Dead Rising 2 Zombrex $25.19 (Xbox) or $27.37 (PS3) Fulfilled by Amazon

[quote name='HeSaveDave']what is off the record?[/QUOTE]
It's Dead Rising 2 with Frank West (The camera guy from the first game) I believe. There's some new areas and other new stuff but that's the basics.
thanks OP. last week this was at about $30 shipped and I told myself I would've bought for $25. that's how cheap i am.

ordered one. nice steelbook case, cool collectible pen, artbook, etc.
Thanks OP. Ordered 1. It looks like that seller has 120+ in stock so there's plenty more to go around. I doubt the seller will drop the price much further very soon with CAGs buying them up at $25.18. OP, if you are SharkDistributors, you're one smart business person for creating this thread. :p

[quote name='xj_sky']thanks OP. last week this was at about $30 shipped and I told myself I would've bought for $25. that's how cheap i am. ordered one. nice steelbook case, cool collectible pen, artbook, etc.[/QUOTE]

LOL, for $29.99, I'd say no, but for $25.18 I say yes. I'm just like you. I still have to finish Dead Rising 1 and also play the two DLC games I already bought on sale a while back.

[quote name='SCDallas']I wish the regular edition was around 15 bucks, I don't need all that extra junk.[/QUOTE]

I know what you mean. I'd buy just the game for $15. The extra stuff is just going to collect dust and take up space in my tiny bedroom. Hopefully I get $10 worth of enjoyment looking at the steelbook every time I take the game out of the case.
[quote name='Alien Spider']lol I read about it on the Amazon listing and I am still confused. :\

Is it like an "expansion pack" to DR2? I read some more online and it looks like it's DR2 only the main character is now the original character from the first DR...ohh, silly Capcom, anything to squeeze more juice out of an IP.[/QUOTE]

It isn't an expansion pack, it is supposed to be it's own game. But it sounds like they just took the original game, engine/settings/etc, and remade it with a few tweeks and a new story?
this is a rental, i suggest getting it from gamestop and returning it within the 7 day period.

i got 100% trophies and I can say their idea of replay value is a huge stretch. they had me doing repetitive figure 8's in a truck running over 50k zombies for hours in fear of running out of time.

The level up system makes you pretty godly, and there isnt much reason to kill zombies since they offer low exp and are easy to run around. I would have had much more fun if this game had more difficult enemies, more bosses and less repetitive running and fetching quests.

I had a bit of fun trying each weapon combo out but all in all there wasnt much reason to waste time with all that. get a few spiked bats and jump over all the zombies to the quest spot, repeat.
For those wondering about Off The Record. Here is what is currently known about it. You play as Frank West telling the story of "If I was there this is what I would have done". There are other areas, weapons, and gameplay elements (the camera is back) as well.

The issue with this is it's non-cannon, it's a what-if scenario. As such I am only mildly interested in it. On top of that I feel that Capcom knew they were going to do this from the start "let's give people a new character, which of course they're going to ask 'where's Frank!?! we want Frank back' so to appease them we'll make a new version and charge them $40 for it. Thus selling two games, one with some changes to the same people and then some". This has become Capcoms MO recently.
This game is my game of the year for 2010. I love this game deeply. I have no problem whatsoever recommending it at this price. I'll also be buying Off the Record.
[quote name='meta460085']I bit last week at $30, oh wells.[/QUOTE]
I bit at $30 in December, oh wells ;) (and still haven't opened it, whoops)
bread's done