Dead Rising $22 shipped at AC

Yeah, they're reputable.

I've ordered a half dozen times and never had a problem. They're a B&M video rental place like Blockbuster. In fact, I've seen 5 Blockbusters go out of business near me only to be re-open as Family Video stores.
[quote name='captainfrizo']Damn. I already used the $5 coupon earlier.[/QUOTE]

Just make a new account with a different email (everything else can be the same). I've done it about 3 times.
Still my favorite game this generation - just wish Capcom would port it to PS3 since I no longer have a 360. Easily worth $60, at $22 it's a steal.
[quote name='Tybalt Flux']I've never shopped from the site before. Reputable, guys?[/QUOTE]

They're a midwestern rental chain, and tend to stock more things than blockbuster. I prefer them over BB, but they have late fees.

Uhh, aside from that, yeah, they're legit, just don't keep reusing the coupon or they'll cancel your orders..
[quote name='aaronmills']Yeah, they're reputable.[/QUOTE]

[quote name='FrankTheFrowner']Is this new or used?[/QUOTE]

My brother bought an item way back and it arrived 5 days later, sealed and perfect.
It's new. Everything on their website is new. They have an eBay store where you can snag used DVDs and a few used games as well, but everything on their website is brand spankin' new.
They are legit, folks, don't worry. Not only have I bought multiple items from them, I live about 5 minutes away from a B&M (where I have a membership). I much prefer them over Blockbuster.
I love these guys. Over the last week and a half I made about 7 accounts and used the $5 off coupon to pre-order some DVDs and get some cheap ones too. I'll definitely be getting Dead Rising from this site. I've heard the text is hard to read on a non-HDTV, but whatever.
[quote name='OuTrAgE']Just make a new account with a different email (everything else can be the same). I've done it about 3 times.[/QUOTE]
[quote name='alfonsosoriano']I love these guys. Over the last week and a half I made about 7 accounts and used the $5 off coupon to pre-order some DVDs and get some cheap ones too. I'll definitely be getting Dead Rising from this site. I've heard the text is hard to read on a non-HDTV, but whatever.[/QUOTE]
Please stop the madness. I'm getting sick and tired of Cheapassgamers becoming fraudulentassgamers.

To be cheap is one thing but there is a difference between being cheap asses and being thieves.
[quote name='spoo']
To be cheap is one thing but there is a difference between being cheap asses and being thieves.[/QUOTE]

How is signing up for different accounts make someone a thief? If their checkout system allows for multiple accounts for each house address/name and allows for a coupon per account, how's it theft?
[quote name='captainfrizo']How is signing up for different accounts make someone a thief? If their checkout system allows for multiple accounts for each house address/name and allows for a coupon per account, how's it theft?[/QUOTE]
Are you that dense? :???: It is a coupon for NEW CUSTOMERS. You get the coupon code from the B&M stores. It says on it ONE per household for new customers. I'm no brain surgeon but I can figure this one out.

Guns allow me to shoot others in the face so how would that make me a murderer?
[quote name='captainfrizo']How is signing up for different accounts make someone a thief? If their checkout system allows for multiple accounts for each house address/name and allows for a coupon per account, how's it theft?[/quote]

What he's getting at is that you're exploiting a deal that is meant for actual new customers. Theft may not be an accurate for it, but fraudlence certainly is. The point is, you're abusing the deal.
We have quite a few B&M Family Video stores around here. They ran the other stores clean out of business (except in the larger cities).

They are a pretty good store, except they recently upped their 5 night game rentals to $7.XX!
God I'm so sorry my morals don't extend to $5 coupons!!!! I don't know this place as a B&M store so I haven't been notified of a one per household rule. Hell, they shipped two of my discounted DVDs in the same bubble mailer so apparently they don't give a crap.

LOL, seriously. Worry about yourself buddy.
i was about to bite since had it backordered, but when i went to cancel, it said shipped. sure enough i got an email 10 minutes later.
Isn't there a $3 off returning customers coupon? I heard something about it in a forum floating around CAG.

Edit: duplicate request. See above.
I see a major problem:

Dead Rising
Availability: This product usually ships within 2 to 4 weeks.

I guess that means they are out of stock for the moment? (Other games ship in 1 day)
[quote name='VWarrior']What he's getting at is that you're exploiting a deal that is meant for actual new customers. Theft may not be an accurate for it, but fraudlence certainly is. The point is, you're abusing the deal.[/QUOTE]

Thank you for answering the question I posed instead of going on some off-track soap box. I wanted to know how or why he considered it theft and you did a much better job of answering and clarifying than he did.

If I'm considered too dense then maybe he (spoo) isn't dense enough to understand and answer what I asked.
[quote name='captainfrizo']Thank you for answering the question I posed instead of going on some off-track soap box. I wanted to know how or why he considered it theft and you did a much better job of answering and clarifying than he did.

If I'm considered too dense then maybe he (spoo) isn't dense enough to understand and answer what I asked.[/QUOTE]
I do apologize for calling you dense, I shouldn't have started with the name calling. :oops:

Sometimes I do get frustrated reading the forums and reading post on how to take advantage of this or that. I have been fed up with the Google checkout fraud posts for some time and then this came up and it was the last straw. It seems that any more the honest are the minority on CAG anymore.

Sorry for thread jacking, :oops: but it seems the deal is dead now.
[quote name='spoo']I do apologize for calling you dense, I shouldn't have started with the name calling. :oops:

Sometimes I do get frustrated reading the forums and reading post on how to take advantage of this or that. I have been fed up with the Google checkout fraud posts for some time and then this came up and it was the last straw. It seems that any more the honest are the minority on CAG anymore.

Sorry for thread jacking, :oops: but it seems the deal is dead now.[/QUOTE]

Don't worry about calling me dense (at times that can actually be a fairly accurate description of me, hell, sometimes even a compliment). I probably shouldn't have responded in the manner I did. Anyhow, no harm no foul.

I can understand your frustration with these glitches/errors/loop holes/fraudulent deals, but keep in mind that everyone has a different set of ethical guidelines and will act based on them. Arguing about it really won't change anyone's viewpoint and will only cause further frustration. Sometimes it's easier just to live using your ethics and morals and let others live using theirs.
[quote name='linkpwns']Why do you say that?[/QUOTE]
Availability: This product usually ships within 2 to 4 weeks.
[quote name='wwe101']is it used or new? and does this site accept visa giftcards?[/QUOTE]

From what people were saying on the 1st page, its new and sealed. As for Visa Giftcards, they act as debit/credit cards so i can't see why it won't work.
[quote name='wwe101']is it used or new? and does this site accept visa giftcards?[/QUOTE]

New & IDK? Why don't you email or call. I've spoken to their customer service was very nice.
bread's done