DC Universe Online Collector's Edition Preorder PS3 and PC $87.99 Amazon FSSS

wasnt this supposed to have online subscriptions?

i remember back when it was announced, i was going apeshit
pun intended
because i wanted to play as the Batman until i read it had subscriptions.

dont know what to think.
[quote name='cRodz']wasnt this supposed to have online subscriptions?

i remember back when it was announced, i was going apeshit
pun intended
because i wanted to play as the Batman until i read it had subscriptions.

dont know what to think.[/QUOTE]
You don't play as any of the DC characters
I dont care if you play as any of the dc characters, but to create your own character and integrate it into them and their world...I would just love to play it. But 15 a month for just ONE game is ridiculous. makes the 360 so much better even with the new subscription price hike, cause i can play ANY game i want online for the whole year as opposed to one month at 15 bucks. in just nine months, its already more than double the price for 360's online services. ridiculous...and i was actually excited for this game when i heard about it and was going to buy a ps3 just for this game.
[quote name='Ratchet & CAG']Yup, it's a monthly fee of $15 per month for the Online Subscription.


I'm not a MMORPG and paying a monthly subscription fee for a game I'll be playing for only a month until the NEWEST game comes out, is really not my type of game.

Plus, you cannot play as DC Characters in the main game's online Campaign. Some of them are only playable during VS mode.

That is an old story. It is now going to be free with microtransactions. :applause:

[quote name='pk24']I dont care if you play as any of the dc characters, but to create your own character and integrate it into them and their world...I would just love to play it. But 15 a month for just ONE game is ridiculous. makes the 360 so much better even with the new subscription price hike, cause i can play ANY game i want online for the whole year as opposed to one month at 15 bucks. in just nine months, its already more than double the price for 360's online services. ridiculous...and i was actually excited for this game when i heard about it and was going to buy a ps3 just for this game.[/QUOTE]

What kind of idiot compares DC Online to Xbox Live Gold? The two have jack shit to do with one another. People who play MMO's are used to paying monthly fees, this is hardly anything new. The fact that it's on the PS3 has no bearing on that.

I wonder if you even realize that you'd have to pay a monthly fee for any future MMO that came to the 360, in addition to the fee for XBL Gold. This whole "makes the 360 so much better" makes you look like a complete fanboy.
[quote name='ssjmichael']What kind of idiot compares DC Online to Xbox Live Gold? The two have jack shit to do with one another. People who play MMO's are used to paying monthly fees, this is hardly anything new. The fact that it's on the PS3 has no bearing on that.

I wonder if you even realize that you'd ahve to pay a monthly fee for any MMO that came to the 360, in addition to the fee for XBL Gold.[/QUOTE]

i realize its an mmo ass, it's just a total downer, and if you look at the context of the post, its comparing the prices of gaming, and just that. not that its an mmo compared to "normal console game". and just that its a ps3 title as well, theres alot of bad feedback surrounding the idea of the price being that high. the comparison is for one game of online pay coming out to $180 a year, and xbl being $60 bucks.

look on threads elsewhere, and the price to play is the make or break deal for alot of us.

clear enough?
[quote name='pk24']i realize its an mmo ass, it's just a total downer, and if you look at the context of the post, its comparing the prices of gaming, and just that. not that its an mmo compared to "normal console game". and just that its a ps3 title as well, theres alot of bad feedback surrounding the idea of the price being that high. the comparison is for one game of online pay coming out to $180 a year, and xbl being $60 bucks. clear enough?[/QUOTE]

It's still fucking stupid as shit to compare XBL Gold to an MMO and then conclude that it "makes the 360 so much better". Please explain to me how this makes the 360 better? We're talking apples and oranges here. You do also realize that there are many 360 owners who are paying $13 a month for FFXI as well as paying for XBL Gold right? One still has nothing to do with another though.

I don't dispute the fact that it's expensive. I think all major MMO's are. I dispute your retarded backwards ass logic that you used to explain why it's expensive. That's all I'll say on the matter.
[quote name='ssjmichael']yes.[/QUOTE]That just brought my excitement level for this game from very excited to zero.
[quote name='kak23']That just brought my excitement level for this game from very excited to zero.[/QUOTE]
that just supports what I'm saying here. MMO on a console, and having to pay as much as they're wanting....not gonna happen, and i'm figuring based on every topic i've seen on this game at any forum, that this game won't be much of a success on ps3.
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[quote name='pk24']price to play many games > single title mmo, on console.

