Currently Playing / General Gaming Talk Thread #5

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[quote name='daroga']Currently playing: pack all your crap into boxes.

I hate moving. Tetris is much more fun on a gameboy than in a moving truck. But, oh well. Wii and 360 are all packed up. What'are my chances that my 360 will still work when I get to Milwaukee? I'm guessing 1 in 3.[/quote]
Hah, you got it made. If/When I move, I have full size Arcade machines and all of my CPS2/CPS3 and PCBs games which all have to be packed in Anti static bags. :headache:
I'm moving next wednesday, it's probably gonna be pretty beat. Not looking forward to hauling shit.

My brother rented Mario Strikers Charged, so if anyone from the thread wants to play let me know.
I'm really enjoying Zelda - A link on the past, as I had never played it before (twilight princess was my first zelda game). I'm almost finished with Metroid Prime, have to grab the last artifact and head to the bosses. Played like 2 hours of gears of war yesterday and now I'm in act 5...
[quote name='Mr. Anderson']Online is where it's at; the single player pales in comparison. If I see you on, I'll definitely give you an invite. Oh yeah, would you be down to get some of the multiplayer TDU achievements with me? I just picked it up a few days ago, and I love it. It's such a great game.[/QUOTE]

Yeah, sure, I'm down for some DOA or Test Drive sometime. I haven't gotten any multiplayer achievements yet on Test Drive, there doesn't seem to be many people in the multiplayer challenges. Just send a message or invite if I'm on, I'll send a message if I can't make it. Also agree on TDU, got it a few weeks ago and it's a lot better than I expected.
ha, i'm moving next week as well... glad I'm not moving between states again. just moving to a bigger place on the same floor as my old apt.

woke up and played some Piyotama...weird game.
[quote name='jer7583']Moving back to milwaukee, eh? I don't live there anymore, but I hope to be moving back someday and I'll be there quite often during the schoolyear visiting (even though i'm graduated, my old roommate didn't) We should go do karaoke or something.[/quote]Yup. Shoot me a note when you'll be back in town. The last year at the Sem is gonna be brutal, but we always find time for fun too ;)
I'm moving in about 2 weeks as well. The only thing I don't feel like lugging is my 5.1 system but I needz me some good sound. :lol:

It seems we're all playing the moving game.
Downloaded Lolo this morning for VC. I hate being an attention-deficit-gamer sometimes! LOL.

I've only played one floor 'cos I've got errands to run today, but I think it will fill the puzzle game void on my Wii nicely.
[quote name='seanr1221']I'm moving in about 2 weeks as well. The only thing I don't feel like lugging is my 5.1 system but I needz me some good sound. :lol:

It seems we're all playing the moving game.[/QUOTE]

I'm gonna deal with using headphones and TV speakers... I'm home on weekends anyway, so it won't kill me. Either way, I'm not lugging a 75lb sub and 5 heavy speakers to school.
Just played some Advance Wars for the first time - my first strategy game and I loved it...I've been missing out big time on this genre

Anyone recomend the gameboy Fire Emblem?
I've got an awfully random backlog chock-a-block with games several years old, sometimes.

I just beat Marc Ecko's Getting Up, and Guitar Hero Encore: Rocks the 80s.

And I'm now just over halfway through The Punisher...

...and have just scratched the surface of Final Fantasy XII...

...and are about to embark on a spirited replaying of Disaster Report...

...and will transition from The Punisher to Haunting Ground once I can finish the former.

Hooray for backlogs! At this rate the Xbox 360 will drop again in price before I'm in the market for one!
Man, I just lost in Suddent Death to Diddy Kong at the end of the Crystal Cup (in the 3rd match of the best out of 3, no less).

VERY frustrating. Now I have to replay all 13 matches over again (10 round robin rounds, 2 elimination rounds, Diddy Kong).

Goddamn it.
Probably going to beat the suffering today...are there any other action/horror games like that?

And does portrait of ruin really have online co-op?
[quote name='whoknows']
And does portrait of ruin really have online co-op?[/QUOTE]
Yes. For like 2 minutes.

It's just a boss time attack.

Hopefully, the next one will have the campaign online co-op. :drool:
[quote name='whoknows']Probably going to beat the suffering today...are there any other action/horror games like that?[/QUOTE]


Another decent one though is The Thing. I just started playing that and I'm glad I didn't sell it, as I am liking what I played thus far.
[quote name='jimfoley16']Man, I just lost in Suddent Death to Diddy Kong at the end of the Crystal Cup (in the 3rd match of the best out of 3, no less).

VERY frustrating. Now I have to replay all 13 matches over again (10 round robin rounds, 2 elimination rounds, Diddy Kong).

Goddamn it.[/quote]I love Mario Strikers Charged dearly. It feels like it is for the Wii as Mario Kart DS was for the DS to me. That being said, I'd be hardpressed to find a more retarded single player setup. No retrys? Since when has a Nintendo game ever not been able to retry things, especially something that takes an hour of gmaeplay to get to in the first place.

It's like Fester's Quest all over again.
More Final Fantasy X, please.

