Crisis Core: Final Fantasy VII - Gen. Discussion

I'm wondering, is anyone playing this on a PSP phatty? I assume so, since not everyone can afford to upgrade. So, I wanted to post this video, it's a side by side comparison of Crisis Core on both PSP models...

I don't know how to embed this type of video because of the way it's set up, but damn!! I remember thinking early on how awesome it is that they got such small load times in this game (almost nonexistent!), but apparently that's only for the Slims.
[quote name='pete5883']I dunno, I've had some long loads here and there, and I'm on a slim with load time reduction turned on.[/QUOTE]
I'm about 3 hours in, and none of the loads I've seen have come anywhere near the length of the loads for the original PSP in that video.

So yeah, definitely glad I have a slim.
Any benevolent CAGs willing to share a Savefile for the end of the game/ before the final fight? I was downgrading a PSP for a friend and accidently deleted all my PSP game saves. It was crushing considering how I was right before the final boss and really want to see the ending.
[quote name='Niblet']Any benevolent CAGs willing to share a Savefile for the end of the game/ before the final fight? I was downgrading a PSP for a friend and accidently deleted all my PSP game saves. It was crushing considering how I was right before the final boss and really want to see the ending.[/quote]

Not there yet, I'm in the middle of Nibelheim. If you feel like playing through the remainder I could probably hook you up.
Thanks for the offer Johnny. I've already found a save right before the big scene that happens in Nibelheim. I figure its about an hour off from the final area from my recollection of things. I'm not really going to have a chance to play tomorrow anyway, so I'm in no rush. If you can share a save when you get there, that would really rock, if not, I'll just rush through this save here on Sunday.
[quote name='Rei no Otaku']Yeah, that seemed more like a normal load time. Wonder what was up with that previous video.[/quote]

Sony conspiracy to sell more slim PSPs? ;)
very good game but it kills my battery was too fast

full charge i can only play for around 2 hours and this is with a slim PSP

there is no way this game can be beat in 7 to 10 hours like some reviews say. I played 3 hours and it says im only 1 % done???
Missions make leveling up really easy as well. I'm only 32% through the missions and i've gotten to level 42. Unfortunately, this makes the actual storyline missions incredibly easy thus far (i'm at episode 9). From what i'm reading, the last boss is only level 46. So, dont do too much leveling if you want a fun fight at the end.
[quote name='Bezerker']Missions make leveling up really easy as well. I'm only 32% through the missions and i've gotten to level 42. Unfortunately, this makes the actual storyline missions incredibly easy thus far (i'm at episode 9). From what i'm reading, the last boss is only level 46. So, dont do too much leveling if you want a fun fight at the end.[/QUOTE]

lol sounds like what happens in disgaea.... spend too much time in item world and the main story is boring since its so easy. probally same thing would happen if you get all the quest done.

im level 13 right now. leving up magic is way too easy. i master cure and thunder within 15 mins

the graphics on this game is WICKED>..

i was going to get the game off gamefly but it didnt come yesterday, was shocked to see blockbuster carrin this game. now when my gamefly copy comes tomorrow i will just toss it back in the mail.
I absolutely love this game, but I can't stop playing missions, especially the ones classified as 'very hard.' I'm up to level 29 now and I also mastered cure and a couple others quickly, but now it seems like I never level up materia at all.

Also, one quick question about materia fusion - how do you use mako stones and other items with it? I've spent 95% of my time in missions, so I just got fusion, but I can only put 2 things together and it looks like you can put up to 3. Should I hold off on combining them?
[quote name='coolz481']I absolutely love this game, but I can't stop playing missions, especially the ones classified as 'very hard.' I'm up to level 29 now and I also mastered cure and a couple others quickly, but now it seems like I never level up materia at all.

Also, one quick question about materia fusion - how do you use mako stones and other items with it? I've spent 95% of my time in missions, so I just got fusion, but I can only put 2 things together and it looks like you can put up to 3. Should I hold off on combining them?[/quote]

You'll find an item which goes into your inventory which allows you to do it. I found it in a chest on a mission, I don't think you can get it anywhere else. So, start doing those missions and be thorough with your treasure hunting!
Wow, the ending blew me away.