PRICE, no apples, no oranges. again, not comparing mmo to a normal console game. if i were comparing it as an mmo vs the console games, then yes, you'd be correct against my reasoning here. but like i said my dealbreaker in this was having to dish out $180 just for this title. but even if i did mmo in general to xbl, they're still games, so even that comparison would have logic behind comparing it depending on HOW i compared it.

You compared a MMO console game to xbox live. You used that to say that's why the 360 is better. Pretty stupid, just saying.
[quote name='ssjmichael']*facepalm*


It can't be just me can it?[/QUOTE]

i read the posts that began this argument and i am not gonna bother finishing it :whistle2:#

anyways, here is some irrational argument to add to this idiotic contrast of online services

15 dollar a month for servers to play online > 60 dollars a year for a crappy p2p online service
okay, maybe that wording was wrong, cause it wasn't meant to be that the 360 is better. but think about how all console gamers are, no one will be used to the price to play, unless they've already been in the MMO world.
[quote name='pk24']okay, maybe that wording was wrong, cause it wasn't meant to be that the 360 is better. but think about how all console gamers are, no one will be used to the price to play, unless they've already been in the MMO world.[/QUOTE]

[quote name='pk24'] But 15 a month for just ONE game is ridiculous. makes the 360 so much better even with the new subscription price hike, cause i can play ANY game i want online for the whole year as opposed to one month at 15 bucks. in just nine months, its already more than double the price for 360's online services. [/QUOTE]
This game looks pretty good. Even with the fee I think I'll be giving it a shot. I'll just buy 1 less cheap game I don't really want every month to make up for it.
[quote name='refusedchaos']ahem[/QUOTE]

[quote name='pk24']okay, maybe that wording was wrong, cause it wasn't meant to be that the 360 is better. but think about how all console gamers are, no one will be used to the price to play, unless they've already been in the MMO world.[/QUOTE]
again, i'm not trying to compare the 360 to ps3 to pc or whatever else you want, hence why i said wording was just wrong here. I'm trying to compare price to play with one game vs. many games, regardless of if there are dedicated servers or p2p.
[quote name='ssjmichael']*facepalm*


It can't be just me can it?[/QUOTE]


It's like comparing Starcraft 2's free online play with World of Warcraft's $15/mo subscription. Same company.... gee, wonder why there is a difference?

MMOs require more services and probably more expensive hardware. They also generally update the game with more content. For example, every expansion of WoW generally has 3-4 major content patches.
[quote name='pk24']again, i'm not trying to compare the 360 to ps3 to pc or whatever else you want, hence why i said wording was just wrong here. I'm trying to compare price to play with one game vs. many games, regardless of if there are dedicated servers or p2p.[/QUOTE]


you are being illogical either way
i'm trying? sounds like present tense to me
dont bother..
So if we ignore this game, then PS3 users can play every game Xbox users can play for free so that's why the PS3 is so much better than Xbox Live?

Man, it's okay to accept that you made a mistake. Continuing to argue your dumbass point just makes it much, much worse for you. Take the L and keep it moving.
Be critical all you want. The point for me is that it is my deal breaker, because the price is that high and that I'm sticking with my xbl. If it were an x-box title, and the same subscription applied, I'd say the same about the x-box. Sorry if anyones hung up about my "voicing" my own reasoning behind not getting it now.

and yes, present tense cause it was still happening. if i came back in a week, then it would have "tried".
[quote name='pk24']again, i'm not trying to compare the 360 to ps3 to pc or whatever else you want, hence why i said wording was just wrong here. I'm trying to compare price to play with one game vs. many games, regardless of if there are dedicated servers or p2p.[/QUOTE]

Your argument is truly unfounded and it shows your lack knowledge of the product you're referring to. You can't compare a MMO pricing to that of regular console games because MMOs cost much more to produce and require much more resources to maintain its servers.

Comparing DC Universe's online services to X360 live is just plain retarded; they're two different things. You should be comparing the DCU subscription fees to games like WoW, WAR, or FFXI (hey that's on X360 too and it charges a subscription fee!).

