Craziest/Funnies thing you've ever heard from an EB/GameStop employee


CAG Veteran
What is the craziest or funniest thing you've ever heard from an EB Games or GameStop employee.
For and example, an EB manager confirms a rumor that Sony is buying Rockstar.

Inpired by 1up Yours
Well, when I went to get Odin Sphere, this guy was convinced that no store in the country had the game. It apparently doesn't exist. I picked it up at Best Buy 5 minutes later.
I walked into GS once, and heard one customer ask what's Nintendo's new console coming out (this was back in 2001). The employee said Gamecube. The guy then asks what's that other console coming out, and he says Xbox. Then the guy asks the employee, so when is X-Cube coming out.

At one of my EB locations, I overheard the employees talking about a customer. This guy comes in asking if they have Halo on PS2 in-stock. The employees said Halo is a Microsoft game and can only be found on Xbox. That customer started yelling, saying the employees were lying, because Halo certainly is on PS2. He was going to look elsewhere and ebay, because he just knows they have Halo on PS2.

There's this one guy at my local EB who's completely fanboyish (wears a Gamecube T-shirt a lot). One customer wanted to buy a PS2, and he told them there are no more PS2 games coming out, and he better not get one. That same guy gave me a hard time for owning a PS3, telling me to sell it and buy a Wii.

The Gamestop in my mall is also very pushy at times (slidecage may know what store I'm talking about).

One guy wanted to buy a brand new 360 game. The employee told a family to not buy the game, because the used was cheaper. They didn't care, they still rather buy new. Next thing the employee says is, new games only have a 7 day warranty, while used games have a longer warranty, so that's why you buy used, along with saving more. He's also like, if that new game stops working after 7 days, you're screwed. So in the end, they bought used.

Another time, when Mom was buying her son a copy of Super Paper Mario. He pushed the strategy guide on her. He pushed the replacement plan on her. Also, he pushed her to preorder Super Mario Strikers. I mean, this wasn't a small push, but a big one.

You better preorder Halo 3, Madden 08, etc. because you're guaranteed to get it on release, and I guarantee you won't find the game anywhere on release (that's what Gamestop employees say).
Had a Game Crazy employee that didn't know the DS couldn't play GB and GBC games. This was 6+ months after it released.

I forget exactly how the topic came up, but at some point I mentioned a GBC game wouldn't play on the DS

GC: "Sure it will, the DS is BC."
Me: "It will play GBA games, but not GB or GBC."
GC: "No, really!? Let me get a DS out of the display here and I'll show you."
[grunts and struggles to insert the GBC game] (In case you didn't know the DS slot is sized so they physically won't fit.)
He then admitted that they must not work on the DS. :mrgreen:

I didn't think that made the guy stupid by any means, but he really should know basic information like that if he's working in a gaming store.
Employee: There's no Gamecube component cable.
Me: Yes there is one, supposedly for $4.99.
Employee: It must be third party, not Nintendo brand or something.

Not exactly crazy/funny, but more odd to me. :)
[quote name='The Mana Knight']I walked into GS once, and heard one customer ask what's Nintendo's new console coming out (this was back in 2001). The employee said Gamecube. The guy then asks what's that other console coming out, and he says Xbox. Then the guy asks the employee, so when is X-Cube coming out.

At one of my EB locations, I overheard the employees talking about a customer. This guy comes in asking if they have Halo on PS2 in-stock. The employees said Halo is a Microsoft game and can only be found on Xbox. That customer started yelling, saying the employees were lying, because Halo certainly is on PS2. He was going to look elsewhere and ebay, because he just knows they have Halo on PS2.

One guy wanted to buy a brand new 360 game. The employee told a family to not buy the game, because the used was cheaper. They didn't care, they still rather buy new. Next thing the employee says is, new games only have a 7 day warranty, while used games have a longer warranty, so that's why you buy used, along with saving more. He's also like, if that new game stops working after 7 days, you're screwed. So in the end, they bought used.[/quote]

How are those crazy things said by employees? The first two are stupid customers, the last is actually true. Buying used is cheaper with a longer guarentee.
Around the time Pokemon Stadium came out, I went to GS to get something (can't remember what though) and I over heard a kid asking his mom for Pokemon Stadium, but she said that she wouldn't get it for him because it was too violent. Dumbass.
One time i walked into a Gamestop and found out that the management is STILL flipping wiis on ebay. Thats why they never have more then 1 system at a time. Not exactly funny but disgusting nonetheless.

