Dawn of the Dead remake - Spoilers included!!


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As I mentioned in the other thread, Romero's movie and the remake have very little in common. I will only compare as being a fan really didn't hinder my opinion of the movie. I will refer the the characters based on their jobs so as to not confuse characters. Heavy on the spoilers, you've been warned

I'll go over the first ten minutes pretty quickly because most folks saw the USA 10 minute preview. Basically, the nurse character comes home from work. The next day, things went ape shit. A kid in the neighborhood kills her husband, who eventually returns as a zombie and tries to kill her.

She flees and eventually crashes into a tree. Cue the opening sequence with Johnny Cash's "The Man comes around" showing the zombies attacking all over the world. Eventually, the nurse wakes up and is confronted by the police officer. They venture off and come across three surivivors: A husband, his pregnant wife, and electronic store worker. After explaining things have pretty gone to hell, they decide to venture to the mall (which was just over the hill).

There, they investigate the first floor and attempt to secure it. Naturally, there's a couple of zombies. The pregnant wife receives a small cut on her arm from a fight with a zombie (This is revealed later in the movie). The survivors then decide to check out the second floor.

On the second floor, they come across yet more survivors...3 mall security guards. The guards are quick to taken advantage of the original group of survivors and are in charge. Around this point, we learn more about the zombie infestation and get a nice cameo by the actor that played Roger in the original, along with Sarvini's cameo. They start working on a plan to attract anyone that can help them. Eventually, they find another survivor...a gun shop owner who is stranded onto of his shop across the street from the mall.

Yet more survivors arrive at the mall. An old lady, older man, infected fat woman, infected man with teenage daughter, the obligatory asshole, the skanky slut, and another older gentleman. The original group (now up to nine - including the gun shop owner on the roof) fights to get them into the mall and eventually does. So, thats up to sixteen possible survivors. The actor playing Peter in the original film also makes a cameo as a television evanglist and mutters his famous phrase of "When there is no room in hell, the dead will walk the earth"

The infected fat woman eventually dies and its around this time the survivors realize that biting is how the virus (their words, not mine) spreads. The husband hides his wife in a baby store, realizing she'd be killed if the survivors found out she was infected. The survivors confront the infected man, informing him that he has got to go. Sappy moment with daughter ensues, and eventually he is disposed of. So we're down to fifteen remaining survivors.

The survivors sorta indulge in their surroundings, etc. Eventually the power goes out and its up to them to restore it. A group consisting of two of the security guards, the electronic store worker, and the police officer head down to restore power. They stumble across a dog and naturally are attacked by a sea of zombies. One of the security guards is killed. About this time, we go back to the husband and his wife. She is slowly dying and eventually does. She returns as a zombie and, defying any logic...gives birth to a baby zombie. Yes, you read that right.

The older woman, asked by the nurse, goes to check up on the wife. She discovers the wife has become a creature and shoots her, causing the husband and older woman to exchange shots and both die. The remaining survivors hear gunshots and go searching, stumbling across both corpses. At this point, we learn that the only way one can become is zombie is if they are bitten. Just dying doesn't cause you to turn. They kill the baby zombie. At this point, they create their final plan: Use the asshole's boat to get to an island. So they start modifying mall shuttles.

The gun shop owner is on his way out. No access to food, he is slowly dying. The mall survivors hatch a scheme to use the dog (which zombies pay no heed to) to give him supplies. It goes smoothly, but the gunshop owner gets bitten when a zombie snuck in. Realizing, the mall survivors aren't actually affected if he turns they decide not to inform him he's going to become a zombie. But, the daughter decides to go save the dog (abandonment issues I guess) and becomes stuck in the gunshop with the now zombified owner.

The remaining two mall guards, police officer, one of the older guys, and electronic store worker decide to go through the sewers and hopefully rescue the daughter and grab some supplies. They leave the asshole in charge of opening the fire door when they return. They do save her but the older man hurts his legs and is unable to keep up and eventually is killed. Naturally, the asshole isn't around and the nurse has to open the door. Of course, the zombies are now in the mall. Its time for escape.

The remaining survivors (down to nine - I think) make a break for it. I have to add this, they use a chainsaw to get the zombies off the side of the shuttles, sliding the blade through an opening. Eventually, the older guy decides to use the chainsaw but an accident causing him to slice open the skanky girl and himself apparently. The asshole runs out of the wrecked shuttle and is attacked and later killed by the nurse. The police officer then escape into the remaining shuttle but there is a small fight with a few zombies.

