damn amazon and DHL anyone had problems?


144 (100%)
I bought DOA ultimate a wk ago from amazon.com tracked the item today and it said that the item arrived at my house, mailbox today however, I didn't see anything out there in the mailbox nor front door. Is there anything I can do? Also the DHL customer service number is not working wtf...I ordered from them a few times and this is the first missed/lost packaged I received when it actually states the item has been delivered.
oh that is weird I just called that number 1 800 225-5354 and it doesn't work also I was home all day and no package came so yea...
also when we del them to post office it will show del cause for some reason they can't track it at post office after the driver does his part but if it shows del today then the post office should del it to you like the next day two at the most
ok thanks for the info I just called them and supplied the tracking number and they said they were going to forward it to headquarted and give me a call what a hassle...Also they said it should've been in the mail box in which it was not.
I've had weird experiences with DHL, too. They did a delivery attempt with my Outpost order, but I didn't know about it until for 4 days later because they never left a notice. It wasn't until I checked the online tracking number to see what was going on. So I called them, and they said it was sitting at their local station, and I said I would pick it up the next day. The next day, I ended up being busy at work, so I couldn't go during their open hours, so I figured I'd go the next day. But when I went home, I found it delivered and left at my door. I guess they need to work on that whole delivery attempt notification thing.

Edited to add: I noticed you're from Northern California... maybe we have the same incompetent DHL delivery guy :)
they are good about calling you back hope I helped some let me know how it turns out i've been with them going on 11 years and I know that they really try to help when they can.

also if you its sent buy DHL@home Delivery Service when it shows del its been del to the post office then the post office del it around the next day
I had one coming to me once from amazon and the driver that is parked next to me had a amazon package for me, he still had to del it to the post office cause it's a DHL@home Delivery Service so the next day after I tracked it that night it said it was del, cause it was del to post office , well any ways it was in my post office box the next day.
DHL delivers for a place where I used to work and we had a ton of problems with them, mostly the stuff that you've just described. They would allegedly deliver something and the online tracking would tell you what time they left the package, but the package never got there and mysteriously disappeared. This would probably happen once a week. Of course, DHL would never do anything about it and it would be up to the store to re-ship the item to the customer.

Dunno if it was a rouge driver or just general incompetence, but it was a regular occurrance.
part of the problem is that dhl is owned/got bought out by airborne.
i can't say about anywhere else but the airborne near where i live has some serious problems. i don't know if they still do this, but the last i heard they still were. a few years ago they didn't have enough employees to work for them (people quitting/nobody applying for jobs) so they took busses to some of the cities nearby and pick up homeless people, drug addicts, pretty much anyone who would be willing to work for a few hours. they would pay them cash at the end of the night and drive them back. my friend was working there when this was going on. a couple of the things he told me was he had one of the bussed in people ask him if he knew where he could buy some crack. and that one of the people was chasing another person around with a gun threatening to kill him.
i used to work at airborne for about 2 months, but it sucked so bad i just quit showing up. then at tax time they never sent me whatever form it is that shows how much you made for the year. after calling a half dozen times and being told "we'll send it right out." i had to drive there and make them give me a copy. it was only a 20 minute drive, but the point is they were supposed to send it to me. (without having to call them at all) and because of that i got in trouble for paying taxes late.
bread's done