For a funny story, Once upon a time when i used to work at a gamestop, I was talking to a co-worker who swore that Gears of War was coming to the PS3. And that he kept talking about the next console will be all the consoles in one with every game ever available on the machine. And one guy that said his dad lives in japan and made final fantasy 7 and that his brother was the inspiration for cloud and his sister for yuffie. Also had one guy that swore spiderman lived outside his house.

When i worked there i sersioulsy wondered if the looney bin had escaped and they all wanted to come shop at GS.
[quote name='Scorch']How are those crazy things said by employees? The first two are stupid customers, the last is actually true. Buying used is cheaper with a longer guarentee.[/QUOTE]They were customers. I just had to share those stories too. A lot of this comes from copy/paste from another forum I posted in a similar thread once before at.
[quote name='InuFaye']Also had one guy that swore spiderman lived outside his house. [/QUOTE]

Okay, this made me laugh.

I love going into EB Games and hearing clerks hard sell people on jumping on a Halo 3 pre-order because "if you don't pre-order, you won't be able to get one until March 2008!". LULZ
I love when they try to tell me that unless I order game X, I wont be able to get it at all. Thye basically imply that they will only sell preorders and then never stock the game again. Even funnier when game X is one of the rarer, limited print run titles like Madden, or Halo.
they do the "you won't be able to find it" routine here, but the employee knows he's lying and it comes off rather comical.

"you.. uh.. yeah, that one is pretty popular, and it being around christmas, uh.. it won't be exactly easy to find, it's going to be pretty popular"

The customer's then like "nah, it's cool. i'll wait until it comes out"

"you sure? it's going to be really hard.. uh really hard to find because it'll be around christmas and all"

I had an EB employee feed me with a bunch of BS about the GCN version of Twilight Princess. He told me that the game could only be purchased online through Nintendo's online store, and it's in extreme limited quantities. This was after they stopped taking preorders on the game. He said and I quote:

"pssh, should have preordered"

Yeah right, dumbass. I walked into a Kmart on day of release and picked it up, then left. Everytime I go to an electronics store they have tons of copies available on both Wii and GCN. What a moron.

I remember two different EB stores I go into fed me with some Halo 3 BS. One week I went in and they said "have you preordered Halo 3? We're stopping preorders on monday". About three weeks later, they both said the exact same thing to me. About another month later, they said it again. Geez, it seems like every week you guys stop preorders on Halo 3 huh? fucking tards.
I had one guy who I guess hated his job. Give me a 10 min rant while checking out, pre-ordering his stuff that. EB is going to go under, and that why gamestop bought them out. "This whole corporation thing won't last."

I finally told him to stfu. I don't care what he thinks. I didn't come in here to listen to him piss, and moan about his job. Other then that 99% of my trips to EB/GS have been pleasant ones.
[quote name='FaintDeftone']

I remember two different EB stores I go into fed me with some Halo 3 BS. One week I went in and they said "have you preordered Halo 3? We're stopping preorders on monday". About three weeks later, they both said the exact same thing to me. About another month later, they said it again. Geez, it seems like every week you guys stop preorders on Halo 3 huh? fucking tards.[/QUOTE]I hear that EVERY time I buy a 360 game. Are they still taking Halo 3 preorders, because I was told they'd stop by now? :lol:
well this wasn't said by an employee, but a customer. ok, so let me give you the skinny on my situation.

I work at an independent video game store called FX video game exchange. we compete with two separate gamestops in our area. we carry everything from atari 2600 to the most recent of titles and games and on top of that, we NEVER pressure you to preorder, we don't require you to put money down, and most of all, we give anywhere from 20%-50% mroe trade in value than gamestop. ok, now on with my story.

I was working my 12-6 shift yesterday and a young girl abpout 12 or 13 comes in with her 16 year old sister and 8 year old brother and their mother. I asked if I could help them out with anything and they where looking for a gba sp charger. so, I grab one of the used ones hanging on the wall, and explained to them it could be used on a gba sp and a nintendo ds. the 12 year old then preceeded to tell me that and I quote "no it doesn't. you don't know what you're talking about." baffled, I kindly told the girl it does and even offered to demonstrate it for her, but she consistently tells me I'm wrong. well, after a good long 5 minute explanation and demostration, the little girl then tells me she has a nintendo ds lite, to which I had to explain it requires a smaller charger.

