Crackdown content downloads


3 (100%)
Can someone clear up what all the picture pacs and downloads are for crackdown? I got on last night getting the Halo 3 beta....and I never realized there where so many add ons..

I have the 4 play pack, and have seen another free update as well as the 800pt download.....what are they all,

I am confused and would like some clarification......which do I need, which are essential....I loved crackdown but it felt way to short......I also am unable to play online at this time......can download but cant play....but am going to my Folks house this weekend to play Halo 3......what other downloads should i get before I leave saturday. I am going to visit them for a

I can download at home, but I am on sattelite internet...great for downloading, the 2 second latency keeps me from playing.......

thanks in advance....
bread's done