The survivors (six left) make it to the harbor. The mall guard decides to stay behind and allows the others to get away. His miscalucates and is forced to blow himself up (and alot of zombies). The remaining five find the asshole's boat and start to pile in. However, the electronic store workers says he's not going. He then turns his arm and exposes a bite wound. He and the nurse share a farewell and the boat sails off, followed by a gunshot. Cue to the credits.

Its shot on an awkward video camera but it shows our remaining four (the nurse, police officer, mall guard, and daughter) arriving at the island. However, there are also zombies on the island. Its assumed the survivors are dead.

Thats basically the movie. I'll add my own thoughts on a second post.
I'll go with the positives first.

It was generally a scary movie (Not pee your pants, but there was some good moments).
The cameos by some of the original actors was a nice touch.
Showing that the zombie infestation isn't just regulated to one country was nice.
Not giving an explanation of why its happening was also very good.
The ending. I'm so glad it wasn't a happy ending

Now, negatives

Number 1 is the baby zombie. What an awful concept.
Most of the characters (with the exception of the police officer, one of the guards, and electronic store worker) were really 1 dimensional.
The idea that you have to be bitten to return as a zombie. It doesn't make sense, where would the first zombie come from?
edit: I forgot the chainsaw death for the skank and old guy. It appeared they ran out of ideas to kill of minor characters.

Overall, it was a really well done zombie movie. I recommend it if you've got a couple of hours to kill. As long as you drop any sort of hope its similar to the original and accept it as completely different movie with the same title, you're bound to enjoy it.

Worth the monies.
Have you ever seen Dead Alive??

The reverend knocks up the nurse, to produce the mischeivous baby zombie.
Although he looks like a GWAR puppet, its quite entertaining.

So, thats not an original idea at all.

Another thing. Being bitten, is the same in all of Romeros' movies.

Or, being killed, in a manner, where the head, and brain are preserved.

Since there is no real explanation, throughout the entire Dead trilogy, it has endless possibilities.

Day of, was the final, and thats what they were working on,...a reason, and a cure. Or at least Frankenstein was trying, to, Control them,...uh huh. Thats right Bub!

Some of the unrelated zombie movies, like Return of, made me laugh. They also did something cool.

That whole military experiment gone wrong thing, really made sense. The RAIN of death, is also a great way to progress that kind of film.
Too bad they were so campy, that absolutely no mood could be targetted.

None the less, I'll wait until it hits DVD, to check it out.

I hated Resident Evil, House of 1000 Corpses, House of the Dead, Chainsaw Massacre, and all of the other crap horror movies that came out within the last couple of years.

28 Days was the closest thing to an alright horror movie I've seen, since those glorious days of Romero.

I can't wait for Dead Reckoning! It should rock!

By the way,..how do you sit with the above-mentioned movies?...The titles I hate????

How do they compare??

You did a good deed revealing all, but you should be more opinionated, and offer some more comparisons.
Or at least tell us your tastes, so we know if we're on the same tier.

Thanks, none the less.

Good job.
I'm very much a Romero-ian when it comes to zombie movies.

The being bitten thing was sorta disappointing, especially since Romero had always made it clear that death (as long as the brain is intact) can cause zombification. I've only seen the horrific 30 year anniversary edition of NotLD once but I don't think Russo wrote any extra parts saying that the original zombie was caused by anything other than "causes unknown." I always clinged to the idea that it was some higher being punishing humans for something. I always sorta hoped the rays from space was a joke.

Other zombie movies range from okay to terrible in my book. Its Romero had re-invented the genre and as a result his movies should be placed on higher shelf than any others.

