Deliver pizzas, wife tells laid-off hubby.

This is news? I thought it was just reality.

They could be a lot worse off. A five bedroom house with four kids means they have a room they can rent out if necessary getting some of the kids to double up. That would help make up a big piece of that mortgage, which is tiny compared to anything I could expect to get on a comparable home here in Southern California any time in the last three decades.

I always find it amusing whenever there is an economic downturn and people act like they're suffering as no prior generation suffered. During the early 70s my father had to lie about his education, claiming he did not have a college degree because too many places didn't want to hire somebody they thought would have better prospects and leave as soon as things got better.
[quote name='guyver2077']delivery guys get paid $10? damn im gonna tell the lazy ppl around here without jobs to apply[/QUOTE]

It doesn't really work out that way if he's using his own vehicle. There is likely no compensation for gas and wear, so it drops closer to minimum wage after those are extracted. I ran into the same thing when working as a messenger for a few months in 1992.
[quote name='epobirs']This is news? I thought it was just reality.

They could be a lot worse off. A five bedroom house with four kids means they have a room they can rent out if necessary getting some of the kids to double up. That would help make up a big piece of that mortgage, which is tiny compared to anything I could expect to get on a comparable home here in Southern California any time in the last three decades.

I always find it amusing whenever there is an economic downturn and people act like they're suffering as no prior generation suffered. During the early 70s my father had to lie about his education, claiming he did not have a college degree because too many places didn't want to hire somebody they thought would have better prospects and leave as soon as things got better.[/quote]

Well, each generation defines struggles differently. I just was surprised the mortage was only $400+.

As a kid I've been homeless before, my family has gone through bankruptcy before, so I have no problem working any job it takes to make ends meet. I never want to go through that again.

In regards to the large family they have and my thoughts on that, that is something I should save for the vs. forum.
Yeah, living in a city it's always shocking to see mortgage payments for large houses in rural states (even having grown up in WV where it was super cheap).

I just rent a room now, but the condo I'm in my roommate's (who owns the place) mortgage and condo fees are $2100 or so a month. And that's for a 2 level, 3 bedroom condo with no washer dryer hooks ups, poor insulation and in not the greatest of neighborhoods. And my rent is $720 plus 1/2 utilities.

I love city life, but you pay out the ass for it.
[quote name='guyver2077']delivery guys get paid $10? damn im gonna tell the lazy ppl around here without jobs to apply[/quote]


I made like $14 per hour back in 2000-2002.

Of course, gas was less than $2 and tips don't always get reported.
[quote name='dmaul1114']Yeah, living in a city it's always shocking to see mortgage payments for large houses in rural states (even having grown up in WV where it was super cheap).

I just rent a room now, but the condo I'm in my roommate's (who owns the place) mortgage and condo fees are $2100 or so a month. And that's for a 2 level, 3 bedroom condo with no washer dryer hooks ups, poor insulation and in not the greatest of neighborhoods. And my rent is $720 plus 1/2 utilities.

I love city life, but you pay out the ass for it.[/quote]

That's just it, my sister and her husband have a house payment of $600+, but they don't have five bedrooms or three baths. I don't know how that family found that deal.

$2100 a month for a condo is fucking insane.
[quote name='GuilewasNK']That's just it, my sister and her husband have a house payment of $600+, but they don't have five bedrooms or three baths. I don't know how that family found that deal.

$2100 a month for a condo is fucking insane.[/quote]

No it's not, it's just the reality of where you live. I live in Connecticut, not even one of the nicer parts, my mortgage is $1,930 a month.
LOL at everyone who thinks that everything everywhere costs the same thing and that every difficult circumstance can be easily worked past with a little elbow grease.
[quote name='GuilewasNK']In regards to the large family they have and my thoughts on that, that is something I should save for the vs. forum.[/quote]
Is there a problem with a couple having four children? That's not what I'd consider a "large family".

I'm honestly a little insulted, and am uncertain what you mean by the comment.
Of course you should take a shit job if there's nothing "you're qualified for" available.

I'm about to earn my Ph.D. within the month, but I have no scruples about what job I'd be willing to do if the chips were down. I loved working in a kitchen. I'd do it again in a heartbeat if I had to.

fuck you if you think you're too good for shit work. Ain't nobody too good to take on a shit job, except those who are willing to fail.
Pizza Delivery Man is one of the WORST jobs for young adults to take, so being odler is not much different.
Worst, as in a huge risk to your safety.

Kudos to him for taking the job regardless.
If you guys are serious about taking the job, make sure you talk with some of the other delivery men in your area. You'd be surprised how many times they get robbed or beat (I'm sure some areas are better than others).
[quote name='Sporadic']Here's a good question, why didn't his fat disgusting wife get a job also instead of forcing the husband to sell his motorcycle?[/QUOTE]

It said in the article that she works as an exterminator.
[quote name='GuilewasNK']$2100 a month for a condo is fucking insane.[/quote]

I wish I only had to pay that much per month. I live in a 1,200 sqft. house and I pay $3,500/month including taxes. Goddamn criminals. The good news is that my house is worth less than what I paid for it in 2004!
[quote name='mykevermin']Of course you should take a shit job if there's nothing "you're qualified for" available.

