Deathsmiles IIX out now on Games on Demand ($29.99/2400 points)


13 (100%)
Cave is giving Games on Demand a try and may release more Japanese only games if Deathsmiles IIX does well.

It costs $29.99 or 2400 Points and can be purchased on Xbox Live's Games on Demand service.

I would have preferred a retail version, but I'll take it. It's a hell of a lot cheaper than importing a Japanese Xbox 360 and spending a ton on an imported disk.
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[quote name='elessar123']Eh... As much as I want to support them, I'm really not into the idea of DDL. Look what happens when PSN goes down.[/QUOTE]


I guess I have to buy a JP Xbox sooner rather than later. Then import it because I hate digital distribution for full retail games.

CAVE should just make all their SHMUPS region free. :bouncy:
Can't you guys just use a pre-paid credit card? I guess that would be more expensive though.

I'll get this eventually. The first DeathSmiles was pretty good.
My only problem is that they are not localizing it. Since I already have Japanese version I wont be getting it
I'd love to buy it just not only see more shumps, but more imports come stateside. But I'm really not wanting to use my credit card. I could have swore Games on Demand took points-- guess not. Crappy.
They have my CC info due to Family Gold. As far as download games and Live going down, that won't make any difference. Try disconnecting your Xbox from the internet. You can still play your download games. Are games downloaded on PSN actually non-working right now?

EDIT: this will work on the Xbox you downloaded the game to. It's true that if Live goes down you won't be able to play it on another Xbox, but you'll still be able to play it on the one it's licensed to.
[quote name='crunchewy']They have my CC info due to Family Gold. As far as download games and Live going down, that won't make any difference. Try disconnecting your Xbox from the internet. You can still play your download games. Are games downloaded on PSN actually non-working right now?

EDIT: this will work on the Xbox you downloaded the game to. It's true that if Live goes down you won't be able to play it on another Xbox, but you'll still be able to play it on the one it's licensed to.[/QUOTE]

There are games that can't be played with PSN.being down, yes.
Disc or bust. I'd never pay $30 for a digital only Japanese ISO dump. Are you nuts? It's almost as dumb as paying $10 for a N64 ROM dump... oh wait... yeah. Stop region locking your games. I'd gladly pay the $70-80 to import your games if they weren't region locked. I'll never pay more than $10 for a DRM Digital Download.
[quote name='62t']If you dont want to give out your CC number you should also be able to pay with paypal[/QUOTE]

But for some reason my account isn't linked properly and I don't want to spend 3 hours on the phone with someone with a broken accent to fix it.
Digital Distro!? zomg no! the sky is falling!

In all seriousness though, of all the complaints so far I only agree with 2.

1) No pretty box :( Most games I wouldn't care about this, but I'd love something to go next to my Deathsmiles LE. Wish I had this to go next it.
2) Lack of sales on digital content. Not sure how to beat this one with MS controlling Live.

All in all, I'll gladly take this over buying a JP Xbox and importing.
[quote name='randomthinker']2) Lack of sales on digital content. Not sure how to beat this one with MS controlling Live.[/QUOTE]

There are sales on download games every single week! Including sometimes Games on Demand. Or at least there's price drops on them. Recently a bunch of Games on Demand dropped to $20. Mind you, that's not $10, like you'll get with older disc games. Still, they can and do drop. And on the plus side there's no disc to load. Fire it up on a whim.

Also, I could have sworn that it was possible to buy Games on Demand with points. I seem to recall you just have to click something to switch to points. Am I wrong? I will trying to find it....
[quote name='crunchewy']There are sales on download games every single week! Including sometimes Games on Demand. Or at least there's price drops on them. Recently a bunch of Games on Demand dropped to $20. Mind you, that's not $10, like you'll get with older disc games. Still, they can and do drop. And on the plus side there's no disc to load. Fire it up on a whim.

Also, I could have sworn that it was possible to buy Games on Demand with points. I seem to recall you just have to click something to switch to points. Am I wrong? I will trying to find it....[/QUOTE]

Deathsmiles IIX will be the first game I buy on Xbox's Games on Demand service, so I really don't know from first hand experience. It seems silly, but the Siliconia article I linked above said, "Cave have just informed us that Deathsmiles 2X cannot be purchased using Microsoft Points; you’ll need to use a credit card if you want to grab it off Games on Demand." I assumed that it's the same for other Games on Demand titles, but I could wrong.

