[DEAD] Official Toys R US Buy 2 Get 1 Free - Free shipping added to more games

i went in to a couple of TRU's last night and picked up 9 GTA's for the price of six. im selling 8 of them to friends of mine at $45 a piece. that gets me $360 when i paid out $324. so im making about $40 and i got myself a free copy of GTA which i wasnt going to buy for a while. good deal if you can get in on it and i saved friends about $10 each on a game they wanted. :D
[quote name='Drico'][quote name='ToddlerTN'][quote name='ToddlerTN']I just talked to a guy at my TRU who said he's got a shipment of DOA Ultimate in a box he just needs to unpack and move to stock. Although I never totally believe store employees over the phone anymore, but I'm hopeful. I'm planning to do an exchange as soon as they have it in stock. Has anyone else seen DOA Ultimate in their local TRU?[/quote]
My TRU stockboy is a liar. So far this game is vaporware.

"I could just be sitting here with pee stains on my rug...."[/quote]


WTF does that mean, Drico? You think my TRU actually has the game in stock and they just refuse to admit it? Believe me, as soon as it hits the shelves I'll be picking it up, hopefully this afternoon.
[quote name='OneWingedAngeI']i went in to a couple of TRU's last night and picked up 9 GTA's for the price of six. im selling 8 of them to friends of mine at $45 a piece. that gets me $360 when i paid out $324. so im making about $40 and i got myself a free copy of GTA which i wasnt going to buy for a while. good deal if you can get in on it and i saved friends about $10 each on a game they wanted. :D[/quote]
TRU is supposed to restrict you to only buying one copy per title. Guess you got lucky.
The TRU by me at first only allowed 3 GTAs per person, the next day it dropped to two. Of course it didn't stop a big group of friends that I saw by two each, about 12 in all. They didn't even look 17, isn't the game M rated?
[quote name='OneWingedAngeI']i went in to a couple of TRU's last night and picked up 9 GTA's for the price of six. im selling 8 of them to friends of mine at $45 a piece. that gets me $360 when i paid out $324. so im making about $40 and i got myself a free copy of GTA which i wasnt going to buy for a while. good deal if you can get in on it and i saved friends about $10 each on a game they wanted. :D[/quote]

:roll: :roll: :shock: :shock:

I'm surprised they let you get away with that. Damn lucky.
[quote name='ToddlerTN'][quote name='Drico'][quote name='ToddlerTN'][quote name='ToddlerTN']I just talked to a guy at my TRU who said he's got a shipment of DOA Ultimate in a box he just needs to unpack and move to stock. Although I never totally believe store employees over the phone anymore, but I'm hopeful. I'm planning to do an exchange as soon as they have it in stock. Has anyone else seen DOA Ultimate in their local TRU?[/quote]
My TRU stockboy is a liar. So far this game is vaporware.

"I could just be sitting here with pee stains on my rug...."[/quote]


WTF does that mean, Drico? You think my TRU actually has the game in stock and they just refuse to admit it? Believe me, as soon as it hits the shelves I'll be picking it up, hopefully this afternoon.[/quote]

Man I've called up 2 TRU's so far, and none of them even seem to know what the hell the game is, then they just tell me "no don't have it bye" *CLICK*.
Actually I'm not suprised that they let him buy so many copies. A lot of people who work at TRU and the like, (sorry hope I don't offend anyone), are just there to do their job for 8 hours and get the heck out of there. Many clerks will realize that if they try to stop you from buying 12 copies it could become a hassle for them, which would only be a minor hassle, but a hassle none the less. Therefore many employees, especially the younger ones (again sorry if I sterotype too much) will just say okay thank you come again.
Has anyone tried returning games through this. I ask because I bought Splinter Cell PT for 30, Soul Calibur 2 for 20, and got Crimson Skies for free. I think I only want Crimson Skies so if I take Soul Calibur and SCPT back how much will I get back?
^ you have to return everything unless you have gift receipts as gift receipts only give you store credit.

