Dead Rising General Game/Demo Discussion Thread

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[quote name='Scorch']Why is the save system so bad?[/QUOTE]

my only gripe about the save system is when i saved after completing a mission in a case file and had to return to the security room and didn't know i ran out of time. so i was forced to start over when i got back to the security room. [ i don't remember it asking if i wanted to *continue* so i can free roam, just *load* and *save and quit* ].
[quote name='RonnieWrecked']my only gripe about the save system is when i saved after completing a mission in a case file and had to return to the security room and didn't know i ran out of time. so i was forced to start over when i got back to the security room. [ i don't remember it asking if i wanted to *continue* so i can free roam, just *load* and *save and quit* ].[/QUOTE]
There's a save area in almost every area of the game. Not just the security room.
[quote name='Brak']There's a save area in almost every area of the game. Not just the security room.[/QUOTE]

that's not what i meant, to be more specific...

*contains small spoilers*

i went to the pharmacy to get the first aid kit. defeated the psycho, got the meds, and then saved at the nearest restroom. at this point there was no way i could make it back to the security room in time to delivery the first aid kit, but i didn't know this. so when i did get back to the security room, i got a game over screen.
[quote name='RonnieWrecked']that's not what i meant, to be more specific...

*contains small spoilers*

i went to the pharmacy to get the first aid kit. defeated the psycho, got the meds, and then saved at the nearest restroom. at this point there was no way i could make it back to the security room in time to delivery the first aid kit, but i didn't know this. so when i did get back to the security room, i got a game over screen.[/QUOTE]

I had the same problem too, I defeated the psychopath in the supermarket with very little time left. The time bar was like 1 red pixel wide when I got the first aid kit. I thought thats all I had to do, but then I realized the mission is still there. So I figured I have to run all the way back to Jessie in time (which I had none). I'm pretty sure the time expired as soon as I exited the supermarket, there was no time bar left. I ran and ran thinking I just messed up and had to start the game over, but when I got to Jessie w/ the kit, she said "Thanks for bringing the first aid kit." And I actually completed the case, and was able to move onto the next, even though blatantly I didn't get the first aid kit to Jessie in time. Odd.
I had the same medicine problem, restarted took about an hour to get back there so it wasn't bad.

But then I got Ending C cause I didn't do one little thing (Wasn't a case file just an event you need to trigged), luckily I saved a backup on my memory card but I lost about 10k kills from my Ending C to my Ending A file :(
Where is the secret passage from the womens bathroom in Wonderland to Paradise? I am trying to save those 4 girls (I did, that the cult caught and killed me!)
This is my first day with the game, and, even though I lost a good 5 hours worth of playtime info (mostly my fault for not reading up on the save issue) I have just started CASE 2 and am very happy with the game. I'd give it an 8/10 so far.
[quote name='gizmogc']Where is the secret passage from the womens bathroom in Wonderland to Paradise? I am trying to save those 4 girls (I did, that the cult caught and killed me!)[/QUOTE]

It's in the bottom floor women's bathroom in Wonderland Plaza. Jump on the corner sink.
Im at level 15 and trying tokill the motorcycle this point I may just start over and work my way back up to her at a higher level. The save system and time limits really hurt this game.
I haven't had any problems with the time or save system yet. As long as you understand how it works it really isn't a problem. Just gotta be smart about what you do.
Argh, I did all the case files and got to the Helipad on time (i actually got there with like 3 hours to spare and just stood on it) but for some reason when the time came, I got "ending C" aka the bad ending that you get for not making it to the helipad on time. Anyone else have this problem?

