Could really use some CAG support in a tough time


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Hey CAG fellows. I've been following, lurking, commenting and trading on CAG for quite a few years now. Would like to ask now for some support as I visit CAG video game and blu ray and DVD deals forums about everyday on my phone to make sure I'm getting the best deal I can on the games and movies I buy.

Last week Friday on February 28th my mom was killed in a tragic car accident. Though I know she went through a lot of pain every day, she took countless medications and pills all the time to alleviate whatever pain she had. She loved my son; her only Grandson with all of her heart. My mom called me countless times a day to say pointless things. Her mind was always everywhere maybe because of her meds. It was always, Do you need this? I can't handle this. Is this OK? or even just to say "I love you with all my heart, you mean the world to me".

My mom was always there when i needed or even wanted her. I always had her to call and say "I need you."

Please CAG, Don't take what you mean to your mom for granted, go give her a big hug or a present right now to say that you love her. No matter how much life is here, it can go just as fast as it comes.

Thank you for letting me share my message here. I love my mom, as I love all of you CAG!

Pictured below is a recent picture of Me and my son Jaxson, Followed by Jaxson and his Grandma at the hospital, then me, Amber (Jaxson's mom) and my Mother at this hospital when he was born.

She was so proud of her first grand baby and I hope her the best. It is still not real that she is gone but she is no longer in pain and at peace. Go home and tell your mom you love her CAG; As I loved mine.

I'm in the caretaking phase of my own relationship with my mom.  Her health is deteriorating and I've had her move in with me.  Some days are better than others, there are LOTS of doctors visits (seems like three a week I'm carting her off to), but my son loves having his "grammie" around.  Neither one of us consider her a burden, even when we're cleaning out her bedside portable toilet (because she's either too weak or incontinent to make it to the regular restroom).  I couldn't even imagine sticking her in a home.  My dad was only 51 when he died of cancer, so my mom's been a widow since age 43.

I can empathize with the loss of your mom; however, when it's something completely unexpected like a car accident I think the initial pain hits a little harder because you play the blame game (did I tell her I love her enough? and other such questions).  I had about a year to prepare for the inevitable, which was six months longer than the initial diagnosis game him, and it didn't seem anywhere enough time to squeeze in the "I love yous."  

All I can tell you is that it gets better.  Help honor her memory by telling little Jaxson all about her and how much she loved him before she passed.

I know how you are feeling. I lost my mom on march 30th 2013. It has been the hardest year in my life. She meant the world to me and yet I feel that there was more I could have done with her and show how much I appreciated her. I am so sorry for your loss my friend.
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Sorry for your loss, man. At least she isn't suffering anymore.

Great message and great reminder for everyone to appreciate their parents even when they seem annoying because they're just trying to show you that they care. And it never hurts to take a second and let them know that you care too.
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My deepest condolences.  My mom went through a life-threatening health scare a few years ago.  Fortunately everything came out fine but I wouldn't wish that feeling on anyone.

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I am so sorry for your loss. :(   

No one should ever take anyone for granted because you never know how long they'll be around. Cherish each and every moment with your loved ones. They'll do the same for you!

I tell the same thing to people about their pets,  I lost two of my kitties in the span of a month. Hug your pets and dont take them for granted,  they may not be there tomorrow and I know that I would give up some of my collection just to spend one more day with my lil boys.

May the force be with you in your time of need.

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I tell the same thing to people about their pets, I lost two of my kitties in the span of a month. Hug your pets and dont take them for granted, they may not be there tomorrow and I know that I would give up some of my collection just to spend one more day with my lil boys.

May the force be with you in your time of need.
Spoken like a true CAG! haha.

Thanks man and everyone else this means a lot. I spend way too much time on this website and now I know it isn't all for not.

So sorry for your loss, but thanks for sharing this here. I've got a rocky relationship with my mother (mental health issues), to the point that I've had to block her phone number and limit my visits to once a week. It's shit like this that reminds me that as fucking irritating as she can be, I really need to appreciate the time we have. Best wishes to you and your family, OP.
So sorry for your loss, but thanks for sharing this here. I've got a rocky relationship with my mother (mental health issues), to the point that I've had to block her phone number and limit my visits to once a week. It's shit like this that reminds me that as fucking irritating as she can be, I really need to appreciate the time we have. Best wishes to you and your family, OP.
My case and point. I always kept my mom around and gave her a chance but she was always doing shady things and forgetting because of her mental health issues and then would accuse me of stealing from her when I didn't. My brother even cut her off entirely for months and he is pretty broken up over not being able to make things right.

So yes please Predator give her all the time you can I know how hard it is but moms will always love you :)
sorry for your loss man. i lost my daughter in 2005 a day before my birthday to cancer. she was 5. i think about her everyday and miss her so much. 

we are no longer gamers. this is all about brotherhood. 

I just read this, this brought a tear to my eye. I'm so sorry for your loss; I am sending prayers/condolences your way and a virtual hug.  If you need to talk; feel free to message me.  (I'm approaching the one year anniversary of losing one of my best friends to a heart valve rupture; also lost my father 14+ years ago; so i can relate)

Just last week in my World Music class, the Kora player mentioned that to him and people in his area, Mom's are referred too as second gods, based on how they produce life..our lives for that matter.  So, i agree with you; our moms are some really special people. 

I feel you OP.  My mom is currently dealing with stage IV cancer and they are giving her chemo one last shot this week (5 days in a row).  Hardest time of my life right now tbh.  Also I believe our kids are roughly the same age.

Sorry for the loss (op and the others who have lost in the thread).

The feels in this thread.

I'm dealing with mental health issues with my Mom too. It's really difficult when your loved one doesn't know who you are some of the time. Doesn't stop me from loving them, and missing them, even if they are still on earth, it's really sad.

I hope everybody has the strength to carry on, and remember.

I just read this, this brought a tear to my eye. I'm so sorry for your loss; I am sending prayers/condolences your way and a virtual hug. If you need to talk; feel free to message me. (I'm approaching the one year anniversary of losing one of my best friends to a heart valve rupture; also lost my father 14+ years ago; so i can relate)

Just last week in my World Music class, the Kora player mentioned that to him and people in his area, Mom's are referred too as second gods, based on how they produce life..our lives for that matter. So, i agree with you; our moms are some really special people.
Thank you very much your words are appreciated and thank you to everyone else again.

I feel you OP. My mom is currently dealing with stage IV cancer and they are giving her chemo one last shot this week (5 days in a row). Hardest time of my life right now tbh. Also I believe our kids are roughly the same age.
Jaxson was born on Christmas, 2013.

I am sorry for your loss thereefernander! I can't begin to imagine the pain and suffering that comes with the loss of a parent. I try to appreciate every moment I spend with my parents. I hate to just think of the fact that there will be a day when my parents will no longer be around, and that thought alone breaks my heart every time. I am deeply sorry for your loss, as well as everyone else here that has lost a dear person in their life.

I want to end my reply on a happy note, so I would like to congratulate you on the newest edition to your family! You have a very beautiful family and should be very proud!
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