I have another quite hilarious story which I'll post in a little bit. I'm sure everyone here will enjoy it.
[quote name='Strell']Haha. Hey SL4IN, over in Post Oak Mall?[/quote]

haha yeah. hey you live in college station?????
I went in to buy a used copy of Oblivion, it had recently been discounted to $35 for that week or something like that.

Anyways he was convinced that it wasn't $35 (I handed it to him to scan, saying "this should be $35", at which point, rather than scanning it, he engaged me in the following conversation), so when I explained to him that, not only was it $35 online, but the NEW version was $40 in the store add, so it couldn't be more than that, he attempted to convince me that "when you add shipping and everything it turns out the same price anyways".

Yes, I'm sure we've all payed $25 in shipping for a >1 pound package from EBgames.

After way too much ado (some of it caused by the fact that they were training a cashier) they finally rang up the game and I was on my way... though I still had to go back in and ask for a receipt when I realized it wasn't in my bag.
I went and canceled my Halo 3 Legendary pre order because I originally had 2 copies ordered. One at home, and one at the GS down at school. I canceled the one at home because I'll be at school when it launches.

I pre-ordered 2 because there wasn't a release date yet.

Anyways I go and say "Hey, I wanna cancel my Halo 3 pre order."

And the guy is like "Oh ok, just the regular one?"
"No, the legendary edition"

Another employee who was looking through some drawer for a used game turned around and was like "Wait, you're canceling the Legendary edition?"

"Yeah...I have 2 copies, I only need 1"

The guy I was talking to was like "Really? The Legendary edition?"

" I said, I don't need 2."

"Pfft ok dude. But wow. Cancelling the legendary edition. Wow."

The guy in the drawer "You don't want to pre-order Bioshock or Mass Effect?"

Me: "No, I'm going to wait on those. And if I want them, I'll just pick it up in-store."

Employee: "Yeha. Good luck finding copies."

"I think I can find a copy or two."

Their utter disbelief in my comments and actions was pretty much gold. They were like "OMGAHZ. Like, dis guyz a total noob! Bioshock and Mass Affectz without a pre order!? LAWLZ!!! AND he's NOT buying Halo 3 Roffle roffle" I took my $25 back and left smiling. I was also thinking about how much more I know about the games industry than probably everyone involved with GS but I digress.

Oh those GS employees. Will they ever learn *shakes head*
i actually went to gamestop last nite to buy an elite...and the guy tried to tell me that hdmi doesnt work on hdtv' like wtf dude?:roll:

then a coupla weeks ago the same guy asked me if i'd like to pre-order bioshock for ds? noob
[quote name='anotherpoorgamer']Employee: There's no Gamecube component cable.
Me: Yes there is one, supposedly for $4.99.
Employee: It must be third party, not Nintendo brand or something.

Not exactly crazy/funny, but more odd to me. :)[/QUOTE]

Why? On later revisions of the gamecube they removed the port that you needed to use with the component cable, and as far as I know, said component cable from nintendo was only available for purchase on line.
[quote name='FaintDeftone']I had an EB employee feed me with a bunch of BS about the GCN version of Twilight Princess. He told me that the game could only be purchased online through Nintendo's online store, and it's in extreme limited quantities. This was after they stopped taking preorders on the game.[/quote]
If it was before the game was actually released, it's not exactly all that crazy. Japan's only method of getting the GameCube version of Twilight Princess was through Nintendo's online store. There was a time where everyone was speculating that the same would happen in the US at the rate the release was going.
Me and the guy there were talking about Nintendo 64 and Zelda 64 before Zelda 64 came out. He wasn't a fan.

Him: "I can't stand that joystick."
Me: "But Zelda's gonna be awesome."
Him: "Meh."
Me: "And the gold cart!"
Him: "You wanna make every game for your N64 gold? I can do it for you."
Me: "Really?"
Him: "Yeah. I've just gotta get a can of gold spraypaint from Home Depot."
Me: :|

Also, last year when they were beginning to clearance out Genesis games. Not the same guy, of course.

Him: "Mortal Kombat? That game's awesome!"
Me: "Not the first one. Especially on the Genesis. It's like a tech demo of a tech demo."
Him: "But it's got the blood code!"
Me: "So, you've got to put in a code for something you got on the arcade normally?"
Him: "Still rules."
Me: "No, and there was a better code that gave you blood and so much more, dullard."
Him: "Why you gotta call me a dullard?"
Me: "No, that's the code. DULLARD."
Him: "Oh."