Btw, I beat the game in 12 hours but I only did around 9% of the missions.
[quote name='Prolific']Wow, the ending blew me away.

Btw, I beat the game in 12 hours but I only did around 9% of the missions.[/quote]

I'm near the last fight, have done about 60% of the missions, and have almost 40 hours :)
yeay I'm still at the beginning but these missions are hella time consuming... I only got like 4% done...

this game makes me wanna do squats a lot... and I've been doing them too.
Just finished it.
I think the story is atrocious. Let me try to recap. I don't remember everything too well, but here's the best of my recollection:
Genesis and Angeal desert SOLDIER. Why? Who knows.
Angeal asks you to join him. You do. Then fight Genesis. Wait, what? Weren't they together?
Genesis is working with Hollander. Apparently all they do is go around the world and make a bunch of enemies for you to fight.
Ooh, Nibelheim. Cool fight against Sephiroth.
Oh great, Genesis is back. So he wants S cells from Cloud. Fine.
Lazard was funding Hollander because he wanted revenge. Revenge for what? Who knows.
Now I'm fighting Genesis. Why? Who knows. He's talking about the gift of the goddess again. What's that? Who knows. Game over.

Does anyone care to fill me in on what I missed? Genesis did all this to get some cells so he wouldn't die? Antagonists with no clear motivation, and no interesting motivation, are pretty boring.

Had some good moments, but they're kind of limited to the stuff that we already knew about from FFVII.
Holy fuck, I laughed so much at a certain conversation.
When you're gathering the materials for Aerith's flower wagon you have to talk to a store owner about the wood next to his shop and he asks you for a name idea for a bar he's building. After replying Seventh Heaven he mentions having ideas of a "bar girl with a huge bosom and long legs. Along with a secret basement that could be perfect for an anti-Shinra group!"
[quote name='Prolific']Wow, the ending blew me away.

Btw, I beat the game in 12 hours but I only did around 9% of the missions.[/QUOTE]

wow you must be running though this or something

4% done with missions and just hit my 6 hour mark . Starting chapter 5

unless these last 6 mission are very very short there is no way im getting done in 12 hours
i figure 2 chapters per night at least hope to get done

got it saturday from blockbuster... for those who dont know to buy it or not and your Blockbuster rents PSP games. good chance they will have it. All 6 blockbusters locally have it. and they never get newer games

(though they did et pappon and gow 2)

figure 2 per night

sat 2
sun 4
monday 6
tue 8
weds 10
thur 12

give it a few extra days and hopefully by next weekend i will have it beat

game goes back next sunday but i can keep it up to i think April 13 before i get hit with the 1.25 restock fee
Found a super-powerful save just before the final fight. Just about the most awesomeness you can achieve in terms of materia bonuses and equips. Beat the game and I must say:
I let myself get sappy. I really like Zack even if he did start out as a whiney little girl. He went very far to protect Cloud's life when he could easily have just saved his own. I agree that the story is, in some respects, underwhelming, but I rather enjoyed it all, even Genesis.

The game has gotten me to get the PC version of FFVII being as I was young when I first played it and never completed disc one. Also, I can't wait for Advent Children to come to Blu-Ray, if only for the High-Def eye-candy.
[quote name='Niblet']Found a super-powerful save just before the final fight. Just about the most awesomeness you can achieve in terms of materia bonuses and equips. Beat the game and I must say:
I let myself get sappy. I really like Zack even if he did start out as a whiney little girl. He went very far to protect Cloud's life when he could easily have just saved his own. I agree that the story is, in some respects, underwhelming, but I rather enjoyed it all, even Genesis.

The game has gotten me to get the PC version of FFVII being as I was young when I first played it and never completed disc one. Also, I can't wait for Advent Children to come to Blu-Ray, if only for the High-Def eye-candy.
I know, this game's ending just totally got to me. I was literally in tears over how Zack's
fate was presented, especially with the unwinnable battles and the DMW's role in it, and the scenes with Zack, Lazard, Genesis, and the Turks made me forget about the muddy plot quirks that pete mentioned. The icing on the cake was Zack's last words at the end: "Do you think that I was a hero?" In short, it was one of the most well-presented emotional endings I have seen in a long time.