Educate yourself on subscription based massive-online games before you post next time.
[quote name='monkeydoodle']Comparing DC Universe's online services to X360 live is just plain retarded; they're two different things. You should be comparing the DCU subscription fees to games like WoW, WAR, or FFXI (hey that's on X360 too and it charges a subscription fee!). [/QUOTE]FFXI on 360 doesn't need XBL though it does need its own subscription fee.
[quote name='shrike4242']FFXI on 360 doesn't need XBL though it does need its own subscription fee.[/QUOTE]

Yah I never said it needed XBL, because after all you're playing the game on SquareEnix's servers.
Oh c'mon guys, give him a break. He admitted that he worded that one sentence wrongly, plus it's pretty apparent what he means. Just because the norm for an MMO is to pay $15 a month doesn't mean it isn't still outrageous. WoW came out in 2004 so that means some people have already payed over $1000 just to play one single game over it's lifespan. ONE game. It is ridiculous, and a deal breaker for me as well.

His argument is with one of his subscriptions(A) he gets to play all the games he wants, for as long as he wants, for $60 a year. In comparison with this subscription(B), you get to play this one game all you want for a whole year for $180. What subscription sounds more like a deal to you? The first one, right? The correct answer is yes.

Therefore, subscription A is a better deal and it only happens to be a subscription to LIVE.

Please stop trying to find any way you can to turn any comparison/discussion/comment into a fanboy war. IMO, you guys did worse than he did. I'll also point out that I'm a proud ps3 owner and never have(or will) own a 360, if that helps. *shrugs*
I'm going to go throw the combo breaker and actually talk about the deal.

Does anyone know if this game is offering life time subs? Also I wonder how long before this thing hits rock bottom price like most MMOs CE seem to do these days. You can get the STO CE for ten bucks, that's less then the monthly fee to play the game.
This is my new favorite thread. I haven't laughed so hard out loud at a thread like this in awhile. But back on topic, if the topic was ever actually on topic. I think this is a reasonable price for this special edition. I can't remember the last time I paid $60 for a game new, maybe NCAA, but I probably would for DCUO, from that perspective it being an MMO I'd probably want to pro-order it and $40 more for special edition isn't bad. For all the content, the statue is cool, and would certaintly sell well I would imagine if you weren't interested in it, same with the comic books. And if dcuo takes off I'd imagine it would only be worth more, I don't see them pumping out the collectors edition all over the place. Just buying the collectors edition and selling all that stuff I'd gamble would get me more than $40 to cover the cost. And then 12% off from Amazon that's more than enough to make me bite for just $27 difference. Idk I'm sure kmart will give the regular edition a $15-20 coupon, but even then there's not one within 45 minutes and unless they start getting some pre-order exclusives it matters to me for some select games.
But also does anyone know if the collectors edition comes with any in game bonus items? I didn't see anywhere.
And what does amazon have for pre ordering? Anything besides the batman arena character that's just game wide I think? I know gamestop has the joker bomb and I saw best buy has a batarang, but didn't know if that was gamewide or best buy exclusive, didn't see anywhere else unless I'm mistaken? Didn't look around. Is this still January release date?
If they had a Super Girl or Wonder Woman statue instead I might consider....

I also wanted to say that I never understood the 'all you can play games on xbxlive' argument since people don't realize that you have to buy all the other games whereas for these MMOs you just buy the game once and just pay the subscription fees.
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[quote name='Mixer236']Oh c'mon guys, give him a break. He admitted that he worded that one sentence wrongly, plus it's pretty apparent what he means. Just because the norm for an MMO is to pay $15 a month doesn't mean it isn't still outrageous. WoW came out in 2004 so that means some people have already payed over $1000 just to play one single game over it's lifespan. ONE game. It is ridiculous, and a deal breaker for me as well.

His argument is with one of his subscriptions(A) he gets to play all the games he wants, for as long as he wants, for $60 a year. In comparison with this subscription(B), you get to play this one game all you want for a whole year for $180. What subscription sounds more like a deal to you? The first one, right? The correct answer is yes.

Therefore, subscription A is a better deal and it only happens to be a subscription to LIVE.