I've been grounded all weekend with brakes in need of repair. Blah.
I've been playing Wurm Online

Wurm Online will be a community-centric fantasy MMORPG fully developed in Java. Gameplay will be free at first, but when you wish to develop your character beyond basic skills, you're going to have to pay a monthly fee.

The world will have a real economy with a fixed pool of money and resources, and almost all items in the world will be created by other players. When the game is first launched, it will pretty much just only be a huge forest, and it will be up to the players to build the towns and create the items needed for both everyday use and more exotic practices.
Wurm Online will neither have levels nor hitpoints. Instead, you have a set of skills that define your character, and a list of any unhealed wounds the character has.

Gameplay is expected to be very down to earth and community-based for most players, with each town serving as a small community. Towns will also remain safe as long as the computer controlled guards are alive. You won't be able to attack other players

It's all realistic and stuff, you have to work together with other players to create your own little town, amongst other things.
[quote name='jer7583']More Final Fantasy X, please.

I've been grounded all weekend with brakes in need of repair. Blah.[/QUOTE]Meh, I'm without transportation a lot, but that's another story I don't wish to share. ;)

Anyway, played lots of Resistance today with CAG Members online (played with the CAG clan). Definitely the most fun I've had online for a while. Can't wait to play again online. :) I had my PS3 on for almost 3 hours. I usually hate leaving consoles on for a long period of time since I'm afraid they'll break on me. :(

Tested out the PS3 chat feature with dallow. :D Too bad my internet isn't all that great, because I would have used my Eyetoy too.

I played some Brave Story on PSP for less than an hour. Still really love it, but need to play more. I may play PSP once more before bed time.

On my 360, got another invite from the same friend to play Gears of War, which I do not own, lol.
Beat the Suffering...guess I got the good ending since it wasn't too depressing.

Trying to go through FFXII...this time, I'm doing the leveling trick :p
[quote name='Silent Assassin120']No.

Another decent one though is The Thing. I just started playing that and I'm glad I didn't sell it, as I am liking what I played thus far.[/quote]

the movie is still on my list of best scifi/horror movies. Always wondered if the game was any good.
[quote name='Silent Assassin120']No.

Another decent one though is The Thing. I just started playing that and I'm glad I didn't sell it, as I am liking what I played thus far.[/QUOTE]

I guess I could give the Thing a try.

A funny thing though is my mom was sitting and watching me play The Suffering. She seemed to be really into it :lol:
Really? My mom was very anti-gaming today. My dad and her went to yard sales today and when she got home she said, "They had some PS2 games, but only evil things like 'Grand Theft Auto', and 'Kill a cop'."

[quote name='ighosty']the movie is still on my list of best scifi/horror movies. Always wondered if the game was any good.[/QUOTE]

From what I played I am really enjoying it. For $10 for a sealed copy you can't beat that either.
[quote name='whoknows']Lame.

I guess I could give the Thing a try.

A funny thing though is my mom was sitting and watching me play The Suffering. She seemed to be really into it :lol:[/QUOTE]

Why is it lame? I am just recommending it you don't have to go out and buy it that is up to you. I think it's a pretty decent horror game even if it is an older game.
[quote name='Jesus_S_Preston']He probably meant "lame" as in "it's lame that there aren't other Suffering-esque games"[/QUOTE]
Exactly. I wasn't saying lame about your suggestion ;)
[quote name='seanr1221']Really? My mom was very anti-gaming today. My dad and her went to yard sales today and when she got home she said, "They had some PS2 games, but only evil things like 'Grand Theft Auto', and 'Kill a cop'."


My mom watched me play a good amount of The Darkness too :p

And at the end of The Suffering
I got the good ending where he doesn't kill his family, and my mom was all happy and said "I knew he didn't do it! :lol:
[quote name='Jesus_S_Preston']He probably meant "lame" as in "it's lame that there aren't other Suffering-esque games"[/QUOTE]

Ah okay my fault. :)
Disgaea 2 is cool as hell. Never tried it before, been in my brother's room for a while, his friend lent it to him a while ago. Tried it tonight upscaled. Wow, its like an SNES game lifted into a semi-3d world, with awesome voice acting, and its a srpg.
I've been playing a lot of FFT lately. Here's a screen I just took, which people who've beaten the game might appreciate:

[quote name='Vendetta']I've been playing a lot of FFT lately[/QUOTE]

I bought that game on the cheap, but never got the hang of it. Then again I am completely awful at 99% of RPG's. I'm giving my copy to a close friend of mine who I know will enjoy it. Glad to see it has a lot of replay value.

Currently I'm playing Shadowrun (Xbox 360) and my usual combination of fighting games for PS3, PS2 and DC.

I'm pretty much trying not to start anything big until Bioshock and Blue Dragon come out. I need plenty o' time for both.
[quote name='asianxcore']I'm pretty much trying not to start anything big until Bioshock and Blue Dragon come out. I need plenty o' time for both.[/QUOTE]

That is exactly my dilemma. I'm playing Dragon Quest VIII.. I think I made a big mistake doing that right before this year's 360 hits start rolling in.
[quote name='asianxcore']I bought that game on the cheap, but never got the hang of it. Then again I am completely awful at 99% of RPG's. I'm giving my copy to a close friend of mine who I know will enjoy it. Glad to see it has a lot of replay value.

