Dark Sector - Gen. Discussion & Info


3 (100%)

That's the first 15 minutes of gameplay running on the PS3, and that's just early code according to that article's text.

It looks like the gameplay is a mix of Uncharted, Gears of War, and Resident Evil 4. It's not innovative, but like other recent good games, it blends many good elements from good games, and polishes it well.

This is multiplatform, of course, but it's shaping up well on the PS3. Should be out this week.
There's an embargo on this? It's by a third party and is a brand new IP. Unless it's just going to completely blow ass, why would they put an embargo on it? For new IP's, you want as much information out there as possible.

Watching the video, it looks exactly as you described, a hybrid of Gears, RE4, and a bunch of shit i've already played. I'll give it a rent, if that.
On the other hand, Bioshock = System Shock 2. Call of Duty 4 = Medal of Honor */Call of Duty *, Gears of War = Killswitch's cover system + generic gore, etc...

Innovation isn't always an indicator of how good a game is. This looks very fun to me, worth a buy especially since it includes what looks like a good story, characters, and some interesting multiplayer modes.
[quote name='Vanigan']On the other hand, Bioshock = System Shock 2. Call of Duty 4 = Medal of Honor */Call of Duty *, Gears of War = Killswitch's cover system + generic gore, etc...

Innovation isn't always an indicator of how good a game is. This looks very fun to me, worth a buy especially since it includes what looks like a good story, characters, and some interesting multiplayer modes.[/quote]

Before I buy it I'll check the reviews. If there halfway decent I'll get it. From the video it looks great.
[quote name='Scorch']There's an embargo on this? It's by a third party and is a brand new IP. Unless it's just going to completely blow ass, why would they put an embargo on it? For new IP's, you want as much information out there as possible.

Watching the video, it looks exactly as you described, a hybrid of Gears, RE4, and a bunch of shit i've already played. I'll give it a rent, if that.[/quote]

But doesn't a hybrid of that sound awesome?
I would buy this it if they scrapped this storyline/character, gave it to Marvel, and have them skin the character with Winter Soldier and change the glaive/disk to Captain America's symbolic Vibranium shield.

The only reason I say this because the Winter Soldier is the new Captain America, with the exception he uses guns as well as Captain's old shield, and this looks perfect as Dark Sector with a few cosmetic changes.
It looks awesome IMO.

I definitley want to play it, but I'm waiting to hear how long the game is. I'm guessing it's too short to be worth the $60.
[quote name='bmachine']Goddamn that looks cool...and it comes out this week?[/quote]

Answered my own question: it comes out tomorrow!

[quote name='javeryh']Looks cool - is this PS3 only?[/quote]

Nope: PS3, Xbox 360, and the Wii.

Actually, just kidding about the Wii.
im waiting reviews for this game, it looks sweet but ive heard a couple bad things about it at an event(i believe it was GDC?) but if my vegas wont work, im just gunna sell my copy to this kid, and use the money for this game.
[quote name='tiredfornow']Atleast read the OP, man. ;)[/quote]

Oops. I suppose Google would have done the trick too but I'm SUPER LAZY today - must be all that lasagna I ate on Easter... mmm... lasagna...
Really? I'm the only one skeptical? Some of it looks cool as shit, to be sure, but a lot of it looks sloppy. The aiming, the cover, the finishing moves ... it just doesn't look like the detection really seems precise on any of them. Perhaps it's just the "early build" thing, but half the time the glaive just zips through an enemy without hurting it, movement looks cumbersome, and the finishers just "snap into place" if you hit the button. The core might be good, but I think it needs some serious polish.
I'm wondering if the "embargo" is due to low expectations for this game. Seems like reviews on big titles come out sometimes weeks in advance while games that are mediocre don't get them until after release.
[quote name='trq']Really? I'm the only one skeptical? Some of it looks cool as shit, to be sure, but a lot of it looks sloppy. The aiming, the cover, the finishing moves ... it just doesn't look like the detection really seems precise on any of them. Perhaps it's just the "early build" thing, but half the time the glaive just zips through an enemy without hurting it, movement looks cumbersome, and the finishers just "snap into place" if you hit the button. The core might be good, but I think it needs some serious polish.[/quote]

I'm skeptical myself. I remember a few years ago when this game was being billed as the "first next gen" game.

