CONTEST: Win free games from Large Animal and CheapAssGamer


Head Cheap Ass
Staff member
14 (100%)
Congratulations to pimp tyranny, winner of the Large Animal contest!

Has your stocking been stuffed with ultra-lame gifts? This year
CheapAssGamer and Large Animal Games want to make it different.

Post here, telling us about your worst gift ever, and the winner will have their stocking overstuffed with four fantastic games from Large Animal.

Remember, you can only enter once, especially since Santa is watching.Contest ends on December 8, which also happens to be the first night of Chanukah.

The winner will be picked (at random) shortly thereafter, and the prize will
be delivered to the winner with the speed of eight reindeer, electronically
that is.

These guys are based in NYC and I've had the opportunity to check out their office (and their games, of course).
Good bunch of guys...check out their stuff!
The worst Christmas gift I ever recieved was an Agatha Christie novel my History teacher gave me a few years ago, when I was freshman in high school, as reward for my hard work. IIRC, she gave me that particular book because it had references to ancient civilizations we were studying in class, and I guess she thought that a mystery would be exciting.

Throughout the first week or two of winter break, when I wasn't wasting hours playing "Starcraft", I would isolate myself from distractions in my bedroom and try to read the book. Maybe I was too young and stupid to appreciate literature at the time, but the book seemed especially boring. Interest in the story ebbed as I read further into the story. Often, I would skip pages or even an entire chapter to avoid the lulls. Then, reading sessions would became shorter and less frequent. Eventually, I became totally apathetic, and stopped reading. I never discovered who the "murderer" was, but I couldn't have cared less. I shelved the book and it remained unmolested in my bookcase for years..

On the first day back in school, I thanked my teacher for the gift. No, I did not feign gratitude; although the gift itself was awful, I was truly appreciative and flattered that my teacher would be so generous and considerate as to take the time to pick out a gift for me. Still, I wouldn't have mind a less thoughtful gift, like cash or something....
One x-mas I didn't get anything, b/c of money problems, but the following year got a little better, I got clothes and nintendo virtua boy, I hated that thing though...
Poetry by Miguel Torez
This world is a trip people die for diamonds rings and things that bling, every one is out for marterial things that we don't seem to stop and think that the person that we love is worth more then furs and rings...
A select handful of my relatives don't know very much about me. If I went up to them and told them I was 22, getting ready to graduate from college in a year, there's a good chance they'd belive me. But, I digress.

One Christmas, it was my dad's side of the family's turn to have Christmas over at their place. While my sisters and I had thoughtfully chosen gifts for our cousins, they had done so as well.

At least, for my sisters.

Opening my package, I was greeted with two incredibly small "Taz" gloves. I had to have been 14 at the time. Where the logic was that someone my age would seriously get something out of two shrunken cartoon gloves was beyond me

Really, there was no ****ing way my hands were going to fit into the things, which seriously might have been a tight fit for a child. Out of courtesy, I thanked my relatives for the graciously pitiful gift.

Hell, even the cartoon decal on the things were fading, suggesting this had been in some sort of "give in case of emergency" thing found on the side of the road, awating the day they would never fit my hands.

I mean, I guess I should be grateful, but shit, when I put thought into presents, I'd like a little reciprocation, y'know?
one year...during the genesis days....i had 10 different presents wrapped up for me that you could tell were genesis 'em up, not 1, not 2, but all of them were just empty cases in case I lose the cases to the games that i have....the thoughts of what games they could've been just killed me
Originally, I was going to tell the story about how the original Megatron Transformer, you know, the one that transformed into a handgun, was taken from me.
I pointed him at my sister- playfully, not maliciously.
My dad snatched it out of my hands, put it back into the box, and we took it back to the toystore to refund the next morning. I had it for a whole 5 minutes.

But the really bad story (and more to the point, bad gift) was when G.I. Joe came out the second year, when they had the F-15, the G.I. Joe base, a new wave of figures-I researched and even described on the list some of the more complicated pieces. It all ended up on my list.
Instead, I got the G.I. Goe Colorforms set, the little clingy reusable stickers playset. That's was all I ever got of the toy line. My dad was in Vietnam back in the day, and didn't like the idea of his son playing with military toys. I actually tried thinking of the clings as three-dimensional, trying to hold the flexible plastic stickers to blast each other.

