[DEAD] Get six issues of HGM delivered for only $0!

[quote name='MaxBiaggi2']This is kind of funny considering how many people think it's "cool" to rag on EGM and Game Informer say they blow chunks. Anybody that wants to put together a real print magazine (and ship out several issues for free) is ok in my book.[/QUOTE]

You've hit on it nicely . . . its so cool to say that EGM sux.

I read all the game magazines and enjoy each one and get all I can from them.

Obviously the reviews are always a matter of opinion and will vary.

EGM is a shallow mag but also has broad coverage . . . Game Informer is the most fun and often has very good cover articles. They broke Vice City open in the summer of 2002 with a great 8 page spread.

If only my fave of all time Next Generation were still in publication . . . the writing was so intelligent.
I just got my first issue and I must say, it is VERY good quality, and it is good to read as well (even the articles about games I didn't care about were interesting).
Wow. Please tell me you guys aren't going to cheap out on us and start using shitty paper. I am loving the thick paper you guys chose.

Great quality.

I give it the thumbs up. I'd subscribe if it was $12 for 12 months.
I got this magazine today. Overall, it seems nicely done. I like the references that older gamers can get, like how it's sad that the NES Batman is still the best one. I also like how not every game is getting a 5 out of 5... COUGH IGN COUGH...

For the negatives, I really think a "hardcore codes" section is totally anachronistic. Sure, it was cool getting Nintendo Power and finding cheats for games 10 years ago, but now we have the internet. Also, the "hardcore strategy" part looks kind of out of place too.

Looking back now, the "bad" parts I mentioned seem to be a giant ad for prima guides. Don't know how true this is, but it makes sense, I guess.
Got mine, and it's an excellent read. The reviews are tightly written and informative, so even if you don't agree with the score you can at least learn about the game in question. I like how the news section is set up. Highly informative and up-to-date - perfect for those select few who either don't have an internet conection, or don't keep constant tabs on VG news. My favorite part of the mag is all the little things other nmags don't have. Things like "submissions" and an article about long lost games for yester-year really struck a cord with me.

About the only thing I didn't like were the stradegy and code sections, if you truly are speaking to the hardcore gamer, then these sections are un-needed, and waste space better used for more arcticles, reviews, etc, etc.

All in all, I haven't enjoyed a new mag this well since I first subscribed to GI back in 2001. They've really earned my respect and fandom, here's hoping they keep it :)
It's an ok read... I have a few nitpicks though.

- The previews are VERY short, would like to see them expanded on a bit.

- Why so many editors? Some of them didn't seem to have any articles at all. Expanding on this, in the box where they talk about themselves in the front, how come some are written in third page, while others are first person? It would flow better if they used one type of speaking universally.

- Sometimes the articles seem a bit disjointed... that Xbox Homebrew one really jumped around alot, it was a difficult read.

- That anime section has to go... I hate the stereotype attached to gamers that all of them must love anime. I felt the Gundam Seed anime review was a big waste of two pages, personally. If I wanted anime, I'd get a Newtype. Same with the cosplay =/

Some positives:

- That article on Namco X Capcom was very awesome - a page for imports is something very appreciated.

- Reviews are very well done, you can tell they are written from a gamer's POV.

- You seem awfully hard on some games... i'll list it as a positive since some magazines fluff up games TOO much.

And here's a side comment:

Why not like a suggested MSRP where you think the game would be worth buying? Let's say the MSRP is 49.99, you could mention how it's not worth 50, but maybe at 30 it would be definite pickup. You could put it right in the info bar with everything else. Say, for GTA, it would say MSRP: 49.99, We Suggest: Buy it ASAP

For something like Fantastic Four, it could be MSRP: 49.99 We Suggest: 19.99
[quote name='Roufuss']I have a few nitpicks though. . . [/QUOTE]

That's a lot of criticism given you paid nothing for the subscription. Are you always this critical of everything you get for free? Perhaps you'd care to comment on air quality or sunshine? :D
[quote name='MaxBiaggi2']That's a lot of criticism given you paid nothing for the subscription. Are you always this critical of everything you get for free? Perhaps you'd care to comment on air quality or sunshine? :D[/QUOTE]

It's constructive criticism, and I was not sure if DJPubba still viewed this thread. Is every free game a 10 / 10 with you? And it's not a sub, it's a six issue free trial. If it was a sub I'd get a year for free.

After five more issues, I would have to pay 24.99 for a sub, and at this point in time no way would I throw down 25 bucks. However, maybe some running changes will be made... DjPubba could see my criticism, and say "Hey I'm going to get right on fixing that, great idea".