I'm about to earn my Ph.D. within the month, but I have no scruples about what job I'd be willing to do if the chips were down. I loved working in a kitchen. I'd do it again in a heartbeat if I had to.

fuck you if you think you're too good for shit work. Ain't nobody too good to take on a shit job, except those who are willing to fail.[/quote]

Would you be a roller derby referee?
[quote name='javeryh']I wish I only had to pay that much per month. I live in a 1,200 sqft. house and I pay $3,500/month including taxes. Goddamn criminals. The good news is that my house is worth less than what I paid for it in 2004![/QUOTE]

Yikes. At least my roommate's condo is 1,700 square feet. :D
[quote name='javeryh']I wish I only had to pay that much per month. I live in a 1,200 sqft. house and I pay $3,500/month including taxes. Goddamn criminals. The good news is that my house is worth less than what I paid for it in 2004![/quote]

WOW, sucks man! I bought a house for 150K last march... 1,750 Sqft. pay just under 1300/month.

I"m afraid to know what the house is worth now.

I guess it really does depend on where you live.
[quote name='dmaul1114']It said in the article that she works as an exterminator.[/QUOTE]

oh :doh: look like I fail reading comprehension
[quote name='Quillion']Is there a problem with a couple having four children? That's not what I'd consider a "large family".

I'm honestly a little insulted, and am uncertain what you mean by the comment.[/quote]

The problem I have is that the wife had to basically tell the husband to swallow his pride and get some kind of job. He shouldn't even have to be told that with one kid to support, let alone four.
I'd look to the wife to get a better paying job as well, I think. The kids are old enough that she doesn't need to be home to watch them all day.
[quote name='javeryh']I wish I only had to pay that much per month. I live in a 1,200 sqft. house and I pay $3,500/month including taxes. Goddamn criminals. The good news is that my house is worth less than what I paid for it in 2004![/quote]

Well, think about it this way:.....there's really no good thing to say.
[quote name='mykevermin']Of course you should take a shit job if there's nothing "you're qualified for" available.

I'm about to earn my Ph.D. within the month, but I have no scruples about what job I'd be willing to do if the chips were down. I loved working in a kitchen. I'd do it again in a heartbeat if I had to.

fuck you if you think you're too good for shit work. Ain't nobody too good to take on a shit job, except those who are willing to fail.[/QUOTE]

This. When has it suddenly become shameful to work and support a family no matter what? There's no shame in being employed.
[quote name='GuilewasNK']The problem I have is that the wife had to basically tell the husband to swallow his pride and get some kind of job. He shouldn't even have to be told that with one kid to support, let alone four.[/quote]

He also waited for their savings to get down to $100! He let his pride come before the needs/wants of his family. What an egocentric dick.
Work is work!

Mom was laid off. ( or fired either way) Hasn't worked in two years. She is to good to work at walmart or a grocery store. They are about to lose their house. She passed on jobs that paid 10 and said im worth more then 10.00. 10.00 is better then no dollars! Im worth 12.00 she says.

I don't care what I was doing. Id stand behind a damn elephant and clean up its shit all day with my bare hands if it ment I could provide for my family put food on the table, clothes on their back, and a roof over their heads. ( I'd have to bath for about 3 hours before cooking though)

Take whatever job is willing to pay you. I have no pitty for my mom. My dad different story. Mom hasn't work for two years. She is about to get her car repoed. Dad has been forced to use all of his 401 k money just to keep the house a couple months longer. In hopes mom would get a job. So no job after two years all money gone and now they are still in the same boat. They have about two more months then they will foreclosed on. They are going to move into my basement.

To make this story more fun. My sister who is a hard worker. Had 4 jobs. Owned their own car lot. Are getting foreclosed on. ( nobody buying cars) Is moving into the basement two with her husband.

The house includes me, my wife, my 3 year old son.....wifes 80 year old grandma.... soon my mom, dad, sister, and brother in law...... Good times soon. Good times.
[quote name='Mr_hockey66']Work is work!

Mom was laid off. ( or fired either way) Hasn't worked in two years. She is to good to work at walmart or a grocery store. They are about to lose their house. She passed on jobs that paid 10 and said im worth more then 10.00. 10.00 is better then no dollars! Im worth 12.00 she says.

I don't care what I was doing. Id stand behind a damn elephant and clean up its shit all day with my bare hands if it ment I could provide for my family put food on the table, clothes on their back, and a roof over their heads. ( I'd have to bath for about 3 hours before cooking though)

Take whatever job is willing to pay you.


This sounds very similar to my friend. She quit her job with nothing else lined up back in October. It's now Jan and she "can't find work." I said, "go get a job in food or retail." The response? "I'm too good for that."

The number of people who think they are "worth" so much, or are "over qualified" to do a job astounds me sometimes.

I have no sympathy or pity for her or anyone else like that. There is work out there if you WANT to find it and you put your pride aside to get done what needs to get done.
I'm too good for my job, but everybody in my family likes eating every day.

