Dark Sector - $17.99 @ EBGames & Gamestop (Available Online)


not really a deal per say but dark sector just dropped to 17.99 on ebgames.com so im guessing its bm too ... but with the 26 percent off thats not too bad bringing it to about 13 and change with getting free shipping over 25 dollars worth of purchase
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I went to go purchase this game in two stores, both stores had it still priced at $29.99. Even after ringing them up, they still cost $29.99.

wow that stinks .... gs is such a screwed up company its not even funny any more, ill probably just order it off of online ... save myself from haveing to argue with them
I picked this up from BlockBuster when it was mispriced at $9.99. This was during the B1G1, so I technically got it for about $5. It's a pretty good game. I'd definitely recommend picking it up for $13. :)
I would get it it at that price but I don't believe for a minute my EB will honor that price. And how are you guys getting it for $13 if it is priced for $19.99. Supposedly. Where are you getting this coupon for extra off?
[quote name='mrg']I would get it it at that price but I don't believe for a minute my EB will honor that price. And how are you guys getting it for $13 if it is priced for $19.99. Supposedly. Where are you getting this coupon for extra off?[/quote]

It's $18 online for a used copy. Use CAG16 for 16% and SAVER for free value shipping. If you have an EDGE card, you can get another 10% off.
don't forget its 19.98 at Target for brand new. I'm gonna wait till it hits 10 dollars hopefully there will be some left
Ugh, I bought this game for 60 bucks when it first came out. It was a bigger mistake than buying MLB 2k8 on release day.

Stupid me.
[quote name='bigdaddybruce44']It's $18 online for a used copy. Use CAG16 for 16% and SAVER for free value shipping. If you have an EDGE card, you can get another 10% off.[/QUOTE]

Need $25+ for SAVER to work.
I got this for $20 from that Amazon deal a few weeks back, and I had a great time with it. It's not quite up there as far as overall quality goes (controls/movement/anims are a bit awkward and just "not smooth"), but overall, it was a lot of fun and I'd highly recommend it, especially at the $20 price.

Multiplayer, on the other hand, wasn't too interesting with some lag-filled matches, though the gametypes at least tried to do something different.

Oh, and the story was a complete disaster. Didn't bother me though, just a warning.
tempting - but I'm still working on my big boss badge for mgs 4 =P and that may take the lifespan of my ps3 to achieve
[quote name='prence']Ugh, I bought this game for 60 bucks when it first came out. It was a bigger mistake than buying MLB 2k8 on release day.

Stupid me.[/quote]

I heard it's not even worth the $19.

Back when WalMart had the screw up price I ordered it, and they gave me a free $10 dollar gift card but didn't honor the game. Go I got away with a free 10 bucks at least. I may have been lucky. lol
I just picked it up (PS3 version) at Gstop for $20 and I played through the first level. I enjoyed it alot. It reminds me of a dumbed-down version of Gears of War which is still pretty good. Anyway, on the PS3, it's the closest you're gonna get to Gears.
I thought it was a great GOW clone. Using the special abilities (slow mo, elemental aspects, etc) of the blade was really fun. The game is easily worth $20 in my opinion. The ps3 version even has it's own version of achievements (not trophies).
[quote name='chrisc133']Used is $17.99 and new is $19.99 for both PS3and 360...[/quote]

sometimes i wonder why some people buy a used game that's only a few bucks less than a new one. i'm in for the new copy. i rented dark sector and it's tons of fun to play.
[quote name='deletion']sometimes i wonder why some people buy a used game that's only a few bucks less than a new one. i'm in for the new copy. i rented dark sector and it's tons of fun to play.[/quote]

Because coupons and promos and Edge don't apply to new games and we are CAGs, that's why. Why pay $20 when you can pay like $14? (assuming you find a pristine copy)
[quote name='deletion']sometimes i wonder why some people buy a used game that's only a few bucks less than a new one. i'm in for the new copy. i rented dark sector and it's tons of fun to play.[/quote]

Personally I would choose the one that's only a few dollars less because with my EDGE card, I get an extra 10% off. Also, if you look around you can usually find a coupon worth anything from 10% - 25% off used games. So, right now with the 10% off coupon that's floating around and my EDGE card, I can get this for about $5 less. Not a lot of saving, but that's like 5 tacos!
I enjoyed it after getting it for $20 via Amazon a couple months ago. Story was weak, but graphics and gameplay are excellent. Planning to play through the hard setting in the future sometime.
I rented it and was not impressed and took it back the next day. A friend, a few months later, let me borrow his and I got through an hour or so more than my rental but still did not hold my interest. I think the biggest problem is there is little to no REASON to keep playing. With virtually zilch story or reason to actually care for anyone or anything it plays more like an arcade set-piece version of Gears with a cool looking throwing knife.

I feel like I should get it for this price but after two tries, I really doubt I would ever finish at even $5. Sad too as I really like the concept if not the gameplay.
im lookin to purchase this game. about how many hours of gameplay can i expect from the story mode? thanks in advance.
[quote name='CrimsonPaw']I like how G4's Gamertag segment kept calling this "Krull 2" ... still not getting it.[/quote]

Krull was a game for the Atari 2600 based off of the movie. In the game, you throw a boomerang type weapon similar to that of Dark Sector. Difference is, Krull sucked, DS is good.
Krull for the 2600 rocked!

The movie was pretty good too, for it's time.


It's one of the 2600 games that i recall playing the most.
I'm enjoying this. Sure, it's not the deepest game out there, but it's a blast at $20 bucks. I like the static, muffled screams you get when you slice a limb off.
[quote name='jello44']Krull was a game for the Atari 2600 based off of the movie. In the game, you throw a boomerang type weapon similar to that of Dark Sector. Difference is, Krull sucked, DS is good.[/quote]
If you've seen the segment, you would see that it's all tongue-in-cheek. He wasn't being serious (especially since he says the weapon comes back "just like real life") and was more or less making fun of it.

Link to the video: http://www.g4tv.com/xplay/videos/21389/Gamertag_Dark_Sector_Rebuttal.html?keyword_key=838
Well, I picked up Dark Sector, Conan, and Condemned 2: Bloodshot. Not too bad since the prices were recently a lot higher. Surprisingly I was able to get mint condition for all the games. There's hardly a spec of dust and absolutely no scratches. I consider myself lucky b/c they didn't have but 2 or 3 copies of each to sort through. Anyways, these will give me a few more games to tide me over for a while.
[quote name='blueseraphtears']Personally I would choose the one that's only a few dollars less because with my EDGE card, I get an extra 10% off. Also, if you look around you can usually find a coupon worth anything from 10% - 25% off used games. So, right now with the 10% off coupon that's floating around and my EDGE card, I can get this for about $5 less. Not a lot of saving, but that's like 5 tacos![/quote]

mmmm...cheesy double beef burrito X5
bread's done