Back in August 1999 at EB, they were telling me that Dreamcast controllers broke really easily. Eight years later, and I'm still using my first controller. Their controllers were probably breaking because dumb kids came in and broke their demo units on purpose.

Early 2000, I think, somebody at Funco said they weren't carrying Saturn games anymore even though they were on display. A couple weeks later, I bought more games. I think they finally dropped Saturn games in 2001. Joke's on them, though. I got Guardian Heroes there for super cheap at the end of the Saturn's preowned run there. Disc only, but it still rules.
I live near a GameCrazy where everyone that works there is batshit insane, they tell me the craziest shit.

When the price dropped for Dead Rising:

[quote name='derder']The cashier told me he couldn't sell it to me.

I asked why.

He said that I wasn't a member so he couldn't sell it to me for the new price. He THEN tried to convince me to buy the membership, which, according to his logic was free (25+20=45=sticker).

I refused. He then asked if I had seen the price in their flyer. I said, "No, I read it on the internet."

After checking to see if I had ever traded something in, he finally sold it to me.[/quote]

When the tradein 50% bonus was active I was told (in this order):

That it didn't exist,
I had to preorder a game and pick it up with the credit at the same time(?),
I had to buy a new game,
I had to buy a new game from a new system,
I didn't have to buy anything:applause:,
I had to buy a new game from a next-gen system,
I could return any unopened merchandise within 7 days,
I couldn't return unopened merchandise within 7 days without a passcode,
I couldn't return unopened merchandise within 7 days without the manager,
Unopened merchandise had to be exchanged,
To leave.
I was heading to ebgames to renewed my edge card, when i overheard the cashier telling a milf not to buy a psp/dslite because a xbox portable is coming out this xmas. lol
[quote name='A Happy Panda']I went and canceled my Halo 3 Legendary pre order because I originally had 2 copies ordered. One at home, and one at the GS down at school. I canceled the one at home because I'll be at school when it launches.

Hey, Panda, which store? Let me know and then I can totally picture whichever set of clerks it was saying that ;).

I once heard the clerks at an EB a few months before the PS3 launch tell some little kids that it made toast. They had them completely convinced of it too. So, yeah, that was actually EB employees being pretty funny and not stupid, but I just had to share.

Otherwise I just have the usual issues to deal with like pushed preorders (you always know what's coming when they ask you what systems you own) and the fact that I nearly always have to fill them in about their own deals.
I used to work at a GS and I worked with some real dumbasses. You had all the stereotypes: the 16-year-old girl who plays her DS on the sales floor and ties up the phone calling her douchebag 22-year-old boyfriend. The Pokemon kid who, well, just plays Pokemon.
It's not any worse than any other retailer, where you have the mix of old fucks who dont care anymore, otherwise respectable college kids and...everyone else.
They do push you hard to preorder and I saw more than one guy get canned for not putting up numbers.
But this was my worst experience.
It's launch day for Devil May Cry 3, somehow my fave series even after the abysmal second one. I go to pick it up, dude tells me they dont have it, but I can preorder it (it's already out!). I tell him hell no, I'll walk to Wal-Mart across the street.
Dude: "They don't have it. I called them."
Me: "I'll go check anyway, it's not that far."
Dude: "I'll call again."
Dude proceeds to "call" Wal-Mart while I mill around. I would have left, but damn am I lazy.
Dude: "They don't have it."
I go to Wal-Mart, they have about 50 copies in the case and two full boxes of DMC3 goodness. I buy one and head back over because I'm feeling quite rude.
Me: "Hey man, good thing I didn't preorder (holds up game, still sealed). "
Dude: "Hey you got a PS2? Want to trade that in? You can apply the credit to a new release."
[quote name='MrCress21']I used to work at a GS and I worked with some real dumbasses. You had all the stereotypes: the 16-year-old girl who plays her DS on the sales floor and ties up the phone calling her douchebag 22-year-old boyfriend. The Pokemon kid who, well, just plays Pokemon.
It's not any worse than any other retailer, where you have the mix of old fucks who dont care anymore, otherwise respectable college kids and...everyone else.
They do push you hard to preorder and I saw more than one guy get canned for not putting up numbers.
But this was my worst experience.
It's launch day for Devil May Cry 3, somehow my fave series even after the abysmal second one. I go to pick it up, dude tells me they dont have it, but I can preorder it (it's already out!). I tell him hell no, I'll walk to Wal-Mart across the street.
Dude: "They don't have it. I called them."
Me: "I'll go check anyway, it's not that far."
Dude: "I'll call again."
Dude proceeds to "call" Wal-Mart while I mill around. I would have left, but damn am I lazy.
Dude: "They don't have it."
I go to Wal-Mart, they have about 50 copies in the case and two full boxes of DMC3 goodness. I buy one and head back over because I'm feeling quite rude.
Me: "Hey man, good thing I didn't preorder (holds up game, still sealed). "
Dude: "Hey you got a PS2? Want to trade that in? You can apply the credit to a new release."[/quote]