I was too good to deliver pizzas the two years I did it, but I preferred sleeping indoors.
[quote name='Mr_hockey66']
The house includes me, my wife, my 3 year old son.....wifes 80 year old grandma.... soon my mom, dad, sister, and brother in law...... Good times soon. Good times.[/QUOTE]

Damn. You're a good son/brother. Also, your wife must be a saint!
[quote name='GuilewasNK']The problem I have is that the wife had to basically tell the husband to swallow his pride and get some kind of job. He shouldn't even have to be told that with one kid to support, let alone four.[/quote]
That makes a bit more sense, I suppose, but what difference does it make whether he's supporting one-or no-kids, as opposed to four-or ten perhaps?

One should, after all, support one's family.
If it's simply a mathematical equation about monies per hour, then suckin' a couple dicks is the most efficient use of your time in a bad economy.
[quote name='McNutsack']Pizza Delivery Man is one of the WORST jobs for young adults to take, so being odler is not much different.
Worst, as in a huge risk to your safety.

Kudos to him for taking the job regardless.
If you guys are serious about taking the job, make sure you talk with some of the other delivery men in your area. You'd be surprised how many times they get robbed or beat (I'm sure some areas are better than others).[/QUOTE]

I delivered pizzas as a second job one time during the holidays to pay for Christmas presents. I thought it was far from the worst job to work. I'd just keep my CD changer full and spend most of my day listening to my music as I worked. I also liked that I got my tips on the nights I worked and still got a weekly check

I have to say I feel bad for everyone but this economy makes me feel thankful that I'm in the military even though I have to put up with a lot of crap sometimes
i just so happen to be a Domino's delivery driver and it's definitely not as horrible as you all make it sound. I get to ride around listening to my music and getting paid. Sure it sucks some of the time, but I can average anywhere from $10- $20 per hour on a good night AND I can eat all the pizza I want (mess-ups, of course). Oh, and I also get mileage for every delivery.
[quote name='mykevermin']Of course you should take a shit job if there's nothing "you're qualified for" available.

I'm about to earn my Ph.D. within the month, but I have no scruples about what job I'd be willing to do if the chips were down. I loved working in a kitchen. I'd do it again in a heartbeat if I had to.

fuck you if you think you're too good for shit work. Ain't nobody too good to take on a shit job, except those who are willing to fail.[/QUOTE]

with the exception of the kitchen part since i'm a terrible cook,this is exactly what i was thinking.
[quote name='Quillion']That makes a bit more sense, I suppose, but what difference does it make whether he's supporting one-or no-kids, as opposed to four-or ten perhaps?

One should, after all, support one's family.[/quote]

The more kids you have, the bigger financial risk in lean times and that means you need a bigger rainy day fund. Kids just shouldn't have to go through hard times like that. I'm probably just drawing from my personal experience. Although I always love my parents, I had some resentment for a long time due to the situation we were in. I promised myself I would never have a family of my own in that situation.

People just never are proactive in planning for the worst as much as they should.
[quote name='mykevermin']If it's simply a mathematical equation about monies per hour, then suckin' a couple dicks is the most efficient use of your time in a bad economy.[/QUOTE]

That can depend where you live. I cannot claim to know the rates for the local, within the Santa Clarita Valley area, male prostitutes, or whether there actually is a local infrastructure for such services. One can only imagine what really goes on in your neighborhood if you aren't a part of it.

But I cannot help thinking that the close proximity of West Hollywood, abounding as it does with people who perform this service on a pro bono basis, has to affect prices compared to other areas where the same service is performed on a far more clandestine basis.
[quote name='GuilewasNK']The more kids you have, the bigger financial risk in lean times and that means you need a bigger rainy day fund. Kids just shouldn't have to go through hard times like that. I'm probably just drawing from my personal experience. Although I always love my parents, I had some resentment for a long time due to the situation we were in. I promised myself I would never have a family of my own in that situation.

People just never are proactive in planning for the worst as much as they should.[/QUOTE]

I've often said my parents had too many kids but then, I'm the youngest.

Even if you are wealthy, it's always going to be harder to do right by a greater number of children because there are only so many hours in the day. But it is something people are programmed to do are varying levels of intensity. Many people regard their children as the central accomplishment of their lives are going to have several regardless of their financial state. Small families are a modern luxury as the chances of seeing all of your kids reach adulthood improved so dramatically in the last century while at the same time the need for free labor on the family farm has drastically decreased.

A century is a evolutionary drop in the bucket for an animal such as ourselves that takes a very long time to mature. The programming says make as many kids as you can in hopes a few will live long enough to repeat the process.
[quote name='epobirs']That can depend where you live. I cannot claim to know the rates for the local, within the Santa Clarita Valley area, male prostitutes, or whether there actually is a local infrastructure for such services. One can only imagine what really goes on in your neighborhood if you aren't a part of it.

But I cannot help thinking that the close proximity of West Hollywood, abounding as it does with people who perform this service on a pro bono basis, has to affect prices compared to other areas where the same service is performed on a far more clandestine basis.[/QUOTE]

:lol: Perhaps. It's laissez-faire capitalism. You gotta have an angle or know your trade to compete in the marketplace.
bread's done