Dead Rising 2 PC (Semi-Review)


4 (100%)
First off, allow me to preface this by saying the following: I have followed this game very closely for the last two years of its development. I drooled over the screenshots, "oohed and ahhed" over all of the endless previews shown, and got hyped up by every single developer interview that I got the chance to read. So, it would be a blatant lie if I failed to mention the utter excitement I had for this game's release, despite a number of delays. Sadly & very unfortunately (in this case), not all things go the way we anticipate. After gleefully opening the package and slapping the disc into my drive, I patiently waded through the slow installation process. Upon the completion, I fired it up and began what I had been led to believe would be the videogame version of the gruesome, and often times over-the-top and ridiculous slaughter-fest seen in cult-classic films like Dawn of the Dead. Only, the longer I spent in the game, the more frustrated I got, the more disappointed I became, and the more I began to realize that I would not find what I had been seeking all along, due to a myriad of issues and shortcomings.

In total, I played for five hours (a decent amount of time that would more than justify what I would call, a fair chance) the other night waiting for the game to suck me in and grab me by the jugular. Yet, it has been two days since I've last played, I have zero desire to double click its flashy desktop icon, and I am completely ready to walk away without ever questioning why I hit the "uninstall" button. To put it simply, every part of this game reeks of some sort of bargain bin throwaway title, and here are some points to substantiate my logic:

  • DR2 was a direct console port (which in some cases is 'okay'), but it is clear from first launch that there was absolutely no thought on Capcom's part put into any sort control-customization, controller support, and access to even the most basic video customization options/adjustments prevalent in almost ALL modern-day AAA PC titles.
  • Graphics/textures are inconsistent -- some textures look crisp while others are blurry, sub-par and low-res -- even when set at 1680x1080 res (again, this was clearly a direct port).
  • The poorly implemented save system, in which the player is forced to locate restrooms amidst a terribly confusing user-map, is beyond antiquated in this day and age -- no quicksave option or auto-save checkpoints to be found.
  • What could have been an immersive experience for the player, is instead mired by a gimmicky 72-hour time limit implemented for the sole purpose of creating a false sense of panic. In reality, it causes the player to feel rushed and therefore, only serves to further stagger and/or prevent them from fully experiencing the few, potentially 'fun' gameplay elements & aspects available in the sandbox-style world.
  • Lack of any compelling plot/storyline.
  • Overly simplistic A.I. (by cohorts and zombies, alike)
  • Voice-acting is mediocre at best.
  • Overall, DR2's core gameplay can be summed up in four words: One Big Fetch-Quest.

Case in point -- If you were like me but have been debating the purchase of this game for the PC platform, I would hold off and wait until it falls well below the $10 mark. It was, up until my initial play through, one of my most anticipated titles of the year, and now it has sadly become one of the most disappointing ones. And, aside from the little fun that can be had slaughtering countless hoards of shambling zombies with a seemingly endless array of everyday instruments, tools, weapons and vehicles at your disposal, I simply cannot recommend this game to any amateur or seasoned PC gamer.

While I did not delve into the co-op portion of the game, I do believe it holds the potential to develop into a much-richer and enjoyable romp in which to muddle through the chaos with a friend. However, I still whole-heartedly believe you can have just as much fun, if not more, elsewhere. Albeit, if it is killing on a grand scale in which you wish to partake, I believe you will fair much better with your time (and your spare cash) in a game like Borderlands or Left 4 Dead.

In closing, I'd rate this version of the game based on my amount of playtime, a mediocre and meh 5 out of 10. :hot:
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