Crisis Core (PSP) 20$ at Toy's R Us


9 (100%)
On my GOW2 hunt I saw that Crisis Core is on sale for 20 bucks which was my breaking point since I never got it. Don't know if that a big enough drop to convince anyone but I figured I would pass on the news.
not worth $20. This game is very repetitive. If you are a big FF fan or love cutscenes buy this game otherwise pass.
dude, which game is not repetitive? $20 is a steal, go get it!

If you got balls, finish the missions (maybe that's where the repetition sinks in).

My only grip is that after beating the game, you still can't see the cut scenes at will... Why can't they just create a movie gallery option, sigh...
Yeah it may be a little repetitive, but $20 is a steal for one of the better PSP games out there.

I might even consider getting it even though I already have one, cause mine is the Best Buy exclusive cover version.
[quote name='rolliauctions']Sweet! I've been waiting for a reason to go to Toys R' Us. I want one of those 12'' halo figures.[/quote]

Well, now you have two reasons to go.
I was a PSP owner for all of 2 months so I could play this plus a few others like Valkyrie Profile. Well worth it at $20. I really enjoyed all of the missions, although you could power up so much that the main story line was too easy.
[quote name='coolz481']I was a PSP owner for all of 2 months so I could play this plus a few others like Valkyrie Profile. Well worth it at $20. I really enjoyed all of the missions, although you could power up so much that the main story line was too easy.[/quote]

Well, if you beat the missions, the main story line is piece of cake. I took down the final boss with few punches and that was it :( He/she didn't even make a dent in my HP...

Of course, i thought the final final boss fight is like the 1000 Shinra solider simulation, but boy, i was wrong... I got my ass kicked even after beating the Mineva chick :shock: Then i realized... Man, that's what they meant by "embrace your dreams."
[quote name='Serpentor']dude, which game is not repetitive? $20 is a steal, go get it!

If you got balls, finish the missions (maybe that's where the repetition sinks in).

My only grip is that after beating the game, you still can't see the cut scenes at will... Why can't they just create a movie gallery option, sigh...[/quote]

When a game is just Kingdom Hearts with only FF characters AKA mashing the square/ X button to win + walking on a linear path & not doing much else, that IS the definition of "repetitive".

FF 7 fanboys will eat this up no doubt, everyone else should just look away & get something else for $20.
This was NOT 19.99 at my TRU today, I took a copy up to the register and it rang up the regular 29.99 price, this deal is dead.
I bought it for $40 when it was first released and never regret it. I easily put 30hrs into the game. For $20, it is a good deal for a great game, whether you like Final Fantasy or not. It has, what is IMO, the best battle system yet for a Final Fantasy game...I really enjoyed it anyways.
[quote name='UberNinjaz']When a game is just Kingdom Hearts with only FF characters AKA mashing the square/ X button to win + walking on a linear path & not doing much else, that IS the definition of "repetitive".

FF 7 fanboys will eat this up no doubt, everyone else should just look away & get something else for $20.[/quote]

Okay, i didn't play any of the Kingdom Hearts stuff... sorry, i don't understand the mix of FF characters with Mickey Mouse, i just don't.

I mean yeah, FFCC is a bit repetitive, but not too much, only if you're anal enough to beat every mission.

Yo, what's up with the neg (j/k), i'm no FF7 fanboy, but this is a beautiful game. If you haven't play it, $20 is a good bet.

Oh, i didn't find a copy in the College Point TRU (NYC, Queens).
[quote name='UberNinjaz']When a game is just Kingdom Hearts with only FF characters AKA mashing the square/ X button to win + walking on a linear path & not doing much else, that IS the definition of "repetitive".

FF 7 fanboys will eat this up no doubt, everyone else should just look away & get something else for $20.[/quote]

I have to disagree with this. This game is worth $30 easy. Note I happen to like kingdom hearts also but don't really see the comparison. It sounds like you did not take advantage of all your fighting options. You can indeed press x in every battle but you will never beat some of the missions or stronger bad guys without some serious grind. For example I just did a mission that was very hard. In order to defeat the bad guys I had to dodge at the right time and block at the right time. I also made use of conditions that gave me limitless magic or ap. I also had to equip myself correctly for this fight. Now I could have beaten this mission just by attacking and doing nothing special but would have had to wait I don't know maybe 10 or more level ups.

Note also the missions are optional and you don't have to do them. The main story is linear but what FF game isn't? I can not see a FF fan not liking this game and think it has cross over appeal do to action nature of fighting. Also there is also a lot of extra equipment to collect on missions for people that like that sort of thing. Easily one of the top ten best games out on PSP.
Brute force might works for the main story, but for missions, it's IMPOSSIBLE (some normal, hard and difficult missions). You have to know how to dodge, block, master materias, apply bonuses to materia through fussion, and limit breaks. Top 10 best games for PSP, totally agree (hell make that top 5)!
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