As I mentioned in the other thread, I'm disappointed that the film makers of the remake didn't give more credit to Romero. I'm not asking for a shrine, but you'd think he'd be put on the "Director would like to thank" list

I'm hoping if the remake does well enough, some of the studios may come looking for the fourth Romero movie. Or atleast remake Day but give him enough money to realize the original script, not the watered down one. Based on the new anchorbay release of the original Dawn, Romero says that they've got some nibbles.
Actually terrible, you left out a couple important things at the begining of the movie. When the nurse is leaving the hospital, she talks about someone in critical condition who got bit. She was supposed to check it out, but she left. Then in the car on her way home, she heard something about the "virus", but changed it without thiking. The third and final warning was when her and husband were makin' sweet, sweet love, there was a "We interupt this message" thingy. Then everything goes to hell in the morning. Anyway, I was just wondering in you could give a recap of the original too, since I've never seen it.
Recap of the original Dawn of the Dead (I'll leave out the commentary bits and give a quick overview):

It begins around Night of the Living Dead. People are still in towns, the zombies are showing up in greater numbers but there isn't enough to cause any major problems yet. We begin at a news station and no one is still quite sure what is happening. Yes, there are creatures but what they are is still in debate.

We are introduced to the producer, who is later coaxed into leaving by her chopper pilot boyfriend. Then we flash to over to a building in the projects. Its currently under seige by swat teams. The President issued a statement saying that private residencies are no longer safe and people are being ordered to leave. There is a gunfight between police and residents. We are introduced to our other two main characters here. One of the police officers is a friend of the chopper pilot and brings along one of his fellow men.

Our four heroes (producer, pilot, police officer 1 and 2) "steal" a chopper and head out to reach Canada. Along the way, they find rednecks still hunting the undead for sport (think NotLD remake's end sequence). Eventually, they begin to run low on fuel and land an abandoned airfield to refuel. While there, each of the survivors runs into various zombies. Tension begins to grow between the pilot and one of the officers.

While flying, the survivors discover a mall. Figuring they can stock up on supplies, they land and check out the surround area. They eventually find a storage area not connected to the main part of the mall. The two police officers venture out into the mall (which is filled with zombies) to seek out supplies. Eventually, the pilot wakes up and goes looking for the officers, leaving the producer behind.

The three survivors eventually meet up and stock up, but a zombie managed to slip by and is heading towards the producer. The survivors arrive and help her out. A decision is made to stay at the mall, because if they managed to prevent more zombies from coming in...it would be a nice place to hold up (food, ammo, etc. are readily available). So the survivors begin devising a plan.

They notice that if they manage to place huge trucks near the entrances, no more zombies could get into the mall. So the two policers head out on foot, while the pilot watches over from his chopper. The task gets completed, but one of the officers was bit in the arm and leg, so his days are numbered.

With the exits sealed off, the survivors begin to clean up the rest of the zombies. They want to seal off their entrance to the mall behind a dummy wall, so anyone who comes looking won't find it.

With the mall cleared, the survivors go a little materialistic crazy. The bitten officer dies and returns as a zombie and is immediately killed. This adds to a growing tension and dispair of the situation.

Realizing that if the pilot dies, no would could fly the chopper. So he begins to teach the producer. Sadly, a group of nomadic bikers notices movement and plans to invade the mall.

The bikers arrive and open up the doors, allowing zombies to pour into the mall. The two male survivors (pilot and remaining officer), realizing they can't possibly handle both zombies and bikers, decide to make it extremely difficult for both groups. The begin run-and-gun patterns and eventually aid the zombies is slaughtering the bikers.

During the fight, the pilot was shot through the arm while trying to escape. He is later surrounded by zombies in an opened elevator and is bitten. He manages to close the door, but its already too late.

The producer realizes the pilot is dead and wants to leave. The officer wants to wait around, just incase.

While zombies have no real brain function, they do retain something. The pilot returns as a zombie and slowly makes his way towards the dummy wall, remember there is fresh meat around there. The officer realizes how futile the situation is and decides to stay behind and forces the producer to leave. He hides himself in a back room, gun pointed at head while the producer makes preparations to leave.

The officer decides against his suicide plan and heads to the roof in an effort to catch the producer before she leaves. He gets on the chopper and both fly off, knowing there is no hope but they've got to atleast try.

Thats the jist of the movie. The theatrical cut weighs in on a little over two hours so I left out alot of the stuff with them splurging on things like fur coats and money.

I'll do a quick recap of Day if folks want it.
[quote name='godhatesjustyou']yes, please do a summary of Day of the Dead if you have time. your summaries are excellent.[/quote]

I'll have a summary by tomorrow. I need to rewatch it tonight so I'm not mixing up things.

There isn't alot of action in Day, alot of the movie is the tension between the civilians (pilot, radio man), scientists, and the military guys.
Is day of the dead the movie where the guys are trapped in a missle silo?
And a scientist tries to make the zombie domesticated?
Yeah, its in a silo.

