CONTEST: Win CheapyD's Games! [Last Day!]

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Head Cheap Ass
Staff member
14 (100%)
Holy shit, I'm moving to Tokyo in three weeks!
There's no way I can bring all my stuff with me, so one lucky CAG is going to win 30+ games and a bunch of shwag (E3, TGS, etc.).

Simply post in this thread for a chance to win.
You must post something about Japan, winning my games, or what you would like to see me do (for your amusement) once I am living in Tokyo.

You may post as often as you wish, but that WILL NOT increase your chance of winning. One account/entry per person. You must be over 18 (or have your parents permission upon winning to receive M rated games) and in the continental US to be eligible to win. Winner will be chosen at random. Contest ends on or about 10/24/05.

Why am I moving to Japan?
Mrs. CheapyD got a great job and it requires us to move to Tokyo. Its basically an offer we can't refuse. I will still be able to run CAG from Japan and now I will be able to work on CAG full time. You can also likely expect new additions/features and possibly a new CAG sister website as I become Your Man In Japan.
Fear not! The focus of CAG will always be cheap video games.

Partial list of stuff (thanks thorbahn3)

GTA: San Andreas (hot coffee version)
Hulk: Ultimate Destruction
NBA Street 3
Area 51
Burnout 3
Brute Force
Deus Ex: Invisible War (sealed)
Rocky Legends
Ninja Gaiden
Splinter Cell:pT
OXM demo disc (battlefield)
Conker demo disc
Fable (bonus disc)

Timespitters 2
Socom 2
Spider-Man 2
Tenchu: Wrath of Heaven
State of Emergency
Onimusha 3
Rachet & Clank 2
Beyond Good and Evil
Madden 04
Tiger Woods 04
Winning Eleven 7
Champions: Return to Arms
Karaoke Revolution
NHL Hitz Pro
Simpsons Hit & Run
Twisted Metal: Black
MGS: 2 document
Shadow of the Colussus demo
Genji demo
Microcon controller

Waverace (disc only)
Mario Party 5 (disc only)

Castlevania: SOTN (sealed)

Shwag, etc...
CAG t-shirt
CheapyD's Winning Eleven jersey worn on Cold Pizza
CAG business card sized flyers
Metal Gear Solid booklet (TGS 2005)
Xbox 360 brouchure (TGS 2005)
Atari demo disc (TGS 2005)
God of War poster (E3 2005)
Assorted Nintendo buttons (E3 2005)
My cousin is a poet and was invited to japan to read some poetry. He said it was awesome. Hope you like it twice as much, Cheapy :)
When you get to Japan you should enter as many Karaoke contests as possible...Trust me, you'll be an instant rock star :applause: And pleaseeeeee take pics for us...I can't wait to see your groupies :bouncy:

Once you're settled in Japan you could do posts on where to find games there on the cheap for traveling CAG's.
I want to see you on that Japanses TV game show they show on Spike TV. The one where people do really scary things to get money and win.
I am so jealous of you moving to Tokyo, as I’d love to be able to do the same myself. While there you should shoot a "welcome to Tokyo" video for the site. You can dress up as a game character and have harajuku girls waving hi and smiling (basically pretending to be your fans) as you tell passerby that you are "insert character's name" and you just moved to Tokyo.

When you're in Tokyo, I want you to meet up with Konami, and explain how they are blowing DDR in the states by not having a new arcade mix. That DDR is still pretty popular in the states, but without new games that aren't just rehashed of many old mixes, the game will slowly die down.

Oh, and explain to them that they need to launch PS3 a heck of a lot better than they launched the PSP. A half***ed launch isn't going to cut it this time around.

OOOO, you should also go to the Tokyo Arcades and post pictures of the kick*** games they have there! I want to see Mario Kart Arcade come over here so bad. :)
While in Japan, if you need to redesign aspects of the website, you could look up a former graphic design student of mine who has been living in Japan for a number of years now. He is an avid gamer and his website is One of my best students.
when in tokyo, i would like to see you be bored in a hotel, and then eventually make out with bill murray.

that would be hawt.

have fun! sounds exciting
this might have been suggested already, but check out their vending machines.
They're not the cheapy crap that we have in the US. you can actually get some pretty cool stuff out of em.
check em out!!
Grats Cheapy, My wife will not even let me visit Japan because she know my true love for the Asian ladies.