I gave up 5 minutes later after realizing how truly pathetic and desperate I was.

Still, to this day though, I don't resent him at all for either one, even though these make him sound horrible. I understand now where he came from on both points.

But I still want my Megatron, darn it.
I was probably less than 10 or so. It was a bouncing ball, with eyeballs. I mean it wasn't a bad gift, but it was came out of my mouth when I first saw it. In front of everyone(many family members) I went, "What the hell is this?" Then I was in trouble, something along the lines of being an ungrateful brat...which I wasn't, I just kinda said my thought out loud. I actually kind of liked that ball, I may still have it somewhere...but seriously, getting in trouble for something like that simply blows.

Yeah, and on an unrelated(?) note, I don't swear at all anymore. I didn't really swear much to begin with, but I don't ever now. Once, or maybe twice a word has slipped out, but the last time was years ago.

So the lesson, yeah...
Worst gift ever... was Drake the 99 Dragons as a christmas present. Someone told my friend as a joke that I really wanted it and he got it for me. Worst game and worst present ever.
Gay porn
My students got me on a monthly mailing list for gay porn dvd's
Not funny. It was almost impossible to cancle and not very fun to explaine to my wife.
It would have been funny if it happend to sombody else though
The worst gift I ever got was way back when I was around 12 years old. Back then Stompers (a battery powered 4X4 truck) had just came out and I wanted them. Well, on Christmas morning I was sure I knew what was in this one package. I unwrapped it and it was a Stompers box and I was happy. But I opened the box to find that there was no Stompers inside, It was filled with wads of paper and a BRICK! Now thats the WORST gift EVER!!!
i think my worste was when my mother and i were in kmart together. She bought all my gifts infront of me (nothing great,drawing supplies ect ect)and told me this was all i was getting. Had me then wrap them all myself, sign her name to it all, and then got pissed becuse i didn't want to open any of it on xmass day.
[quote name='Nirvanaguy777']My worst gift ever was a college going away gift, mom my presented me with a box of condoms and said make sure you have safe sex. Box of condoms from MY MOM. That was really damaging to me I just know it, as you can guess I didnt use those condoms I figured if I did I might have mental pictures of her during sex which would be just wrong.[/quote]

I went to prom and my dad gave me three condoms. I handed him two back, saying I'd need one, but then he made sure I had two, saying "some women can't get enough". This would be my worst gift ever.

Dear God, I need therapy.

Scorch Note: Yeah, I mentioned prom. Mainly because of this:

Post here, telling us about your worst gift ever, and the winner will have their stocking overstuffed with four fantastic games from Large Animal.

Nowhere in there does it say Christmas gift. It just says a gift. So i'm following the rules. I'm still elligible. Yay!
the worst gift i had ever gotten for christmas was a dead puppy...yes, a dead puppy :'(
ever since i was a little kid, i loved dogs and animals in general. after all the present opening, my mom came in holding a big box, and i heard some rustling in man! i was so excited..then she dropped it..i heard a small yelp..every1 in the room got pale..when i opened (yes..they still had me open it ) a small dead golden retriever flopped out :'(!!!
o well... a little child hood trauma builds character
(i was 9 yrs old at the time)
My worst gift ever was a bucket of clay. It was a joke, but at the time, it wasn't all that funny to have a bucket of clay under the christmas tree.
Worst gift ever was........A pack of smokes....yep thats right no breakfast club pun intended.

ok maybe it wasn't that bad 8)
I once got this hockey puck covered tie from an ex. It had this redish maroon background. The thing was fugly. Plus, I don't even watch hockey at least get me one with basketballs. Needless to say it lasted about 2 seconds before going in the trash (after we broke-up).
My worst gift ever was a roll of stamps. I was only 10 years old, what the heck was i gonna do with stamps. Of course now i would use them, but who gives a kid stamps?
At 5 years old, a doll from my aunt who never paid attention enough to realise that even though I'm very cute, I was a boy...sheesh :roll:
My worst gift ever was a broken NES system only-no cords or controllers-my friend gave me because he said that he was my best friend. The thought was the great, but the gift was not.
The worst gift I ever got?
Hmmm...let's see...
Oh, I know! A mug. A really cheap mug from some corner store for 99 cents.
It did say Merry Christmas on it though.
...I wonder where it is now?
I got a small, slightly beat-up, cute lil' puupy-dog pillow...thing. Mind you, it doesn't seem so bad now, but I was thirteen at the time and A BOY, not a 5-year-old girl. My aunt obviously just grabbed something and wrapped it last minute. :(
My worst gift was definitly when i was in first grade, my parents said i was bad that year and i got a box of office supplies... :(
The worst Christmas gift EVER, EVER (nobody can top this), is being Jewish. Now I know you're probably thinking, "Well, you have Chanukah and stuff." WRONG. When your dad's logic is that if they don't give Chanukah gifts in Israel (which they don't) then giving gifts here is a bastardization, you're left consistantly empty-handed. Whats worse is when you actually do get something from a family member its pretty much in the realm of a single chocolate coin the size of a quarter or a top. A FRIGGIN' TOP. And not one of those cool tops with the lights, a little square wooden one with archaic letters printed on it. And the chocolate coins are always melted and you can never take the foil off.