Currently I'm playing Shadowrun (Xbox 360) and my usual combination of fighting games for PS3, PS2 and DC.

I'm pretty much trying not to start anything big until Bioshock and Blue Dragon come out. I need plenty o' time for both.[/QUOTE]

That's very nice of you. FFT might be my favorite game of all time; this is at least my 6th or 7th play-through, and it's put a halt to everything else I was playing outside of short bursts of Virtua Fighter 5 and Tekken 5 DR.
My gf got me Guitar Hero II as an early birthday present. Go me. It's a lot of fun, I really see what so many people love it.
[quote name='Vendetta']I've been playing a lot of FFT lately. Here's a screen I just took, which people who've beaten the game might appreciate:

man, I am glad I stopped playign that... leveling my entire clan to lvl 99 was stupid.
[quote name='RelentlessRolento']man, I am glad I stopped playign that... leveling my entire clan to lvl 99 was stupid.[/QUOTE]

I did that in my very first play-through. =]

I'm actually trying to rush through this one with as little leveling as possible, something I'd never tried. The game's actually pretty challenging when you don't spend a lot of time fighting in random battles. I had to resort to the cheap auto-potion/accumulate strategy against a certain boss. =/

I just need to finish this in a day or three before Persona 3 finally comes out. >_
[quote name='Vendetta']I've been playing a lot of FFT lately. Here's a screen I just took, which people who've beaten the game might appreciate:


That guy looks familiar. Is this the guy with all those Genji equipment? Look like you stole all his armor or waiting for ultima spell to be cast on you. Those genji armor set is pain in ass to steal, even at high level.
[quote name='fatbeer']That guy looks familiar. Is this the guy with all those Genji equipment? Look like you stole all his armor or waiting for ultima spell to be cast on you. Those genji armor set is pain in ass to steal, even at high level.[/QUOTE]

Yeah, that's a picture I took after jacking all his crap. =] I made sure to learn Ultima in the battle right before this one to limit the number of things to do in this battle (and so I wouldn't have to bother with it in Murond either).

It was actually a refreshingly pain-free experience to steal all his stuff this time, now that I know some of the finer intricacies of the game. I speed-broke his ass to 1 speed, nerfed his Brave to gimp his "Blade Grasp," and I slapped "Concentrate" on my thief. Doing those things rose the steal %'s from < 10% to over 30%.

I really need to wrap this game up before I get Persona 3, so maybe I won't bother with a certain character that's going to join soon ridiculously under-leveled. =/
Played SFII Turbo Revival on my GBA while at my relatives' house tonight. Replayed the Stranglehold demo last night. Debating if I should play some more Forza2 tonight. I STILL haven't finished Gears of War, though. Gah, I'll have to look at paring down my collection some more.
[quote name='gunm']Played SFII Turbo Revival on my GBA while at my relatives' house tonight. Replayed the Stranglehold demo last night. Debating if I should play some more Forza2 tonight. I STILL haven't finished Gears of War, though. Gah, I'll have to look at paring down my collection some more.[/QUOTE]

play gears since it's a quick story and isn't too hard.

I just played and beat Knights of the Round on PSP... it oddly reminded me of power rangers alot...

Also, Tekken DR has been taking a ton of my time with me wanting to customize all my characters before online is released... so far I'm 90% done. I can also guarantee my char costumes will be some of the better looking ones as I spend alot of thought on them.

Lastly, going back and continuing my Oblivion game is never a good idea... it's too distracting! I'm working on doing all he deadra quests to get some nice rare items.



Doh, I ended up playing Forza2 instead. I did finally get level 20 though. I'll try resume Gears tomorrow night mebbe....

Never played Oblivion...does it always rain NPCs like that?
[quote name='whoknows']Trying to go through FFXII...this time, I'm doing the leveling trick :p[/quote]

leveling trick?
i've only just started FFXII, so far i'm not a fan of the battle system.

and, at the moment, since my hand is still messed up, i'm playing FFV (GBA).

[quote name='terpkristin']leveling trick?
i've only just started FFXII, so far i'm not a fan of the battle system.

and, at the moment, since my hand is still messed up, i'm playing FFV (GBA).

There's a trick to get to about level 30 at the beginning of the game. More work than I thought it would be though :p

Info here:

It's the section titled "Power Leveling"

As far as the battle system goes, I like it just for the fact that it's not turn based and there are no random battles.

The only time I didn't mind random battles was Xenosaga III because the combat was fast, and there was no loading screen to get to the battle.
[quote name='Vendetta']I've been playing a lot of FFT lately. Here's a screen I just took, which people who've beaten the game might appreciate:


You should have waited for the PSP remake to come out to play through it again.

New translation (hell yeah), online vs mode, new cut scenes.

I've played FFT probably 10 times by now. Stealing that armor is insanely difficult. The only thing harder imo:

Beating Wiegraph the last time. Sometimes autopotion wouldn't trigger and then you're fucked. God I hated that fight every time I played.
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