I feel both bad for you and blessed that i've never had to deal with an incompetent GS employee before.
[quote name='SL4IN']I feel both bad for you and blessed that i've never had to deal with an incompetent GS employee before.[/QUOTE]

As long as it doesn't stop you from getting your game, you'd be surprised what you can take.
If I hadn't had a copy of that game...well that kid was fuckin dead. In a way, it's not their fault. That company is pretty crazy, but hey we love games and they sell them. We're stuck together.
When I worked there, I had another amusing thing happen - this guy comes in with a pretty gem-mint X-Box (from the outside anyway) that he wants to sell. Now last summer, these were in high demand for some reason.
So I give him I think around $50 for it, but he takes cash and that's 20% less. So I think he's got around $40.
Well, he decides to spend it in the store (I asked him to just put it in credit, but he wanted cash in his hand).
So while he's looking around, I print out a tag for the XBox, bag up the cords and shit and put a $119.99 sticker on that bad boy.
Five minutes later, kid comes in, sees me putting it in the case and buys it.
Dude comes back up to me, says there's nothing else he wants so maybe he should keep his XBox.
Maybe not in the spirit of this thread, but funny nonetheless.
[quote name='MrCress21']As long as it doesn't stop you from getting your game, you'd be surprised what you can take.
If I hadn't had a copy of that game...well that kid was fuckin dead. In a way, it's not their fault. That company is pretty crazy, but hey we love games and they sell them. We're stuck together.
When I worked there, I had another amusing thing happen - this guy comes in with a pretty gem-mint X-Box (from the outside anyway) that he wants to sell. Now last summer, these were in high demand for some reason.
So I give him I think around $50 for it, but he takes cash and that's 20% less. So I think he's got around $40.
Well, he decides to spend it in the store (I asked him to just put it in credit, but he wanted cash in his hand).
So while he's looking around, I print out a tag for the XBox, bag up the cords and shit and put a $119.99 sticker on that bad boy.
Five minutes later, kid comes in, sees me putting it in the case and buys it.
Dude comes back up to me, says there's nothing else he wants so maybe he should keep his XBox.
Maybe not in the spirit of this thread, but funny nonetheless.[/quote]

well technically he gave you his system and you already gave him the cash for it, so it was final. but none the less, if that happened to me, I'd go apeshit.
At this one GS I don't go to very often this woman acts like it's 2006 and praises the Wii like its Jesus and bashes everything else aside from Blue Dragon which is way better than Final Fantasy according to her.
[quote name='SL4IN']well technically he gave you his system and you already gave him the cash for it, so it was final. but none the less, if that happened to me, I'd go apeshit.[/quote]

Oh, it didn't happen to me. I was the prick that did it to the guy. I know the sale was final and I would have felt bad for him. But who sells a pristine system that way?
Me? Sell to GameStop? Bwahaah. Only when I flip games (which is wrong, but feels...oh so good).
Basically, the employees are stupid, the corporation is corrupt, they'll tell you the most ridiculous BS, but...
Long live GameStop. Here's another tale:

I'm working and kid wants to buy a used San Andreas. I sort of casually tell the kid's dad, "Hey man, that game is great, but probably a little racy for a 10-year-old."
I go out to break down some boxes and do some back room duty (have you ever seen the backroom at a GS? I am sure they have Jimmy Hoffa's corpse back there, but YMMV). I come back out and my coworker, who listened to the whole exchange, has got the kid set up with a new game.
That's right...Vice City.
But the kid's dad bought it, and he's old enough, so...
I don't think I've had a bad experience at a game store, although that might be because I just ignore every word that comes out of anyone that works there.
I posted this in another thread, but this employee one time was like

"I don't see what all the hype about Soul Caliber II is... I beat that game in like 12 minutes, it sucks"
During the "trade 3, $10 bonus" last summer, I was told the bonus didn't apply if one of the games had a sequel. I tend to avoid that store now.
[quote name='JEKKI']I posted this in another thread, but this employee one time was like

"I don't see what all the hype about Soul Caliber II is... I beat that game in like 12 minutes, it sucks"[/QUOTE]

Man has a point. It DOES suck.