I think I have a bunch of those little tops around here somewhere. Not as much fun as one would imagine...
the worst gift i ever got was gettin picked up by the police. my b-day and Christmas are like a week apart, and right before my b-day, i get picked up by the police and put into a group home, cuz of my mom. lol the best they could come up with for presents was this old skool shirt. and the food sucked too
The worst present I ever got was when I was 12 on Dec. 24th, my grandma from NY came down to Miami and she hadn't seen me in years. So, of course I expected something great since she was pretty wealthy compared to my family in Miami(and they always gave me nice things). I have bee n a gamer my whole life and was hoping for a nice new sega or nintendo console or at least some games or something, but this is what I got:


Grandma wanted me to try it on to see if it fit since it took her "all year" to make it for me. My mom made me try it on to make grandma happy, I had 2 friends over for that xmas since their family didn't celebrate til the 25th so that made it even worse cuz they would tell everyone about this at school. This has to be the most embarrassing, worst present I have ever and will ever get in my life!!
My worst Christmas present ever was a cassesette player from my grandma. That was not the worst part. I also received two cassesettes with my player. One being Boyz II Men and the other being The Macarena.
my worst gift ever was more about cruelty then the gift. all i wanted that christmas as a new cell phone. excitedly, i opened up my gift to find a cell phone. instead it was merely a cell phone box with a pair of dress socks for work. while i did not mind the dress socks cause i needed them, it was the cruelty of the prank that made me hate the gift.
The worst present i have ever recieved was a gift from my husband. It was wrapped ever so beautifully, and with a georgous red bow. I was excited, until i opend a BIG, BLUE glass head. That's right . A lifesize blue, glass human head. What the hell did he think i was going to do with this thing! Talking about dissappointment. recieved a new life, i regifted it and it lives on. LOL
Hmmm, can not think of any bad gifts. Though I do remember getting my first NES on christmas morning with supermario/duckhunt and zelda. Was fired up to play zelda only to discover that my dad had a saved game on it already. :eek:
The worst gift I got was a photo copied autograph (the signature was photocopied as well) of Pete Rose, I was about 10 then. I didn't know who Pete Rose was at the time and it felt like it was something from a dollar store. So I cried since I thought my uncle and aunt didn't put much thought into the present.

Oh well, now I know and I didn't know what happened to it.
A couple of years ago, my confirmation class decided to do a secret santa thing and spend around 10 bucks on a gift for someone.

So when it was time to gather around and give our gifts away, someone got me a christmas card with a picture of a skinny santa sitting on a chimmney and taking a crap. It had some joke on it that I didn't even get... :roll:

All I could do was smile pretending to understand the joke and say thank you, and everyone started looking at the person who gave me the gift. He tried to offer me like 10 bucks later that night, because he was embarassed or something, but I told him he didn't have to. Damn, what a lame present, it would have been better if he didn't get me anything at all... :x
The worst gift I've ever gotten was from my grandma. Nearly every Christmas and birthday for about a 6-8 year stretch she gave me (blatantly obvious) girlish shirts.