Constructive criticism is better than 2000 posts all saying "wow, great job, thanks".
Got mine in the mail the other day...
Decent magazine, I like how they dont freely give 5's to games in the reviews section (no game recieved one, not even GTA:SA XB)

Like the unearthing of old classics we may have forgotten or had never played before, would like to see a little more coverage of that

The preview of the Capcom Classics Collection had me pumped about its release in September

I also like how the "smart-ass" factor is toned down here, as opposed to magazines like EGM (which I do like coverage wise, the amount of info per issue is why I subscribe, not the "fratboy" type mentality seem in viewer mail etc)

As far as other magazines go, hate... HATE gamepro... I do like tips and tricks, particularly the collectors closet
[quote name='zman73']
Like the unearthing of old classics we may have forgotten or had never played before, would like to see a little more coverage of that


Forgot to mention I really liked that, and hope they would expand on it... cut out those two pages of anime and give me another two pages of old classics please :D
received mine yesterday...read through this morning at work...great magazine (and smell)...depending on how it holds up (and im sure it'll do fine), i'll probably subscribe after my 6 free months are over
[quote name='Roufuss']It's an ok read... I have a few nitpicks though.

- The previews are VERY short, would like to see them expanded on a bit.

- Why so many editors? Some of them didn't seem to have any articles at all. Expanding on this, in the box where they talk about themselves in the front, how come some are written in third page, while others are first person? It would flow better if they used one type of speaking universally.

- Sometimes the articles seem a bit disjointed... that Xbox Homebrew one really jumped around alot, it was a difficult read.

- That anime section has to go... I hate the stereotype attached to gamers that all of them must love anime. I felt the Gundam Seed anime review was a big waste of two pages, personally. If I wanted anime, I'd get a Newtype. Same with the cosplay =/

Some positives:

- That article on Namco X Capcom was very awesome - a page for imports is something very appreciated.

- Reviews are very well done, you can tell they are written from a gamer's POV.

- You seem awfully hard on some games... i'll list it as a positive since some magazines fluff up games TOO much.

And here's a side comment:

Why not like a suggested MSRP where you think the game would be worth buying? Let's say the MSRP is 49.99, you could mention how it's not worth 50, but maybe at 30 it would be definite pickup. You could put it right in the info bar with everything else. Say, for GTA, it would say MSRP: 49.99, We Suggest: Buy it ASAP

For something like Fantastic Four, it could be MSRP: 49.99 We Suggest: 19.99[/QUOTE]

I couldn't agree with this post more. I'd also add that the cover story and news section were nice and informative, so I'd give each of those a positive. Also my main gripe is the previews seem really short, which is my favorite section in magazines so I was a little disappointed. I also they think should do away with the anime, cosplay sections. I want to read about games, not this junk. Get rid of those and liven up the previews a bit more.
[quote name='Roufuss']It's an ok read... I have a few nitpicks though.

- The previews are VERY short, would like to see them expanded on a bit.

- Why so many editors? Some of them didn't seem to have any articles at all. Expanding on this, in the box where they talk about themselves in the front, how come some are written in third page, while others are first person? It would flow better if they used one type of speaking universally.

- Sometimes the articles seem a bit disjointed... that Xbox Homebrew one really jumped around alot, it was a difficult read.

- That anime section has to go... I hate the stereotype attached to gamers that all of them must love anime. I felt the Gundam Seed anime review was a big waste of two pages, personally. If I wanted anime, I'd get a Newtype. Same with the cosplay =/

Some positives:

- That article on Namco X Capcom was very awesome - a page for imports is something very appreciated.

- Reviews are very well done, you can tell they are written from a gamer's POV.

- You seem awfully hard on some games... i'll list it as a positive since some magazines fluff up games TOO much.

And here's a side comment:

Why not like a suggested MSRP where you think the game would be worth buying? Let's say the MSRP is 49.99, you could mention how it's not worth 50, but maybe at 30 it would be definite pickup. You could put it right in the info bar with everything else. Say, for GTA, it would say MSRP: 49.99, We Suggest: Buy it ASAP

For something like Fantastic Four, it could be MSRP: 49.99 We Suggest: 19.99[/QUOTE]

i strongly agree on all of the highlighted text...especially the anime/cosplay and the suggested pick it up price....ive tried to watch anime and i just cant get into it...its too, i dunno...id rather not start a flame war on how i feel towards anime...but i definitely dont think it belongs in a gaming magazine...id rather you review new release dvds in general than an anime dvd here or there....but you're trying something new and that's cool...which brings me to the recipe section...i thought that was really cool and i plan on trying that one out....as for the suggested pick it up price that roufuss mentioned...ive always stressed that magazines need to have a section in their review where they give the game an additional rating depending on its price...example being that one game might not be a 9 out of a 10 for $50, but for $20 it is
I like the new September issue (came yesterday) better than last month's issue.

Nice feature on Treasure and Gunstar Heroes.

Good previews.

Not so big on Madden strategy section . . . necessary???

But best of all (so far in my reading) are the plans for hacking the Atari Flashback 2 to put in your own cartridge slot. Why oh why didn't they manufacture it like this and sell some retro carts???
[quote name='schultzed']I like the new September issue (came yesterday) better than last month's issue.