While you are there be sure to watch alot of movies, if you have not seen any Japanese movies check out a few older ones like Tetsuo Ironman and Body Hammer or Returner and Casshern.
I saw this contest advertised on, so you know you're moving up in the world (and not just laterally across an ocean. . . ). Anyway, say "hi" to the U.S. military folks stationed in Japan for me. Hey, at least they're not getting shot at in Afghanistan or Iraq. :D
Moving to Japan. That's awesome. I miss Japan:cry: , it's been 7 years since I lived there(well Okinawa actually).

I would like to see you go out drinking and get tore up on your favorite local brew kirin or saporo or whatever:beer: . Then once you're completely tore up:drool: dress up in cosplay of your favorite gaming character, and go to the nearest arcade and challange everyone you can at DDR 'til either you puke or dance yourself sober.

I would love to win this contest to boost my library. In the last year I've only bought 3 game fora total of $35: gta sa $20 on ebay, ico $10 on here, bg&e $5 at BB. And next year I will hav even less buying power as I am having a 2nd child in Dec. Also I could use several of the games for gifts since I am a cheapass.

Well good luck in japan and have fun!!!
Nice contest.

Hmmm ... aside from some other interesting facts about Japan, I read somewhere that there are some 1,500 seismic occurrences (mostly tremors) every year from its volcanoes (granted, most remain dormant). Of course, then there are the tsunamis and typhoons ...

A little risky weather, but hey, when you're surrounded by videogames, anime, and manga -- those are small risks to take for gaming heaven.

Send me those games! :)
I've got to see pictures of CheayD in a komono. Hilarious!

My promise (if I win) will be to turn my winnings into other fun give-a-ways in the trading board. After all, that is a lot of games to win.
Once in japan you should check out some of the unique hotels they've got. There's one where people sleep in honey comb like moves which conserve space.

Also, sumo. Take up sumo. It's hilarious how badly they get treated during training.
Good Luck!

Let us know what the videogame scene is like over there, and show us how small you living arrangements are!

Best of luck over there to you and the missus.
Hmmm... Yeah I got a decent idea. How about after you get settled in a few weeks make a video version of cagcast and go to Akihabra (dont know how to spell it) and go into all the cool Japenese video game stores to showcase the area. If not that just the area in general. Or if the stores give you a hard time doing that show the CAGs your new place on video. Just an idea. Hope its good enough to win the contest.
Good luck CheapyD and Neko Hime!

I'm looking forward to hearing the "inside scoop" on the videogame scene, and even interesting experiences that you guys have over there. As for many people on this board, Japan is someplace I want to visit, so I love to hear about people's experiences. Have a safe move and again, good luck!
Good Luck CheapyD!!!

You are bringing out the cheapasses in all of us. What a true leader! :bow:

Just let us know how things are going on in Japan and the daily lessons you learn. Always have been interested in the culture. When I hit the lottery I'll go. ;)

You need to set up a pachinko machine that takes used games. Then sell them cheap to us.
I would like for you to send me your game collection before you leave! Hopefully you can get to play that Japanese arcade game where you stick the big plastic finger up the butt of the arcade game. Hilarious stuff!
I would highly appreciate it if I received your game collection. I would be more appreciative, though, if you constructed a fabulous monument in the middle of Tokyo to commemorate the greatness of Cheap Ass Gamer.
Thanks for the great contest.
I just hope this site can continue to be as great as it is now. I'm sure you'll end up making it even better from over there.
Congratulations and good luck with the move.
Theres nothing cheap about Japan, People there buy $5000 toilets!!!

A word for you Cheapy when your in Japan would be Hajimemashite! (Nice to meet you)

Make sure you visit one of the "Arcades" (which are really casinos) You play these games and collect tons of these metal marbles and go trade them for money in some back alley since gambling with real money is illegal!!! It looks like fun so send us some pics!
Wow, Tokyo! Now you get to check out all of those cool phones, sweet. I heard cost of living sucks though, good luck.
I would like to see you grow in size to epic proportions and take on mecha godzilla in a best out of 3 round death match in the streets of Tokyo. Of course I could be your manager. Can't promise Mothra won't show up however.
Good luck on your move.

I think you should open up an online import game store and sell these games to us cheap bastards here in america at cheapy d prices.
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