Day is also great.

Its just all these kids want today, is ultra action, inter-racial couples, rap and techno music blaring in the background, ridiculous CG special effects.

Well, thats what MTV and Hollywood would have you think.

If you thought Resident Evil was a good movie, stay away from Romeros' classics, unless you have a wide open mind.

Its so funny, how people will go see the remake, even if they haven't seen the old movies.

Just like Lord of the Rings. No one read the books, until the movie sprung up.
Then they go out, and read the books. Now they say, "Oh yeah, I read those books way before the movie was announced".

Crock of shit.

You guys have got to keep it real. Support the classics, and stop letting these ass holes, like MTV, tell you whats hot, and whats not.

I bet you're all excited about Alien vs Predator. F***ing Anderson! If he messes this up, it'll be Lincoln all over again.

Sorry to vent.

Just stop asking what the premise for these movies are, and go rent or buy them.
Support the originators.
Wow. Normally I just read spoilers on MoviePooper.com but you definitely did a detailed job on those recaps. When I have time I'm going to watch both Dead movies. Until then, thanks!
With all the biting social commentary in the orginals, I'm shocked that the directors, etc of this new one didn't try to capitalize on it.

I think it would be really great to make as much commentary on the effect of the media in a zombie movie as the original Dawn of the Dead did on materialism.

I mean really, the "zombifying" effect of the media is what is driving people to this movie. It's almost ironic, in a way.
Day of the Dead Summary:

The film begins with Sarah (the lead) sitting in a small room, she looks over to a calendar (End of October) and wanders to it. Then, all of a sudden..hands break through the wall. She awakens on a chopper. It was all a dream.

She, the pilot, radioman, and her soldier boyfriend (who is severly losing it) are searching for survivors. She then asks them to land the chopper so she and her boyfriend can begin looking for survivors. Within minutes, hordes and hordes of the undead begin showing up. It becomes quite evident that its been years since Dawn.

The chopper returns to the underground silo that the group of survivors have been staying. They prepare to go underground when Sarah notices a fresh grave - it is Major Cooper, the former head of the military part. As they're heading down, the pilot suggests that they just get what they can and set out for an island and just enjoy what time they've got left. Naturally, its scoffed off.

Upon reaching the bottom, a couple of soldiers say they need Sarah's boyfriend to help them get zombies from this underground holding cell for Dr. Logan (who is trying to figure out a solution of dealing with the zombies).

Due to her boyfriend's current state of insanity, he nearly allows one zombie to escape. Thankfully, Sarah is there to cover his ass. Sarah realizes her boyfriend is going nuts, she admisters something to knock him out for a while.

Both factions are having a meeting, discussing what the hell is going to happen next. The scientists want better conditions to experiments, while the soliders (let by Capt. Rhodes now) don't feel the need to aid the scientists. After some banter between Rhodes and Sarah over her boyfriend's conditions, Sarah and another scientist head down to see what Dr. Logan is up to.

Here, Dr. Logan sums up any questions we've had about zombies for the 20 years. They eat out of instinct, etc. Then Dr. Logan drops the bombshell - with proper conditioning, these creatures could be domesticated. Sarah shoots his theory, citing that he's wasting time trying to define whats happening, rather than whats causing it. Then Sarah noticed a military uniform, Major Cooper's corpse was exchanged with one of the creatures.

Now, the groups are at dinner. Most bickering between the two factions. Dr. Logan arrives, and under duress from Rhodes, explains his theory of domesticating zombies.

Sarah has another nightmare, this time her boyfriend's guts spilling out. She steps out for a bit and is confronting by the soliders fighting each other. The radio man pulls her aside and they travel down to where he and the pilot reside. A trailer with some of life's luxury items. The pilot talks about how hopeless the situation and that the scientists are wasting their time and how they could start the world over.

Dr. Logan explains how its possible to socialize them - rewards (Same way we work for that matter). Logan then wisks the scientists away to show his greatest work off - Bub - his domesticated zombie. Logan shows how Bub can remember certain things, even items he's never seen before. The soliders show up to ruin the fun. Logan shows that zombies can even speak if properly taught. Bub then salutes the soliders, showing he remembers being a soldier once before (He wasn't part of the military faction in the silo, mind you, just a soldier sometime in his past). He can even weird a gun...

