CONTEST: Win CheapyD's Games! [Last Day!]

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Head Cheap Ass
Staff member
14 (100%)
Holy shit, I'm moving to Tokyo in three weeks!
There's no way I can bring all my stuff with me, so one lucky CAG is going to win 30+ games and a bunch of shwag (E3, TGS, etc.).

Simply post in this thread for a chance to win.
You must post something about Japan, winning my games, or what you would like to see me do (for your amusement) once I am living in Tokyo.

You may post as often as you wish, but that WILL NOT increase your chance of winning. One account/entry per person. You must be over 18 (or have your parents permission upon winning to receive M rated games) and in the continental US to be eligible to win. Winner will be chosen at random. Contest ends on or about 10/24/05.

Why am I moving to Japan?
Mrs. CheapyD got a great job and it requires us to move to Tokyo. Its basically an offer we can't refuse. I will still be able to run CAG from Japan and now I will be able to work on CAG full time. You can also likely expect new additions/features and possibly a new CAG sister website as I become Your Man In Japan.
Fear not! The focus of CAG will always be cheap video games.

Partial list of stuff (thanks thorbahn3)

GTA: San Andreas (hot coffee version)
Hulk: Ultimate Destruction
NBA Street 3
Area 51
Burnout 3
Brute Force
Deus Ex: Invisible War (sealed)
Rocky Legends
Ninja Gaiden
Splinter Cell:pT
OXM demo disc (battlefield)
Conker demo disc
Fable (bonus disc)

Timespitters 2
Socom 2
Spider-Man 2
Tenchu: Wrath of Heaven
State of Emergency
Onimusha 3
Rachet & Clank 2
Beyond Good and Evil
Madden 04
Tiger Woods 04
Winning Eleven 7
Champions: Return to Arms
Karaoke Revolution
NHL Hitz Pro
Simpsons Hit & Run
Twisted Metal: Black
MGS: 2 document
Shadow of the Colussus demo
Genji demo
Microcon controller

Waverace (disc only)
Mario Party 5 (disc only)

Castlevania: SOTN (sealed)

Shwag, etc...
CAG t-shirt
CheapyD's Winning Eleven jersey worn on Cold Pizza
CAG business card sized flyers
Metal Gear Solid booklet (TGS 2005)
Xbox 360 brouchure (TGS 2005)
Atari demo disc (TGS 2005)
God of War poster (E3 2005)
Assorted Nintendo buttons (E3 2005)
I'm a virgin and virgins never get the chance to feel this type of orgasmic like feeling of creamin ourselves for winning a crap load of games!:bouncy:
Oh and Japanese women will love your bigggggg american penis!:applause:
But not really because I just read the whole post and you are married......
Maybe when you go get a check up the nurse will be a woman?....
Well watch out for those crazy Yakuza and dont look at weird VHS tapes because they could kill you over there.
Cheapy! I would be honored to take your load of goodies from you! Hehe....

Seriously, I hope Japan treats you well! I wouldn't mind seeing you pull a jackass-style stunt there.....but as stated in your post, for my amusement only ;)
you need to sing karaoke, cheapy style! maybe you could sing... "if i was a rich man... yadda dadda dadda dadda dooo..." or something... ;)
CHEAPY D! U must CAPTURE all the Released RELAXUMAS in the WILD of TOKYO!