Please stop trying to find any way you can to turn any comparison/discussion/comment into a fanboy war. IMO, you guys did worse than he did. I'll also point out that I'm a proud ps3 owner and never have(or will) own a 360, if that helps. *shrugs*[/QUOTE]

THAANK YOU for getting it!!
[quote name='kaiyouske']If they had a Super Girl or Wonder Woman statue instead I might consider....


wait a sec?
what is wrong with the Goddamn Batman?
[quote name='Jaysonguy']You don't play as any of the DC characters[/QUOTE]

Yes, you can play as Batman. You do it in the 2 on 2 arena matches. I'm not really sure how it works, since it's like playing an all new character, but you can do it. You just don't get to level up a nooby Batman from 1-max like the other guy was probably meaning.
Amazon has changed the release date to the 11th of January. I also heard that people who preordered from Play in the UK said their release date has been changed to January 14th.
[quote name='aTaRiFrEaK223']Amazon has changed the release date to the 11th of January. I also heard that people who preordered from Play in the UK said their release date has been changed to January 14th.[/QUOTE]

Bestbuy and walmart also changed to January 11th for the release date. Don't know if that is a good sign for the game itself, who knows maybe they will be ready in time.
[quote name='Lexicon']Bestbuy and walmart also changed to January 11th for the release date. Don't know if that is a good sign for the game itself, who knows maybe they will be ready in time.[/QUOTE]

I'm liking the beta a lot so far, but don't know if I want to spend $15 a month... This would be my first mmo, if I stop playing for a few months (dont pay) will my character be deleted off the server if I want to play again later (start paying again)??
[quote name='aTaRiFrEaK223']I'm liking the beta a lot so far, but don't know if I want to spend $15 a month... This would be my first mmo, if I stop playing for a few months (dont pay) will my character be deleted off the server if I want to play again later (start paying again)??[/QUOTE]

For most MMO companies, as long as the game is still running it won't be deleted. They want to ensure that you'll come back, and most won't if all your work is cleared out because you took a break. The pennies it may cost them to store your character is easily made up by that one time $15 fee that you pay to play.
Let me play this thing for free with a PS+ subscription(or at least a discounted rate, maybe like 4.99 a month) and I'll be all over this game, and PS+. This could be a good incentive to generate PS+ sales. Doubt it would happen though.
[quote name='mrosnwo']Let me play this thing for free with a PS+ subscription(or at least a discounted rate, maybe like 4.99 a month) and I'll be all over this game, and PS+. This could be a good incentive to generate PS+ sales. Doubt it would happen though.[/QUOTE]

what does PS+ have to do with you playing the game for free, it's not the same division as Playstation or SCE, it's SOE. also, MMO = there's development cost for updates and also server related stuff, it's not just a simple connect and play like Xbox Live and most console games, you're actually playing on their servers for most part, rather than sending and receiving information every now and then
[quote name='Ratchet & CAG']

I'm not a MMORPG and paying a monthly subscription fee for a game I'll be playing for only a month until the NEWEST game comes out, is really not my type of game.


Well, lucky for you the game comes with a free 30 day sub, so you will be fine until the NEWEST game comes out. :D
I played the beta, and after I was done with that I decided I wouldn't play it if you gave me the game & charged no monthly fee. It feels like a very dated MMO made for the PC & sloppily ported to the PS3.
[quote name='djricekcn']what does PS+ have to do with you playing the game for free, it's not the same division as Playstation or SCE, it's SOE. also, MMO = there's development cost for updates and also server related stuff, it's not just a simple connect and play like Xbox Live and most console games, you're actually playing on their servers for most part, rather than sending and receiving information every now and then[/QUOTE]

I understand what goes into the infrastucture of an MMO, I was just stating I think it would be a good incentive to get people to pay for their premium PS+ service. Half of the deals in PS+ anyway has nothing to do with SCE either, it's 3rd party games being discounted. I know this game costs more to run on a daily basis, but PS+ sales I would assume are pretty crappy, and I don't expect this game to take off like gangbusters either, so combining the two with a promotion could be an agressive tactic to earn subscribers. For all I know I could be wrong and PS+ could have millions of members already, but it's kinda doubtful.
bread's done