CONTEST: Win and your game idea will be created


CAG Veteran
Want your idea turned into a video game? Win this contest and the glory is yours!

Glitchy Games (my game making team, and Game Polisher Radio (Website currently being remade: have teamed up to help one person's dream's come true: their own game idea being turned into a real video game. We will talk with whoever wins and will create a video game for them. This video game can be anything, just write down your ideas and send them to us if you win!

All you have to do is listen in to Game Polisher Radio, noon (US Central Time), Sept. 4th, at When we give out the code over the radio, send an email to [email protected] with the code as the subject, and we will randomly pick one of the first 20 senders as the winner. We will email you back and tell you if you won or not after the show.

Please note that this video game will only be playable on the pc, but soon Glitchy Games will be able to use a port to play the game on the PSP. How cool would that be?
-Bretboy129 ~ Bret Hudson
Great Idea, but how much input can the winner provide? If a person wants there idea turned into a game that person does need to put it's two cents in the process
They will give us a detailed message of what they want the game to be. Basically, they will design it and we will make it. We will have a list of questions for the winner, so they can be as specific as possible what the game will be like, the story (if there is one), and that kind of stuff.

SO basically what I'm trying to say is that the winner will have complete control over the design of the game. I hope that answers your question BasicConduct.
-Bretboy129 ~ Bret Hudson
Well currently we are making two games, (well, the team is making one, and I'm making one), the team is making a Top Down Shooter like game (minus the shooter), where you have to sneak around in the dark and go past guards and steal stuff. Thats as basic as I can get it, I can't reveal too much info, and I'm working on my indie RPG, which could very well be a multi-game series. We were working on a platformer/sidescroller, and a strategy game in which you have to "hack" other computers (not real computers, just the in game ones!).

We don't have any finished games yet, but we will be nearing completion of our top down game later this week. I'll post links to it when I get the chance!
-Bretboy129 ~ Bret Hudson
You guys have any samples of "games / demos" you guys made?? I mean if for instance I were to win I would at least want my game to look decent enough.
[quote name='bretboy129']
Please note that this video game will only be playable on the pc, but soon Glitchy Games will be able to use a port to play the game on the PSP. How cool would that be?

...Is this done with GameMaker? They happen to only be on PC with a PSP version coming out.
Yes, currently we use Game Maker but we are working our way towards getting a full C++ setup, so we can make games with that. We might also start learning C# so we can learn XNA and start making X-Box 360 games as well.... So don't worry. We're not bad, we just are working our way up from the bottom ;)

I'll send you guys a demo later this week, one of our games is nearing completion, so you guys can be the first to play it before it's released!
-Bretboy129 ~ Bret Hudson
[quote name='bretboy129']Want your idea turned into a video game? Win this contest and the glory is yours!

The glory may be ours, but the profits that are reaped shall not.
[quote name='jcandnoextras']The glory may be ours, but the profits that are reaped shall not.[/QUOTE]

I'd be cool with that!!! What's better, make the game yourself, and reach zero people, thus making no profit and glory, or have them make it, and get glory? I say take the glory!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
We have no intension of selling the games we make until we learn either C++ or C# with XNA. So don't worry, we're not gunna take your idea and sell it, and if we ever do in the future, you WILL get some of the profit. Sound better?
-Bretboy129 ~ Bret Hudson

[quote name='Mr Dude65']If I won, could I wait til you guys did XNA???? I'd really like to play my game on the system I own.[/QUOTE]
Sure, if you win. It might be a while before we learn that, but we can ditch C++ for a while and start learning that instead.
[quote name='bretboy129']We have no intension of selling the games we make until we learn either C++ or C# with XNA. So don't worry, we're not gunna take your idea and sell it, and if we ever do in the future, you WILL get some of the profit. Sound better?
-Bretboy129 ~ Bret Hudson

Sure, if you win. It might be a while before we learn that, but we can ditch C++ for a while and start learning that instead.[/QUOTE]

OH. MY. GOD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Please let me win!!!!!! Would you guys ever do something like sell the opportunity to create people's games????? I'm asking in case I don't win.
Yeah, we could probably work something out. I'll discuss it with the team, see what they think.
-Bretboy129 ~ Bret Hudson
For those of you who don't know what Game Polisher Radio is, it's a radio talk show (no duh) about making games. It also reviews games that were made by indie developers and the show suggests tutorials on helping you make better games. They also talk about big news in the indie game community, such as new development tools, contests, and just about everything else there is.
-Bretboy129 ~ Bret Hudson
Have you guys ever looked into programs like 3D Gamestudio A7 etc? Or even the Unreal development kit? I mean you can master UDK than you got the power to create some really good looking games. Game Maker is so limited and basic. Love the contest but people that have game ideas now want to see something that makes their idea worth it.
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Hm, I guess I'll start trying to think of a game I'd like to play that could plausibly be created in Game Maker.
Okay, I know GM is limited in many ways. I just thought we could use GM since they are getting a PSP port, but we could us flash instead if that would work better.
So sorry for the double post, but I had to inform people that the show will be today 15 mins after this post. To listen live click here. Also be sure to check out GP's new website, right here! This post will be updated soon with the winner! Good luck to everyone who enters!
-Bretboy129 ~ Bret Hudson
So you guys are randomly selecting an idea? What if you select a bad idea? Why would you want to spend time making someone else's terrible game?
Well that would be bad! But anyway, we got a great idea from Banov (yes, the creator of the games Assassin's Blue and Dubloon) about a motorcycle game. Thank you everyone who entered and we will hopefully be hosting another one of these contests in the future!
-Bretboy129 ~ Bret Hudson
bread's done