Dead Rising General Game/Demo Discussion Thread

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[quote name='2Fast']I can't decide if I want to go grab it at Wal-Mart in a couple of hours or if I want to wait and see if I can get it from Gamefly (although renting anything you want from them is a gamble) I could get it from GF for roughly $43 ("keep it price" plus a $5 gift certificate), but I guess I'll wait and see.[/QUOTE]

does your Wal-Mart actually have it?

i called 2 Wal-Marts yesterday and they didn't have it, i asked one if they knew when it was coming in and they said no, and that the vendor is the one who does it.

i didn't call today yet cause my dad took my car {=\
[quote name='RonnieWrecked']does your Wal-Mart actually have it?

i called 2 Wal-Marts yesterday and they didn't have it, i asked one if they knew when it was coming in and they said no, and that the vendor is the one who does it.

i didn't call today yet cause my dad took my car {=\[/quote]

Nah, I still haven't gone. I have to pick up some other stuff anyway, so I think I'll just go later tonight, to be safe.
Man alive; the unlegible text on a standard definition television is killing it!

I wish there was a way to fix that... aside from buying an HDTV.
[quote name='Brak']Man alive; the unlegible text on a standard definition television is killing it!

I wish there was a way to fix that... aside from buying an HDTV.[/quote]

just got it....

maybe I should play it instead of posting on the net.

maybe I should exercise before I commit to a few brainwashing hours of playing a video game :lol:
[quote name='2Fast']I can't decide if I want to go grab it at Wal-Mart in a couple of hours or if I want to wait and see if I can get it from Gamefly (although renting anything you want from them is a gamble) I could get it from GF for roughly $43 ("keep it price" plus a $5 gift certificate), but I guess I'll wait and see.[/QUOTE]

Ha, I do this too. I find that if there's a game I want coming out, I need to send in one of my games 2-3 days prior to the new game's release. I can usually get the new releases. However, if this doesn't work, I have to wait 2 months before I can rent the new game.
the time/save issues all of the reviews for this game mentioned are a tad annoying. I find that I fail many of missions because I can't get to the people fast enough.

other than that, the game is awesome so far. the hunting knife is fun to use...well that is until you find the sickle :)
[quote name='kurrptsenate']how much credit do they give you for prey?

I just bought one on ebay for 33[/QUOTE]

Prey got me $35 at GameRush yesterday.
Man I hope they patch this save system. I just died... going to make a point to take less risks so I don't have to start all over again. =/
[quote name='jimfoley16']As much as I truly, truly love this game - The save system is complete garbage[/QUOTE]
I can see what they were going for, with the save system... but, shit; it's frustrating. I lost like 30 minutes of gameplay, since I forgot all about saving.
[quote name='Brak']I can see what they were going for, with the save system... but, shit; it's frustrating. I lost like 30 minutes of gameplay, since I forgot all about saving.[/QUOTE]

30 minutes? I lost like almost 2 hours :(:(
I'm loving the game so far. I'm only at Case 1-3 right now. I've restarted once, nothing too bad.

I'm finding that since there's a decent story going on, that I dont really have the desire to randomly farm zombies for no reason, like I did in the demo. It's quite a nice surprise.

The text on normal def is freakin annoying though.
I'm liking the game so far because it feels like old school Dawn of the Dead, but there are a few things I don't like.

1) Text is small and hard to read
2) No idea how to save
How does the saving even work? You save only to keep your stats? I finished case 1 but I got killed by the guys in the hummer. Anyone know if they can be killed?
God I hate the save part of this game. So when I need to save I need to run to the restroom or else I die.. then if I die, I can't continue to where I was the previous moment, I go back to my previous save... GRRRRRRR!
Great game, horrible save system. I just wasted a few hours, after I died, i chose whatever option it gives you, to save and go back to title (since i was done playing, and had already saved in the bathroom earlier) now I'm back at New Game. geez.
Well I had fun except for two things and almost everyone has complained about it so far.

I can't read the damn text without placing my eyes right infront of the TV ( I have a standard TV to, but I don't have the cash for HD yet).

The save system sucks, but atleast I can get use to it.

Other then that I'm loving it.
Is the save system that much different from DMC/Onimusha where it's only at certain points? I only ever used one slot so that's not a concern for me.
Well just flew through it again, to catch up to where i was. Now I have to wait for the next case at 6 am, and its about 4:30 pm. shit, thats a lot of survival time.

And am i the only one getting tired of Otis calling? Shit I don't even like to answer the phone in real life.
Alot of people seem to have trouble with the convicts in the jeep, so here's the way I beat them, I didn't have much of a problem.

-1st, before heading out to the Park, run into Jill's Sandwiches and grab the 2 bottles of Orange Juice behind the counter.
- Next, Grab the hidden Submachine Gun on top of the blue awnings (same place it was in the demo)
- Then, go out there and as soon as the fight begins just run around in the area with numerous trees (start out almost in it, just move forward and to the right a tad bit)
- Run around trying to dodge the bullets, and wait for them to hit a tree, which shouldn't take long
- Take out your sub-machine gun and lay it on the dude in the gunner seat's head. You should be able to kill him in 1 try if your aim is good. If they get away before you kill him, just wait for them to crash again.
- After you do that, all you have to do is wait for them to crash. Try to stay as near to the jeep as possible w/o getting hit.
- As soon as they crash next, run up to the jeep and immediately hit B to grab the Heavy Machine Gun off the back of the it.
- Just run around waiting for them to crash, kill the passenger and then the driver.