I'm lovin the game so I'm not that pissed about having to play it through again, although I wish I could do overtime mode. Another quick question - can I get some stuff that happens through the game to occur w/o doing the case files? For example, opening up the gate that blocks the passage between Paradise plaza and Entrance plaza. If not, what case file should I play up to? I don't wanna do them all again.
At around 10 AM, don't be a the heliport... Isabella is supposed to give you a call and it'll trigger a certain cutscene. Just follow the directions. That will ensure you get the A ending before the copter comes.
[quote name='MarkMan']At around 10 AM, don't be a the heliport... Isabella is supposed to give you a call and it'll trigger a certain cutscene. Just follow the directions. That will ensure you get the A ending before the copter comes.[/QUOTE]

Ahh crap. That sucks. Thanks for the help though MM. Looks like I'll be playing through it again!
[quote name='jimfoley16']Argh, I did all the case files and got to the Helipad on time (i actually got there with like 3 hours to spare and just stood on it) but for some reason when the time came, I got "ending C" aka the bad ending that you get for not making it to the helipad on time. Anyone else have this problem?

I'm lovin the game so I'm not that pissed about having to play it through again, although I wish I could do overtime mode. Another quick question - can I get some stuff that happens through the game to occur w/o doing the case files? For example, opening up the gate that blocks the passage between Paradise plaza and Entrance plaza. If not, what case file should I play up to? I don't wanna do them all again.[/QUOTE]

if i knew how to do the spoiler tag i'd tell you what you did wrong (cause i did it too and when i redid it was okay)

if you wanna know PM me and i can tell you
I finished Case 2 but I was well over the 11 AM time when Case 3 was supposed to start so I had to restart the game. Still, I got the 1,000 zombie kills and it was really fun, so I don't mind. I've really enjoyed the game so far and I've gotten less frustrated with the save system. I'm only renting it right now, but after I'm finished with Oblivion, and get tired of G.R.A.W. and PGR3 mulitplayer, I might buy it at $40. Although many more games that I want are coming out in a couple months.

My favorite moment in Dead Rising has been opening up an elevator and seeing 20 zombies inside. I jumped a little the first time I saw that since I was hearing zombie noises but couldn't find them. I had no idea they would be in an elevator.

Gamespot's guide for Dead Rising is pretty good.
[quote name='jimbo12457']fuck, well Afetr trying to play once more today i got the red ring of doom, guess I have to send it into microsoft, oh boy[/quote]

SDorry to hear that man. Have you tried any other games?
I don't know if its because of the levels or because the game designers want to fuck with your head but the game seems to be getting easier. For example when you have to bring Isabella back to the safe house, not only do they give you the option to carry her but they also give you a shotgun toting sidekick for the journey back. Not even really that challenging, I got caught in one part but luckily I had a queen jar with me so i just used that.
[quote name='HumanSnatcher']SDorry to hear that man. Have you tried any other games?[/quote]

Nah I cant, it wont even go to the main menu anymore....waitin for MS to send me a box to ship it out :cry:
[quote name='jimbo12457']Nah I cant, it wont even go to the main menu anymore....waitin for MS to send me a box to ship it out :cry:[/quote]

When did you get your 360 and how do you have it sitting? I mean is it length wise or sitting straight up? I remember when I was calling around to see if anyone had any extra copies so I could swap out, one GS employee asked me how I had my 360 sitting. Because it seems to me that the people that have it sitting straight up are the ones that had the problems (not just with the game).

I myself have mine horizontal. Mostly because being old school, I don't like a verticle system. Plus, I have my TV, receiver, and game systems on a 48" wide wire rack, so my 360 and the power brick have nothing but air on all sides on it
[quote name='terribledeli']I finally got the Zombie genocider achievement.

Its not as difficult as much as it is time consuming, it took me about 3 hours to get it.[/quote]
3 hours doing what?
Irony, just noticed on the achievment page:

TYPE: 1 Play REQ: Get the ture ending without being knocked out.

You'd think they could spell "true" correctly lol
I'm amazed no one has mentioned this map that was free at EB/GS .

Its been mentioned before in the preorder threads.