Though I couldn't help but think back to that VGCats comic while watching it...
Yep, Zack's biggest mistake was saving that ol' cheapskate Cloud. Even Golbez would have at least tried a cure spell for Zack ;) ...
[quote name='pete5883']Just finished it.
I think the story is atrocious. Let me try to recap. I don't remember everything too well, but here's the best of my recollection:
Genesis and Angeal desert SOLDIER. Why? Who knows.
Angeal asks you to join him. You do. Then fight Genesis. Wait, what? Weren't they together?
Genesis is working with Hollander. Apparently all they do is go around the world and make a bunch of enemies for you to fight.
Ooh, Nibelheim. Cool fight against Sephiroth.
Oh great, Genesis is back. So he wants S cells from Cloud. Fine.
Lazard was funding Hollander because he wanted revenge. Revenge for what? Who knows.
Now I'm fighting Genesis. Why? Who knows. He's talking about the gift of the goddess again. What's that? Who knows. Game over.

Does anyone care to fill me in on what I missed? Genesis did all this to get some cells so he wouldn't die? Antagonists with no clear motivation, and no interesting motivation, are pretty boring.

Had some good moments, but they're kind of limited to the stuff that we already knew about from FFVII.[/quote]

Regarding the overall story, here's how I understand some of what you mentioned:
Both Angeal and Genesis were part of the original Jenova Project that eventually birthed Sephiroth as we know him. Genesis was the 1st, but Hollander was in charge of the program at the time and was careless. He pushed Genesis's body too far and it started to degrade, because it couldn't handle what Hollander had done. I get the feeling Genesis also felt kind of inferior to his friends and always felt like he had to prove something (recall the fight with Sephiroth in the training room). I assume he also went a little crazy as his body degraded, and he went nuts with the power he was developing, even as his body was dying. He originally left to find Hollander, then came back to try and get Hojo (hence the attack on Shinra).

Angeal received similar treatment but he was stabilized, so he wouldn't degrade. That's why Genesis asked Angeal for his help to prevent him from dying. When Angeal went to Wutai, I think he knew what he might find (Genesis copies, and/or Genesis himself) and what he might have to do. Shinra tried to make it look like Angeal had betrayed the company and sided with Genesis, but I think he was trying to bring him back and save him. Clearly, that offer was rejected, as they end up fighting later after Angeal returns. That, or he just realized Genesis had gone batshit and needed to be stopped.

Genesis thought Hollander could save him, but I think Hollander never cared one way or the other, he just wanted to keep up his experiments, to the point that he even did it to himself, and he knew Genesis would not only not kill him, but would protect him, unlike the rest of Shinra who wanted him captured.

The Genesis copies make more sense when you recall all the Sephiroth clones in the original FF7. Yes, most of them had tattoos and were part of Hojo's experiment, but he knew that the Jenova cells and other tests would have that effect on them, so he was kind of making Sephiroth copies only in a controlled lab setting, and after Sephiroth had supposedly died.

What's interesting is that the only time in the original FF7 that you see the real Sephiroth is in the Northern Crater at the final fight. There was a book released in Japan detailing the story of the game, and I read a translation of it.

Remember how Sephiroth never appears until after Jenova breaks out of it's holding container in the Shinra building? If you recall in the snow village where Gast's lab is, the records say that Jenova could assume any form and tricked the ancients into thinking it was one of them, but it was really infecting them and killing them off. They sealed it in the crater to prevent it from destroying the planet.

According to the official Japanese compendium, Sephiroth's being thrown into the lifestream must have pushed his body over the limit, too, like Genesis (recall his one black wing), only he had Jenova with him when he went in. Between that and the cells in his body, he was more Jenova than Sephiroth, and he was manipulating the rest of Jenova in Shinra (and later over the world) to take his appearance and kind of go on a killing spree. This is why "he" is always dropping parts of Jenova for Cloud and the gang to fight - because it was never Sephiroth, just Jenova assuming his image.

