Dealing with a potential stalker/cyber-stalker


58 (100%)
Okay CAG-
My wife is getting insulting emails from an 'anonymous' (or so the sender thinks) emailer with an offensive name.
For reasons I wont mention, this email stood out from the typical spam and junk, upsetting my wife enough to show it to me.

So I "back-traced it" :lol: with the x-header info and needless to say, the guy "dun goofed."
From the IP (a very small town in rural GA) she was shocked as she immediately and without hesitation knew who the sender likely was-
An employee of client who was very recently fired for the following:

Sexual harassment (via direct comments to co-workers, indirect comments to outside-contracted employees, and he also confessed to another worker a predilection for sniffing the office-chairs and other seats of females who were working there)
General ineptitude
A likely connection to some financial fraud & embezzlement.

. . . so this is definitely a quality individual we're talking about and my wife and her co-workers' personal complaints coupled with their other findings were the coup de grâce for his troubled employment.

Now, with the IP address revelation, I've succeeded in completely freaking my wife out and I am trying to figure out how to handle this guy and help her.

I've encouraged her to calmly document it and wait and see if he emails again or threatens her; Doing so with the hopes that he is probably just blowing off some steam.
We've contacted her office's IT dept to sort, save and document any future and current emails from his email addy and/or this specific IP and IP range (we believe some additional emails may be going to her co-workers that were also connected to his employer and firing).

Because my wife has experienced a stalker before the "calmly ignore it" suggestion is falling on deaf ears.
I am reluctant to call the police yet as no threats have been made and, so far, it's just been done via email.
In fairness to her, I don't personally know this man (just his address, neighbors . . etc.) and she does.
From her experience with this guy and his personality she is inclined to think that this will escalate.
Thinking about some guy with a huge grudge and nothing but time on his hands has me worried.

Watching her deal with a stalker once before was terrible, I can't imagine doing it again.

Any advice is appreciated.
id say contact the police about it. a call from them could be enough of a scare to get him to stop it now but i can understand your not wanting to since you feel like that could esclate things especially if he has nothing to lose. as much as you may want to id also suggest you dont threaten him in any way so he cant use that against you.
If your wife isn't just being paranoid and actually has reason to suspect this could escalate into something more serious then it'd probably be best to expose him now. It might stop him from doing something crazy in the future. If he doesn't have any plans to do anything he'll probably just be embarrassed that he was busted.

I don't know if you want to confront this on your own, since a crazy person would likely lash out at the person he feels is most responsible for his problems. Then again if several people from his work all confront him he has more reason for an office shooting.
Find him, show him the evidence and tell him if he tries to contact your wife again, you'll contact the police (that is the legal thing to do. you could also threaten to kick his ass if you are big/scary enough)
hmmm you have to ask? well go br1ng some h3ll on his ass!

actually tho I'm assuming the email was sent to her at work. Either way tho she definitly needs to contact corporate security... assuming they have a security dept.

Police are another option if you both think there's enough reason.
how'd you backtrace the ip. did you create a gui interface using virtual basic to help out.
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[quote name='dchrisd']how'd you backtrace the ip. did you create a gui interface using virtual basic to help out.[/QUOTE]

To trace the IP, I pulled the origin IP from the email header (X-Originating-IP tag's email routing info, unless you were using email back in '93-95/ or used a bare-bones email client you've probably never seen it- but is part of any email). Granted, it could have been bounced, or faked, but it's a very specific source to have bounced it from- unless someone was trying to frame this guy it would make no sense.

We've contact friends at the local PD and DA's office. As turns out our county does have a HTCS cyber crimes division :)lol: cyber-police) and they are contacting his ISP to verify who it is. If so, we are going straight for a restraining order, where the thresh-hold is now much lower for this type of thing.

[quote name='tiredfornow']fuck his or her shit up with sharp objects, h3llbring3r. Just do it.[/QUOTE]

Believe me, I've entertained several thoughts along those lines. However, having a kid, a mortgage, two car payments and all the responsibilities that a being the head of a family entails certainly tempers one's rage.
[quote name='tcrash247']Pics of your wife? (Someone had to ask it)[/QUOTE]

I'll add: stick it in his pooper. Wait...that might actually work!
I back traced it! :applause:

I gave my wife a ninja stick. A collapsible metal rod for beatin'. A knife or something like that would also work if things ever did escalate. Can't be too safe!
[quote name='mr_burnzz']I back traced it! :applause:

I gave my wife a ninja stick. A collapsible metal rod for beatin'. A knife or something like that would also work if things ever did escalate. Can't be too safe![/QUOTE]

speaking of that whole back tracing thing that girl was on the today show i believe or one of those annoying "news" shows.
[quote name='62t']report him to cyberpolice and consequences will never be the same[/QUOTE]


Classic, this thread has already brightened my day, good job all.
bread's done