Well, at least she thought about me. I'm just glad I don't know what she thought about me.
Worst gift?
Well, when I was 10 or so, I got the worst gift ever. It was kinda like a transformers kinda toy, but worse. If youve ever been to a chinatown and seen their toys, youll know what I mean. Well, it was about a 5 inch high robot thing, that had "Four ways to play!". Well, one mode was the default way it came as, the other three was you could add a pair of wings, and no, its not like where you flip them out like in REAL transformer toys, but you clipped them on, literaly. Then, you could add on a plastic toy for the third, or add the wing AND the gun for the fourth "transformer" mode. Well, I decided to try to play with this one day, and the clips to the wing frieking broke off when I put it on. I didn't even try the gun. It was a real piece, but atleast my aunt, who got it for me, actualy got me something.
I got a frekin singing cuccumber! Then a card that had a pickle on a spring and when you opened the card it said

I bet you didn't think you were going to get a dancing pickle for christmas. Then my sister wrote or a singing cucumber!

Then she asked if I liked it! I baught her like 200 dollars worth of stuff and her husband a 100 dollar gift card to best buy!


My worst gift(s) was when I was 7. My parents were too poor to buy anything so they wrapped up some of my old toys so I would have something to open.

Looking back, I think giving me nothing would have done less damage; lets just say at 7 your world kinda falls apart when you open your presents and they are all your old toys. As an adult I know times were tough back then and if it was between a roof, food and heat or a couple of toys I would have done the same thing my parents did, just hard as a kid to understand.

To this date I hate birthadays and christmass and I didn't realize the connection until now, but even today I won't wrap my present that I give... I just leave them in the bag from the store. Need to see a shrink I guess. :)
my worst christmas present was when i was around 5.

my mom gave a bunch of my toys to needy kids(which i wasnt happy about at the time) then she repackaged like 2 of my tonka toys up and RE-packaged and RE-gave them to me. i cried for 3 maybe 4 hours. the really sad thing is that i still have it on tape(VHS-c), and my parents pull it out every now and then to embarass me infront of my friends(even worse if its a girlfriend)
Worst gift ever?...socks.

Not just your typical lame package of socks either. A package of those calf-high bobo stripe socks DIVIDED out between me and several other great-grandchildren. We just stared at each other as we held socks that were obviously from the same package. This certainly wasn't a poor great-grandmother either, god rest her miserly soul.
Worst gift ever: a rubber band.
My sibling decided it would be hilarious to get a rubber band and put it in an empty wrapping paper tube along with a lot of crumpled paper. I didnt even find the rubber band inside the tube til he told me, and then he just kept laughing. I thought I was gonna get something really neat too ( i think i was 8 at the time? something like that), man brothers can be such jerks!
wow bax53
i actually got the exact same thing. C'MON a friggin bar of soap courtesy of my stepmomwho can't speak english(says "ows" instead of "ouch"). even better was the fact that this was the only gift i got and there was a whole bunch still under the tree. oh yeah those were HER presents. fun times at my house. WOO HOO i CAN'T wait to take a shower and test out my new bar of soap!
Holy and holy the worst gift i ever got was a gift card from the company i work for now. And it's only $ 50 at Walmart. I got the same thing 2 years in a row, while others get camcorder, digital camera, etc. :oops:
[quote name='evilgenius2004']The worst present I ever got was when I was 12 on Dec. 24th, my grandma from NY came down to Miami . I have bee n a gamer my whole life and was hoping for a nice new sega or nintendo console or at least some games or something, but this is what I got:


Grandma wanted me to try it on to see if it fit since it took her "all year" to make it for me. My mom made me try it on to make grandma happy, I had 2 friends over for that xmas since their family didn't celebrate til the 25th so that made it even worse cuz they would tell everyone about this at school. This has to be the most embarrassing, worst present I have ever and will ever get in my life!![/quote]

Um, okay, Ralphie. Did you at least get your Red Ryder BB Rifle with the compass in the stock? :bs:
When I was in college I was convinced my girlfriend and I were going to get married some day. Then Christmas came and she got me a traveler's grooming kit (complete with toenail clippers) and a tie hanger. I thought to myself "Is she breaking up with me?" ... and sure enough we were done within the week.

I'm certainly better off for it now ... and I do still use the tie hanger :D
The worst gift I've ever received, by far, was from my godmother.

I must explani to you that I'm a recovering alchoholic. At that point I was without drink for the past year and a half. So it comes to my surprise when I'm unwrapping the fit that I find, on Christmas morning, a bottle of Jack Daniels and a woman's tank top/belly shirt/whatever they call them.

The best part of all was the card. It said,

"If you drink this entire bottle in one night, I promise that you will look hot in the top."

I called her the next morning; she was deadly serious.
bread's done