Personally, I'm looking forward to buying this on Tuesday. Compared to how much it would cost to import Deathsmiles IIX, $30 isn't that bad.
According to an update to this article, you will be able to buy it with MS Points

Update: Microsoft told Joystiq that you will be able to use Microsoft Points to purchase Deathsmiles 2X. Retrieve the pieces of that points card from the shredder!

I dunno if I'll get it right away, but it's good to know publishers will have this option. Maybe we'll see other games come out like this (I'm looking at you Arcana Heart 3).
[quote name='KillerRamen']*Keep in mind that you cannot use Microsoft Points for Games on Demand. You'll have to use your credit card to buy it directly. [/QUOTE]

Is this new? If you go to the confirmation purchase screen on games on demand, there's an option to buy with Microsoft points at the bottom. All you do is press x and it should switch to points...or at least it does for me....:whistle2:k
[quote name='MtlTom']According to an update to this article, you will be able to buy it with MS Points

I dunno if I'll get it right away, but it's good to know publishers will have this option. Maybe we'll see other games come out like this (I'm looking at you Arcana Heart 3).[/QUOTE]

Damn you beat me to it.
As a huge fan of the first game, i object to the download only, non-localized version of the game. Im going to (regretfully) not purchase this until it hits a deep discount, or hold out for a disc based local version.

In the meantime Otomedius Excellent is on the way, Trouble Witches Neo is quite enjoyable, and of course the original DeathSmiles is always by my side. :)
Squash the 'credit card only' rumor already, they stated you can use MS Points but when you get to the checkout process, you can choose to pay with ms points instead (I think you press X) by changing the currency from cash to ms points. You can do this currently as well with other god games. There won't be a trade in value but hey, it is half price and if you have friends who wanna play it and get achievements then you can help them out as well. At least with xbl, if it goes down you can still play the games to whereas some games on psn you're out of luck.

[Update: Microsoft told Joystiq that you will be able to use Microsoft Points to purchase Deathsmiles 2X. Retrieve the pieces of that points card from the shredder!]
Seems like a cool concept for Cave, but I think 20 bucks would've been better since they are not localzing it for American gamers
I'm on the fence since I'd strongly prefer localization. But here's a question. For Visa / American Express giftcards, I know they can be run through as credit (or that's how it is where I work), but could I use one of them on xbox live or no?
I've never bought any of the Games on Demand, didn't even know that a lot of them couldn't use Microsoft Points.

I might buy this just in hopes of getting other region exclusives. If they localized it/brought it to the U.S., then I'd get the disc version.
[quote name='JStryke']I'm on the fence since I'd strongly prefer localization. But here's a question. For Visa / American Express giftcards, I know they can be run through as credit (or that's how it is where I work), but could I use one of them on xbox live or no?[/QUOTE]

Or even just making the JP release region free. I am not buying this just because it is a digital release.
How big is the file size? I take it only the story is untranslated (along with the achievements) ?

Please post impressions. I'm kinda broke, but wondering if I should get this at $30 down the road or see if they actually drop the price to $20.
1.19 GB and nothing is translated at all.

(Almost got my first 1cc on this game. Granted, it was all Level 1, but I'll take it.)
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Support Cave and they'll release rest of their shmup catalog as this is their testing waters release.
If you think $30 is much, you should know that most of these Cave imports would hit you at $60-$80 each.
Not to mention Arcade boards of these games cost hundreds of dollars.
Great game.
Yeah, I want to support Cave releasing their games here and all, but not at $30 each as downloads with no localization, sorry. For that much money, I want a disc and/or English translations. I'd pay $15, or maybe $20 at most (if I was really feeling the need to play the game), for this as it is, but not more.

