Deadly Premonition - xbox 360 - $16.23 - Free Shipping

If there was more than one enemy type in the entire game (more or less), I would purchase this again and finish it. The story was quirky and decent, but god the gameplay was sooooo repetitive and boring. Oh and don't even get me started on the driving physics...
[quote name='Darknuke']If there was more than one enemy type in the entire game (more or less), I would purchase this again and finish it. The story was quirky and decent, but god the gameplay was sooooo repetitive and boring. Oh and don't even get me started on the driving physics...[/QUOTE]

thats because u didnt set it to the southpaw controller configuration
That's a small price to pay to transform your Xbox 360 to PS2... I've been meaning to finish this game but so far I have no motivation. :cry:
Not a bad price for one of the best games of all time.
I'm pretty sure Amazon had it for 14.99 with one DOTD but this is really close
Loved this game at first, but hit a point where it consistently hangs on me. Haven't gotten around to restarting yet, and may never. Oh and the map when you're driving is putrid.
The combat sucks, the controls are terrible, the graphics hurt my eyes and yet I really enjoyed this game. It's so strange and the story, while not totally original, really got it's hooks in me.
Seriously, despite the gameplay flaws (Of which there are MANY), this game is worth playing just for the story and characters.

If anyone's a fan of Twin Peaks, this is a must-play. Twin Peaks 2.0.
Never saw Twin Peaks or anything of the sort. Absolutely LOATHED the game's driving, combat, gameplay, but damn it, it was so charming as to be worth seeing to the end. I ALMOST wanted to 100% it.

Anyone who tells you this game is good is a damn liar, but anyone who tells you you shouldn't at least try it is also a liar.

Tips to make the game more bearable. The side quests all unlock stuff that makes the game more playable. Check them EVERY chapter and figure out what you can get at. You can get a fast travel warp item and the infinite wrench early on. The wrench is a freakishly powerful melee item that lets you handle the combat with lousy, but quick, swinging rather than lousy and slow shooting and makes that half of the game much better. Keeping at it, you'll eventually get car upgrades and finally a supercharged car that actually comes close to feeling like a car from a REAL video game. If you are willing to go the extra mile, you can dig out a health regen item from the quests, too. More weapon capacity comes early. More item capacity only comes at the second half, sadly.
You need to check out Twin Peaks, Rollingskull. I purchased this game and Alan Wake and given everyone was saying they drew inspiration from Twin Peaks, I felt I should watch that before playing the games, and I'm glad I did. Even if they didn't have anything to do with it, Twin Peaks is a great series that's absolutely worth watching. Agent Dale Cooper is one of the greatest characters ever put to celluloid.
To be fair Twin Peaks is kind of a rough TV series to fall into and toward the end they don't exactly reward you for your effort. Love Psyche's parody episode.

All I know about Deadly Premonition is that the main character has one of the best shit eating grins in gaming.
Just finished playing through it a few days ago. Really enjoyed it, even though the game has LOTS of issues. Might even go back and 100% it if I ever have the time.
[quote name='RollingSkull']Never saw Twin Peaks or anything of the sort. Absolutely LOATHED the game's driving, combat, gameplay, but damn it, it was so charming as to be worth seeing to the end. I ALMOST wanted to 100% it.

Anyone who tells you this game is good is a damn liar, but anyone who tells you you shouldn't at least try it is also a liar.

Tips to make the game more bearable. The side quests all unlock stuff that makes the game more playable. Check them EVERY chapter and figure out what you can get at. You can get a fast travel warp item and the infinite wrench early on. The wrench is a freakishly powerful melee item that lets you handle the combat with lousy, but quick, swinging rather than lousy and slow shooting and makes that half of the game much better. Keeping at it, you'll eventually get car upgrades and finally a supercharged car that actually comes close to feeling like a car from a REAL video game. If you are willing to go the extra mile, you can dig out a health regen item from the quests, too. More weapon capacity comes early. More item capacity only comes at the second half, sadly.[/QUOTE]

To be fair, if you removed the combat elements the game actually would be pretty good. That's really the only part of the game that's outright "bad" (other things like control issues are problems, but don't necessarily ruin the game). And at least the game is kind enough to give you tools that trivialize these sections if you look for them ;)

Seriously though, one of my favorite games on the 360.
A lot of people consider it good in an ironic way but I generally think SWERY created a masterpiece with Deadly Premonition. Gameplay is a throwback to survival horror of the 90's and has the strongest story of any game I've played.
I ended up picking it up for only $5 a few months back but it is certainly worth a playthrough at any price. While it obviously has its flaws the storyline is one of the greatest things for the title that helps you keep pushing through. Sure the combat is lackluster and the driving gets boring, but with aforementioned fast travel system and infinite weaponry you can practically skip most of the issues with it.

Even if you don't find any of these things, the game is still more than enjoyable enough.
Ill give the suggestion that i normally do for this game. It's a love it or hate it. I personally loved it. Don't rule out just watching a "Let's Play". They allow you to get alot of the fun that the game has without having to touch the controller yourself, and if you take the time to notice, thats where most of the complaints are.

The best ones for this game that i know are Endurance runs on, they are high production quality, great audio, the people who play it arn't the normal overly shy people who do let's play so they talk loud, clear, and have some funny funny commentary, and they aren't the annoying 8 min youtube ones (most are over an hour). They even add to some parts like the driving dialouge, when York stops talking they keep talking about the 80's B movies or classic punk.

Ill let Michael close with my review:

This game most surly is not lame
Ask the people who say the same

An epic story of epic size
Lest the mechanics be it's demise

shave your face for money, or go insane
or stare at people through window panes

A quirky world of fun delight
fun by day, don't drive at night

It's not so scary, but then what is
Oh wait there are those creepy twins

Its got some stuff and theres some it lacks
[pans camera left] don't you think so Zach

So give it a try if you have that hunch
It more then just a tasty crunch

So says An. J0e
[quote name='Warlock82']To be fair, if you removed the combat elements the game actually would be pretty good. That's really the only part of the game that's outright "bad" (other things like control issues are problems, but don't necessarily ruin the game). And at least the game is kind enough to give you tools that trivialize these sections if you look for them ;)

Seriously though, one of my favorite games on the 360.[/QUOTE]

Wouldn't say it TRIVIALIZES those bits. It just makes them more bearable. You'll still be caught in interminable dungeons of crackling, mumbling monsters and awful combat, just with overpowered weapons for the basic mooks.

That said, if you take away the combat, the game just becomes a lousy driving and cutscene watching sim that uses the odd, stilted delivery of N64-era video game cutscene design to disguise the fact that this plot didn't get optioned as a book or movie or whatever.

And it still bugs me that for the whole first half of the game, you
faff about doing nothing while people die until the ONE GUY who knows everything finally decides it's time to actually tell the FBI dude what is happening. Plus, York's leap of logic that the photo of the UPSIDE DOWN PEACE MARK TATTOO guy is the killer is a bit silly. But, this isn't really a detective story anyway.
[quote name='leggo']you need to check out twin peaks, rollingskull. I purchased this game and alan wake and given everyone was saying they drew inspiration from twin peaks, i felt i should watch that before playing the games, and i'm glad i did. Even if they didn't have anything to do with it, twin peaks is a great series that's absolutely worth watching. agent dale cooper is one of the greatest characters ever put to celluloid. [/quote]

bread's done