Dane Cook - Vicious Circle

I'm still waiting for the throng of misinformed masses that adore me, however.

The only truly funny aspect of your post was the repeat posting of "oversized ego" in bold and parentheses. I'll grant you that, but also point out that one thing you all don't get is that I am not bothered by accusations of narcissism. Instead, I applaud your reading comprehension.

Let's keep this on topic of Dane Cook sucking, shall we? If you want to dedicate a thread to tearing me apart, go ahead and settle for that mediocrity. There are more prominent CAGs outthere worth tearing apart, though most only half as good looking.
Dane Cook is good, but I don't think he's the best thing since sliced bread, like a lot of people think.

People just tend to buy into hype. A lot of people are liking this guy, so I should too.

Personally, I've always felt that "physical comedy" was more of a gimmick than a talent. Flailing your arms and screaming is funny... but I don't think it makes you a great comic.
[quote name='WinnieThePujols']Dane Cook is good, but I don't think he's the best thing since sliced bread, like a lot of people think.

People just tend to buy into hype. A lot of people are liking this guy, so I should too.

Personally, I've always felt that "physical comedy" was more of a gimmick than a talent. Flailing your arms and screaming is funny... but I don't think it makes you a great comic.[/quote]

hey, it's better than comics who just stand around with their hands in their pockets
2 years ago Dane did a segment for Xplay at E3.

It was funny in a "wow, that guy is not just a nerd but a hyper one without any real comedict talent" sort of way. Still, I laughed at it simple because his energy in delivering his bad VG puns was in comedic contrast to the people at E3.

That said, I find his comedy central special mind-numbing, Tourgasm made we want to throw up and the only reason I watched any of Vicious Circle is because it was in HD.

Lastly, his 15 minutes are officially up because it now cool to like him because so many people don't like him because for awhile it was cool to like him.

The circle is complete and I hope he will be banished to the Myspace pages of idiots and middle school girls who think he's hot.
Dane Cook is sometimes funny. I think he has a strong stage presence, and he did a great job exploiting good looks and MySpace to garner a loyal following. Associating himself with a hand-gesture was genius. But his act is mainly in the delivery. He takes a good while to set up the joke, and goes off on tangents, and interacts with the crowd, and then arrives at a punchline that might be very funny (or not), but it's still taken 8 minutes to get there. There will come a time (and it's not far off) when I'll simply change the XM Comedy Channel when he comes on, since setup-as-comedy doesn't really stand the test of time. (A punchline usually stays funny, delivery gets old. There was a time when just hearing the voices of Bobcat Goldthwait, Sam Kinison, Emo Philips, Gilbert Godfried, Andrew Dice Clay and other singular-sounding comics was enough to garner laughter. Now, some of those acts are painful to revisit.)

And it's pretty obvious Cook stole some material from other comedians. I actually think his delivery of Louis CK's car accident and baby name jokes is better, but plagiarism is a pretty unforgivable sin in performing. Robin Williams was notorious for joke theft, and many comics will not perform if he is in the audience. There was a story that used to circulate when he was doing stand-up that if you called his agent and said, "I'm a comedian and Robin was at my show..." he would cut you a check for $1000.
I also disagree that everyone simply jumps on the "it's cool to hate dane cook" bandwagon.

I first heard Dane Cook at a party about a year and a half ago. At the time, I thought he was decent; chuckled at a few things, but nothing too special. Ever since then, as his popularity has skyrocketed, he has progressively gotten worse and worse. The same friends that introduced me to Cook make me listen to each one of his new standups, and at this point, they're just utter ass.

I didn't even know about accusations of plagirism until I read this thread, but damn, that's just salt on the wound.

My problems with Dane Cook:
-Reaaaaally long setups for jokes (seems to be a common criticism)
-Jokes, once he gets to them, just aren't funny anyways
-He shouts. Constantly. As if he's masking the lameness of his jokes with sheer volume.
-Same deal with how he constantly jumps around
-Smugness, in general.

So he annoys me, which detracts from the small amount of amusement I get from listening/watching his standup. Any alleged humor he produces is greatly hurt by his CONSTANT yelling/jumping around/general jackassery.

Then again, I'm not huge into standup. There are only two standup comedians I consistantly listen/watch:
-Dave Chappelle, whose standup acts haven't failed me yet.
-Jim Gaffigan. Again, funny 95% of the time.

So, in conclusion, it really pisses me off when people say "OMG PEEPLE JUST HATE DANE COOK BECUZ ITS COOL AND THEY ACTUALLY LIKE HIM BUT ITS COOL TO NOT LIKE HIM OMFGLOLBBQ HES HILARIOUS", because for the most part, there are some consistent legitimate critcisms of his and his act among haters.

Just face it: Sliced Bread > Dane Cook.
[quote name='WinnieThePujols']Dane Cook is good, but I don't think he's the best thing since sliced bread, like a lot of people think.[/QUOTE]

Wait, they're SLICING bread now!?
Posted this in the last Cook Crap-A-Thon. Figured it applies here.

[quote name='Greetard']People need to understand that he doesn't "suck." You may not find him funny, but that doesn't automatically make him "suck." No comic is universally funny- I don't find Bill Hicks funny, for example, and the man's a comedic legend. Does that mean that I think he sucks? No. I respect that fact that many people do find him funny. He's good at what he does, he just doesn't appeal to me. I don't constantly make it a point to tell people how unfunny I find him, because I understand that I'm not his target.