As for DOA:U, mine didn't get them in today and told me definitely tomorrow. I guess maybe they got a call from headquarters. That is when I plan on heading down there.

as for Taiko, ask someone if they have it. Nocturne wasn't listed anywhere on the shelf and I asked him so he went to the back and he found it. They only carried two copies. Because Taiko is kind of obscure and a semibig box, they might not even put it out on the shelf.
[quote name='icemanjmw13']Has anyone tried returning games through this. I ask because I bought Splinter Cell PT for 30, Soul Calibur 2 for 20, and got Crimson Skies for free. I think I only want Crimson Skies so if I take Soul Calibur and SCPT back how much will I get back?[/quote]

if you don't have gift receipt, they will prorate the price when you return 2 of them means you will not get Crimson skies for free.
Ah well I actually decided to take them all back anyways, I picked up Ace Combat 4 for six bucks so that'll be my pilot fix for a while.
DoA:U is finally out! Called both my local EB and TRU and both have put them out. Should be picking mine up later today @ TRU and 2 other games. Hmm decisions...
Wow, this story is just getting too unbelievable to be true. Went back to TRU this morning to swap one of my games because I didn't have anything better to do. Went in and they had jack shite in games unless you want to overpay for the GTA DB or you want Shark Tale. I asked the guy what happened and it turns out the same bastard from Sunday cleaned them out again and spent "a couple grand".
[quote name='shibby72']My local TRU said they had DOAU went down there to find out they didnt... Super ![/quote]
Ditto. Best Buy says it is backordered 7-10 days.
[quote name='mink-e']Wow, this story is just getting too unbelievable to be true. Went back to TRU this morning to swap one of my games because I didn't have anything better to do. Went in and they had jack shite in games unless you want to overpay for the GTA DB or you want Shark Tale. I asked the guy what happened and it turns out the same bastard from Sunday cleaned them out again and spent "a couple grand".[/quote]

Time to find this guy and draw and quarter him.
Has anyone seen Intellivision Lives for GCN as they've been perusing their TRU? It's supposed to come out this week as well. I was thinking of trying to put together a $20 trio before the sale is up.
just got back from my TRU in Akron, OH around 3pm est..... no DOA:U as of yet..... guess i'll try again tomorrow.... at least they let me buy a presale on GTA:SA so that i could insure that'd i'd be able to get a copy later in the week when DOA:U comes in....*crosses fingers* hopefully tomorrow
If anyone out there is looking for Jak and Daxter on the green tag sale I don't think it matters if it has a value game sticker on it anymore. I picked up a GH version without the value game sticker and it still came up half off.

The cool thing was the cashier rang it up first and the two 20 dollar games second. So I ended up getting the three of them for 30 and change. Sweetness.
Does anyone know if the website is going to get any more copies of X-Men Legends or Pikmin 2 in? I want to get Paper Mario 2, Tales of Symphonia, and one of those two games, but I can only order online.

Also, I noticed that the sale ends 10/30, but does that mean that 10/30 is the last day of the sale, or does it mean that the sale ends right after 11:59 Friday night?
[quote name='shibby72']My local TRU said they had DOAU went down there to find out they didnt... Super ![/quote]

When you call ask them if they can put it on hold for you. The store I called was willing to keep one reserved for me for up to an hour.

The Torrance, CA store had 1-5 copies in stock when I left around 1:30.
[quote name='CheapyD']Don't know if this has been mentioned before, but now many games (on all 3 platforms) have free shipping.[/quote]

Damn them... all the games I got earlier now has free shipping :( (tho pikmin 2 is out of stock now)
Just got back from my TRU and picked up DoA:U, Paper Mario 2 and GTA:SA. They only got in about 10 copies of DoA:U, good thing I've been calling each day about it.
[quote name='Milkyman']anyone manage to find any DOA ultimate in NYC?[/quote]

Not yet. I'm checking tomorrow afternoon at 12 at the 42nd street one. I hid my 2 other games just in case.
I have a question, I bought GTA: SA, SMT: Nocturnal, and Silent Hill 4. I havent opened SH 4 but it was my free game, can I exchange it for a diff game?
Well I tried to get BB to PM this today. Called the store up talked to a guy, he said it'd be no problem if I brought the ad in. When I get there, he shows the ad to his manager, who says it's a no go. I was like I just called and I live 20 minutes away. He didn't care. It doesn't really bother me that I didn't get the games. What bothers me is he said he would PM it and I drove all the way down there. Goddamn it. :x
[quote name='Staind204']I have a question, I bought GTA: SA, SMT: Nocturnal, and Silent Hill 4. I havent opened SH 4 but it was my free game, can I exchange it for a diff game?[/quote]