3 years later and it finally launches.
[quote name='mtxbass1']I'm skeptical myself. I remember a few years ago when this game was being billed as the "first next gen" game.

3 years later and it finally launches.[/quote]

That's a double edged sword too. The best thing that happened to it could be the delay.

I'm also wary of it as well, but only after the debacle of Kane & Lynch, which truly sucked the shit off of a dead donkey's ass and then regurgitated it into my mouth.

I think this could be great, but then again it very well may be run of the mill, open minded to it though.
[quote name='mtxbass1']I'm skeptical myself. I remember a few years ago when this game was being billed as the "first next gen" game.

3 years later and it finally launches.[/QUOTE]

It was a different game back then. Took place in space I believe. I think the delay was for the better judging from videos. Will have to wait and see though when the game is actually out.
This was the game that got my interest picked in the PS3 way back when. But it looks NOTHING like what they showed in the past.

I am a bit disappointed to see that they didn't go with their first idea and make their own game. Now it looks like it is a bunch of borrowed ideas that they think will sell well. I'm like some of you, I don't know if that is a good or bad thing. So put me down for the wait and see crowd too.

The IGN review is in at 7.7, echoing those two previous scores.

In a nutshell, they say it's fun, but repetition and story isn't good enough to carry the game through to the end.

In Uncharted, the story the characters really carried the game, which helped it get over the derivative gameplay and repetative elements. Just getting to a new cutscene or story point was the driving force, along with some interesting new scenery.

What Dark Sector has is some new moves, and a bit of plot, and lots of violence, but not much else. The review does say the game is quite fun, great for action game fans, but it's they just didn't go far enough into the story to justify the way they promoted it, and thats as a kind of scifi survival horror/action game with a plot, where you have a good story to go along with the action.

The seventy percent range isn't that bad, but I'm no longer sure I'll be getting this on release day.

As for the multiplayer, the Infected mode sounds fun but it has the same problem that hunter/hunted gametypes have, which is if only the person who gets kills Hayden gets to be him, it leads to situations where just one, or a few players dominate the game. For those that don't know, it's a mode where one player is Hayden with all the infected powers, the rest are normal shotgun or assault rifle wielding soldiers that must hunt him down and kill him. For these gametypes it's best to go with a more random queue selection, encouraging players to work together and making things more challenging for the high powered Hayden class. This way, it becomes an incentive to work together to kill him faster, thus moving through the queue of players to be him faster.

There's other modes too.
Excellent! Thanks for the link OP! I've been looking for reviews, personal opinions, or whatever I could find on the game because I preordered it through Amazon, but the damn "embargo" is hampering my attempts to find out more information on the gameplay.
They gave it a 7 at most review sites, so it is a good game. I wanna know if it lives up to other games out right now. Anyone?
[quote name='jman619']On Ign the 360, and ps3 version both got rated 7.7 :whee:[/QUOTE]

I would think the PS3 version would have a higher score because they seemed to really like the sixaxis control.
[quote name='jman619']On Ign the 360, and ps3 version both got rated 7.7 :whee:[/QUOTE]

It appears to be the same review for both systems as the one on the 360 page mentions the Sixaxis.
[quote name='NTolerance']It appears to be the same review for both systems as the one of the 360 page mentions the Sixaxis.[/QUOTE]

Yup, same review. It mentions the aftertouch power for the glaive is controlled by the right stick or the sixaxis.

I can already smell the faint whiff of system wars in here, but the review makes sense -- it's saying it's the same game on both platforms. Sorry, system loyalists.
I have it. The 7.5-7.7 score is about where I'd put it too. The main faults are: lack of story, lack of polish and nuance.

It's a good game, but you can't help feel that they missed an opportunity when you play it.

The gameplay, at its core, is good. The shooting feels solid, and kick of the guns isn't too distracting and feels nice. Visceral is a word that's thrown around a little too often, but it fits here, the game does a good job of making your shooting and glaive usage feel visceral. I want to make sure people understand that, it's a decent to good game, and is fun, but it has problems. If they had polished the game up even more, added more nuance to it, we'd be seeing scores in the 80% range. If they'd then gone another step further and added more and better story elements, we'd be seeing scores in the 90% range.