Cook's 'core audience (myself included) enjoys the long set-ups. We enjoy the little unimportant details that he uses. We enjoy the frantic movement and energy. It's not the punchline, it's the getting there that's the fun. Anyone whose seen The Aristocrats should be able to understand that style- whether you enjoyed it or not.

Just because he has a different style of comedy than what you prefer doesn't mean he's a horrible comedian. It just means that he's not your cup of tea- so stop being so fuckin' vindictive and go with it.[/QUOTE]
Like a couple other posters, I like Dane Cook, but I didn't find Vicious Circle funny. There were a couple chuckle moments, but nothing like his albums or Comedy Central special. The setup for it was too ridiculous for me: circular stage surrounded by a bazillion of rabid fans. Seemed very impersonal, but maybe I prefer a more comedy club-type setup. I also found his material harder to relate to or find humor in. I think HBO was trying too hard to capitalize on his popularity; I didn't like Tourgasm either. I'd recommend checking out his albums instead, which also include videos of his earlier television appearances.

I always find it weird when people criticize his long-winded setups, when I feel that's part of what's funny about him. His randomness and tangents are part of humor in his delivery. Clearly everybody has their own opinions of what's funny.

Edited to add: I just realized Greetard said the exact same thing as my last statement. So yeah... what he said.
Wow, yes some of his jokes aren't that great, but he is still pretty talented, his style of overacting isn't suited for the big screen (or for the roles he has played so far) My friend and I decided that we could best equate him to Jim Carey for his physical comedy and demeanor.

Ohh and quick assasination? Umm anyone on the blue coller BS mistake for comedy tour can go to the front of the line! YOu wanna talk about ripping a persona, everyone of those people is just Jeff Foxworhty in a new neat package, almost like Andrew Dice Clay in thedumb BS that is comedy for pure simpletons....

Everyne should go out and hit up Eddie Izzard or David Cross if they want some good Stand Up
[quote name='Crash55118']Wow, yes some of his jokes aren't that great, but he is still pretty talented, his style of overacting isn't suited for the big screen (or for the roles he has played so far) My friend and I decided that we could best equate him to Jim Carey for his physical comedy and demeanor.

Ohh and quick assasination? Umm anyone on the blue coller BS mistake for comedy tour can go to the front of the line! YOu wanna talk about ripping a persona, everyone of those people is just Jeff Foxworhty in a new neat package, almost like Andrew Dice Clay in thedumb BS that is comedy for pure simpletons....

Everyne should go out and hit up Eddie Izzard or David Cross if they want some good Stand Up[/quote]

i agree with you that blue collar tv and jeff foxworthy are not funny...at all...they were never funny....ever....
[quote name='Greetard']Posted this in the last Cook Crap-A-Thon. Figured it applies here.[/QUOTE]
You watch Vicious Circle and tell me it's not completely lazy and derivative of his old work. Vicious Circle was a smug egotistical f-you to his old fans
[quote name='mykevermin']I'm still waiting for the throng of misinformed masses that adore me, however.

The only truly funny aspect of your post was the repeat posting of "oversized ego" in bold and parentheses. I'll grant you that, but also point out that one thing you all don't get is that I am not bothered by accusations of narcissism. Instead, I applaud your reading comprehension.

Let's keep this on topic of Dane Cook sucking, shall we? If you want to dedicate a thread to tearing me apart, go ahead and settle for that mediocrity. There are more prominent CAGs outthere worth tearing apart, though most only half as good looking.[/quote]

you sound like you have a big e-penis, im not afraid either if you make a topic bad mouthing me!
Dane Cook is the Andrew Dice Clay for this generation of frat boys. His manic gimmick will burn itself out soon, I hope.

The first time I saw exposed to him was when he first hosted SNL. I couldn't figure out why they let this guy do half his stand-up routine for the monologue when it wasn't even funny.

If I was ever next to Dane on a bus and he started flailing about trying to tell a joke, I would back away slowly maintaining eye contact and hope his meds kick in soon.
[quote name='MrBadExample']Dane Cook is the Andrew Dice Clay for this generation of frat boys. His manic gimmick will burn itself out soon, I hope.[/QUOTE]
Definitely. He's gonna go down pretty soon from a combination of overexposure, ego, and changing times and attitudes. The Andrew Dice Clay analogy is even more apt when you consider the fact that ADC was the only other comedian to ever play Madison Square Garden (which Dane Cook just did)
See this is where y made your mistake. If it popular, people on this site will tear it to shreds.

Also, he's not bad. Vicious Circle had some good stuff, basically the atheist joke was good. the 6 minutes betwwen when he started it and finished, not so much.

Employee of the month just sucked. Never watch it. It's like walking into your roommate masturbating to a picture of your mom(stole that from what movie review).
[quote name='Predator21281']Employee of the month just sucked. Never watch it. It's like walking into your roommate masturbating to a picture of your mom(stole that from what movie review).[/quote]A review of M. Night. Shymalan's (spelling?) latest movie (forgot its name).
[quote name='LiquidNight']A review of M. Night. Shymalan's (spelling?) latest movie (forgot its name).[/quote]There you are, Lady in the Water. I think it was Rogert Ebert's review.
bread's done