Typically, yes. But if you want a free one I'd do it before the end of the promotion - otherwise it may only be worth 33.33 when you return it later if you don't have a gift receipt.
[quote name='Staind204']I wonder if since SH 4 was only $39.99 will they give me any game (even $49.99 one) since the other 2 I bought were $49.99?[/quote]

Yes, they will give you a $49.99 game if you want.
hmm I wish I could think of a newer game I want... I did just get my PS2 and like I said I got SMT: Nocturnal (havent tried it yet) and GTA SA. I have an Xbox too and have most of the newer big name games (MK: D,THPS UG 2, Fable)... any suggestions?
Burnout 3 is a killer arcade racer. Shadow Hearts 2: Convenant is a cool rpg that I'm waiting to get my hands on.

If it's your first time getting a ps2, then older games might suit you too:

FFX, SSX 3, Metal Gear 2 (though Xbox looks nicer), onimusha series
Plus, these are all around 20 bucks.
How come the online code for $20 GC games doesn't work? I plugged it in for Zelda The Wind Waker, Animal Crossing, and Pikmin. But no luck. Says they don't recognize it...
Did you specifically pick those games up off the $20 GC page. Just go to toyrus.com and click on the list of $20 games for B2G1 GCN there. As long as you take the items off the deals page from those lists it always works.
Yeah, online selection kind of bites. I wouldn't mind the extra bucks to get exactly what I want, cuz it ain't happening at those crappy stores. But, alas, that's where the good deals are. You just have to hope the selection is good and make the journey
My selection wound up sucking but my BB honored the deal. I'll probably still try to trade when games I want actually come out but if not oh well. I'd be happy with mine if I had Nocturne in there, but Best Buy doesn't carry it and neither TRU in my area has it, so I just have to deal. I wound up getting Covenant, Andreas, and Four Swords though and that's much better than what was available at TRU at the time so I can deal with it.
I've been too lazy to head to my TRU all week, but finally drove down there today, intent on getting SMT:Nocturne, Paper Mario, and Day of Reckoning. I get there, and they have no more slips for SMT:N or Paper Mario. So I'm pissed off at myself, should have came earlier. I ask the guy if there is a chance they've got either of them, he says he just started his shift but everything is right as far as he knows. So I pick up DOR, Pikmin 2, and Donkey Konga and set off on my merry way. Turns out the guy who I asked is the guy who goes to the back to grab my games and he's gone for 10 minutes. He comes out with a Paper Mario and asks if I want to trade it, so hell yeah I do. So I traded my Pikmin 2 for Paper Mario and all was well. Still no SMT:N, but oh well I guess. I thanked him for the extra effort, and I guess I'm happy things were mistaken so I got the last Paper Mario :)
Took some looking, but finally found 3 things I wanted and didn't own at TRU:
Lifeline PS2
Rise to Honor (Jet Li) PS2
Kirby Air Ride GCN
$40 total

Anybody else disturbed at how many young kids at TRU are fawning over GTA:SA? I hope TRU employees discourage the parents. Not because I think most kids aren't mature enough to play it, but because one or two of them getting warped by it or a few pissed parents will further damage the reputation of video games and hurt us adults who play them.
[quote name='icemanjmw13']You actually hid games? You know they go through and (in theory) sort everything every night to make sure it's in the right place.[/quote]

well the dude looking through the collectable barbies is gonna find himself a suprise.
I noticed that the sale ends 10/30, but does that mean that tomorrow is the last day of the sale, or does it mean that the sale ends right after 11:59 tonight?

I'm debating whether I should order online today or go to the store tomorrow, I just don't know if the sale will still be there tomorrow.
My stash from this sale so far, not one from a TRU! I took the ad to Best Buy and they matched it and didn't bother to check that all of the TRUs locally were out of everything (4 different Best Buys, I didn't want to push my luck):

Dead or Alive Ultimate
Bards Tale
Samurai Warriors
Tigerwoods 2005
Men of Valor
Conflict Vietnam
BloodRayne 2
Vietcong Purple Haze
Def Jam Fight for NY
SVC Chaos
Mortal Kombat Kollector's Edition
Burnout 3

I'm going to hit a couple of stores today to look for a couple of $20 games I've been wanting. I figured I saved $180 with this sale rather than buying everything at cost where I work.
bread's done