Rhodes and Dr. Logan have an arguement over his research. Logan ultimate wins and explains that civility needs to be rewarded and this is how they can be trained.

The soldiers return back to the underground cell to round up a few more zombies. Things go wrong, with Sarah's boyfriend dropping the ball. Two soldiers die and her boyfriend is bitten on the arm. Sarah and her boyfriend run off. She brings him to the pilot's trailer where they cut off her boyfriend's arm in an effort to prevent the disease from spreading. The remaining soldiers show up to kill her boyfriend. They exchange words and her boyfriend is forced to remain with the pilot and radio man. Rhodes vows that the soldiers will no longer aid the scientists.

Sarah and the radio man return to Logan's lab and find all sorts of disturbing notes. It becomes quite clear Logan is insane. They find that Logan enjoys working on the military guys. They leave and notice Logan walking into Bub's room with a bucket. In a surprising development, Logan is able get within inches of Bub, yet Bub does not attack him. Logan hands over the bucket which is full of body parts. Sarah goes to turn but is confronting by Rhodes. Then the shit hits the fan: Logan has been keeping the soldiers' dead bodies and feeding them to Bub. Rhodes shoots Logan. Then, all the guns are removed from the non-soldiers.

Rhodes takes his hostages and confronts the pilot. He kills the remaining scientist and forces Sarah and the radio man into the underground cell with the zombies. With no guns, Sarah and radio man run off. The soldiers beat the crap out of the pilot until they hear a familiar noise - Sarah's boyfriend has activated the elevator to the surface.

Due to training, Bub is able to unshackle himself from the wall.

Sarah and radio man make an attempt to get out of the underground cell, fighting zombies along the way. Eventually the pilot wakes up and steals guns from the soldiers and heads out to look for his friends.

Sarah's boyfriend jams the elevator, leaving no way out of the silo. The pilot tries to make his way to sarah and radio man, fighting zombies along the way. Sarah's boyfriend opens the steel fence, allowing hordes of zombies to enter the main area of the surface. In one final stab at the soldiers, he lowers the elevators back to the silo while being eaten alive. The zombies are now in the main underground compound. Its every man for himself now.

Bub looks for Logan to show him what he's done. He stumbles across Logan's body and throws an emotional fit (My wife almost cried at this point the first time she saw it). He knows who did it - time for revenge.

Zombies have now taken control of the facility and all the soldiers fall one by one.

Sarah, the pilot, and radio man find each other and look for an escape ladder out.

Bub, with gun in hand, finally finds Rhodes. He shoots Rhodes several times before Rhode opens the wrong door and is devoured by zombies. Bub gives him one last salute.

Lots of scenes of zombies eating what flesh they can find.

Sarah, pilot, and radio man find the chopper and run to it. Sarah opens the door and is grabbed by zombies.

She awakens on a beach. The zombies in the chopper were a dream. She looks over at the pilot and radio man fishing for breakfast. She makes off November 4th on the calendar.
so wait, dawn of the dead took place the..day after night of the living dead? and day of the dead took place a couple of years after dawn of the dead?

and in all these movies, the characters were different, right?

man, i wanna go out and watch these movies now, they look awesome.
[quote name='godhatesjustyou']so wait, dawn of the dead took place the..day after night of the living dead? and day of the dead took place a couple of years after dawn of the dead?

and in all these movies, the characters were different, right?[/quote]

The series begins with Night of the Living Dead. This is when the zombies first begin showing up. The movie takes place over the span of a night, and the zombie numbers increase slowly.

There is also a remake of Night of the Living Dead. Its in color and was directed by Tom Savini (Special effects make-up for Dawn and Day). Its similiar to the 1968 version of the film but the end is different.

Dawn of the Dead could very well take place the next day after Night. The zombies are increasing in numbers quicker, but it appears that humans can still hold their own against them. There a sequence in Dawn thats very similiar to the ending of The Night of the Living Dead remake.

Day of the Dead could be years after Dawn. There are so few survivor groups that they are unable to find each other. Based on Sarah's calendar, it seems like the movie takes place over four days.

The characters are all different in each films. There are common character threads like there's always a woman and a strong black male character however.
YES,...these movies are some of the best horror films ever, IMHO.

Its good that people are at least willing to check them out after all these years.

bread's done