Crackdown 2 Rumors


A Microsoft rep has told OXM, "We are always looking for new ways for fans to connect with their favourite games, including the award-winning "Crackdown," and thus we created the new theme pack. But as far as future or potential projects go, we have nothing to confirm or announce at this time."Hopefully, the game will be announced at E3 2009.

Source: Prestigedgaming
M$ will need to judge whether the game sold well because it is a game that interests people, or if it sold so much due to the fact that the Halo 3 MP beta was included with it.

I sure hope they make another though. I bought it for the beta but ended up loving it.
1st was a great game. I probably ended up playing it more than H3. A sequel would be a day 1 purchase.
[quote name='fraggedbylaggers']M$ will need to judge whether the game sold well because it is a game that interests people, or if it sold so much due to the fact that the Halo 3 MP beta was included with it.

I sure hope they make another though. I bought it for the beta but ended up loving it.[/QUOTE]

They can pretty much determine that based on how many live hours the game logged with all users, and how well the DLC sold.

I too hope this is true and would love a sequel.
Agreed with most people who have posted. This game was really a great deal of fun. I didn't get a chance to finish it, but if a new one is announced then I think I'll go back and finish the first.
rumor is banjo kazzoie is going to be in it and tip top is going to crash allot with hhis airplane...or did i mention tip top the turtle is in it and it can fl airoplanes.
[quote name='TC']1st was a great game. I probably ended up playing it more than H3. A sequel would be a day 1 purchase.[/QUOTE]

So true, and quite ironic considering I bought Crackdown for the H3 beta.

A sequel would be welcome.
If Realtime Worlds is behind it, it's a day one purchase. If MS tossed another dev on it then I patiently await more info.
[quote name='Corvin']If Realtime Worlds is behind it, it's a day one purchase. If MS tossed another dev on it then I patiently await more info.[/QUOTE]

Real curious who is developing it. a few months back it was rumored Ruffian Games (a new company created by the Realtime Worlds team) was making it, but than Realtimes Worlds said if I remember correctly(and i'm paraphrasing here):

"There's been no talk of making a sequel with Microsoft and if they gave the development to another company we would be butt hurt."
[quote name='Corvin']If Realtime Worlds is behind it, it's a day one purchase.[/QUOTE]

This is not happening... they are 100% focused on A.P.B., so it'll be someone else or not at all.
Just thinking about 4 player coop makes me all giddy. :lol:

Oh the mayhem.

And the multiplayer would be nowhere near as abysmal as Castle Crashers and the connection issues. :bomb:
[quote name='Scorch']Crackdown 2 is definitely in development, but it's not by Real Time Worlds. RTW is working on All Points Bulletin, which has gone quiet recently. I really hope there's more announced for it at E3. Here's the Wiki for it.

The new studio that's apparently working on the game is Ruffian Studios, a studio that houses some former RTW employees. But RTW is definitely NOT working on Crackdown 2.[/QUOTE]
I remember reading about this a while back. MS owns the rights to the game I believe so it makes a lot of sense for Ruffian Studios to make Crackdown 2. If done right, have Ruffian Studios make the game, but have Realtime come over and test it and give feedback. Preferably, major people who helped shape Crackdown, not just any staff member.
Crackdown was a fun little game. I don't know if I'd pay more than $20 for another one though since the first one didn't have many hours of gameplay. Hopefully they'll add many more things to do so it stays fresh longer. Maybe they'll make better use of driving in the sequel, the car upgrades had potential but driving wasn't really that enjoyable or necessary.
I'd love to see what a new crackdown would look like now. Crackdown 1 came out quite early in the 360's lifecycle.
I'd absolutely love to see another Crackdown game. It's easily one of my favorite games for the Xbox 360. And it's one of very few games that I consistently go back to and play again and again.
No way. Crackdown 2 would had to have come out a couple of months ago, or at the very least, delay ODST into next year in favor of Crackdown 2 later this year. Not happening.
Crackdown 2 will sell well enough on its own I think. The first game was bought for the beta by many i'm sure, but i'm equally sure many people played the game and enjoyed it.
I'm excited for both APB and Crackdown 2, but moreso the latter since the first game fucking ruled it. Add me to the list of people drawn in by the Halo 3 beta but walked away enjoying Crackdown more than Halo 3 itself.

My only request is they keep the same announcer. When I got SFIV, I kept expecting Seth to say "Nice work, agent!" while I was fighting him.
Crackdown 2 would be a day 1 purchase for me. If Crackdown 2 is a reality, I hope they keep the cel-shaded aesthetic.
bread's done