When I picked mine up at a GS in my mall, they didn't have any. I had to go to the EB just a 2 min walk down to pick one up there. I'm still annoyed that I didn't get my Tshirt! I've had the thing preordered since mid April. When I asked about it, the guy said there were out, and he took my name and number for when they "get them in back in". I seriously doubt that they will though...
Defeating Isabella is VERY EASY! Ok this is what you do:

1. Go out to the yard where the convicts are
2. Take out the gunner and steal his machine gun
3. Get rid of the last 2 remaining convicts (if you want to)
4. Get to Isabella
5. Don't even aim with the machine gun, just let it rip wherever Isabella is. Should be able to defeat her in less than 20 seconds
[quote name='Tha Xecutioner']3 hours doing what?[/QUOTE]

Basically, complete the first set of cases (help brad, get to the old man, etc). When you get to "Temporary Alliance"(or agreement) case (the last one in the series) do not go to the security room, head into the maintaince tunnels and just plow through them with the sports car...then get in the truck and cause damage. Then, before it breaks down, get back outside to the sports car and do it again over and over. I was able to go up 10 levels in the process.
I'm currently on the "Bomb Collector" mission. It's annoying me. I might have to try it again later.

As for Isabella. I was able to beat her at Level 8 with only 2 handguns I took from some zombie cops. A technique Relentless Rolento spoke about worked. Just stay in the ditch in the center of the room, if you are positioned right she can't run you over with the bike. Also by the time she tries to take out her gun to shoot you, you can let out a shot or two to do some damage/interrupt her.

I haven't found/got it yet, but the SMG seems like it makes the game a whole lot easier.
[quote name='RedvsBlue']I don't know if its because of the levels or because the game designers want to fuck with your head but the game seems to be getting easier. For example when you have to bring Isabella back to the safe house, not only do they give you the option to carry her but they also give you a shotgun toting sidekick for the journey back. Not even really that challenging, I got caught in one part but luckily I had a queen jar with me so i just used that.[/QUOTE]
I didn't have a guy with a shotgun ehlping me. :(

I had to just carry her ass all the way through.
I'm realizing the bosses are way easyer than they seem... once you learn what hurts them real good, exploit it. The obese cop girl was a pain to shoot, btu I realized a small knife took off huge chunks of her health. Some enemies drop faster with different weapons, much like how military gies die faster with certain items than zombies do (ie, the electric shocker). ATM I'm just killing psychopaths and leveling mainly, as well as trying to unlcok some acheivement items like the megaman stuff.
The one thing that frustrates the hell out of me is... Why can't a friend come over and start a new game without deleting my save game? That is really stupid. You can only ever have one game going at a time? What is the design goal in that?
[quote name='thrustbucket']The one thing that frustrates the hell out of me is... Why can't a friend come over and start a new game without deleting my save game? That is really stupid. You can only ever have one game going at a time? What is the design goal in that?[/QUOTE]

I'm not sure, but wouldn't a memory card fix that problem? You could keep your own save on your HD, but when you have friends over you can have them select the memory card as the save utility when prompted.
[quote name='thrustbucket']The one thing that frustrates the hell out of me is... Why can't a friend come over and start a new game without deleting my save game? That is really stupid. You can only ever have one game going at a time? What is the design goal in that?[/QUOTE]

Just have them use a different profile. It's as simple as that. The whole "one device" thing is a fucking lie.
[quote name='mr ryles']I didn't have a guy with a shotgun ehlping me. :(

I had to just carry her ass all the way through.[/QUOTE]

Really? There was some guy standing right outside the store blasting zombies when I walked out carrying Isabella, I didn't even have to provide him with the hardware. I think his name was like Kindell or something. That guy was my savior I tell ya. He was a fuckin surgeon with that shotgun! Not like a lot of those cross eyed fuckers you hand a gun to...

I used someone's idea of standing outside the gun shop to defeat the owner, it was still a little tough but I sniped the hell out of that redneck asshole.

Is it a little messed up that I take more pleasure out of killing the psychos than I do killing the zombies?
I haven't seen it mentioned but there's a creepy cutscene with a mother and daughter trapped in a car. Just leave the game on the title screen for a while and it will start.
Im guessing that since the kill count resets when you start another 72 hour mode, your numbers as far as distance traveled, bullets fired, etc. are reset as well?