I can try to find a link to the translation of that book if you want, but it was awhile ago. Hope you can appreciate the story more now, or it at least makes a little more sense :)
Shockingly I haven't posted in this thread, but I'm really liking the game oh course. I just love revisiting places in FFVII again and seeing them in 3D. Battle system really rocks too.
[quote name='The Mana Knight']Shockingly I haven't posted in this thread, but I'm really liking the game oh course. I just love revisiting places in FFVII again and seeing them in 3D. Battle system really rocks too.[/quote]

Really, you're enjoying it? I couldn't tell, based on just your avatar and sig :)
well i jus beat it took me about 12 hours and they tease the hell out of showin the trailer of final fantasy 7 on ps3 and say to be continued...so0o is it comin out or what
so is this game really a must have? been kinda skeptical with all the different postive and negative reviews it has been getting. g4 gave it a 2/5, gamespot gave it a 9.0, gamespy gave it 4/5 and 1up gave it a b+

from what you guys have been saying, its a great game. i guess seeing g4 giving it a low score really threw off my thoughts of this game.
[quote name='thisjustanother']so is this game really a must have? been kinda skeptical with all the different postive and negative reviews it has been getting. g4 gave it a 2/5, gamespot gave it a 9.0, gamespy gave it 4/5 and 1up gave it a b+

from what you guys have been saying, its a great game. i guess seeing g4 giving it a low score really threw off my thoughts of this game.[/QUOTE]

g4 can eat a dick. Do you really want to trust the opinion of a company that sees fit to promote people like morgan web, adam sessler, and kevin perrera? I mean really when's the last time you've even seen someone mention one of their reviews in a serious manner?
well today is the last day that frys electronics is selling crisis core for 32 bux. so i guess i can walk over there and get it. you guys love it and im sure i will too hopefully.
Great game. Ive played it for about 3 hours now up to level 12. The missions are addicting. Does anyone know how to summon? And also, is the slot machine completely random and chooses what it wants? One time I got the ifrit slot machine but it didn't summon him. Dunno maybe i'm not far enough into the game yet.
[quote name='RedvsBlue']g4 can eat a dick. Do you really want to trust the opinion of a company that sees fit to promote people like morgan web, adam sessler, and kevin perrera? I mean really when's the last time you've even seen someone mention one of their reviews in a serious manner?[/quote]

They were so damn smug about it as well "I guess we're the only people who can see the game for what it is", yeah I guess you're also the only people reading a review you didn't write off an autocue.

The problem about XPlay is I think they've started to believe their own BS, they actually think they are serious game reviewers as opposed to E-network owned muppets.
man i hope the ending isnt SUPER HARD.

im almost at the end of chapter 10 and my person is only level 26

some people on other boards have said you need level 40+ to beat the final boss

I bought the game from CC and received it yesterday. Played two hours, love it so far. It knows what it is -- a game made for fans of FF VII -- and runs with it. Lots of great details to flesh out the world and FF VII in-jokes that made me chuckle. The DMW thing is bizarre but makes battles a different kind of experience. The story definitely doesn't waste much time in showing some depth either.
[quote name='The Mana Knight']Shockingly I haven't posted in this thread, but I'm really liking the game oh course. I just love revisiting places in FFVII again and seeing them in 3D. Battle system really rocks too.[/QUOTE]

now I'm torn between this and Hot shots OoB... I'm going to get both, just need to figure out which one should come first. decisions decisions.
I'm finding the lack of a party system kind of odd. I guess I'm used to leveling everyone up and messing with the different equiptment. Though I think the system is cool, you have more varity in the kind of support you might get even if it is random.

And yes, the side missions are addicting for me too.
[quote name='slidecage']man i hope the ending isnt SUPER HARD.

im almost at the end of chapter 10 and my person is only level 26

some people on other boards have said you need level 40+ to beat the final boss


na jus need to be in about the 30's make sure u have a pheonix down or raise status anda good firaga attack that what i used to beat the sword right b4 the last fight worked liek a charm!!
bread's done