Nice feature on Treasure and Gunstar Heroes.

Good previews.

Not so big on Madden strategy section . . . necessary???

But best of all (so far in my reading) are the plans for hacking the Atari Flashback 2 to put in your own cartridge slot. Why oh why didn't they manufacture it like this and sell some retro carts???[/QUOTE]

Yeah, I am digging the articles on old school games. I do believe I will become a paid subscriber. The mag feels a lot like the Gamefan of old to me, and I really missed that mag.
Someone should put up a scan of the latest issue so those who didn't get in on it can "get a feel" for it. I didn't get a free sub, but if I like what I see I'd be willing to sign up.
Just got the 2nd free issue in yesterday. Like whoever said it, it definitely has an old school Gamefan vibe to it. Heavy pages with lots of colorful pictures and, thank Rebus, an artistic cover. The game magazine covers of late are total crap stock images given to magazines by publishers. Hardcore Gamer definitely feels like a game magazine made strictly by game enthusiasts.

And, I'll actually go against the grain and say leave the anime review in. But, leave it to one page. This is a game magazine, not an anime mag. If the powers that be like anime, let them throw it in, it's their show. But they'll just need to remember the core audience this mag is intended for.

Previews, I agree, are too short. For the really big games they can do bigger previews and then have some sort of smaller section with other ones with less information.

Otherwise, this is a pretty solid, fun mag to read. And this most recent issue is better than the Serious Sam (which I don't think I could give any less of a rat's bald ass about) one.
Got the second issue 2 days ago. Pretty damn good.

We ♥ Katamari

Genji I: Dawn Of The Samurai (PS2)
Ultimate Spider-Man (PS2/Xbox/GC/PC)
Battlefield 2: MC (PS2/Xbox)
Spartan: Total Warrior (PS2/Xbox/GC)
Civilization IV (PC)
Dawn Of War: Winter Assault (PC)
Shining Force (PS2)
Romancing SaGa (PS2)
Indigo Prohecy (PS2/Xbox/GC)
Legend Of Kay (PS2)
Generation Of Chaos (PSP)
Viewful Joe: Red Hot Rumble (GC)
Castlevania: Dawn Of Sorrow (DS)
Total Overdose (PS2/Xbox/PC)
25 To Life (PS2/Xbox)
Burnout: Revenge (PS2/Xbox)
Shin Megami Tensei: Digtial Devil Saga 2 (PS2)
X-Men Legends II: RoA (PS2/Xbox/GC/PC)

4 page history on Treasure (the development house)
Atari Flashback 2.0 (4 pages)
Hacking The Atari Flashback 2.0 (2 Pages)

Shin Megami Tensei (2 pages)

Cover Story:
We ♥ Katamari (7 pages)

(all out of 5 listed Platform, Final Score and Alternate Rating)

Radiata Stories (PS2) 3.75/4.0
Nintendogs (DS) 4.25/4.5
Death Jr. (PSP) 2.25/2.5
Madden 06 (PS2/Xbox/GC) 4.25/4.5
NFL 06 (PS2/Xbox/GC/PC) 3.75/3.5
Darkwatch (PS2/Xbox) 4.25/4
Beat Down: FoV (PS2/Xbox) 1.5/1.5
Sigma Star Sega (GBA) 4/4
Pac 'N Roll (DS) 2.25/2
Pump It Up Exceed (PS2/Xbox) 4.25/4

Madden 06
Wild Arms Alter Code : F

Taito Memories (4 out of 5)
Hayarigami: Keishichou Kaii Jiken Fairu (not worth importing unless you know Japanese)
This second issue was ALOT better... they finally got rid of the anime and cosplay section, and instead gave us ANOTHER two pages of import reviews. That was definately awesome, those 4 pages of Japan were probably my favorite reads, because you just don't see that in other gaming magazines.

Good to see the Editor boxes were all in 1st person POV instead of that weird mix of 1st and 3rd person.

Awesome article on modding the Atari Flashback, and kudos on the informative Katamari cover story. It's stuff like this that makes it really feel like a hardcore gamer's magazine.

But one kind of minor nitpick... those strategy sections are really stupid. I mean, strats on Madden 2006, and last month it was Dragonball GT? Not to mention that they aren't really the greatest of strategy's, either. I know that Prima is probably throwing down a good bit of money to be able to do that, but cmon Pubba, you are the head of Double Jump Books, your guides wipe their floor with their shit any day of the week =/ If you are going to have some strategy sections, at least make Prima put some effort into it, that Wild Arms Alter Code F section was laughable at best.

Bah, who am I kidding, you probably don't read this thread anymore :p
The Atari Flashback 2.0 hack was the coolest thing I've ever seen in a videogame mag. I love projects like that and seeing how it is build step-by-step was very interesting...
bread's done