However, the cover system needs work, you'll only stick to cover that directly in front of you and in your view. So, you have to waste a few precious moments changing the camera facing to get into that bit of cover.

One big example of lack of polish is the way you break open certain boxes for ammo/loot. These boxes are placed either high or low, and you can walk up and either smash with your fist/glaive, or kick if its placed low on the ground. The problem comes when you want to smash low boxes. To do so, you have to look all the way down, and with the sensitivity on the view set somewhat low every time you encounter a low box you slowly look down, kick, then align yourself to pickup the item, then hold square to pick it up. It gets tedious after a while. Thankfully you get an ability for you glaive that'll send it out to grab items for you pretty quickly, it just seems like they meant for you to use that instead of walking up to items to take them.

Another big problem is lack of subtitles during gameplay. They'll show up during cutscenes, but during gameplay, there's little snippets of crazy talk from the lead villain that don't have subtitles, and they're hard to hear sometimes.

Melee combat is also very weak. Both in terms of damage, and in terms of polish. You'd think having a strong metal arm, and a glaive that can cut people in half as a melee weapon would make you strong in melee, but due to bugs and inconsistencies with the melee combat. When enemies get close, you're religated to a weak slash. What's worse is that the slash's effect on enemies is inconsistent. Sometimes it'll stun then, giving you enough time to back up and line up a shot, sometimes it'll just damage then and make them play through a very short recoil animation before they start attacking you again, other times there's a little blood and they just keep right on attacking. One of the biggest problems is when a slash knocks and enemy to the ground, but doesn't kill it. While they're getting up from being knocked down they're weirdly invulnerable to melee attacks, you have to shoot them to put them down, even if they're glowing with the "finisher" aura.

Another issue is the balance between RE4 and more shooty third person games. The movement, FOV, and camera rotation rate is close to RE4. However, the action in the game is paced more like Uncharted, including the game very accurate enemies. RE4 got away with this by designing the game with very few enemies with ranged weapons, and all the enemies were paced pretty slowly. The enemies in RE4 also all telegraphed their actions ahead of time providing vital cues to observant players. This made RE4's slower camera and movement a more pleasant paced experience, instead of a straight shooter. Dark sector has a problem where it erred a bit too much on the RE4 side, and because of this, the big fights they put you in, with 4-7 guys shooting at you at once can be a real pain.

There's also a lot of seemingly infinite spawn segments. I find these annoying more than anything else.

Thankfully, despite these problems the gunplay is good, the guns themselves are quite nice and you always have multiple ways of handling combat. Enemy soldiers take cover, but also leave enough of themselves exposed for a well placed shot, or the top of their heads for the glaive to take off. You can run around picking up enemy weapons for use until their infected sensors disable them, and you can use your glaive to bring weapons back to you. You can buy guns on the black market for permanent use, and choose upgrades to attach to them tht you find in the game.

But, another problem is, this is all you'll really be doing. Besides a few puzzles based on using elements with your glaive. You'll constantly be fighting enemies in the same ways, and they'll keep spawning one after another. At least in Uncharted you got the satisfaction of killing off a wave, but in DS, you kill one guy only to see his replacement immediately spawn in from a doorway to take his place.

As for the story problems. I'm not sure how far I am into the game, but the meaningful story content in the game has been somewhat small. And as above, there isn't much variety in the gameplay to make up for lack of story, and there just isn't enough meaningful story to make up for lack of gameplay variety. So far they've planted a lot of story seeds, but nothing is paying off. You'll also go on for a bit too long without some small story payoff. I could have done with a few more small radio messages between the numerous fights that pay off a small bit on the character's back story. They actually do a good job of making the characters seem interesting at first, but it doesn't seem like they're going to explain anything of what the character's history means.
Im not very far in (rented it from Blockbuster) but I have to ask, does the AI get any better as the game goes on? So far I have seen a bunch of guys just standing out in the open waiting to get shot at, not to mention guys who use cover pop up, shoot, go back down, pop, shoot, go back down, repeat and rinse.