I met the requirements Gamefaqs has listed for Overtime mode, but the only mode i could choose was 72 hour mode. So im gonna do that again to try and get the cases done.
[quote name='MrBadExample']I haven't seen it mentioned but there's a creepy cutscene with a mother and daughter trapped in a car. Just leave the game on the title screen for a while and it will start.[/quote]

They released that before the game came out on some site. It's like an alternate intro dealy thingy. It was mentioned here a few pages into the start of the topic.
I apologize if this has been mentioned beforebut this thread is 37 pages long now...

Is there any reason why I should save certain photographs?
[quote name='LinkinPrime']I apologize if this has been mentioned beforebut this thread is 37 pages long now...

Is there any reason why I should save certain photographs?[/QUOTE]

you need to take a photo of the airduct from the security room to show to a survivor so that you can resuce them.

i think that's the only photo you really need.
If anyone is having trouble with the bosses just make a quick run to that rocket ride thing and pick up Adam's small chainsaw. It dispatches the bosses in a few swipes. If you have the Engineering magazine (3x durability) found in Paradise Plaza and the restroom shortcut it makes playing the game a second time a lot easier.
[quote name='RonnieWrecked']you need to take a photo of the airduct from the security room to show to a survivor so that you can resuce them.

i think that's the only photo you really need.[/quote]

Cool thanks. Also that guy in the beginning that teaches you how to take pictures, is there anyway to rescue him? He seems to just stay there.
[quote name='LinkinPrime']Cool thanks. Also that guy in the beginning that teaches you how to take pictures, is there anyway to rescue him? He seems to just stay there.[/QUOTE]

There is something more to him, my friend told me a HUGE spoiler

He becomes a psychopath
[quote name='doctorfaustus']If anyone is having trouble with the bosses just make a quick run to that rocket ride thing and pick up Adam's small chainsaw. It dispatches the bosses in a few swipes. If you have the Engineering magazine (3x durability) found in Paradise Plaza and the restroom shortcut it makes playing the game a second time a lot easier.[/QUOTE]

what's the restroom shortcut? can you use it the first time through?
I think I've played to much dead rising. Today at work I was alone in the wherehouse grabbing a cooler for a guy and I could swear I heard a clown laugh coming from the otherside of the wherehouse.
Anyone have any luck taking down the copter?

And the kill 1,000 zombies with your bare hands, can you use your moves or does the game want just the punch combo?

There's also a glitch in leveling.

I went back through Overtime Mode and leveled to 44 and earned Karate Chop. I let my timer run out and the game ended. I started over again and noticed that I had dropped back to 43 (not surprisingly since the game didn't save status). I leveled back up to 44 and earned Disemboweling, instead of Karate Chop. Then I noticed I still had the Karate Chop ability without it appearing on my list of moves.
[quote name='mr ryles']I think I've played to much dead rising. Today at work I was alone in the wherehouse grabbing a cooler for a guy and I could swear I heard a clown laugh coming from the otherside of the wherehouse.[/QUOTE]

same here. I keep hearing jingles of keys all over the place and I think it's a queen bee. >_<

also, I opened a discussion for strictly plot related questions and whatever for Dead Rising so spoilers can be freely talked about:
sorry to double post, but anyone realizing that the Lost Planet and Dead Rising game engines seem to be both releated, but work differently? heck, it IS from the same producer...
few tips i picked up so far:

- do a dodge roll and hit X near the end of it to perform the roundhouse kick which has a faster recovery time then just the roll itself.

- to do the roundhouse kick easier, press X twice right before you hit the ground.

- it's best to perform a jump kick and as you land do a roundhouse kick. [ if you haven't noticed yet, i like using the roundhouse kick. ]

- the Spec Ops weakspots are the arms and legs, but easier to shoot the legs. only takes a few shots from the machinegun.

- you can bust open cardboard boxes faster just by jumping on them.

that's all i can think of at the momment.
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