type except 3, i downloaded mame and over 200 arcade shooters. i actually own the original arcde cabinet for r-type. i beat einhander. i almost beat r-type delta. asteroids is one of the best games ever. shooters > than all other genres r-type final is the messiah (i like r-type a lot), but r-type leo is the best arcade one. (most people probably dont ven know hers a leo)

in all, i love shooters, but i dont own this game. and i can hold on to the sake until im legal

heres my cabinet

bow down before me.
I know I don't deserve it but I know someone on here that does. Minx is the most deserving of it. Basically because she was the one to post things like the girl playing two fighters and getting the insane chain combo. She has done a lot for the community here and feel she is probably the most worthy to recieve the game.

Either her or NFG. the only reason I put minx ahead of NFG is that Minx had those two guys gyrating their stuff and that still makes me laugh!

Support the people who do Nintendo right by giving us good deals and making us laugh!!!!!
I met up with a friend nightly for a few weeks to practice 2-man Ikaruga on Normal mode in an attempt to beat it with 3 continues. Unfortunately we were unsuccesful as after reaching level 4 my friend would die very often which eventually led to some yelling as I astutely pointed out that he wasn't sharing the continues and was just wasting them. Some fighting ensued and now I play Ikaruga by myself. My friend and I haven't really hung out anymore after this incident.

I'm most deserving for this prize package because I gave up a friendship to be able to play Ikaruga without having to deal with a communist continue stealer.
i am so hardcore for this game that i imported it for $115 american dollars including shipping when it first came out in japan. my dreamcast has since broke and what better way for me to get back into the game than to win this contest? im willing to give u another $115 for it :)
tHIS gamez is ThE BeStest EVAR!!!!!!!!! OMG, OMG, OMG ME= LOVE THIS GAME!!!!!!!!!! i IS one 8LITE FANZZS of THIS NICEZ GAME! GiVEEEE tooz ME PWEASE!!/// OR I WILL SEND MY LEVEL 80 Super Powerful Amazingly Awesome WATCH OUT HE"S COMING everyone bows down in his path Dragon to smite you and your children with his Chirasour Fire Breath attack. P.S. CheapyD you = my hero. Plus, I am only 16 and have not had the chance to play a hardcore shooter, so now would be the perfect time to start. ThaNKzzZZ! Peace.
im just going to make this fast and simple, i get no presents when its my birthday or christmass. and i have proof, from my parents, bro, and friends
This is my story. There may be others like it, but this one is mine. It is one filled with action, adventure, and tragedy, but unfortunately no triumph.

It starts off ordinarily enough. Like many of you, I ordered Ikaruga from only to get screwed.

I then went to every store in town just to find it. During that "road trip," my car broke down and I was forced to walk in the rain, up and down mountains, and through dangerously muddy terrain - all to become the proud owner of Ikaruga.

I didn't succeed.

After that, I sold my house and hitchhiked across the country. On my journey, I ran through burning buildings, leapt across rooftops, and got the girl. Yes, I got the girl, but I didn't get Ikaruga. :(

Finally, after many days and many miles, I saw it - one last shiny copy of Ikaruga. All I had left was $40 and change - just enough to get the game. It was finally going to be mine.

Then I was mugged.

My money was gone, my hopes and dreams were gone, my chances of getting Ikaruga were gone.

Now I have no money, no car, no house, and no girl (she dumped me after I was mugged - I guess she was using me for the money...or Ikaruga).

Winning this contest is my last hope.
Let's see:

Top 100 on the Worldwide Prototype Ranking
Top 100 on the Normal Ranking (but I couldn't stay on :p)

I have all the desktop wallpapers, I have the Ikaruga Appreciate DVD, I have the whole soundtrack, and I love the game :).
I deserve it because it would look good next to my radiant silvergun for saturn and my sealed copies of ikaruga for dreamcast and gamecube.

And I don't think that somebody that downloaded this great game, deserves to get this package.
I need the gamecube version because I killed my dreamcast trying to get a better high score. My Dreamcast looks sorta looks like this
only it has a shell that's cracked like a boiled egg :oops: . I need to feed my addiction and play it again on GC :wink:
Well, I imported Ikaruga for dreamcast when it came out in Japan, and to support Ikarua, I bought a Gamecube just for Ikaruga. Later I imported the compilation dvd. You guys can give the game to someone, since I already have two copies, but I'd love the sake set, poster and promotional box!!! Thanks for having this contest.
I love Ikaruga. I used to play it every night with my boyfriend for the time we had it. We had a massive amount of hours clocked on that thing. It was crazy.

Then our friend made us give the game back. :(

I went insane and tried looking everywhere for a copy, to no avail. Best Buy? No. GameStop? No. EB? THey just laughed in our faces. It's apparently pretty rare around here.

I had a few ideas, but then my lovely signifigant other assured me that killing the friend, and pillaging the wonderful glowing-game-of-absolute-awesome-and-funnness wasn't an option. I felt like crying. Never again would this poor gal be able to see and destroy the glorious black and white enemy ships, let alone do so alongside her companion.

I tried asking again, but the answer was still "no". "Are you sure?" "yes." "I know of a good place to hide the body, noone will ever know!" "NO." "Awwwwwwww. :("

I still have nightmares of playing, then large demon hands yanking the game away from me. Help me. I must play again.

In conclusion:
I want the prize pack so anyone in my room will know I like Ikaruga. I bought it a month ago ,and it sure is a fun game. If I win you can give the game I won to someone else since I already own a copy. Also if I win I'll buy some sake ,and wait til I'm 21 to drink it. Then on my birthday I can get super toasted, and pee on the neighbors flowers. Then I would make out with these girls.

A little Ranma waved to me on the way to class today, holding a copy of Ikaruga. I noticed how it sparkled in the sun, and hoped that I too could own such a cool game. I thought of the sake set and poster that would come with it. They'd look key in my room. So I decided to enter, so that I may have a chance to experience the awe and wonder that is Ikaruga!
I am so hard, that... wait i mean im so "hardcore"! so hardcore that i'll will buy it from you for $100!!! and it makes me hard just thinking about it.
I definitly need this set. I loooooove sake, and this would be the ultimate collectors item!!!! My Gamecube has also been collecting dust since Double Dash came out, I need to wake it up! Hook me up Cheapy!
i DESERVE this game for all the trouble i went through to get it the first time...heres the story(and yes it IS true)

It was a fine day here in central wisconsin while i was hitchin' a ride over to my local gamestore. I saw a poster for a new game that they had recieved, the game was ikaruga. I had heard about it for the dreamcast but never actuall got to play it. I was so pumped that i was gonna get the game. I reached into my pocket to grab my wallet and low-n'-behold it wasnt there...i must have left it in that old farts' truck i got a ride in....."man" i said as i thought to myself"how am i going to get this game....i NEED to have it"...........with no money in my hand and a guilty feeling soul i casually but nervously walked out the door.....with the game snuggly tucked under my belt. I knew it was a bad thing to do but I HAD to have the game......while i was UNKINDLY disturbed playing Ikaruga 2 hours later by a knock at my door, I smelt fear streaming into the air.....i looked out the window and saw.............A POLICE CAR........I just knew i was screwed right then and there. I was dragged down to the local police station, made to return the game, and pay a 900$ fine for shoplifting and a week and a half of community service.....i still havent paid off the fine and was banned from the local ga,estore.....and that is the reason i DESERVE the Ikaruga set.
My Gamecube too has been collecting dust ever since I beat Viewtiful Joe and unlocked everyone in Naruto (a while ago). My bro and I have been wanting a challenging game to play and this sounds perfect.
bread's done