And the cost of the import disc is, frankly, irrelevant as far as I'm concerned. I wasn't going to pay that either.
I think I'm going to pass. Like others have said, for $30, they at least needed to translate it. I'll keep an eye on this thread and hope for news that an update adds English translation. I believe they are on Twitter (or is that just their iOS team?), so I'll send them a message asking about a translation update.
[quote name='crunchewy']I think I'm going to pass. Like others have said, for $30, they at least needed to translate it. I'll keep an eye on this thread and hope for news that an update adds English translation. I believe they are on Twitter (or is that just their iOS team?), so I'll send them a message asking about a translation update.[/QUOTE]

If they had to spend money on translation, it would cost undoubtedly more than $30.
They're not risking spending money on localization, giving hardcore players an option to purchase it reasonably priced (not another "hey, available now for $59.99"!).
It's not like you're purchasing RPG where language is a barrier.
No risk involved on their part, getting the game across to those who really want it - great move.
No DEMO? In these days in age, just about every game on xbl has a demo. Not everyone is familiar with Cave or deathsmiles so there will be new people to it. I played deathsmiles and enjoyed it but am hesitant on a digital download only game @ $30 and it's only about 1.20gb as someone stated. I only really played the first game thanks to gamefly.
[quote name='pRINCESS-iSABELA']If they had to spend money on translation, it would cost undoubtedly more than $30. [/QUOTE]

I disagree -- entire RPGs get localized and sold for $30-40 on the DS and the PSP (or $60 on the 360/PS3). All that they really need to localize here is the menus and the brief amount of story text that Cave games contain, which is a much, much smaller job. I don't think it's too much to ask. Hell, the iPhone games they've put out are at least partially translated (the menus are in English, as is the end-of-game text -- though that's a little weird, because suddenly there's the ending of a story at the end of the game where it hadn't seemed like there was really a story at all before), and those sell for $8.99.

And yes, there is a language barrier -- I don't want to have to guess what options I'm selecting in the menu, or dig up a fan translated guide and try to use it, or whatever. If you're selling me a game at professional game prices, I expect a professional, easy to use presentation.

[quote name='pRINCESS-iSABELA']No risk involved on their part, getting the game across to those who really want it - great move.[/QUOTE]

Those who really want it, yes. But how much business are they losing from people like me who sort of want it, but don't feel committed enough to buy it as they're releasing it? How many completely new customers are they turning off to it? I'm sure they'll sell it to the dedicated fans regardless, but they're still losing a lot of the potential that it might have otherwise.
So what are the chances of this ever getting a retail/disc release? I mean is this a test for JUST digital distribution of cave games, or a test for general release overseas?
[quote name='EarthBoundX5']So what are the chances of this ever getting a retail/disc release? I mean is this a test for JUST digital distribution of cave games, or a test for general release overseas?[/QUOTE]

Pretty much zero.
The menus are completely in English, by the way. Just the dialog in the game is in Japanese. The acheivements are Japanese as well, it's funny when you keep unlocking acheivements and you have no idea what you did.
once i get my wifi adapter in (big ole fat 360) this is bought. I love deathsmiles...even keep the faceplate on my console.

I would rather have a local release, but this is better than nothing
passed for no translation! and being a shmups, this translation should be cake!

price isn't so great either, if this was translated, $29.99 I would bite.

I'll wait til it hits $19.99 or $1600 msp. I wouldn't hold my breath :( with M$ on that
[quote name='GohanX']The menus are completely in English, by the way. Just the dialog in the game is in Japanese. The acheivements are Japanese as well, it's funny when you keep unlocking acheivements and you have no idea what you did.[/QUOTE]

That's better then completely Japanese, so thanks for that info, but I'll still wait for this to get a price drop to $20 which I think it will get eventually. Then it's bought for sure.
It's a decent price @ half the retail price, so $30 seems about right. How long is the campaign though and how much replay value is there? I know the original deathsmiles was a couple of hours long. Another thing you gotta remember is that once you are done with the game, get bored with it or whatever there is no getting any $ back from it or anything else. It's yours to keep forever and some people like to sell/trade their games in. But then again, lots of games lately are $15 and that's starting to be the trend so for double the price you get a full retail game but is it worth it?? I don't know anyone who has purchased it and has given full details for it's online play and such.
[quote name='pRINCESS-iSABELA']If they had to spend money on translation, it would cost undoubtedly more than $30.
They're not risking spending money on localization, giving hardcore players an option to purchase it reasonably priced (not another "hey, available now for $59.99"!).
It's not like you're purchasing RPG where language is a barrier.
No risk involved on their part, getting the game across to those who really want it - great move.[/QUOTE]

How HARD would it be to translated it? Hell, there are plenty of people who translated anime and game like Mother 3 for free.
[quote name='Xellos2099']How HARD would it be to translated it? Hell, there are plenty of people who translated anime and game like Mother 3 for free.[/QUOTE]

That's a question for Cave.
bread's done