Maybe this changes (not sure why it would be like this in the beginning but not later though). Controls real well though.
Well, if you think about it there's not much to these kind of cover based games besides enemies getting into cover and popping out to shoot. It often looks stupid for an enemy to get out of a perfectly good firing position to stand in the open.

The AI doesn't get better, it just gets different. Later enemies flip all over the place then take cover and shoot at you with shotgun blasts.

Uncharted handled this by having hundreds of variations on the pop out of cover and shoot animation, along with aggressive AI that would try to flank and use those animations to avoid being shot.
[quote name='Vanigan']Well, if you think about it there's not much to these kind of cover based games besides enemies getting into cover and popping out to shoot. It often looks stupid for an enemy to get out of a perfectly good firing position to stand in the open.

The AI doesn't get better, it just gets different. Later enemies flip all over the place then take cover and shoot at you with shotgun blasts.

Uncharted handled this by having hundreds of variations on the pop out of cover and shoot animation, along with aggressive AI that would try to flank and use those animations to avoid being shot.[/quote]

What I was trying to say was that they don't seem to move position. The last game I played was Uncharted. That was similar in the pop and shoot then hide, but the enemies didn't stay in one position and do it. They seem to in this game, so when they are behind cover, you can set your sights on a spot and you know they will pop back up there.
I'm looking forward to playing this but motherfucking Gamefly isn't sending it...I've had it in my number one queue slot for 2 weeks!
I just got this game used.. using the 25% off coupon from GS. (for used ps3 games) After getting throught the first chapter and finally getting the glave. I enjoyed the game overall. A little mix of Resident Evil 4, Gears of War, and I guess Heavenly Sword (glave throwing mechanic).

I definitely agree with what everyone says in regards to the A.I. Its no where near to what Uncharted produced.

7.7 is more than a fair score for this game, and overall I'm enjoying the game.
[quote name='trq']Really? I'm the only one skeptical? Some of it looks cool as shit, to be sure, but a lot of it looks sloppy. The aiming, the cover, the finishing moves ... it just doesn't look like the detection really seems precise on any of them. Perhaps it's just the "early build" thing, but half the time the glaive just zips through an enemy without hurting it, movement looks cumbersome, and the finishers just "snap into place" if you hit the button. The core might be good, but I think it needs some serious polish.[/quote]

I'm srtuggling with "Baggage claim" on this game. After I kill everyone where do I go to get to the next section????
[quote name='DELTA196740']I'm srtuggling with "Baggage claim" on this game. After I kill everyone where do I go to get to the next section????[/quote]

Which section are you at specifically in the third level?

I'm guessing it's the portion after you fight all the guys in the courtyard and you first learn the aftertouch ability.
Run to the far right hand corner of the courtyard and throw your glaive over the fence. Use the aftertouch ability to guide it back down over the fence to hit the button and the fence will unlock.
Overall, I thought the game was pretty good, but I hated the fact that they didn't give you any directions on how to proceed to the next level or how to beat certain bosses.
Grabbed it from Amazon when it was $40 earlier this week and I kinda like it a lot. Fun, creepy, exciting...the horror elements are a pleasant surprise...plus it's freakin' beautiful.

It has it's shortcomings but I'm having a blast playing it.
[quote name='Thomas96']I'm on Chapter 7, I should finish it this weekend. and then on to God of War II[/quote]

Just started Chapter 6...how many chapters are there?
I believe there are ten chapters total. Be sure to buy all the weapons and use your upgrades. I was being stingy and didn't use anything except dropped weapons and the glaive until the 7th level. Once I started to use the weapons I bought, things became a lot easier and more fun hehe.
10 chapeters, and I've been through all of them. I finished the game last night. This game was short and sweet. Like a one night stand (and no pregnancy). I'm wondering if I should sell this game back to GS, the trade in value is 20, but I paid 42. Mathmatically its cheaper to keep it. Overall, it was a good game to help tide me over until GTA IV.
If you can find a good room, the multiplayer is actually pretty fun. Create a room, limit it to 6 players, and it gets really fun.
bread's done