Dead Rising 3 Megathread

Well I am nearing the end of the game (just reached Ch. 6 at level 42) and wishing I had more. I know people don't have kind things to say about the DLC, but if it was still on sale for $20 I would grab it as I have some absurd amount of MSP ($1022 I think?) just so I can get some more time on the game and most reviews I read said $5 a pack would be more fair. Did anyone here buy the DLC and if so what did you think?

As for the game I loved DR1 and DR2, probably still prefer the settings of those two (I wish there was more than just strip malls in DR3) but in pretty much all other ways DR3 feels superior. Though I do wish there was more content, in both previous games you really had to maximize your downtime to complete Side Quests and collectibles while time is very easily managed in this game as there really aren't many Side Quests/Psychopaths (psychopaths being one of my favorite parts of the game). I know there were 11 optional Psychopaths in DR2 versus only 7 in DR3 even though the game is so much larger.

Also the achievements seem glitchy. I did not receive the one for beating Ch. 0, even tried going back and replaying and still did not unlock. On the other hand I just got the "Master Builder" achievement even though I only have 87 of the 105 Blueprints
Anyone still play this? Was thinking about getting it again since the Apocalypse edition is like $24 after GCU.
I have not played it in awhile been waiting for the Season Pass and Street Fighter DLC to drop in price. $24 for the game and season pass is a steal considering season pass is still $30 on Xbox Live and another $10 for SF DLC. If you haven't played it I highly recommend it, I didnt really like DR2, but loved this game. Never thought killing zombies could be so much fun.

I had it about a year ago, just didn't play it much. I don't think the DLC was even out yet. For $24 though, I figured it would be worth getting. I just wish they would have introduced couch co op for games like this. I know that's pushing the limits though. 

bread's done