Craigslist Advice - Need Help


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Hello fellow CAGS,

I posted a listing to sell a Collector's Edition locally on Craigslist for $700 and someone saw it and reply. The person decided to buy it for $800 and asked me to ship it. The person will be paying via PayPal and have asked me to send a money request to their account via email and will transfer the money to my fund.

Since this is a lot of money, should I be suspicious?  Normally - I deal via in-person in a public place so I know it's safe and I can have the cash in-hand.

Any advice for me? Anyone have sold large transactions via Craigslist and ship their items without and issues?

I really don't want to be a sucker and be a target to fraud.

Thanks for your help and suggestions.

Don't do it, they will pay through paypal with a stolen credit card or hijacked account. 

The payment will be challenged and the payment will be put on hold/taken from you.

Some of this depends on the type of account you and the buyer have, level of verification, etc.

Read the Paypal Seller Protection FAQ and decide if you're willing to roll the dice on $700.

I wouldn't over a Craigslist sale.

Best of luck!


Yes it sounds like a scam to me. If it's that much cash involved I would go with eBay or Amazon, even though they will take out a percentage it's better to have piece of mind that seller protection offers.

Good luck my man.
Why would someone offer to give you more money? This happened to me. I informed them I would list it on ebay that way we would both be protected and I never heard back from him.

This happened to me when I was selling 2 iPhone4. When they were a hot item. I got offered a few bucks extra, for my trouble. what a scam? luckily, i went ebay route, and did not get ripped off.
bread's done