If anyone needs clarification or more help with other parts of the game, let me know. I have a pretty good strat for Adam to.
Thanks for the tips Jim. I saved the girl they were trying to kill, and finished up the first case, so to kill time I'll run back and take them out.

Also, does anyone think its fucking hard ot save someone? Not only do you have to take them all the way back to the monitor room, but they get overun with zombies FAST. All I hear is them yelling for my help, and I sometimes kill them in the process of trying to kill the zombies :whistle2:/
boo, custom soundtracks don't really work. If one is playing tunes from their mp3 player and a cutscene starts to play there is no sound from the cutscene. You have to go into the menu thing and turn stop the mp3 player in order to hear the cutscene. Bogus.
other than that and the save mechanism, this game is the sheet.
Picked it up at Wal-Mart about an hour ago. The guy thought I was 16 for some reason, even after I showed him my ID and explained him the intricacies of birth year. 1986-2006 is 20, dumbass.
[quote name='M1C13']Am I missing something then because I just get sent to a page saying I either have to pay 1.66 a month or 3.33 a month.[/QUOTE]
You are right [quote name='']GameSpot paid subscribers have the privilege of downloading a searchable and printable version of our game guides. Our guides are in Adobe Acrobat (.pdf) format, and they're laid out so you can print them out and have them at your fingertips as you're playing.[/QUOTE]

Edit: NM you only need to be a paid subscriber to download the .pdf, you can view it with that link on the sidebar.
I picked my copy up about 3-4 hours ago. Only thing is that I'm so damn tired to unwrapp it and play it tonight.

Did anyone else get their shirt for preordering? My GS was out, but he took my name and number and said he'd callwhen they get some more in. He was also telling me that they only got enough for their preorders.
[quote name='HumanSnatcher']I picked my copy up about 3-4 hours ago. Only thing is that I'm so damn tired to unwrapp it and play it tonight.

Did anyone else get their shirt for preordering? My GS was out, but he took my name and number and said he'd callwhen they get some more in. He was also telling me that they only got enough for their preorders.[/QUOTE]

I got my tshirt today. I also got the saint's row demo when I put down the fiver for DR. the clerk was a nice guy.
[quote name='jimfoley16']Alot of people seem to have trouble with the convicts in the jeep, so here's the way I beat them, I didn't have much of a problem.

-1st, before heading out to the Park, run into Jill's Sandwiches and grab the 2 bottles of Orange Juice behind the counter.
- Next, Grab the hidden Submachine Gun on top of the blue awnings (same place it was in the demo)

If anyone needs clarification or more help with other parts of the game, let me know. I have a pretty good strat for Adam to.[/quote]
Can you elaborate on where the hidden sub machine gun is and how to get it? The only part of the blue awning I was able to reach only had a Teddy Bear, and a box that contained a knife.
I was at my friends house today and he went to eb games to get dead rising. We could only play for about 10 mins. then it would freeze. We went back to return it and it just so happened that a couple of people were having the same problem. But somebody I know bought it from circuit city and it works totally fine. Im not sure whether I should get it now or if it was just the copies that ebgames got. Hopefully FYE has some good copies. So edon't think it is ur system if u have this same problem.
[quote name='spmahn']Can you elaborate on where the hidden sub machine gun is and how to get it? The only part of the blue awning I was able to reach only had a Teddy Bear, and a box that contained a knife.[/quote]

Keep walking along the awning.
This game is alot tougher than I expected. Whoever said this game isn't survival horror hasn't played it too much yet. Creepy game.
This game is pretty frustrating. Not because of the difficulty, but because I keep getting objectives thrown at me... and I can't read them.

Like the annoying ass photographer guy. How do I get him to go away? I took a photo of him that earned 6,000 pp, and he still hasn't gone away -- and I have no idea what the fuck he's saying.
[quote name='doubledown']So, how EXACTLY does the save system work? I think I will pick it up Friday or Saturday[/QUOTE]

Think of it as like Fable. You can only save in certain areas (like restrooms and couches). If you get killed before saving, you go all the way back to where you where before you saved, but any level ups you acquired can be saved if you choose.
[quote name='2Fast']Picked it up at Wal-Mart about an hour ago. The guy thought I was 16 for some reason, even after I showed him my ID and explained him the intricacies of birth year. 1986-2006 is 20, dumbass.[/QUOTE]

i've been calling 2 Wal-Marts near me, every time i seem to get someone different who answers the phone, some competent, others not so much. no dice here so far. {=[
Some annoyances with the game so far:

1) Duh, the save system is totally fucked.
2) There should be a better way to manage your fucking objectives. If I have 5 available objectives there is really no way to find out which is closest, I just have to pick one and follow the fucking arrow. It could be 20 ft away or on the other side of the mall, there is no way to tell. Bogus.

3) You have to rush too much. I know they want to make it where you can't do everything in one go, but I found myself having trouble just keeping up with the main storyline objectives even without too much exploring or side missions.

4) Most of you may not be this far yet, so I won't go too much into detail so I don't ruin the plot, but fuck THESE fuckING PSYCHOS IN THE fuckING YELLOW RAINCOATS!!!! They're fucking everywhere and get in the way of EVERYTHING.
5) Too many escort objectives. Feels like that is all I've done the last 4 hours.

The game is harder than the demo was. If you don't remember to save a lot you are going to lose a lot of time.
I don't know what I love more. Trying to save survivors who don't follow you, stand around and get eaten by zombies, and run off to try and attack said zombies. Or running out of weaponry right as soon as you get to the elevator to save said hostage and getting killed by zombies. What a pain in the ass.
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