Dark Souls - $14.99 at Amazon

I ordered this at Amazon... the reviews for it seem crazy, people say they are addicted to this game and it's all they can think about. o_O

I was one of the ones addicted to this game; I absolutely loved it, but that's just me. Anyone on the fence, give it a shot now before the sequel on March 11.
The Souls games are the most refreshing and enjoyable aRPG's out right now bar none.

I actually like Demons Souls better than Dark Souls, but I also think that both of them blow Skyrim out of the water.

Agreed on all accounts. IMO, it's Demon Souls > Dark Souls > Skyrim. There were many regions in Dark Souls that I had to "tolerate" just to get to my favorite parts in newgame+(+). Conversely, Demon Souls only had one area I couldn't stand (Blighttown). If anyone gets Dark Souls for the price in this thread, tack on an extra few bucks for the DLC (Artorias of the Abyss). Awesome boss battles in the extra content make for fun PvP.
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