Deals on Lost seasons 2 and/or 3?


3 (100%)
I'm looking for the cheapest way to get Lost seasons 2 and 3. I'm fine with used so long as they come with everything they would if you bought them new, and would like to get them for maybe $20 a piece or so. Does anyone have any suggestions? They seem to be $30+ new or used no matter where I go.
$30 pretty much is a deal. They average price is $40 probably. The only way it would go down to $20 per season is if Amazon has one of their seemingly random sales on seemingly random TV series box sets. Otherwise I wouldn't expect 2 or 3 to be $20 at a major chain until season 4 comes out and they do promos. I got season 1 and 2 for $20 each at Meijer (pricematched to a Best Buy ad) when season 3 came out.
Movie Trading Company FTW. They usually have decent new prices and about $5-$15 off on used tv seasons. I found lost s3 Blu-Ray there for $60 used which I thought was pretty good. If you don't have a MTC nearby, some outlet malls have generic "media stores" that have some killer deals. If you really want to be stingy, just wait for thanksgiving sales when shows are $15-$20.
Season 3 was $30 new a while back at Best Buy, and S3 Blu-Ray was on sale for $40 on Amazon in January...I ended up buying the DVD version, and sold it as soon as the BR went on sale for a few bucks more than I actually paid. $30 is actually a really good price -- the season is about 14 hours long; more bang for your buck than even the best of DVD sales.

Its just my personal bias, but LOST is worth it; period. You might be able to get a slightly better price used on or amazon marketplace, but get it. Kunai is right -- best show of all time.
[quote name='djkunai']BEST. SHOW. EVER.[/quote]

I'd agree but The Wire gives it some serious competition. I think The Wire is probably the better of the two shows in the end, even if the last season didn't have the same impact the 4 prior ones did.
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