That's a cool list of games and the only thing that could make them cooler is if they were in my house resting snugly under my pillow as I rest my Cheapass head to sleep knowing that I'm one of the luckier Cheapasses because I won Cheapy D's authentically worn Winning Eleven jersey complete with grape jelly stain from when he was in the green room enjoying his free continental breakfast. Mmmmm tasty. Hey good luck though in Japan! Send the games on over to me and I'll give them a good home. Also, don't forget to stay cheap evne in Tokyo the most expensive city in the world.
Good luck in the land of the Rising Sun! Hope the site remains as-is during this transition. I think it would rule to see ya dress up as Pac-Man and go around attacking people on the street like they were dots. :)
I would like to see cheapyd give us a Dragonlordfrodo throw back once in tokyo. Set up an internet web cam live during a tokyo breakfast session, and show the world a full fledged "powerdown" of breakfast pig testicle, a very loved delicasy there. Pig testicle powerdown.
i want to see pictures of cheapy d buying beer and panties from vending machines, and then getting hammered with some hot japanese ladies.
First congrats to Mrs. CheapyD! My gf's dad was lucky enough to be able to be sent to Japan on business and he loved every minute of it. I would definately say to brush up on being able to speak/understand a little bit of Japanese (if you already haven't). It makes your time that much more enjoyable and really helps. The culture is amazing and Japan is on the top of my countries to visit list.
Splines- McD's tastes a little bit different. Portion sizes are also a lot different. For example- A Venti Coffee from Starbucks in Japan looks like a small here. There's also usually no free refills on sodas/pops over here (unless you go to Hard Rock cafe or a couple other select restaurants.)
Please tell me you have another copy of Castlevania: SOTN that has been opened and played. If not ,and I win, please keep that and PLAY IT! That also just happens to be the ONLY game I even own on your entire list, so I need to win real bad.
I took Japanese for two years, very hard language to learn (was why I took it, really). First year I did great in it, second year I had other priorities and didn't do so great. I now know none of it, LOL. One of the instructors was actually from Japan, and even she didn't know everything, as, apparently, there are different dialects in different parts of Japan. People would bring in manga and whatnot, and she would only be able to make her best guess at translating some stuff. She was very good at the fancy pen/ink writing, though (name escapes me right now).
I am happy for you, CheapyD, and the Mrs.' I hope you have a great time in Japan and... play lots of their video games! ;)

If I win your games, I will go bananas!! I would also play them, not eBay them. 'nuff said.
I'd definately (in the name of research) like you to visit Akihabara and grab some pics of the arcades with the waitresses dressed as maids. And feed you by hand. =Þ
I would like to see CheapyD show us a pic of his new digs and if you happen to get one of those crazy cool gadget Japanese toilets!! The ones that have seat warmers and other electronics built into it... I forget where I saw and read about these. But winning the package that you're leaving behind would be great too! :D
My fraternity house could use a video game collection, this certainly would help.

In japan you should break into a panty vending machine and put underpants with skidmarks in it!

Go look at all the weird-ass stuff in Akihabara! I hear some of the back-alley game stores have stuff you won't see anywhere, ever, for any reason, at all. And, since I'll probably never get there myself, you go do it for me. Ha!
Hey congrats on the move, Cheapy!

I'd like to see Cheapy sing some karaoke in a sumo costume while in Tokyo. It could be a video game song like something from FF or the Sonic CD song.
Let us know what the Japanese really think of American games. And what Japanese games to get or stay away from.

Damn! You are moving to JAPAN!! Every gamers dream!! And your wife is going to support you!! So now you can do game 'research' 24/7, or at least while she is at work.
Wait, so with the mrs. getting the great offer that you guys can't refuse, what does that mean for CheapyD?? Househusband? :lol: Wow, what a life, you get to move the land where games are born and see gorgeous Japanese ladies everywhere AND you can chill with the mrs. bringing in the loot. You have got it made!
I'd like to see you and your wife experience great success, because this website has been a great resource to me in my game buying needs. I also suppose you should learn to become a ninja, and then teach me. Please.
I wish I could be in Japan, since I would finally get the opportunity to buy several Japanese RPG games, that never came to the U.S., such as Tales of Destiny 2, Tales of Rebirth, etc. I would be waiting in lines early in the morning to pick them up.

Well, I hope everything in Tokyo goes well for you, Cheapy D.:)
Wow cheapy, you're a very lucky one, i want to go to Japan someday

so you better take advantage of this and meet as many of those famous game developers as possible, and maybe even play some of those crazy japanese games
Great contest!

I'd like to see you hit up this bar/club called 'Gas Panic' in Shibuya and have all the rich Japanese sluts there fawn over you and pay for everything as well.
Cheapy, you need to move into the wilderness surrounding Mt. Fuji and train to become a ruthless ninja assassin. Seems pretty obvious to me...
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