[Dead]Capcom deal of the week Resident Evil Revelations $29.99 + Shipping

Cheapest shipping is over $7, which prices the game over what Amazon has it listed for.

 The game is phenomenal- I bought the 3DS version day one when it launched, and plowed through the campaign, then plowed through RAID mode online with my brother. A truly great game, but since I already own it on 3DS, I'm waiting for the price to drop to $20 or less on Wii U.

I have the (KOR) import version for PS3. If anyone doesn't care about DLC! The online play works fine as well.

Shoot me a message if interested! Looking to get rid of it, all in game text and language is in english also!

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I thought this one was supposed to be pretty good. I enjoyed RE6 and RE: ORC, so I'm sure I will like Revelations as well.  Waiting until it hits $29.99 and no shipping.  It's $39.99 on Amazon now.

Define bombed.

Capcom can slap "Resident Evil" on almost anything and it will outsell most all titles.

Do you mean you didn't like it?

That has to be what he meant. It did quite well on the 3DS. It may have not have done as well on the consoles as the 3DS, but I can't imagine Capcom spent much money porting the game over. I'm sure they didn't expect large numbers.

If you want this game really bad, you can print out the capcom Page/ your iphone & show your local bestbest.   You can get the game for $32.XX

$30 is already the pseudo-official price if you're a smart shopper.

I'm gonna wait to $20 not because its a bad game but because Capcom has dealt me some blows in the past (Street Fighter 4--->Super Street Fighter 4, Dragon's Dogma---->Dark Arizen,Marvel vs Capcom 3--->Ultimate Marvel vs Capcom 3).

bread's done