And io - It was the GS in Tanasbourne. It was some fat guy with glasses and some other generic douchebag looking kid.
[quote name='A Happy Panda']
And io - It was the GS in Tanasbourne. It was some fat guy with glasses and some other generic douchebag looking kid.[/QUOTE]

Ah, that's a bit too far out there for me - never been to that one. Seriously, I frequent 6-8 other stores in the Portland area, but not that one :lol:.
[quote name='Douchebag after manually editing prices']$21 in credit for this stack of games and DVDs[/QUOTE]

I laughed at him and walked out. I went to the EB down the street and got almost double for the same stuff. I never went back to that scamming Gamestop again.
You don't know what you started, OP. EB/Gamestop is a BS MACHINE and this thread may well go on forever(or until a mod gets tired of it and deletes it). Anyway, recently, when Enchanted Arms for the PS3 dropped to $19.99, I called up my local EB and asked if it was in stock(I knew it probably was but I didn't want to go there for nothing) and the guy tells me Enchanted Arms never came out for PS3, only for 360. I said I'm pretty sure it did, can you please check. He says, fine, hold on and 3 seconds later (not long enough to check) he says nope, no PS3 version. So anyways, I know he's lying and I decide to chance going there and of course its in stock. Then, while I'm checking out, the guy tries hard to get me to pre-order games. First, he asks if I want to pre-order Halo 3, I say I don't have an XBOX 360. He says, ok how about bioshock? I say I-Don't-Have-A-360! He says ok, ok, how about Mass Effect? Then I finally lose my patience and say Look, man, I just came in to buy this game and if you ask me one more stupid question I'm gonna leave and buy this somewhere else. Finally that shut him up. He looked like a kid who has just been spanked. I don't usually like to get angry at EB/GS employees because its not their fault they're retarded, G-d made them that way but this time it was worth it.
Just the other day I was in GS and the Manager of the store sold a guy on a Halo 3 pre order not a big deal right. Well the guy asked about the 3 versions so the Manager starts with the legendary but when he gets to the 129.99 price the guy stops him and says no I don't want that one. Well you can get the regular edition for 59.99 but if you have and HDTV you have to have the limited edition the regular will not be in HD. So the customer asked again so if I get the regular Halo 3 I can't play it in HD?

Manager: Nope you have to have at least the Limited.

Customer: Your Full if shit you just lost my business.

Me: :rofl: :applause:

yeah op, you dont know what you started.

the lumines craze.. this got me huntin for the game (i found 5 that day, but it wasnt easy). checked on their site which store has it in stock. alot did so i made alot of calls, possibly about 30 GS/EB. after about the 8th GS call, the guy said they have lumines and hes looking at it right now. i said to make sure, he said yes its brand new sealed. so i said ill be right over in 10 minutes.

10 mins later i ask for the lumines copy. he went and check but didnt find it, he apologize and said he didnt have it anymore. i told him that i called and he said it was infront of him. he said "oh im sorry, i apologize, this isnt my day!" so i was upset a little. i shop around and see a Growlanser Boxset. i immediately said i want this and proceeded to look for the game. they couldnt find the game. at this time i was upset so i go "are you kidding me?" in a not-so-friendly tone. so i asked if they can just sell me the empty box with the goodies they said they have the game somewhere just cant find it. SO THEY HAVE THE GAME AFTERALL. im about to head out when the guy bends down and i saw a sealed copy of .Hack Vol 1 GU Premium set and i said, "Ok ill take that one instead."

He was sweating while doing the transaction at this point. Then i remembered maybe its not all there, so i ask if its complete. He said yeah its still sealed, then i will never forget when he asked "Do you want me to open it for you to inspect?". I didnt realize how loud i was until my wife told me i was when i yelled "NO!"

i guess my question is, why are they so STUPID? i really hate going to that store knowing something like this will happen. when i checkout and ask me if i want to preorder before theyre even done asking me i just say it out loud NO THANKS.

comparing some of these pre-order stories i think GS has something to do with this. do whatever they can, stupid or not, to get that pre-order.
Having a gamestop employee explain to me what Mario Galaxy was going to be like....

"Its going to be Mario. Only IN SPACE!"
bread's done